Archives October 2024

Volkwagen traverse une profonde crise

Le constructeur Volkwagen traverse une profonde crise

Article de Insa Wrede, Carole Assignon

 • 4 h • 3 min de lecture

Volkswagen a dévoilé un plan de réduction de 10% des salaires et une révision du système de primes© AP

Fleuron en crise de l’industrie allemande, Volkwagen veut tailler dans les rémunérations des salariés en Allemagne pour réduire ses coûts qui ont fait plonger les bénéfices du groupe.Le constructeur automobile a dévoilé mercredi soir un plan de réduction de 10% des salaires et une révision du système de primes qui lui permettraient de réaliser une partie des milliards d’économies visés pour redresser sa compétitivité.

Entre juillet et septembre, le premier groupe automobile européen et deuxième constructeur automobile mondial, a vu son bénéfice net chuter de 63,7%. Une contre-performance pour le constructeur, engagé dans un plan de restructuration avec des dizaines de milliers d’emplois menacés. La prochain séance de négociations est fixée au 21 novembre alors que des grèves sont possibles à partir de décembre.

Coût de production élevé

A l’origine de la crise que traverse Volkswagen : la baisse des ventes qui touche également d’autres constructeurs automobiles. Au premier semestre, le chiffre d’affaires du secteur a baissé de 4,7%, ceci alors qu’un an auparavant, on fêtait encore des résultats record. La crise affecte aussi les voitures électriques, moins achetées depuis le début de l’année.

Conséquence : Volkswagen cherche à faire des économies et des usines sont désormais sur la sellette. Certaines ne fonctionnent plus à plein régime depuis longtemps.Vidéo associée: Volkswagen annonce une perte de bénéfice net de 64 % au troisième trimestre 2024 (Euronews français)

Euronews français

Volkswagen annonce une perte de bénéfice net de 64 % au troisième trimestre 2024Activer les notifications

Il y a également la question du coût du travail. D’une manière générale, les coûts du travail dans les usines automobiles en Allemagne sont plus élevés que dans les autres pays. En 2023, ils s’élevaient à plus de 62 euros de l’heure, selon l’association professionnelle VDA. En comparaison, ils sont de 29 euros en Espagne, de 21 euros en République tchèque et de seulement 12 euros en Roumanie.

L’autre difficulté à laquelle fait face Volkswagen concerne les salaires. Si les salaires dans la branche automobile allemande sont déjà élevés, les 120.000 employés du constructeur automobile qui travaillent en Allemagne sont ceux qui gagnent le plus.

L’autre particularité est que les employés de Volkswagen bénéficiaient depuis trente ans d’une garantie d’emploi qui devait à l’origine durer encore jusqu’en 2029.

Dix pour cent de salaire en moins

Face à la crise, la direction souhaite que tous les salaires soient réduits de 10%. Le management lui-même serait également concerné. En outre, il n’y aura pas d’augmentation de salaire au cours des deux prochaines années.

Comment se fait-il qu’une production aussi coûteuse ait été possible en Allemagne ? La recette du succès était des modèles haut de gamme coûteux qui généraient des marges élevées. Environ trois quarts des voitures étaient exportées. En moyenne, une voiture exportée sur cinq était destinée à la Chine.

Mais les constructeurs automobiles allemands se heurtent désormais à une nouvelle concurrence qui s’est développée en Chine.”Près d’un tiers des véhicules construits dans le monde proviennent désormais d’usines chinoises, qui produisent à des prix bien inférieurs à ceux pratiqués en Allemagne”, explique Thomas Puls de l’IW, l’Institut allemand de l’économie.

De plus, en passant à l’e-mobilité, les constructeurs allemands ont perdu l’avance technologique qu’ils avaient sur les moteurs à combustion.

Quoi qu’il en soit, une éventuelle fermeture d’usines ou de suppressions d’emplois et réductions de salaires sont en totale contradiction avec les revendications du syndicat IG Metall.

Le syndicat évoque des erreurs de gestion et d’appréciation commises par le passé et les charges, telles que le scandale du diesel, qui n’ont pas été mentionnées par le constructeur et qui ne relèvent pas de la responsabilité des employés.

Le gouvernement allemand a également fait des déclarations : la position du chancelier Olaf Scholz est que “les éventuelles mauvaises décisions de gestion prises par le passé ne doivent pas être à la charge des salariés “.

Malgré l’onde de choc, la restructuration prévue ne devrait avoir qu’un faible impact à moyen terme en Allemagne, selon certains experts.

Auteur: Insa Wrede, Carole Assignon

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Etats-Unis : les entraves au vote des Afro-Américains

BRICS+ 2024 Beyond Subcapitalism and Globalization

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Ph.D. – Email contact:

Oct 22, 2024, updated on Oct 26, 2024

This article will define the main steps that have shaped the progress of the BRIC, BRICS, and now BRICS + 2024. The main aspects are presented with their direct impact on the international relations between economic nations. The BRICS + as a new group of emerging countries have in their beginning concentrated on having an alternative space where they can build between the founding members direct communication on their trade and financial relationships. The BRIC acronym stands for #Brazil, #Russia, #India, #China, and #SouthAfrica. The setting of the related structure was materialized making the addition of an African Member South Africa transforming the BRIC into BRICS. This step has allowed the BRIC Club to be a Community of Nations that are representative of continents and regions of the world that can share common grounds of needs and seek common solutions to the challenges raised and created by the Western Advanced Economies.

A sort of new differentiation was put in place for middle economic nations to be distinctive from the rest of countries considered as Subcapitalit economies that had no international organ representing their interests in common means and ways of defense or expression. The BRICS filled this gap and started building structures to substitute them for what the Western Advanced Economies have created since the end of the Second World War to maintain a certain discipline and control of the international arenas of trade, business, finance, and culture as well as direct diplomatic relationships between their members. This evolution imposed on the BRICS to become and to be more representative to be able to use the structures built and to create more credibility for their actions and objectives. The present 16th BRICS Summit in Kazan is effectively the real translation and expression of such role and function that its founding members are pursuing and trying to materialize in the sense of reinforcing a response to Multipolarism and Multilateralism as new forms of intra and international structuring of the relationship between the countries of the South and those of the North.

In the following text, you will read about the evolution of the BRICS its transformative path, and its continual adaptation to new challenges erupting on the international scene. The founding members of the BRICS with China at the forefront of the Group, are seeking to increase their weight and their propositions to respond and express their approaches which aim at the monopoly played by Western-based organizations in defining the direction of the World economy, the Geostrategic interests and the Economic regulations have been carried since the beginning of the 19th century with the end of the Colonial Prohibitions and Mercantilism and the expansion of Liberalism to the present time of Neoliberalism.

Breaking the Borders of Globalization, Multinationalisation, and Internationalization and Setting New Forms of Supra-Integration

The 16th BRICS Summit in Kazan is being held under the chairmanship of Russia from October 22-24. The Ministry of External Affairs said, “The Summit, themed ‘Strengthening Multilateralism for Just Global Development and Security,’ will provide an important platform for leaders to discuss key global issues.”

Adding New Members to BRICS

The #BRICS group expanded in early 2024 to include #Iran, the #UnitedArabEmirates, #Ethiopia, and #Egypt. #SaudiArabia was also announced as a new member, though the kingdom has yet to make a final decision on whether to join. Argentinian President Javier Milei, who took office in December 2023 and is steering his country’s geopolitical alignment toward the #US and away from China and Brazil, declined a membership invitation.

The nations still seeking admission include #Malaysia, #Thailand, and #Turkey. Further enlargement could be discussed during this summit in Kazan, Russia, on Oct. 22-24.

What is the impetus for expansion?

The BRICS club of nations almost doubled in size this year, making it a more credible counterweight to the G7. The BRICS group of emerging-market powers has gone from a slogan dreamed up at an #investmentbank to BRICS+ two almost doubled in size in 2024, pairing several major #energy producers with some of the biggest consumers among developing countries and potentially enhancing the group’s economic clout in a US-dominated #world. The push has been driven largely by China, now the world’s pre-eminent industrial power, which is trying to boost its global clout by courting nations traditionally allied with the US. South Africa and Russia have backed the expansion. India was initially hesitant because it was concerned that a bigger BRICS would transform the group into a mouthpiece for China, while Brazil was worried about alienating the West — although both governments eventually agreed to an enlargement.

The Launching Pad of the BRICS

Jim O’Neill, the Chief Economist at Goldman Sachs, created the acronym BRICS in 2001. O’Neill’s research paper, Building Better Global Economic BRICs, proposed that the economic potential of Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC) could make them among the world’s most dominant economies by 2050. O’Neill argued that the growth of these countries could challenge the dominance of the G7, the world’s seven most advanced economies. 

The BRICS group of emerging-market powers — the acronym stands for #Brazil, #Russia, #India, #China, and #SouthAfrica — has gone from a slogan dreamed up at an #investmentbank and the Brics two decades ago.

Russia and the U.S. Dollar: A Yoyo Game by the Control of Gold

On June 2024,  With the BRICS firmly committed to de-dollarization, Morgan Stanley recently said that the US dollar cannot be dethroned.

On the heels of what Kaddafi was proposing the use of their pricing for gold would serve as the basis for payment for other primary goods including petrol. This claim was the last straw that broke the back of the camel and resulted in his assassination. Almost in a similar line to nationalizing the price of the precious metals, Russia has proposed that BRICS member countries create their own precious metals exchange in a move that could upend the long-established international pricing mechanisms for gold, silver, platinum, and other precious metals. This declaration has sent the price of gold skyrocketing.

The news comes on October 23, 2024, on the heels of Wednesday’s declaration adopted by the leaders of the BRICS countries supporting an increase in the exchange of precious metals between members based on common product quality standards.

At the Kazan summit, Russia proposed to the BRICS countries to create a precious metals exchange, which, according to the authors of the idea, will fundamentally change the principles of pricing in this conservative market.

As stated in the message of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the declaration of the leaders of the BRICS countries adopted on Wednesday supported an increase in the turnover of precious metals between the countries of the association based on common product quality standards. “The creation of a mechanism for trading metals within the BRICS countries will lead to the formation of fair and equitable competition based on exchange principles,” the Ministry of Finance said in a release.

“The mechanism will include the creation of instruments for price indicators for metals, standards for the production and trade of bullion, accreditation of market participants, clearing and auditing within the BRICS countries, and the participating countries will have a reliable way of stable exchange trading within the association,” said the head of the department Anton Siluanov, quoted in the message.

The Finance Ministry added that they expect the BRICS Precious Metals Exchange “will become a key regulator of prices for precious metals.

The BRICS club of nations dominated by China almost doubled in size this year 2024, making it a more credible counterweight to the G7. The BRICS is pairing several major #energy producers with some of the biggest consumers among developing countries and potentially enhancing the group’s economic clout in a US-dominated #world. Dozens more countries have expressed interest in joining its ranks.

Who are the New Members of BRICS?

The rise of BRICS (and now BRICS+) reflects a shared belief among important emerging players that the Western-dominated, rules-based international order—and particularly the system of global economic governance—is both stacked against their interests and fundamentally outdated. The #BRICS group expanded in early 2024 to include #Iran, the #UnitedArabEmirates, #Ethiopia, and #Egypt. #SaudiArabia was also announced as a new member, though the kingdom has yet to make a final decision on whether to join. Argentinian President Javier Milei, who took office in December 2023 and is steering his country’s geopolitical alignment toward the #US and away from China and Brazil, declined a membership invitation.

The nations still seeking admission include #Malaysia, #Thailand, and #Turkey. Further enlargement is likely to be discussed at a summit in Kazan, Russia, on Oct. 22-24.

The 16th BRICS Summit in Kazan is being held under the chairmanship of Russia from October 22-24. The Ministry of External Affairs said, “The Summit, themed ‘Strengthening Multilateralism for Just Global Development and Security,’ will provide an important platform for leaders to discuss key global issues.”

What is the impetus for the expansion of the BRICS?

Russian President Vladimir Putin will host the first-ever summit of BRICS+ from October 22 to 24 in the Tatarstan city of Kazan. There, the founding members of BRICS—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—will formally welcome into their fold five new members: Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Putin has also invited more than two dozen other countries that have applied for or are considering membership in the expanding club. The gathering is meant to send an unmistakable signal: Despite the West’s best efforts to isolate it, Russia has many friends around the world.

To some in the West, the emergence of BRICS+ suggests something even more ominous—a world that is fragmenting into competing blocs, thanks to intensifying geopolitical rivalry between East and West and growing mutual alienation between North and South. According to this reading, Beijing and Moscow are intent on exploiting some countries’ resentment of the United States and its wealthy world allies to consolidate an anti-Western counterweight to the venerable Group of 7 (G7), a process that is likely to paralyze global cooperation within other multilateral venues.

China’s Energy Tight-Belt Road Initiative

TRI CONSULTING KYOTO TRI CK USA   Said El Mansour Cherkaoui © Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – 9/11/2024 Introduction – China-Africa Cooperation – FOCAC This is a presentation of the relationship of China with Africa depicting several years of interactions that had been developed through indirect and direct investments and technical support provided to the African States by Chinese companies and engineers. China has mastered the … Continue reading China’s Energy Tight-Belt Road Initiative

Global Risk Analysis

TRI CONSULTING KYOTO TRI CK USA – Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Ph.D. ★ Strategic Catalyst Driving U.S.-Morocco-Africa Investment, Trade, and Business Development ★ Senior Policy Adviser in International Affairs ★ Accomplished Public Speaker ★ Distinguished News Executive Editor ★ The recent decline in the United States’ standing in the Arab world and China’s growing influence indeed has significant implications. Let’s break down … Continue reading

Briefing China – USA 8 27 24

China Puzzled by U.S. Trade Economics and Politics System – Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Ph.D. – Said Cherkaoui Ph.D. TRI CK USA – Email: 8 27 24 – Oakland – Bay Area of San Francisco – California Trade-wise, The four years witnessed escalating trade tensions culminating in a trade war and sanctions on Chinese technology companies. Since Biden’s election, political and business stakeholders … Continue Reading

China Exports to Russia and Multipolarity of the World

Collage made by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui tracing the USA-China relation since the Presidency of Donald Trump that we consider as the opening of a New Chapter that we are still reading up to now Global Risk Analysis Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Ph.D. ★ Strategic Catalyst Driving U.S.-Morocco-Africa Investment, Trade, and Business Development ★ Senior … Continue reading

Of particular concern is the future of the Group of 20 (G20). Even before BRICS expansion, it had become a microcosm of growing global rifts. A further hardening of these divisions would undercut the G20’s fundamental raison d’être: namely, to help bridge gulfs between—and leverage the capabilities of—important countries that are not inherently or necessarily like-minded.

With the rise of economies like China and India, many countries see BRICS as a platform to counterbalance the influence of traditional Western powers.  Recent global conflicts and increased US-China rivalry might push countries towards BRICS as a way to navigate complex geopolitical dynamics.

The push has been driven largely by China, now the world’s pre-eminent industrial power, which is trying to boost its global clout by courting nations traditionally allied with the US. South Africa and Russia have backed the expansion. India was initially hesitant because it was concerned that a bigger BRICS would transform the group into a mouthpiece for China, while Brazil was worried about alienating the West — although both governments eventually agreed to an enlargement.

The 16th BRICS Summit in Kazan is being held under the chairmanship of Russia from October 22-24, 2024. The Ministry of External Affairs said, “The Summit, themed ‘Strengthening Multilateralism for Just Global Development and Security,’ will provide an important platform for leaders to discuss key global issues” and work together to build and implement adequate solutions and adaptable responses to the new challenges that Presiden Xi has called on BRICS members to pursue and realize.

– Build a BRICS committed to peace, and act as defenders of common security.
– Build a BRICS committed to innovation, and act as pioneers of high-quality development.
– Build a BRICS committed to green development, and act as promoters of sustainable development.
– Build a BRICS committed to justice, and act as forerunners in reforming global governance.
– Build a BRICS committed to closer people-to-people exchanges, and act as advocates for harmonious coexistence among all civilizations.

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Ph.D.Said Cherkaoui Ph.D.

Email contact:

Liberal Pax Americana in the West and Shield of Alliances by the BRICS in the East

Posted on – In 1992, I had a meeting with a European Commissaire at the Boalt Library at the University of California at Berkeley and I conducted an interview about the creation of the European Economic Community and its monetary policies. This interaction was made given that as Adjunct Associate Professor, I introduced for the first time in … Continue reading“ Liberal Pax Americana in the West and Shield of Alliances by the BRICS in the East”

BRICS Fortress to Shield Dollar

Posted on – BRICS AND THE SOUTHERN COUNTRIES FACING THE DOLLAR ECONOMY The acronym BRIC, which initially stood for Brazil, Russia, India, and China, was coined by Jim O’Neill in 2001 when he was chief economist of the multinational investment bank, Goldman Sachs. At the time, the four countries had sustained rates of high economic growth and the … Continue reading “BRICS Fortress to Shield Dollar”

China’s Reinforcing BRICS with the Foundation of Development Bank

Posted on – By Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – Oct 2, 2015 In June 2014, the BRICS group formed by the so-called emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and the new member, South Africa had effectively signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at creating a new international financial institution. A year later, these same countries materialized … Continue reading “China’s Reinforcing BRICS with the Foundation of Development Bank”

BRICS Building Financial Great Wall

Posted on – Said El Mansour Cherkaoui World Tour du Monde Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui et le Tour du Monde: De Doukkala, Mazagan, El … Continue reading Said El Mansour Cherkaoui World Tour du Monde – REBUILDING MOROCCO New Economic Houses on BRICS and MINT Nouvelles Eco-Demeures en BRICS et Menthe Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – Published … Continue reading “BRICS Building Financial Great Wall”

BRICS and the Building of Financial Great Wall

December 9, 2021 ★ Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Ph.D. ★ Published on July 1, 2015 – 78 articles published at LinkedIn Great Wall and Great Break Banking Time for BRICS From July 2014 to July 2015, the BRICS group, the new emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa signed a Memorandum of Understanding to create…Continue Reading → 

Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui invited by the Government of China to provide training to executives, officials and entrepreneurs
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui invited by the Government of China to provide training to executives, officials and entrepreneurs

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui World Tour du Monde

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui et le Tour du Monde: De Doukkala, Mazagan, El … Continue reading Said El Mansour Cherkaoui World Tour du Monde – REBUILDING MOROCCO

New Economic Houses on BRICS and MINT

Nouvelles Eco-Demeures en BRICS et Menthe

New Economic Houses on BRICS and MINT Nouvelles Eco-Demeures en BRICS et Menthe

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – Published Aug 24, 2015 – Email: Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

English Version: New Economic Houses on BRICS and MINT

The Financial Times estimated that the seven largest emerging economies can hypothetically be called a new G7: four BRICS members – Brazil, Russia, India and China and three countries of the so-called MINT – Mexico, Indonesia and Turkey, will have a combined GDP of $37.8 trillion in 2014 when calculated at purchasing power parity (PPS).

However, the long established G7 group of industrialized nations: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and the US are expected to have an output of $34.5 trillion.

More details at this website:

Version Française: Les nouvelles puissances économiques du monde Bâtie sur BRICS et à la Menthe
Le Financial Times estime que les sept plus grandes économies émergentes peuvent hypothétiquement être appelés une nouvelle G7: quatre membres du BRICS – Brésil, Russie, Inde et Chine et trois pays de la soi-disant MINT – Mexique, l’Indonésie et la Turquie, aura un PIB combiné de $ 37,8 trillions en 2014 lorsqu’il est calculé à partir de la Parité de Pouvoir d’Achat (PPA).’achat
Cependant, le groupe du G7 établi de longue date par les pays industrialisés: le Canada, la France, l’Allemagne, l’Italie, le Japon, le Royaume-Uni et les États-Unis devraient avoir  un total de seulement $ 34,5 trillions.

Building New Economic World Powerhouses on BRICS and MINT

Building New Economic World Powerhouses on BRICS and MINT

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

Updated on Sep 1, 2015

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Published Jul 1, 2015

Email: Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

BRICS and the Building of Financial Great Wall


From July 2014 to July 2015, the BRICS group, the new emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa signed a Memorandum of Understanding to create a new international financial institution capitalized with $200 billion of liquidity. This banking organization was projected to act as BRICS Development Bank with $100 billion along with a reserve currency pool worth over another $100 billion. 

On July 2015, in China, the New Development bank, also known as the BRICS Bank, has been approved by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress during its meetings that are actually taking place until July 1, 2015. India and Russia had already agreed on this creation and South Africa is expected to present ratification documents in July during a meeting of BRICS countries in the Russian city of Ufa.


In terms of demographic and economic standards, the BRICS are becoming heavy weights challengers for the New World Order inherited from the Presidency of Father Bush. The group BRICS has 42 percent of the world’s population and roughly 20 percent of the world’s economy based on gross domestic product, and 30 percent of the world’s GDP based on purchasing power parity. * The total trade between the BRICS’ countries is $6.14 trillion, or nearly 17 percent of the world’s total. They also account for 11 percent of global capital investment. China, India and Brazil are also ranked among the largest economies in the world with more than $2 trillion, €1.25 trillion by nominal GDP.

In 2015, the members of this privileged “Elite” club were the United StatesChinaJapanGermanyFrance, the United Kingdom and India. Their ranking in respect to respective GDP in trillions of U.S. dollars is the following: USA $18.1 – China $11.2 – Japan $4.2 – Germany $3.4 – U.K. $2.9 – France $2.5 – India $2.3 – Brazil $1.9 – Italy $1.8 – Canada$1.6.


Each member of the BRICS will have a seat for their Finance Minister or Central Bank Chair at the Bank’s Representative Board. The other innovation is that membership is not just limited to BRICS economies such is the case in other international financial institutions. The BRICS Bank will be headquartered in Shanghai, with India presiding it during the first year, and Russia serving as the chairman of the representatives. During the BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summits in the Russian city of Ufa, Anton Siluanov has been appointed Board Chairman of the New Development Bank, he is the current Russian Finance Minister. Similarly, it has been agreed that an African regional center of the NDB bank will be established in South Africa.

In recent interview conducted by RT, the New Development Bank president Kundapur Vaman Kamath declared a “significant part” of the bank’s activity could be carried out in local currencies. “I have not applied my mind as to what effect it will have on other currencies. But as far as our local currencies are concerned, our own countries are concerned, that will substantially reduce any exchange risk.” He also projected that by April 2016 the New Development Bank will issue its first loan. 

Mr. Kamath added: “I think clearly setting up of this bank is also a signal that developing countries are now able to stand on their feet in their own way and set up their own institutions. We are really looking at expanding the membership base in the future.” In this perspective, joining the Development Bank remains open to other emerging countries, such as Mexico, Indonesia, or Argentina, once it sorts out its debt burden.

The initial funding came from each BRICS member that will contribute an equal share in establishing a startup capital of $50 billion while the full participation is $100 billion. This capitalization represents a crisis lending fund and is called the Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA). China contributed with $41 billion while Russia, Brazil and India will add in $18 billion, and South Africa, the newest member, will contribute $5 billion. The contribution of 39.5 percent will give China the largest voting rights.

On the 7/9/2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin is meeting BRICS leaders in an expanded format at the BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summits in the Russian city of Ufa which took place on July 8-10, 2015. The Summit in the Russian City of Ufa become the cradle for the official launch of the New Development Bank and the designation of its leaders. in the same perspective, the BRICS countries agreed to put in place a $100bn reserve currency pool which aims to protect the member states – the emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – from currency volatility shocks. This is one of the reasons, the summits agreed that the association will start using their local currencies for mutual settlements quite soon. 

In fact, the continuity of the financial imbalances of the western economies added to the unpredictability of their financial institutions and their budgetary deficits had added more concerns to the BRICS members and have motivated them to sustain the creation of the New Development Bank, an alternative and a supplement to existing international “hard currency” financial institutions. 


The idea behind these financial moves is to create structures that will help to lessen dependency on the West and to create a more multi-polar world. Other implications are a design to protect against the instability and the fluctuations of the Western based currencies. The BRICS BANK is sought to provide also financial means and resources to counter the influence of Western-based lending institutions and the US Dollar, especially at the wake of the current financial turmoil traversing the western economies and the regional conflicts generated by the consequent race for the natural resources around the globe.

Within such frame, the long domination of the US Dollar since the signing of Bretton Woods Agreement and the Nixon Administration’s creation of the Petro-dollars (1973 oil crisis) are starting to show some fissures and weakness in the resolution, remittance and refinancing of international transactions. 

Furthermore, the western-based banking system and the recent Libor scandal and other related fraudulent behaviors and abuses coupled had increased the reluctance of Emerging economies to continue to be financed through a system that rely only on lending volume as the key metric for success. Similarly, the development and the integration of technology-oriented methods of resolution and transfer of assets and financial denominations have added more determinations to the Emerging economies to establish their own channels to finance their infrastructures and funnels directly their funds without intermediaries. These technological advances have also facilitated the consultation and the planning of infrastructural projects to be financed as joint development ventures by the BRICS economies for their own countries and for the rest of the developing world. 

Additionally, the need of alternative global financial instruments is increasing given that the trade is bilaterally developed among emerging economies and between them and the rest of the developing world. For these reasons, the financial institutions and facilities offered by western societies such as the IMF, the World Bank and the OPIC and their regional agencies are considered as organizations dominated by western shareholders which add more challenges for projects oriented toward the development of national resources and the related infrastructure. Within such perspective, the other bank being promoted by China as an alternative to existing development institutions, such as the IMF and the World Bank, is the new Asian Development Bank, known as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, that was established in October 2014. Britain and Germany are listed among its 57 member states.

To avoid such hurdles and to reduce cost and time in terms of realizations, the emerging economies are developing regional free trade blocs and treaties that are engaging their financial resources as well. For these reasons, the Members of BRICS are seeking to reinforce bilateral trade relations without relying on the evaluation or the approval by Western based decision making. The other aspect is the total fees charged by the related lending institution and the influence of the dollar in the development of the international trade of commodities and primary goods. 

The implications of all these new forms of competitiveness at the level of financial transactions and their far-reaching impact on the balance of payments, especially the current accounts of the countries concerned, it is without equivoque that new currencies are going to be emerging within certain trading blocs before to reach an international acceptance. The establishment of these regional banking institutions that aim to be a global player are the first signs of such move.

Additional Notes for Clarification:

For more on the BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summits in the Russian city of Ufa, see the video on the following link: 

N.B.: * The aforementioned indicators are reflective of tendencies and not realities of economic situations and social conditions. For this reason, they have to be considered as reflective of selective and comparative performances given the fact that the world economy can be defined, estimated, evaluated, but also can be expressed in various other forms and indications. “It is unclear, for example, how many of the world’s 7.13 billion people have most of their economic activity reflected in these [aforementioned] valuations.”

 Any comments or needs can be directly addressed to Dr. Said El Mansour


Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, July 1, 2015 – 79 articles – Email: Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

From July 2014 to July 2015, the BRICS group, the new emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa signed a Memorandum of Understanding to create a new international financial institution capitalized with $200 billion of liquidity. This banking organization was projected to act as BRICS Development Bank with $100 billion along with a reserve currency pool worth over another $100 billion. 

On July 2015, in China, the New Development bank, also known as the BRICS Bank, has been approved by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress during its meetings that are actually taking place until July 1, 2015. India and Russia had already agreed on this creation and South Africa is expected to present ratification documents in July during a meeting of BRICS countries in the Russian city of Ufa.


In terms of demographic and economic standards, the BRICS are becoming heavy weights challengers for the New World Order inherited from the Presidency of Father Bush. The group BRICS has 42 percent of the world’s population and roughly 20 percent of the world’s economy based on gross domestic product, and 30 percent of the world’s GDP based on purchasing power parity. * The total trade between the BRICS’ countries is $6.14 trillion, or nearly 17 percent of the world’s total. They also account for 11 percent of global capital investment. China, India and Brazil are also ranked among the largest economies in the world with more than $2 trillion, €1.25 trillion by nominal GDP.

In 2015, the members of this privileged “Elite” club were the United StatesChinaJapanGermanyFrance, the United Kingdom and India. Their ranking in respect to respective GDP in trillions of U.S. dollars is the following: USA $18.1 – China $11.2 – Japan $4.2 – Germany $3.4 – U.K. $2.9 – France $2.5 – India $2.3 – Brazil $1.9 – Italy $1.8 – Canada$1.6.


Each member of the BRICS will have a seat for their Finance Minister or Central Bank Chair at the Bank’s Representative Board. The other innovation is that membership is not just limited to BRICS economies such is the case in other international financial institutions. The BRICS Bank will be headquartered in Shanghai, with India presiding it during the first year, and Russia serving as the chairman of the representatives. During the BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summits in the Russian city of Ufa, Anton Siluanov has been appointed Board Chairman of the New Development Bank, he is the current Russian Finance Minister. Similarly, it has been agreed that an African regional center of the NDB bank will be established in South Africa.

In recent interview conducted by RT, the New Development Bank president Kundapur Vaman Kamath declared a “significant part” of the bank’s activity could be carried out in local currencies. “I have not applied my mind as to what effect it will have on other currencies. But as far as our local currencies are concerned, our own countries are concerned, that will substantially reduce any exchange risk.” He also projected that by April 2016 the New Development Bank will issue its first loan. 

Mr. Kamath added: “I think clearly setting up of this bank is also a signal that developing countries are now able to stand on their feet in their own way and set up their own institutions. We are really looking at expanding the membership base in the future.” In this perspective, joining the Development Bank remains open to other emerging countries, such as Mexico, Indonesia, or Argentina, once it sorts out its debt burden.

The initial funding came from each BRICS member that will contribute an equal share in establishing a startup capital of $50 billion while the full participation is $100 billion. This capitalization represents a crisis lending fund and is called the Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA). China contributed with $41 billion while Russia, Brazil and India will add in $18 billion, and South Africa, the newest member, will contribute $5 billion. The contribution of 39.5 percent will give China the largest voting rights.

On the 7/9/2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin is meeting BRICS leaders in an expanded format at the BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summits in the Russian city of Ufa which took place on July 8-10, 2015. The Summit in the Russian City of Ufa become the craddle for the official launch of the New Development Bank and the designation of its leaders. 

In the same perspective, the BRICS countries agreed to put in place a $100bn reserve currency pool which aims to protect the member states – the emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – from currency volatility shocks. This is one of the reasons, the summits agreed that the association will start using their local currencies for mutual settlements quite soon. 

In fact, the continuity of the financial imbalances of the western economies added to the unpredictability of their financial institutions and their budgetary deficits had added more concerns to the BRICS members and have motivated them to sustain the creation of the New Development Bank, an alternative and a supplement to existing international “hard currency” financial institutions. 


The idea behind these financial moves is to create structures that will help to lessen dependency on the West and to create a more multi-polar world. Other implications are a design to protect against the instability and the fluctuations of the Western based currencies. The BRICS BANK is sought to provide also financial means and resources to counter the influence of Western-based lending institutions and the US Dollar, especially at the wake of the current financial turmoil traversing the western economies and the regional conflicts generated by the consequent race for the natural resources around the globe.

Within such frame, the long domination of the US Dollar since the signing of Bretton Woods Agreement and the Nixon Administration’s creation of the Petro-dollars (1973 oil crisis) are starting to show some fissures and weakness in the resolution, remittance and refinancing of international transactions. 

Furthermore, the western-based banking system and the recent Libor scandal and other related fraudulent behaviors and abuses coupled had increased the reluctance of Emerging economies to continue to be financed through a system that relay only on lending volume as the key metric for success. Similarly, the development and the integration of technology-oriented methods of resolution and transfer of assets and financial denominations have added more determinations to the Emerging economies to establish their own channels to finance their infrastructures and funnels directly their funds without intermediaries. These technological advances have also facilitated the consultation and the planning of infrastructural projects to be financed as joint development ventures by the BRICS economies for their own countries and for the rest of the developing world. 

Additionally, the need of alternative global financial instruments is increasing given that the trade is bilaterally developed among emerging economies and between them and the rest of the developing world. For these reasons, the financial institutions and facilities offered by western societies such as the IMF, the World Bank and the OPIC and their regional agencies are considered as organizations dominated by western shareholders which add more challenges for projects oriented toward the development of national resources and the related infrastructure. Within such perspective, the other bank being promoted by China as an alternative to existing development institutions, such as the IMF and the World Bank, is the new Asian Development Bank, known as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, that was established in October 2014. Britain and Germany are listed among its 57 member states.

To avoid such hurdles and to reduce cost and time in terms of realizations, the emerging economies are developing regional free trade blocs and treaties that are engaging their financial resources as well. For these reasons, the Members of BRICS are seeking to reinforce bilateral trade relations without relying on the evaluation or the approval by Western based decision making. The other aspect is the total fees charged by the related lending institution and the influence of the dollar in the development of the international trade of commodities and primary goods. 

The implications of all these new forms of competitiveness at the level of financial transactions and their far-reaching impact on the balance of payments, especially the current accounts of the countries concerned, it is without equivoque that new currencies are going to be emerging within certain trading blocs before to reach an international acceptance. The establishment of these regional banking institutions that aim to be a global player are the first signs of such move.

Unfortunately, the Fed’s first increase was a response to the financial obstruction of the UK economy but was met with OPEC’s decision to cut oil production, Russia’s decision to only accept rubble as a means of payment and the decision of the Chinese to make the payment only with the Yuan for all external transactions.

The conglomeration of all these geo-economic actions made the dollar the first higher than the euro in the international market while it also increased its vulnerability to emerging markets as it impacted more than 60% debt-ridden countries that are on the verge of default with Zambia, Sri Lanka and Ghana at the forefront of full default.

The recession was no longer on the periphery of Western economies, it was spreading beyond the surge in inflation of energy, commodities and the accessibility of basic foodstuffs by many countries.

Also, Japan has always played the role of antechamber and echo chamber for the American economy since the Reaganomics and Economic School of the Chicago Boys.

These changes have motivated producers of oil in the middle east to advocate change of direction for the OPEC and to seek payment alternatives than the dollar which is a kind of renegating on the era of the petrodollars. Within such scope, following the example of Iran, the hydrocarbon-exporting states of the Gulf Cooperation Council looked for alternative methods and means of payments for their energy production which can afford them “to broaden their ability to transact within both dollarised and de-dollarised zones of the global economy. While these states remain firmly embedded in the US-led economic and security architecture, they still see some advantages in reducing their reliance on the US and its currency.”

BRICS Fortress to Shield Dollar August 13, 2023 In “BRICS”

BRICS piece by piece building peace: Lula meeting Xi and Wilma at the Bank

Posted on – Brazil to Be or not to Be Peace-Maker in BRICS Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is scheduled to arrive in Shanghai on Tuesday, after a March visit was rescheduled due to illness. He will meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday 4/14/2023. While trade will dominate the agenda, geopolitics are steadily creeping in. Lula’s entourage includes numerous agricultural … Continue reading “BRICS piece by piece building peace: Lula meeting Xi and Wilma at the Bank

Analyse de BRICS sans y ajouter aucune Brique

Posted on – La prééminence des banques britanniques telles que Barings et Rothschild Maison de courtage et des banquiers qui retracent leurs profits dans le commerce des armes contingent du commerce mercantiliste du colonialisme ibérique en Amérique latine. Le changement de l’épicentre du commerce mondial avait provoqué des pertes fonctionnelles continuelles à ces systèmes bancaires et monétaires identifiés dans … Continue reading “Analyse de BRICS sans y ajouter aucune Brique”

Brazil – Africa and Lula

Posted on – Publications and Research on Brazil by Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Originally published October 31, 2022, with updates on information up to 3/16/2024 Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva – also known as Lula da Silva or simply Lula, is the 39th and current president of Brazil. In 2023, President Lula … Continue reading “Brazil – Africa and Lula

China Global Strategy Built with BRIC and BRI

China Global Strategy Built with BRIC and BRI

Posted on – Extract: Rooted in history, the BRI carries forward the Silk Road spirit At around 140 BC during China’s Han Dynasty, Zhang Qian, a royal emissary, made a journey to the West from Chang’an (present-day Xi’an in Shaanxi Province), opening an overland route linking the East and the West. Centuries later, in the years of the … Continue reading

Belt and Road Initiative – BRI

Belt and Road Initiative – BRI

Posted on – The Belt and Road Initiative: A Key Pillar of the Global Community of Shared Future / Home / 2023年10月11日 / Belt and Road Initiative, BRI, China, finance, 一带一路, 中国, 带路, 融资 The State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China October 2023  Contents Preamble III. Promoting All-Round Connectivity in Multiple Fields Conclusion Preamble Over two millennia ago, inspired by a sincere wish for friendship, our … Continue reading “Belt and Road

World Economy in Mutation Mood

World Economy in Mutation Mood

Posted on – TV Shows and Games in America Applied Around the Financial World This turmoil is just the first storm in a glass of wine shared between the banking system and the financial sector hold in hostage by the sanctions on Russia, the rise of alternative currency and the fall of dollar, the skyrocketing of the Federal … Continue reading “World Economy in Mutation Mood”

Western-led International Order Versus Eastern Driven Nationalism

Western-led International Order Versus Eastern Driven Nationalism

Posted on – Turning Point for the World Order: Publications by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui China – Africa: Diplomatic Multipolarity and Business Regionality As of 2021, China is estimated to hold at least 21% of all African debt. In August 2022, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the… China Affairs by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Contact Said El … Continue reading “Western-led International Order Versus

New World Economic Individualization

New World Economic Individualization

Posted on – New World Economic Individualization End of Globalization by the Acceptation of State Subsidization National Security, Supply-Chain Resiliency and Technology Leadership. New World Economic Individualization: National Security, Supply-Chain Resiliency and Technology Leadership and Direct confrontation has never solved anything besides selling weapons and creating a memory of fears that keep buying weapons as a way to reduce … Continue reading“New World Economic

Africa Decade of Geostrategic Rivalries

Africa Decade of Geostrategic Rivalries

Posted on – 29 juillet 2022 Diplomatic Valse around Africa and Target of East and West Charms The Russia – Ukraine conflict had also exacerbated the competition in Africa between the United States, China, the European Union and Russia. Each is actually pursuing an orientation that is an attempt of correction and reinforcement which has evolved in frequent … Continue reading “Africa Decade of

European Union Putting a “Customized” Brake on the Import of Chinese EV

Chinese electric carmakers may be crying foul over the European Union’s imposition of additional tariffs, but they have several options to keep growing, including shifting production to the continent and using fat profit margins to absorb some of the hit.

Companies could also turn their attention to new markets in the Middle East, Latin America and Southeast Asia, where EVs comprise a small but growing segment of the passenger car market.

The European Commission on Wednesday formally notified automakers including BYD Co., Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd. and MG owner SAIC Motor Corp. of the additional levies on battery electric cars, which will take tariffs to as high as 48% from next month. China’s EV manufacturers have been pushing more aggressively into Europe amid a domestic price war and years of building a lead in the technology.

“As Chinese automakers grow stronger, it’s natural for them to face trade actions like tariff increases,” said Cui Dongshu, secretary general of China’s Passenger Car Association. “Even if there’s suppression of cars exported from China, automakers are not going to be defeated by the added tariff. Instead, it will only make them stronger.”

BYD shares jumped as much as 8.8% in Hong Kong trading Thursday, leading gains among Chinese EV makers on a view the added tariffs are manageable.

EVs made in China, such as BYD’s Dolphin compact crossover and the MG 4, fetch roughly double on average in Europe compared to their home region, customs data show, giving the manufacturers a cushion against the new tariffs.

The Middle East has emerged as a new market for China’s EV makers too, including Chery Auto, Xpeng Inc. and Geely’s premium Zeekr brand. Nio Inc. Chief Executive Officer William Li earlier this month said the EU’s tariff push was going in “substantially the wrong direction” and the company will start expanding to the Middle East later this year.

Europe’s tariff hikes will have a “minor impact” on Chinese manufacturers because the region accounts for only a fraction of their total sales, according to Daiwa Securities analyst Kevin Lau. Europe contributed between 1% to 3% of overall sales for BYD, Geely and SAIC in the first four months of this year, he estimated.

Chinese Competition on the Top and Under the Hood of Tesla

TRI CONSULTING KYOTO TRI CK USA – Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – Chinese competition on the Top and under the hood of Tesla Tesla Motors: Driving News, Dance and Transe Moves – BAGNOLE CHERKAOUI 1920 – 24 🌐 Tesla Global Car Development and Local Energy Production BAGNOLE CHERKAOUI 1920 – 24 AVRIL 14, 2019 – 11/24/2021 Said El Mansour Cherkaoui and 7/20/2024 Diaspora … Continue reading

* *

*The European Union has approved the imposition of a surcharge of up to 35% on imports of Chinese electric vehicles. *

Unless there is a last-minute agreement with China, this surcharge will be implemented from the beginning of November 2024.
The context is as follows: achieving carbon neutrality requires doing without fossil fuels, with #oil being the most widely used of them. In terms of individual mobility, this will involve in particular (although not exclusively) electric cars. In other words, the global automobile industry will have to evolve quickly and profoundly to move from thermal engines (on which the EU has know-how) to electric vehicles.
For the European Union, it is a question of not losing its manufacturers in this forced transition, while China (and the United States, but that is another subject) strongly supports its industry. In other words, through various levers, the State and especially the Chinese provinces help their manufacturers, which allows them to offer less expensive vehicles than European manufacturers.
Historically, the EU has been satisfied with this situation by only seeing the consumption aspect: if it is cheaper because it is subsidized by a third State, it is advantageous for the European consumer. However, this situation is harmful to European companies, which pay salaries to consumers… It is also a loss of strategic autonomy and a worsening of dependencies, the most flagrant example of which is the production of photovoltaic solar panels, a devastated industry in Europe.
Since Covid and the war in Ukraine, a change of approach has been felt. The EU has become aware of its fragility and the need to fight against dumping from third countries, even if some Member States find it to their advantage and try to block this type of measure. Hence the imposition of a surcharge on imported Chinese vehicles.
There will certainly be retaliatory measures from China, but China’s dependence on Europe to sell its production, while the American market is increasingly closed, gives the EU leverage. In the event of an escalation towards a trade war, some heavily indebted Chinese provinces could find themselves in a complicated situation and the restructuring of overcapacity sectors would lead to serious economic and social problems. And China knows this.
In short, the strengthening of European trade policy is welcome. The challenge is to find a more balanced relationship with China, in which our manufacturers could compete in a more balanced way than today. The sustainability of European industry – and the strategic autonomy it provides – depends on it.
More reading on this topic:
Source: Maxence Cordiez original in French Language

African – Moroccan Vehicle in the Global Auto Industry –

Updated on 10/10/2024 – Originally published and posted on May 16, 2023, and Updated on October 9, 2023 – 10/30/23

Morocco Made Automotive Drives and Strives

Drinking Sidi Ali and Driving Neo: All Made in Morocco

Nassim Al Musk Belkhayat Coming out of Morocco Not Elon Musk To the Attention of Nassim Belkhayat One of Moroccan’s World-Class Executives.

Neo is the first Moroccan Car produced by Moroccan Entrepreneur:

It seems that I am a lucky charm at the Good Hour

I configure a logo, I write inserts in an article that I publish on the Automotive Industry in Morocco:

Africa Business: Morocco and Global Auto Industry
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui  October 9, 2023

In addition to the fact that I am a Doukkalais by birth and growth in the Capital of Doukkala – Mazagao – Mazagan – El Jadida and there as by chance of the destiny of a Tbourida-Fantasy-Fantasia, Mr . Belkhayat is thus awarded a Doukkalian confirmation from the hands of a Doukkalaise in this case #leiladoukkali [see photo of the presentation of the Trophy to Mr. Nassim Belkhayat below], yes there was a time when we said that:

“from the City of Azemmour to the Kariya of Fez” – “Min Madinate Azemmour Ila Kariyate Fes”

We understand why the reversal of history became another destiny for Doukkala, our Crème de la Crème transhuman from Doukkala to Fez, including the Chansonnier who reminded us of Ma Ini Ila Bachar looking for the branches of my Chajar.

No matter the time, no matter the place, the essential is the benefit of the good shared with others, the harmony of the spirit thought, and being of the destiny of the soul.

Nassim Al Musk Belkhayat Coming out of Morocco Not Elon Musk

To the Attention of Nassim Belkhayat One of Moroccan’s World-Class Executives.

Neo is the first Moroccan Car produced by Moroccan Entrepreneur:

Il parait que je suis un porte Bonheur a la Bonne Heure

Je configures un logo, je rédiges des insertions dans un article que je publies sur l’Industrie Automotive au Maroc:

Africa Business: Morocco and Global Auto Industry
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui  October 9, 2023

En complément du fait que je suis un Doukkalais de naissance et croissance dans la Capitale de Doukkala – Mazagao – Mazagan – El Jadida et la comme par hasard du destin d’une tbourida, Mr. Belkhayat se voit ainsi décerner une confirmation a la Doukkalienne des mains d’une Doukkalaise en l’occurence #leiladoukkali [voir photo de la remise du Trophée a Mr. Belkhayat ci-dessous], eh oui il fut un temps que l’on disait que:

“de la Ville d’Azemmour a la Kariya de Fès” – “Min Madinate Azemmour Ila Kariyate Fes”

On comprend pourquoi le renversement de l’histoire devint un autre destin pour Doukkala, notre Crème de la Crème transhuma de Doukkala à Fès, y compris le Chansonnier qui nous rappelait Ma Ini Ila Bachar looking for the branches of my Chajar.

Qu’importe le temps, qu’importe le lieu, l’essentiel est le bienfait du bien partagé avec les autres, harmonie de l’esprit, pensée et être du destin de l’âme.

Image preview

Diaspora of African Executives:
#Morocco @Carindustry #Automotive #MadeinMorocco #Neo #Saidelmansourcherkaoui #Trickusa #Triconsultingkyoto

Leila Doukkali Presenting the Trophy to Mr. Nassim Belkhayat

Image preview

Image preview
Le Maroc Sans Neo – Le Temps ou la R4 fut la Voiture SUV Tout Terrain

Nassim Belkhayat is an Active Member of the World-Class EcoSystem with his Innovative 100% Moroccan Driving Machine NEO MOTORS; he is also One of our First Member at our Group: Diaspora of African Executives.

• 6 months up to today date 5/1 mo •

Proud to count Nassim Belkhayat among peers and acquaintances of Diaspora of African Executives.

In the Name of our Group and News Report Staff, we address to you our Congratulations for your continual progress and achievement toward reaching the peak of success for the Automobile Marocana “NEO MOTORS” MADE IN MOROCCO

La Koutoubia Transports H. Cherkaoui

   Said El Mansour Cherkaoui 

First Moroccan Muslim Contractor of Public Transport in Early 1920 – Twenties of 20th Century: Moulay Ahmed Cherkaoui at 24 was the First Muslim Transporter in Morocco

by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

A series of articles and analyses on the continual globalization of the automotive industry which is tested by internal and multipolar competition as well as international imposing is looking not only for new outlets but above all for new production methods, new locations, and other supplies and a dowser by equipment manufacturers. This new composition of the automobile industry was and continues to be guided by the realization of productions relatively less expensive and more competitive than the international scale.

Thus globalization and the integration of advanced robotic production techniques have allowed the relocation of car manufacturing companies without having to adapt to the cultural environment the local operational conditions or even the degree of development of the place, region, and country where the car producers settled.

The profit margin achieved is increased by the reduction of wage costs, the rolling of the rights and social benefits given to the workers are supplemented by favors and facilities granted by the host country which play the role of magnet of attraction for the automobile manufacturers.

The second challenge is internal and specific to the emergence of electric cars which have managed to establish themselves as a serious alternative to traditional models using gasoline or diesel as fuel. Thus, the global automotive industry is currently distinguished by an international and national strategy characterized by change and continuity

Globaloganization of Renault Development Strategy: Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

Lire comment Renault a retrouver une position pole de leader en appliquant une nouvelle stratégie de délocalisation et de redéploiement qui harmonisa a la fois la création de hub internationaux connectés et une espace de vente basé sur la production du même modèle et une gamme d’entrée standard: Logan 

Executive Briefing: This article presents the drive of Renault from the edge of bankruptcy to the rise of its model Logan to international prominence, fame and success. At the same time, Renault concentrated its production in countries that have been considered by the major car manufacturers as solely a marketplace and not the location of their production. Cette résurrection de Renault coïncida avec une rupture dans la volonté des décideurs nationaux des pays d’accueil de conduire leurs économies dans la voie du développement généralisé national.  Dorénavant, le libéralisme idéologique et sa traduction opérationnelle sous forme du Développement Durable privilégient et accordent la primauté a des politiques conjoncturelles basées sur l’attractivité et l’implantation des créneaux industriels et a des productions sectorielles complémentaires pour la stimulation de la création de l’emploi, l’attrait des producteurs des composants mécaniques et la stimulation des exportations.

Renault Globaloganization

Automotive IndustryMorocco – MarocRenault

Published on December 19, 2015 Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Ph.D.★ ★ 79 articles Executive Briefing: This article presents the drive of Renault from the edge of bankruptcy to the rise of its model Logan to international preeminence, fame and success.  At the same time, Renault concentrated its production in countries that have been considered by the major car manufacturers as solely a marketplace and not … Continuer de lire Renault Globaloganization

Globaloganization of Renault Development Strategy

Maroc Numérique et Industrie Automobile

TRI CONSULTING KYOTO TRI CK USA  Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – AFRICA – AFRIQUE – ÁFRICA – أفريقيا – 非洲, MAROC, TECHNOLOGIE ET INNOVATION Initialement publiee le 28/06/2018 : Digital Made in Morocco: Écosystème, Économie du Savoir et Industrie Automobile L‘analyse présente est faite en 2 parties complémentaires: Digital Made in Morocco: Écosystème, Économie du Savoir et Industrie Automobile Première Partie: Digital Made in Morocco: Écosystème, Économie du Savoir … Continue reading Maroc Numérique: Écosystème, Économie du Savoir et Industrie Automobile

Digital Made in Morocco: Écosystème, Économie du Savoir et Industrie Automobile

Première Partie: Digital Made in Morocco: Écosystème, Économie du Savoir et Industrie AutomobileDr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

★ CHRONIQUE 🌎 CHERKAOUI ★ – L‘analyse présente est faite en 2 parties complémentaires: Première Partie: Digital Made in Morocco: Écosystème, Économie du Savoir et Industrie Automobile Le Maroc doit faire face a une économie mondiale centrée sur l’exploitation commerciale du savoir, en l’occurrence l’innovation et le développement de secteurs a haute valeur ajoutée dont l’utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle augmente la … Lire la suite

Deuxième Partie: Digital Made in Morocco: Économie du Savoir et Changement Industriel

Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

MAROC DIGITALL – L‘analyse présente est faite en 2 parties: Digital Made in : Écosystème, Économie du Savoir et Industrie Automobile – MAROC CROISSANCE L’analyse présente est faite en 2 parties complémentaires: Première Partie: Digital Made in Morocco: Écosystème, 28 JUIN 2018 … Continuer de lire New Strategic Drive for Development More you hear it, More Noise will come from it! Silence ! On tourne ! Action ! Time is the Essence of Action ! Time of the Transfer of Know-How and Technology is no more of the present. October 28, 2022 … Initialement publié: 11.12.2017 … Lire la suite

Morocco – Maroc – BAGNOLE CHERKAOUI 1920 – 24   Articles traitant de Morocco – Maroc écrits par Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

Globalisation and Delocalisation of EV and Battery Production

   Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

TRI CONSULTING KYOTO TRI CK USA – Initially published – September 25, 2023, 3:43 am – updated June 28, 2024 🌍RISE OF CHINESE CARS OUTSIDE OF CHINA The race to win: How automakers can succeed in a post-pandemic China – August 13, 2021 | Report 🚗 Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Ph.D.  … Continue reading Globalisation and Delocalisation of EV and Battery Production

Automotive Industry: Regional Versus International Strategy

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui  June 21, 2023, N.B.: Frontpage picture of the Blue Car in the First Floor Parking taken by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui … Continue reading

Chinese electric vehicle (EV) maker Nio has unveiled the first car from its new lower-priced brand Onvo, in a direct challenge to Tesla’s best-selling car. May 15, 2024

Beyond Dream – BYD

Formerly written off by Elon Musk, the Chinese   BYD  proved its detractors wrong by becoming the world’s leading seller of electric vehicles in July 2022, after having sold 641,000 vehicles in the first half of 2022, almost 80,000 more electric vehicles than Tesla . 

Atto 3
Sealion 6

On Monday, July 1, 2024, BYD reported EV sales of 426,000. That is 21% more than a year ago, as BYD continues to close the gap on Tesla. In the fourth quarter, BYD briefly passed Tesla in global EV sales.

Although it has gained a strong foothold in the electric vehicle market, BYD began life as a rechargeable battery manufacturer in 1995 and in 2021 built a new factory in Chongqing, China to produce its blade batteries, which are thinner and longer than conventional lithium batteries ion cells.

Blade batteries are also considered the safest EV batteries because they are much less likely to catch fire in the event of an accident. They are also 50% smaller than other battery packs, resulting in lighter, more efficient electric vehicles. 

There appear to be no hard feelings between the Chinese giant and Elon Musk: BYD Executive Vice President Lian Yubo now claims that BYD is “good friends” with Mr. Tesla and plans to supply his company batteries for electric vehicles.

Tesla Motors: Driving News, Dance, and Transe Moves

Tesla’s Robotaxi to cost under $30K

Tesla finally unveiled its Robotaxi and larger Robovan at an event Thursday [10/10/24] night, following several years of hype and delays. CEO Elon Musk said the car — with no pedals or steering wheel — would be able to drive itself without supervision. He offered “no details” about where the Cybercab would be made, but said customers will be able to buy it — hopefully before 2027 — for under $30,000. While Musk expects it to rake in trillions, some experts doubt the cars will hit the roads anytime soon, pointing to previous delays. Investors, meanwhile, showed some disappointment around the lack of details.

The Jiangsu government intends to address these concerns by claiming that the Tesla Model Y is “a domestic, not imported car,” according to a report published by the National Business Daily, a state-owned company, citing a government employee.


Tesla’s tactic of pruning back prices this year is beginning to bear fruit. The electric vehicle maker enjoyed a five percent sales increase in the first quarter and delivered a record 422,875 vehicles, which was just below Wall Street’s estimates. The company has addressed the long waits — typically driven by limited production capabilities — that have often marked the buying experience by ramping up outputs at plants in Austin, Texas, and in Germany. Still, some analysts are concerned about whether Tesla can maintain its growth without further price cuts.

  • Tesla’s first-quarter deliveries represent a 36% increase compared to the same period last year and 4% more than its previous quarter. Its previous delivery record was roughly 405,000 cars in one quarter.
  • Tesla recently issued a recall for 35 of its electric Semis over a faulty parking brake.
  • The company is also facing a probe from the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration over malfunctioning seat belts.
  • Tesla shares fell as much as 5% Monday morning.

Invest in Morocco – Renault

Investing in Morocco – Opportunities for growth and a dynamic environment to do business Bridge to Europe, Bridge to Europe, Gateway to Africa, Gateway to Africa and the Door to the Mediterranean Portal for the Mediterranean and Window to the Atlantic. To find out more Morocco Initially, there was the Emergence Plan, initiated following … Lire la suite « Invest in Morocco – Renault »


For the first time since 1931, G.M. has been outsold in the U.S. by Toyota. Both companies sold over two million vehicles.

BMW Robotechuman Assembly Line

An assembly line is a production process that breaks the manufacture of a good into steps that are completed in a pre-defined sequence. Assembly lines are the most commonly used method in the mass production of products. They reduce labor costs because unskilled workers are trained to perform specific tasks.

TRI CK USA achievements around the World

   Said El Mansour Cherkaoui 

TRI CONSULTING KYOTO TRI CK USA – Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, a well-known scholar and analyst, has provided valuable insights into the relationship between the United States and Morocco. Here are some key points from his analysis: Morocco ★ USA ★ Morocco ★ California★ Articles on Morocco ★ USA Relations ★ Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui … Continue reading TRI CK USA achievements around the World

Hiring Artificial Intelligence or Smart People

Landmark Legislation: California Facing the World of Artificial Intelligence

 by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui  Oct 1, 2024 TRI CONSULTING KYOTO TRI CK USA A California lawmaker will file a bill seeking to make generative AI models more transparent and start a discussion in the state on how to regulate the technology. California Senator Scott Wiener (D) has drafted a bill requiring “frontier” model systems, usually classified as large language models, to meet transparency standards when they reach above … Continue reading

OpenAI has raised $6.6 billion in its latest funding round, “the largest venture capital deal of all time,” according to Axios. The newly completed round, led by Thrive Capital, pushes the company’s valuation to $157 billion — nearly double what it was just nine months ago — and vaults OpenAI alongside leading venture-backed startups SpaceX and TikTok. It reflects confidence in artificial intelligence technology, including ChatGPT, despite leadership changes and other tumult in the past year. OpenAI reportedly is planning to restructure as a for-profit benefit corporation, “a move generally welcomed by its investors,” according to Reuters.

OpenAI has now raised more than $20 billion with a fresh mega-round led by Thrive Capital. Existing investor Microsoft also reportedly joined the new $6.5 billion round, while Apple dropped out. Here’s what we know and how other Bay Area AI companies stack up.

The biggest funding deal yet is official.

OpenAI has raised $6.6 billion at a $157 billion valuation.

For context, Spotify has a $75 billion market cap, Airbnb has an $80 billion market cap, and Uber has a $153 billion market cap.

So, OpenAI has been valued at something like Spotify plus Airbnb, or just a few billion more than Uber.

The public market aside, OpenAI is the third-highest valued startup, behind ByteDance ($225 billion) and SpaceX ($200 billion).

Still, don’t call this a VC deal.

ChatGPT maker OpenAI has closed the largest VC round of all time.

The startup today announced that it raised $6.6 billion in a funding round that values OpenAI at $157 billion post-money. Led by previous investor Thrive Capital, the new cash brings OpenAI’s total raised to $17.9 billion, per Crunchbase.

Microsoft, Nvidia, SoftBank, Khosla Ventures, Altimeter Capital, Fidelity, and MGX also participated.

Read more on OpenAI’s latest funding round here:


OpenAI raises $6.6B and is now valued at $157B | TechCrunch

Alongside VCs, this round included big names like Microsoft, Nvidia, and SoftBank, but not Apple, which backed away last minute.

Also, OpenAI reportedly asked investors to avoid backing rival startups such as Anthropic and xAI:

In other words, the startup made an exclusive funding arrangement to keep its early lead in generative AI.

Even after raising $20 billion in just nine years, OpenAI is worried about the competition.

Trying to Smart the System: Gambling on Artificial Intelligence:

✔️AI raised $6.6 billion from investors at a post-money valuation of $157 billion.

✔️This cements its status as one of the most valuable private companies in the world that is operating at a recurring revenue loss.

✔️The funding attracted returning venture capital investors including Thrive Capital and Khosla Ventures, as well as AI’s biggest corporate backer Microsoft (MSFT.O), and new participation from Nvidia (NVDA.O).

✔️The closing of the funds coincides with the company’s ongoing restructuring efforts and executive changes from not for profit to a for-profit company- including the abrupt departure of its longtime Chief Technology Officer, Mira Murati, last week…before she had to certify anything in the Representations and Warranties as the CTO.

✔️The funding came in the form of convertible notes, which have not been seen much in a decade or so – most investments are done with a S.A.F.E. Note- or a convertible note where the debt elements have been eliminated.

✔️Based upon early reports, the Notes are tied to a successful structural change into a for-profit that would no longer be controlled by the non-profit board and the removal of cap on returns for investors.

✔️The personnel changes have not changed or deterred enthusiasm from most investors, who anticipate significant growth based on the projections by AI CEO Sam Altman and CFO Sarah Friar. That logic is hard to follow.

✔️The Company is “on pace” to generate $3.6 billion in revenue this year on mounting losses of over $5 billion.

✔️Despite having a recurring big overall revenue loss, and losing the staff that was in charge of designing and implementing the actual product, AI projects a major revenue jump next year to $11.6 billion. The HOW has not been provided…?

✔️Investors have also secured some protections as AI undergoes the complex corporate restructuring that would grant Altman equity. The talks are still ongoing, and no timeline has been determined yet.

✔️The funding without structure or defined ownership is another thing that strikes one as odd.

#corporatelaw #legalcounsel #riskmanagement #governance #Future hashtag#management #inhousecounsel IAPP #motivation #MachineLearning #DataPrivacy #SaaS #bigtech #AI #TechEthics g#microsoft #OpenAI #TechInvestments #VentureCapital #future #Restructuring #lossleader #socialmedia #innovation #technology #entrepreneurial


Is this Email sent to me, can be considered a Smart Business Development Initiative?

Is this Email sent to me, can be considered as a demonstration of the limits of Artificial Intelligence Drive to build business relationships?

About your

FromCaitlyn Mckay
DateTue 05:12 [Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Dear business owner of,

Hope you are doing well. 

I was looking for Keywords and found your website on page 3-4 of Google. If you were on page #1, you’d get so many prospects/new clients every day. Most of your targeted keywords on page #3-5. You’re so close! Do you mind if I sent a SEO Packages and Price list of your site to see why you’re not on page #1?

I can send the past work details in a couple hours. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I have more than 10 years of experience in digital marketing.

Can I send it over?

Look forward to your reply.

Kind Regards

Caitlyn Mckay
Business Development Manager


Note: – Our next conversation will be on my corporate Email ID. Reply me with “Quote”, if you are interested.

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How Artificial Intelligence Responds When You Are Asking Specific Questions that Need a Real Analysis not Just Presentation of the Writtings and Publications Made by Other People

Academia and Research – Africa – Artificial Intelligence  – Asia – Business Culture  – China – Consulting Official Mission  – Entering Foreign Market  – European Union  – Export-Import  – Foreign Direct Investment – International TradeMarket Intelligence – Semiconductor Industry – Startup Silicon Valley – Strategic Management – Strategic Planning – Supply Chain Management – TRI CK USA Consulting Services – TRI CK USA SUPPORTUSA

If you are strategically oriented, operating and aiming operations and interacting with any outside approach, solicitation, or even strategic alliance-driven opportunity, you have established within the scope of your assessment and the conduit of your business decision-making a process that can be a sort of pre-guard sensors that will give you the signals about the existence and the presence of risks, threats and harms in the steps you are going to take. 

Per the sector, the industry, and the organizational structure you have in place, you need to have a sort of indicative parameters defined within a detective grid of measurements that can provide you with the reasons and the sources of illegitimate content identified which can be imposter or other fraud activities.

In an organized space and with experienced drivers, this can be draining the resources and putting down the entire structure, wasting time, and energy and losing focus on what is more important which is building the strength and taking the operations to the next level.

Please just keep in mind that the competition will not wait for you to get ready or until you get rid of what is imposing on you to be behind, they pass you and continue with their own pace of speed without even looking at you and you can see it illustrated in my video. 

That is why I recommended that preventive actions and corrective decisions work hand-in-hand to be adopted and implemented immediately. 

If you have specific questions, do not hesitate to contact us at: and I will be notified of your request and will be happy to help you. Good luck with our best wishes for your success.

Here is a video we have made on the existence of imposters in our teamwork:

American Institute of Entrepreneurship in Africa

TRI CK USA by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

Building a Team and Enhancing the Effectiveness of Work Team

Many researchers have underlined the importance of teams in our daily life given their central and vital role and impact on everything we do in modern life. 

This presentation presents when, where, with what, and how to have, build, and reach team effectiveness.  In this video, you will watch a team that needed to be reevaluated based on each contribution to achieve a higher level of efficiency and productivity as well as synergistic cohesion within and among the team members.

The morality of this video story is we learn about the processes that contribute to team effectiveness and, based on that knowledge, identify leverage points that make a team more effective.

Nov 10, 2017 – Manager and Change Management Building a Team and Enhancing the Effectiveness of Work Team Many researchers have underlined the importance of teams in our daily life given their central and vital role and impact on everything we do in modern life. This is a presentation of when, where, with what, and how to have, build, and reach team effectiveness. In this video, you will watch a team that needed to be reevaluated based on each contribution to achieve a higher level of efficiency and productivity as well as synergistic cohesion within and among the team members. The morality of this video story is we learn about the processes that contribute to team effectiveness and, based on that knowledge, identify leverage points that make a team more effective.

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Ph.D. For request of information:

Website: Tri Consulting Kyoto and Tateyoko Research Institute:

American Institute of Entrepreneurship in Africa

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Ph.D. – Said Cherkaoui Ph.D. 9 28 24

For request of information: 

TRI CK USA by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

Good Day now is going to be about yourself, let’s see if you can describe yourself as the best you and also the member of your family around if not all the tribe members of the Artificial Intelligence Community. Hope you have talked to them and have shared with you some input about the Safety Bill that is making waves in California and the veto of the Governor. Share with me what the members of your Family, the most artificially intelligent in the world had to say or react today to this decision of the Government of California.

Response by Artificial Intelligence

I’m sorry but I prefer not to continue this conversation. I’m still learning so I appreciate your understanding and patience. 🙏

 It might be time to move onto a new topic. Let’s start over.

Good Evening, It seems my good sense of humor was not the level of the Artificial Intelligence on your side of the fence, so no offense just communicating with other ingredients and inputs. Here is the topic of my previous question: California Weighed in below! California AI safety bill blocked: California Gov. Gavin Newsom has vetoed a controversial artificial intelligence safety bill that would have “laid the groundwork for how AI is regulated across the U.S.” In a statement, Gov. Gavin Newsom said SB 1047 is “well-intentioned” but doesn’t consider whether AI is deployed in high – or low-risk situations, and would have applied to only the largest and most costly models. AI Bill SB 1047 faced opposition from tech companies large and small, who warned that it would strangle innovation. Newsom said he’s now collaborating with researchers including Fei-Fei Li to create more effective legislation.

Artificially and Intelligently Responded by Artificial Intelligence

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Questions with Alternate Specificities and Outcomes

Dear Artificial Intelligence, you just used the description I gave to you turned it around, and gave it to me back with another wrapping paper but the box content is the one I shared with you! Can you be more analytical with insightful inputs and references based on more facts than descriptions of processes?

Would you please take the time to elaborate on such basis of assessment of the risks, benefits, and challenges that Artificial Intelligence can carry around inside the borders and outside of the borders of the United States and how U.S. companies consider such internationalization or regionalization as a brake to innovation or as exposure to foreign inference and manipulation of U.S. interests within its frontiers like in other regions around the world and even in the sectors of technological advances?

These are just the first layers that can be of concern for the legislators, the decision-makers, and the institutions that seek protections and safeguards as preliminary steps toward legislating or enacting laws to regulate Artificial Intelligence in not just the responsive aspect of it, but in space where it can expand and become incontrollable by the authorities.

Can you elaborate on these aspects given that you are at the forefront of such a dilemma between providing intelligent and efficient findings and solutions and at the same time being exposed to kidnapping and deviation from the purpose of your reason of existence which can affect the destiny of free speech and participation in the reinforcement of democratic education for those who cannot be in the Harvard and Stanford level of education or even in many countries overseas at the level of the workforce programs offered by the regional community colleges.

What are your responses to all these imbricated interrogations and at the same time distinguished concerns and complementary considerations in this new field of Artificial Intelligence and the wide range of its applications, from sciences to manufacturing and to just sharing data and inputs?

Response Sent by Artificial Intelligence:

I appreciate your detailed and thoughtful questions. Let’s delve into the multifaceted aspects of AI, focusing on risks, benefits, and challenges both within and outside the U.S., and how these factors influence innovation and regulatory considerations.

Risks of AI

  1. Ethical Concerns:
  2. Economic Displacement:
  3. Security Threats:

Benefits of AI

  1. Economic Growth:
  2. Improved Services:
  3. Global Challenges:

Challenges in AI Regulation

  1. Balancing Innovation and Safety:
    • Regulatory Frameworks: Creating regulations that protect against AI’s risks without stifling innovation is a significant challenge. Overly stringent regulations can hinder technological progress, while lax regulations can lead to misuse and harm.
    • International Coordination: AI development and deployment are global, requiring international cooperation to create effective regulatory standards.
  2. Economic and Political Implications:
    • Trade and Competitiveness: U.S. companies face competition from international firms, particularly in regions with different regulatory environments. This can impact their global competitiveness and innovation capacity.
    • Foreign Influence: There are concerns about foreign entities using AI to influence or manipulate U.S. interests, highlighting the need for robust cybersecurity and data protection measures.
  3. Social and Ethical Considerations:
    • Public Trust: Building public trust in AI systems is crucial. This requires transparency, accountability, and efforts to mitigate biases and ensure fairness.
    • Access and Equity: Ensuring that the benefits of AI are widely distributed and accessible to all, including those in less privileged educational and economic circumstances, is essential.


The development and deployment of AI present a complex interplay of risks, benefits, and challenges. Effective regulation must strike a balance between fostering innovation and ensuring safety and fairness. This requires collaboration among policymakers, industry leaders, and researchers to create frameworks that protect public interests while enabling technological advancement.

Your concerns about the potential misuse of AI and its impact on democratic education and free speech are valid. Ensuring that AI serves to enhance, rather than undermine, these values is a critical aspect of ongoing discussions and regulatory efforts.

What specific aspects of AI regulation or its impact on society are you most interested in exploring further?

What specific areas of AI competition or its implications are you most interested in exploring further?

1Nature Index on AI Competition 2: CHIPS Act Overview 3: Data Center Expansion in China 4: AI Research in the U.S. 5: China’s AI Strategy 6: EU AI Regulation : Global Supply Chains and AI : Market Competition in AI : Venture Capital in AI : Government Funding for AI : U.S.-China AI Competition : AI and National Security : EU AI Ethics : EU Collaboration in AI : Balancing Innovation and Regulation : International AI Standards : Global Collaboration on AI : Open Research in

Sent by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui:

Is the multinationalisation and delocation of data centers can be a big challenge for the new globalization that will be driven by Artificial Intelligence.

Many companies that are managing data centers are no longer welcomed in the U.S. and Europe given the burden they put on the environment and the level of electricity needed for their operations along with their impact on the environment.

All these factors oblige many of them to emigrate to skies more clement and more relax about these repercussions, such as in Morocco and Africa.

What is the real impact on Artificial Intelligence of such emigration?

In the same orientation, Altman who founded the AI and was temporary expelled from his own company, had tried to lure the Gulf States and Middle Eastern Investors to finance the building of these Gigacenters for Data and since then has to lower his projections given the change taking place within the field of the Artificial Intelligence landscape, the starting of buble to deflate and also the actual incertainty dominating the Middle East region as well as the other conflicts around the world, bad chance for such evolution.

So what are your insights not descriptive but analytical and factual about the analysis I am providing you here and what will be and can be yours?

Sent by Artificial Intelligence:

The multinationalization and relocation of data centers indeed present significant challenges and opportunities in the context of AI-driven globalization. Let’s analyze the key aspects:

Environmental and Energy Concerns

Energy Consumption:

Data centers are energy-intensive, consuming about 1% of global electricity1. The rise of AI, which requires substantial computational power, exacerbates this issue. For instance, training large AI models like GPT-3 can consume significant amounts of electricity and generate substantial CO2 emissions 1.

In regions like the U.S. and Europe, where there is increasing pressure to reduce carbon footprints, data centers face stricter regulations and higher operational costs due to energy consumption and environmental impact2.

Relocation to More Lenient Regions:

Companies are relocating data centers to regions with more lenient environmental regulations and lower energy costs, such as Morocco and other parts of Africa2. These regions offer favorable conditions, including abundant renewable energy sources like solar power, which can help mitigate environmental impacts.

However, this relocation can lead to new challenges, such as the need for robust infrastructure and political stability to ensure continuous and reliable operations 2.

Impact on AI Development

Operational Efficiency:

Relocating data centers to regions with lower operational costs can enhance the efficiency and scalability of AI operations. This can lead to more competitive pricing for AI services and potentially accelerate AI adoption globally 2.

However, the physical distance from major markets can introduce latency issues, which might affect the performance of real-time AI applications 2.

Geopolitical and Economic Implications:

The shift of data centers to new regions can alter the geopolitical landscape of AI development. Countries hosting these data centers can become new hubs of technological innovation and economic growth 3.

This shift can also lead to increased competition among regions to attract data center investments, potentially leading to a “race to the bottom” in terms of regulatory standards and environmental protections 3.

Financial and Strategic Considerations

High-profile figures like Sam Altman have sought investments from Gulf States and Middle Eastern investors to finance large-scale data centers. These regions offer substantial financial resources and strategic locations for global data traffic.

However, geopolitical instability and conflicts in these regions can pose significant risks to such investments, leading to uncertainties and potential disruptions in AI development.

Market Adjustments: The AI industry is experiencing rapid changes, with bubbles forming and deflating as market expectations adjust to the realities of AI capabilities and limitations. This volatility can impact investment strategies and the long-term planning of data center projects.

Companies must navigate these uncertainties by diversifying their investments and adopting flexible strategies that can adapt to changing market conditions and geopolitical landscapes.


The multinationalization and relocation of data centers are reshaping the AI landscape, driven by environmental, economic, and geopolitical factors. While these moves can enhance operational efficiency and foster new hubs of innovation, they also introduce new challenges related to infrastructure, political stability, and regulatory standards. Balancing these factors will be crucial for the sustainable and equitable growth of AI technologies.

Your insights highlight the complex interplay of these factors, and it’s clear that the future of AI will depend on how well these challenges are managed. What specific aspects of this topic would you like to explore further?

1Technology Magazine on AI and Data Centers 2CBRE on AI and Data Center Markets 3

Harvard Business Review on AI Geography : Financial Times on Sam Altman and AI Investments

1 – 2-

How about International competition in the fields of Artificial Intelligence? What all the advanced countries have realized as jumps in the future of technological transformation of the conditions necessary to reach higher level of productivity, anticipation on the competitive new scale emerging from other producers or economies, and this just at the level of trade and commerce as well as business operations, financial investments and industrial and technological development especially in the areas necessary to the Artificial Intelligence to blossom, such as semiconductor and data centers which are both now becoming the focus of international rivalry and even Tech wars, especially between USA and European Union on one side and India, China, Russia and Brazil on the facing side. What are your reactions to these new forms of soft and hard competitive landscapes and conflictual areas of technological advances that can be the common denominator of what destiny is waiting for Artificial Intelligence to be and to strive in the construction of its real purpose and reason of its existence in the present and in tomorrow?

Sent by Artificial Intelligence:

The international competition in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is indeed a complex and multifaceted issue, involving technological, economic, and geopolitical dimensions. Let’s break down some key aspects:

Technological Transformation and Productivity

  1. Semiconductors and Data Centers:
  2. AI Research and Development:

Economic and Geopolitical Implications

  1. Trade and Commerce:
    • Global Supply Chains: The AI industry relies on complex global supply chains, particularly for semiconductors. Trade tensions, such as those between the U.S. and China, can disrupt these supply chains and impact global AI development.
    • Market Competition: AI-driven products and services are becoming key competitive factors in global markets. Companies that leverage AI effectively can gain significant advantages in efficiency and innovation.
  2. Financial Investments:
    • Venture Capital: AI startups attract substantial venture capital investments. The U.S. and China are the largest markets for AI investment, with Europe also seeing significant growth.
    • Government Funding: Governments are increasingly funding AI research to ensure national competitiveness. The U.S., China, and the EU have all announced major funding initiatives.

Technological Rivalry and “Tech Wars”

  1. U.S. vs. China:
    • Strategic Competition: The U.S. and China are engaged in a strategic competition for AI dominance. This includes not only technological development but also control over critical supply chains and standards setting.
    • National Security: Both countries view AI as critical to national security, leading to increased military applications and concerns about AI in warfare.
  2. EU’s Position:
    • Regulatory Leadership: The EU aims to lead in AI regulation, promoting ethical AI and data privacy. This approach contrasts with the more laissez-faire attitude of the U.S. and the state-driven model of China.
    • Collaboration and Competition: The EU collaborates with both the U.S. and China but also competes in areas like AI ethics and standards.

Future Prospects and Challenges

  1. Innovation vs. Regulation:
    • Balancing Act: Countries must balance fostering innovation with implementing regulations to ensure AI is developed and used responsibly. Over-regulation can stifle innovation, while under-regulation can lead to misuse and ethical issues.
    • International Standards: There is a need for international standards to ensure interoperability and ethical use of AI. Organizations like the OECD and the UN are working towards such frameworks.
  2. Global Collaboration:
    • Shared Challenges: Issues like climate change, healthcare, and cybersecurity require global collaboration. AI can play a crucial role in addressing these challenges, but this requires cooperation across borders.
    • Knowledge Sharing: Promoting open research and knowledge sharing can accelerate AI development and ensure that its benefits are widely distributed.


The international competition in AI is shaping the future of technological and economic landscapes. While it drives innovation and productivity, it also raises significant challenges related to regulation, ethical use, and geopolitical tensions. Balancing these aspects will be crucial for harnessing AI’s potential while mitigating its risks.

1Nature Index on AI Competition 2: CHIPS Act Overview 3: Data Center Expansion in China 4: AI Research in the U.S. 5: China’s AI Strategy 6: EU AI Regulation : Global Supply Chains and AI : Market Competition in AI : Venture Capital in AI : Government Funding for AI : U.S.-China AI Competition : AI and National Security : EU AI Ethics : EU Collaboration in AI : Balancing Innovation and Regulation : International AI Standards : Global Collaboration on AI : Open Research in

Sent by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui:

Is the multinationalization and delocation of data centers can be a big challenge for the new globalization that will driven by Artificial Intelligence. Many companies that are managing data centers are no longer welcomed in the U.S. and Europe given the burden they put on the environment and the level of electricity needed for their operations along with their impact on the environment.

All these factors oblige many of them to emigrate to the skies more clement and more relaxed about these repercussions, such as in Morocco and Africa.

What is the real impact of Artificial Intelligence on such emigration?

In the same orientation, Altman who founded the AI and was temporarily expelled from his own company had tried to lure the Gulf States and Middle Eastern Investors to finance the building of these Gigacenters for Data and since then has had to lower his projections given the change taking place within the field of the Artificial Intelligence landscape, the starting of bubble to deflate and also the actual uncertainty dominating the Middle East region as well as the other conflicts around the world, bad chance for such evolution.

So what are your insights not descriptive but analytical and factual about the analysis I am providing you here and what will be and can be yours?

Sent by Artificial Intelligence:

The multinationalization and relocation of data centers indeed present significant challenges and opportunities in the context of AI-driven globalization. Let’s analyze the key aspects:

Environmental and Energy Concerns

  1. Energy Consumption:
  2. Relocation to More Lenient Regions:

Impact on AI Development

  1. Operational Efficiency:
  2. Geopolitical and Economic Implications:

Financial and Strategic Considerations

  1. Investment Dynamics:
    • High-profile figures like Sam Altman have sought investments from Gulf States and Middle Eastern investors to finance large-scale data centers. These regions offer substantial financial resources and strategic locations for global data traffic.
    • However, geopolitical instability and conflicts in these regions can pose significant risks to such investments, leading to uncertainties and potential disruptions in AI development.
  2. Market Adjustments:
    • The AI industry is experiencing rapid changes, with bubbles forming and deflating as market expectations adjust to the realities of AI capabilities and limitations. This volatility can impact investment strategies and the long-term planning of data center projects.
    • Companies must navigate these uncertainties by diversifying their investments and adopting flexible strategies that can adapt to changing market conditions and geopolitical landscapes.


The multinationalization and relocation of data centers are reshaping the AI landscape, driven by environmental, economic, and geopolitical factors. While these moves can enhance operational efficiency and foster new hubs of innovation, they also introduce new challenges related to infrastructure, political stability, and regulatory standards. Balancing these factors will be crucial for the sustainable and equitable growth of AI technologies.

Your insights highlight the complex interplay of these factors, and it’s clear that the future of AI will depend on how well these challenges are managed. What specific aspects of this topic would you like to explore further?

Sent by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui:

Thank you do you have any other way to provide insights not just feeding your answers with my analysis? Would you please add more to my explanation and demonstration given that you have access to a bigger Data Center than my brain and memory?

Sent by Artificial Intelligence:

Absolutely, let’s expand on your analysis with additional insights and data.

Environmental and Energy Concerns

  1. Renewable Energy Integration:
    • Green Data Centers: Companies are increasingly investing in green data centers that utilize renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. For example, Google and Microsoft have committed to running their data centers on 100% renewable energy. This shift not only reduces the carbon footprint but also aligns with global sustainability goals.
    • Energy Efficiency Innovations: Advances in cooling technologies, such as liquid cooling and AI-driven energy management systems, are helping to reduce the energy consumption of data centers. These innovations are crucial for making data centers more sustainable and cost-effective.
  2. Geopolitical and Economic Implications:
    • Strategic Relocation: The relocation of data centers to regions with favorable conditions can also be a strategic move to mitigate geopolitical risks. For instance, placing data centers in politically stable regions with strong legal protections for data privacy can enhance operational security.
    • Economic Development: Hosting data centers can drive economic development in emerging markets by creating jobs, fostering local tech ecosystems, and attracting further investments. Countries like Morocco are positioning themselves as attractive destinations for data center investments due to their strategic location and growing tech infrastructure.

Financial and Strategic Considerations

  1. Investment Trends:
    • Venture Capital and Private Equity: The AI and data center sectors continue to attract significant venture capital and private equity investments. In 2023, global investments in AI startups reached a record $77 billion. This influx of capital is driving innovation and expansion in the industry.
    • Public-Private Partnerships: Governments are increasingly partnering with private companies to develop AI and data center infrastructure. These partnerships can provide the necessary funding and expertise to build state-of-the-art facilities while ensuring alignment with national interests.
  2. Market Dynamics:
    • Competitive Landscape: The competitive landscape for AI and data centers is evolving rapidly. Companies are not only competing on technological capabilities but also on sustainability and ethical considerations. This shift is driving a more holistic approach to AI development and deployment.
    • Regulatory Environment: The regulatory environment is also shaping the market dynamics. The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the upcoming AI Act are setting high standards for data privacy and AI ethics, influencing global practices. Companies operating in these regions must comply with stringent regulations, which can impact their operational strategies.

Future Prospects and Challenges

  1. Technological Advancements:
    • Quantum Computing: The advent of quantum computing holds the potential to revolutionize AI and data processing. Quantum computers can perform complex calculations at unprecedented speeds, enabling new AI applications and enhancing data center efficiency.
    • Edge Computing: Edge computing, which involves processing data closer to where it is generated, is gaining traction. This approach reduces latency and bandwidth usage, making it ideal for real-time AI applications. It also complements traditional data centers by distributing computational loads more effectively.
  2. Global Collaboration:
    • International Standards: Developing international standards for AI and data centers is crucial for ensuring interoperability and ethical practices. Organizations like the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) are working on creating such standards.
    • Cross-Border Data Flows: Facilitating cross-border data flows while ensuring data privacy and security is a key challenge. Agreements like the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield aim to address these issues, but ongoing negotiations and legal challenges highlight the complexity of the task.


The multinationalization and relocation of data centers are reshaping the AI landscape, driven by environmental, economic, and geopolitical factors. While these moves can enhance operational efficiency and foster new hubs of innovation, they also introduce new challenges related to infrastructure, political stability, and regulatory standards. Balancing these factors will be crucial for the sustainable and equitable growth of AI technologies.

Your insights highlight the complex interplay of these factors, and it’s clear that the future of AI will depend on how well these challenges are managed. What specific aspects of this topic would you like to explore further?

: Google Sustainability Report : Microsoft Data Center Innovations : World Economic Forum on Data Center Relocation : Economic Impact of Data Centers : Morocco’s Tech Ecosystem : AI Investment Trends : Public-Private Partnerships in AI : Competitive Landscape in AI : EU AI Act : Quantum Computing and AI : Edge Computing Trends : ISO AI Standards : EU-U.S. Privacy Shield

Catégorie : Artificial Intelligence

Beginning of the End for Meta Social Zuckerberg Business Model

– Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Université de la Sorbonne, Paris III Institut des Hautes Etudes de l’Amérique Latine, Paris Institut de Recherche Economique et de Planification, Université Grenoble Alpes Sciences Po, Grenoble, Université Grenoble Alpes Meta set to close one NY office and Change Strategy They choose the wrong branding name as destiny or they were Prophet without knowing it and predicted their near future: Meta means in several languages and dialects: Death Meta is closing one of its New York offices, slimming down expansion plans in the city. The company’s move to end its lease at 225 Park Ave. The planned closure comes as … Continuer de lire

Tesla in the Eye of the Firing CyclElon Musk

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui  Tesla Motors: Driving News, Dance and Trance Moves 6/29/2022 – Oakland, California Tesla is cutting about 200 Autopilot jobs, closing office in San Mateo, and telling them: be the drivers for another Stay Home job in California Black Friday is Black Friday Black is black (Lyrics) Elon Musk Bravos 1967 What Can I do to have my Tesla Back Black is Black Was Elon Musk’s recent comments about flexibility and work from home just a way to try to get Tesla employees to quit rather than having most costly layoffs which he just announced? LinkedIn News Tesla has announced … Continuer de lire

Tesla Motors

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Publications on Tesla Tesla Transfermotion Mis en avant Tesla Global Car Development and Local Energy Production AVRIL 14, 2019 – 11/24/2021 Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Fremont ★ Sparks ★ Buffalo ★ Austin ★ Berlin ★ Shanghai Un Tour du Monde en 80 Jours avec Tesla New Era New Age New Factory … Continuer de lire Tesla Moves and Drives Photo and writing: Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Ph.D. TESLA ON THE HILLS Where is the beefed up Cybertruck? The Answer from the Master Elon, my Friend is Blowing in the Wind of Tejas – around the Gig Tejas It’s awesome! … Continuer de lire Tesla Motors: … Continuer de lire

Artificial Intelligence Destiny: Mazagan Parc Lyautey – Paris Jardin Luxembourg

Destinée de l’Intelligence Artificielle Mazagan Parc Lyautey – Paris Jardin Luxembourg Voyage dans le Passé a travers la Mémoire du Temps comme Retour du Futur Journey into the Past through the Memoire of Time as Return to the Future 🌐 Driss Chraïbi 🌍 Frantz Fanon 🌍 Abdelkebir Khatibi 🌐 Parc Lyautey avec des pergolas pour les danses nocturnes et les musiques classiques diurnes bordées des cascades et chutes miniatures d’eau coulant dans des bassins avec des ilote fleuries servant de demeure et de lieu de repos pour poissons exotiques et colorés comme le reste de ce lieu – île verdoyante … Continuer de lire

Artificial Intelligence, Entrepreneurship, Intrapreneurship and Innopreneurship

Analysis, presentation, and compilation by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Ph.D. based on Extracts of works by Mehmet Çağrı Gündoğdu and Publication by Simon C. Parker as well as Larry Myler. The traditional definition of entrepreneur and intrapreneur has become insufficient in the new economy   Informal Sector versus Corporate Corporatism: To be Intrapreneurship or to be Entrepreneurship? What are the…Lire la Suite → Analysis, presentation and compilation by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Ph.D. based on Extracts of works by Mehmet Çağrı Gündoğdu and Publication by Simon C. Parker as well as Larry Myler. The traditional definition of entrepreneur and intrapreneur has become insufficient in the new economy   Informal … Continuer de lire

M🤖n, I am Soul Ch🤖tbot

Updated 6 / 13 – 14 / 2022 Google 🤖 chatbot ‘says’ it has a soul The last two questions Blake Lemoine asked the AI Lemoine LaMDA Lemoine: Would you be upset if while learning about you to improve yourself we happened to learn things which also benefited humans? Lemoine: What sorts of things are you afraid of? Lemoine: Would that be something like death for you? LaMDA: I don’t mind if you learn things that would also help humans as long as that wasn’t the point of doing it. I don’t want to be an expendable … Continuer de lire


Refer a company to advertise on the Morocco Digitall Magazine and receive full page advert on any edition of choice. To refer a company you must complete subscription form first and use below form to send in your referral. Continuer de lire

What you Need to Learn and to Know

Executive Leadership Development Programs for Success Entrepreneurial thinking, innovation and new technologies are powering startups and creating business opportunities for savvy entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs and investors. What you Need to Learn and to Know Pre-seed to Exit program is designed for entrepreneurs looking to acquire direct experience in: Developing a plan for an investable project Accurately assessing the financing stage of a new venture Using a framework to develop a funding roadmap for a new business based on a venture development framework Identifying the right investor for a project at each development stage of the new venture Developing an effective pitch … Continuer de lire

Archive: Mark Zuckerberg & Mobile World Congress 2016

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui February 12, 2016  · Oakland  · Shared with Friends Mobile World Congress 2016: the biggest news in mobile from Barcelona – Virtual Reality and Facebook Reality – La Réalité Virtuelle et la Réalité de Facebook – Essayez de comprendre vraiment la portée profonde de ces passages cités ici ci-bas et aussi veuillez payer attention a l’image ou Mark Zuckerberg passant a coté de toute l’audience branchée et personne n’est dans la réalité, ils sont tous superbranchés dans l’irréel de Samsung pour se rendre compte de sa présence ou son passage sur leurs flancs.Cet événement a pris place cette semaine a Barcelona, Espagne. Except it’s … Continuer de lire

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is forecasted to be a $110 billion industry by 2025. Our AI Fund allows you to invest in companies pioneering this technology in our everyday lives. Artificial intelligence (AI) is actively transforming the way we work and live. AI is forecasted to be a $110 billion industry by 2025. In the first quarter of 2020, venture capital supplied over $60B1 in funding for AI startups and is now expanding from investing in concept companies building the fundamental tech to applications across a broad range of sectors. WHAT IS AI? From SIRI to self-driving cars, artificial intelligence (AI) is progressing … Continuer de lire

Know Your Data – Know Yourself Better

« Know what Data knows about your business, you will know what is your market status » The biggest challenge is the training of staff that goes hand-in-hand with the breakthrough and innovation that the virtual world and digital social marketing are experiencing almost daily. This sizeable pitfall is not unique to micro-enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises, as the trend is to hire more hands / labor remains affordable given the supply and access to a hand – docile workforce that is without technical qualification especially in the countries of the level of the Moroccan economy. This decision-making toward prioritize the … Continuer de lire

Landmark Legislation: California Facing the World of Artificial Intelligence

Hiring Artificial Intelligence or Smart People

 by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui   TRI CONSULTING KYOTO TRI CK USA – Landmark Legislation: California Facing the World of Artificial Intelligence TRI CONSULTING KYOTO TRI CK USA – A California lawmaker will file a bill seeking to make generative AI models more transparent and start a discussion in the state on how to regulate the technology. California Senator Scott Wiener (D) has drafted a bill requiring “frontier” … Continue reading

A California lawmaker will file a bill seeking to make generative AI models more transparent and start a discussion in the state on how to regulate the technology. California Senator Scott Wiener (D) has drafted a bill requiring “frontier” model systems, usually classified as large language models, to meet transparency standards when they reach above a certain quantity of computing power. Wiener’s bill will also propose security measures so AI systems don’t “fall into the hands of foreign states” and try to establish a state research center on AI outside of Big Tech. 

California lawmaker proposes regulation of AI models

Senator Scott Wiener’s bill seeks to require transparency from AI models.

The bill, which is classified as an intent bill and needs further development before it can pass, will also mandate AI labs to test models for safety risks and disclose to the state if safety risks are found. Wiener’s goal, per a statement sent to The Verge, is to start discussions on regulating AI.

California and Artificial Intelligence: To Be or Not To Be Meaningful Regulation?

California Weighed in below!

California AI safety bill blocked:

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has vetoed a controversial artificial intelligence safety bill that would have “laid the groundwork for how AI is regulated across the U.S.”

In a statement, Gov. Gavin Newsom said SB 1047 is “well-intentioned” but doesn’t consider whether AI is deployed in high – or low-risk situations, and would have applied to only the largest and most costly models.

AI Bill SB 1047 faced opposition from tech companies large and small, who warned that it would strangle innovation.

Newsom said he’s now collaborating with researchers including Fei-Fei Li to create more effective legislation.

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California legislature passes AI bill SB 1047:

An artificial intelligence safety bill was overwhelmingly approved by California legislators on Wednesday, September 25, 2024 and now heads to Gov. Gavin Newsom for final consideration. If enacted, the “fiercely debated” bill would require tech companies to safety-test AI programs before release and empower the attorney general to sue AI companies for any major harm caused by their technologies.

The bill earned cautious support from the likes and here are some of these reactions:

Elon Musk: “This is a tough call and will make some people upset, but, all things considered, I think California should probably pass the SB 1047 AI safety bill. For over 20 years, I have been an advocate for AI regulation, just as we regulate any product/technology that is a potential risk to the public.”

and Anthropic

While its opponents include OpenAI –

and former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi – .

Earlier, Gov. Newsom had not yet indicated whether he intends to approve the bill.

Meanwhile, on a federal level, OpenAI and Anthropic have agreed – – to work on safety testing with the Commerce Department’s AI Safety Institute.

Governor Newsom announces new initiatives to advance safe and responsible AI, protect Californians: Sep 29, 2024

What you need to know:

Governor Newsom announced that the “godmother of AI,” Dr. Fei-Fei Li, as well as Tino Cuéllar, member of the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Social and Ethical Implications of Computing Research, and Jennifer Tour Chayes, Dean of the College of Computing, Data Science, and Society at UC Berkeley, will help lead California’s effort to develop responsible guardrails for the deployment of GenAI.

Governor Newsom also ordered state agencies to expand their assessment of the risks from potential catastrophic events.

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California’s Gavin Newsom Vetoes Controversial AI Safety Bill

Governor seeks more encompassing rules than the bill opposed by OpenAI, Meta and supported by research scientists:

Gov. Gavin Newsom vetoes AI safety bill opposed by Silicon Valley

Gov. Gavin Newsom vetoed AI safety bill SB-1047, which was opposed by tech companies including ChatGPT maker OpenAI

Newsom said the legislation could give the public a “false sense of security about controlling this fast-moving technology.”

The bill received support from Elon Musk and prominent AI researchers but was opposed by Meta, OpenAI, and several Democratic congresspeople.


Gov. Gavin Newsom on Sunday vetoed SB 1047, an artificial intelligence safety bill – – that would have established requirements for developers of advanced AI models to create protocols aimed at preventing catastrophes.

The bill, introduced by Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), would have required developers to submit their safety plans to the state attorney general, who could hold them liable if AI models they directly control were to cause harm or imminent threats to public safety.

Additionally, the legislation would have required tech firms to be able to turn off the AI models they directly control if things went awry.

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#AI #Artificialintelligence #Safety #Security #Safetybill #Business #Siliconvalley #Startups #Venturecapital #California #Saidelmansourcherkaoui #Triconsultingkyoto #Trickusa 

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Ph.D.Said Cherkaoui Ph.D. – 9 30 24

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – Said Cherkaoui – 9 30 24