Archives September 2024

Maroc Numérique et Industrie Automobile


Initialement publiee le 28/06/2018 : Digital Made in Morocco: Écosystème, Économie du Savoir et Industrie Automobile

Lanalyse présente est faite en 2 parties complémentaires:

Digital Made in Morocco: Écosystème, Économie du Savoir et Industrie Automobile

Première Partie: Digital Made in Morocco: Écosystème, Économie du Savoir et Industrie AutomobileDr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

★ CHRONIQUE 🌎 CHERKAOUI ★ – L‘analyse présente est faite en 2 parties complémentaires: Première Partie: Digital Made in Morocco: Écosystème, Économie du Savoir et Industrie Automobile Le Maroc doit faire face a une économie mondiale centrée sur l’exploitation commerciale du savoir, en l’occurrence l’innovation et le développement de secteurs a haute valeur ajoutée dont l’utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle augmente la … Lire la suite

Deuxième Partie: Digital Made in Morocco: Économie du Savoir et Changement Industriel

Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

MAROC DIGITALL – L‘analyse présente est faite en 2 parties: Digital Made in : Écosystème, Économie du Savoir et Industrie Automobile – MAROC CROISSANCE L’analyse présente est faite en 2 parties complémentaires: Première Partie: Digital Made in Morocco: Écosystème, 28 JUIN 2018 … Continuer de lire New Strategic Drive for Development More you hear it, More Noise will come from it! Silence ! On tourne ! Action ! Time is the Essence of Action ! Time of the Transfer of Know-How and Technology is no more of the present. October 28, 2022 … Initialement publié: 11.12.2017 … Lire la suite

Application Numérique, Économie du Savoir, Écosystème et Industrie Automobile au Maroc

“We are in a perfect location at the gates of Europe,”
– Jean-François Gal, director of Renault factory in northern Morocco

  • Le Maroc doit faire face a une économie mondiale centrée sur l’exploitation commerciale du savoir, en l’occurrence l’innovation et le développement de secteurs a haute valeur ajoutée dont l’utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle augmente la différenciation technologique.  Ce décalage au détriment des pays subcapitaliste ayant une faible intégration technologique permet une plus grande réduction de coûts de production tout en augmentant le volume produit et un accroissement de l’écart entre les pays consommateurs et les pays détenteurs de la technologie tout en établissant de nouvelles formes de compétitivité doublées par un manque d’accès a l’innovation technologique qui est dorénavant justifiée par une invocation des lois du marché international et la division internationale du travail technologique.  Ces avances technologiques permettent d’imposer une modernisation de l’infrastructure de transportation comme de celle même des aménités.     On assista au Maroc a un déferlement de réalisations modernisatrices qui étaient plus guidées par cet impact de l’attractivité sectorielle des investissements étrangers et show case afin de plaire au capital étranger.
  • Ce « monopole » de l’innovation technologique basé sur une nouvelle redistribution des taches productives, des décisions financières et des responsabilités gestionnaires sur le plan global et a travers une redéfinition de la division international du travail, tous dote les pays créateurs du privilège d’être les premiers innovateurs « first movers » qui entre autres leur permet de dicter les conditions d’embauche, les traitements salariaux et sociaux et le niveau des bénéfices fiscaux et autres incitations offert par les politiques d’attractivité par les pays subcapitalistes vis-a-vis de l’investissement étranger direct productif.
  • Pour ces pôles industriels « Écosystèmes »,  une infrastructure fut modernisée et privilégiée dans la politique industrielle et régionale de l’Etat Marocain.  L’exemple de l’Alliance Renault – Nissan confirme et innove dans la mise en place de ces plateformes multinationales tournées vers les pays fournisseurs a la fois d’une main-d’oeuvre relativement a bas salaire et possédant une demande pour les véhicules assemblés localement tout en servant de fournisseurs pour les autres « clusters automotive » entourés d’une value-chain supply pour la production des composants et cela comme l’affirmation locale et régionale d’une stratégie internationale.
  • L’Économie Numérique et l’Économie du Savoir sont ainsi réintégrer a travers le monde permettant ainsi la création d’une synergie a la mode de écosystème comme plateformes pour la production et l’écoulement du produit final dans les marchés a proximité comme l’approvisionnement des autres usines dans les pays distants, ce qui est le cas actuellement de la présence de Renault au Maroc.  La production automobile au Maroc est en quelque sorte un « bridge’ entre ces considérations gestionnaires d’intégration internationale des unités de productions comme c’est un créneau de production de véhicules destinés a la fois a la demande locale, européenne et africaine.

Globaloganization of Renault Development Strategy: Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

Lire comment Renault a retrouver une position pole de leader en appliquant une nouvelle stratégie de délocalisation et de redéploiement qui harmonisa a la fois la création de hub internationaux connectés et une espace de vente basé sur la production du même modèle et une gamme d’entrée standard: Logan 

Executive Briefing: This article presents the drive of Renault from the edge of bankruptcy to the rise of its model Logan to international prominence, fame and success. At the same time, Renault concentrated its production in countries that have been considered by the major car manufacturers as solely a marketplace and not the location of their production. Cette résurrection de Renault coïncida avec une rupture dans la volonté des décideurs nationaux des pays d’accueil de conduire leurs économies dans la voie du développement généralisé national.  Dorénavant, le libéralisme idéologique et sa traduction opérationnelle sous forme du Développement Durable privilégient et accordent la primauté a des politiques conjoncturelles basées sur l’attractivité et l’implantation des créneaux industriels et a des productions sectorielles complémentaires pour la stimulation de la création de l’emploi, l’attrait des producteurs des composants mécaniques et la stimulation des exportations.

Investissement Etranger, Écosystème et Secteur Automobile au Maroc

  • « Les nouveaux investissements attestent du positionnement affirmé du secteur industriel du Royaume sur des activités à haute valeur ajoutée, ainsi que de la confiance d’opérateurs internationaux de renom dans le programme industriel national. Ils attestent aussi du changement de dimension industrielle à l’œuvre dans le Royaume qui migre ostensiblement vers un modèle économique solide confortant sa marche vers le concert des nations émergentes », rapporte la MAP.

Le Maroc n’est qu’un Hub comme tous les autres plantees par les Multinationales comme creneau regional offrant des facilites a tous les egards et integree dans leur propre supply chain et leur maillons formant la chaine de leur propre interne creation de la valeur ajoutee a leur taux de rentabilite de leurs operations et le niveau de profitabilite necessaire a leur maintain dans l’innovation et comme reponse et bouclier contre la concurrence acharnee des autres producteurs automobiles, et contre les aleas de la conjoncture internationale qui en grande partie provient des contradictions internes au systeme capitaliste durant des cycles de recyclage de ses propres exces au niveau de la production qu’au niveau de la redistribution de cette valeur au niveau social. L’integration de la robotique n’a en fait que reduit la demande pour les voitures plus sophistiquees et destinees pour les marches a haut niveau de revenu et ou la parite du pouvoir d’achat est maintenu haute par l’intervention directe de l’Etat au niveau de la fixation du taux d’interet et autres instruments interventionniste de reglage et de regulation de l’economie.

Dans cette perspective, Moulay Hafid Elalamy Ministre de l’Industrie, de l’Investissement, du Commerce et de l’Economie Numérique déclarait en 2015 que ces investisseurs « peuvent investir 100% et avoir une appropriation entière de leurs entreprises au Maroc.   Ils peuvent également rapatrier du pays 100 pour cent des dividendes et tous leurs gains quand ils vendent leur entreprise.  Donc, il y a une liberté totale en ce qui concerne le mouvement des capitaux.» 

Est ce que l’Industrie Automobile est Marocaine?

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui: Un catalyseur mondial des affaires, des investissements et du commerce international …… Veuillez accéder à ce lien pour plus de contributions : Est ce que l’Industrie Automobile est Marocaine? Franchement, vous continuez à placer des notions rétrogrades du développement économique. Avec ces titres-choc, les présentations de vidéo, projections et les conférences … Lire la suite de

Le Ministre Elalamy souligna aussi l’importance de la formation des travailleurs, ce qui permettra le pays à mieux répondre aux exigences des entreprises étrangères.  Une incitation supplémentaire a été la création de 4 zones de libre-échange et des zones de production sectorielles de Kenitra, Nouacer, Tanger et Oujda, bénéficiant d’un taux d’imposition de 0% pour les cinq premières années d’exploitation, suivie d’une taxe de 8,75% pour une période de vingt ans.

Production, Création de l’Emploi et Exports dans l’Industrie Automobile au Maroc

«Les technologies numériques transforment le monde des affaires, du travail et de l’administration publique», Jim Yong Kim, président du Groupe Banque mondiale.

La Société marocaine de construction automobile (SOMACA) a célébré le 28 juillet 2016, la sortie de chaîne de son 500 000ème véhicule produit depuis 2005, date où le groupe Renault a pris le contrôle de l’usine : une citadine Dacia Logan destinée au marché local.ans le royaume chérifien, 70 536 véhicules ont été vendus par le groupe en 2017, soit une hausse de 14,3 % par rapport à 2016, et représentent 41,8 % du marché.  Les modèles Logan 2 (Dacia), Dokker (Dacia) et Clio 4 (Renault) ont eu les faveurs des acheteurs, avec respectivement 12 933, 11 781 et 11 441 véhicules vendus, juste devant Sandero (10 959 véhicules vendus). Parmi ce quatuor de tête, seule la Clio 4 est importée, les trois autres modèles étant produits localement à Casablanca pour Logan 2 et Sandero, et à Tanger pour Dokker et Sandero.

Au premier semestre 2017, Renault-Nissan se hisse au premier rang mondial des constructeurs automobiles. Avec 5.268.079 voitures vendues sur les six premiers mois de l’année, le groupe détrône Volkswagen (5.155.600 ventes) qui était n°1 en 2016 malgré le diesel gate. Toyota complète ce podium avec 5.129.000 véhicules vendus. Sur l’année écoulée, le nombre de voitures écoulées par Renault a bondi de 10,4%, ajoute le quotidien économique.*

Création de l’Emploi:

Selon certaines déclarations, un seul emploi créé dans l’industrie automobile mène à six autres emplois directs dans le secteur des fournisseurs et d’autres accompagné de quatre autres emplois indirects.   Ce qui signifie un emploi dans l’industrie automobile crée dix autres emplois au total.  Cette trajectoire de création modernisant avait permit ainsi l’émergence de nouveaux  écosystèmes, y compris au sein même du secteur automobile, qui a attiré des investissements de sociétés telle que l’ouverture en 2012 par Renault de l’usine de production de pointe à Tanger Med (Maroc: Industrie Automobile).

Continuer a lire plus dans: Industrie Automobile Multi-Modèle et Infrastructure Multimodale au Maroc

Peugeot en jeu en Egypte

Alors même que PSA Peugeot Citroën est en difficulté en Europe; le groupe automobile a également révélé des plans de construction d’une usine marocaine de 630 millions de dollars, cherchant ainsi a réduire à la fois les coûts de production et sa dépendance a l’égard des marchés européens.   Un site près de la ville côtière de Kenitra commencera à assembler de petites et sous-compactes modèles pour l’Afrique et le Moyen-Orient d’ici 2019.  L’entreprise s’attend à ce que l’usine se procure 60 pour cent des composants localement, éventuellement grimper a  80% à mesure que la chaîne d’approvisionnement se développe. Le but est d’avoir une main-d’œuvre de 4500 personnes une fois l’usine atteint sa capacité de 200 000 véhicules.  La capacité de production de 90 000 véhicules devrait s’élever à 200 000 alors que les ventes commencent à décoller.

Commerce Extérieur:

En ce qui concerne les exportations, Carvalho ajoutait que, « cette usine et les véhicules produit sont idéalement placés à la fois pour fournir le marché européen et pour répondre aux besoins des marchés africains, qui vont se développera à l’avenir. » 

L’industrie automobile reste la plus performante et poursuit sa progression entamée depuis la construction de l’usine Renault à Tanger.   Concernant cette catégorie en particulier, durant l’exercice de 2017, le royaume a exporté 58,5 milliards de dirhams, soit une hausse de 7,1 % en comparaison avec 2016.   Pour Renault, l’usine de Tanger s’est concentrée sur la production et l’exportation du véhicule de la gamme Entry, commercialisé sous la marque Dacia en Espagne, en France et en Allemagne.

  Selon Moulay Hafid Elalamy Ministre de l’Industrie, de l’Investissement, du Commerce et de l’Economie Numérique, « le Maroc est actuellement un joueur mondial de taille raisonnable et, avec une projection dans les cinq prochaines années pour atteindre un million de véhicules,  nous deviendrons un leader dans ce domaine.  »  Fait nouveau, Moulay Hafid Elalamy n’exclut pas d’attirer les plus grands groupes en recourant « aux services de banques d’affaires payées par success fees [primes de réussite] ».

Paul Carvalho, directeur général de Renault Groupe au Maroc, raconte, « chez Renault nous avons demandé nous-mêmes, allons-nous trouver les compétences, le soutien du gouvernement et l’infrastructure nous permettrait de réussir?  Mais, vous pouvez voir ce que a été fait en termes d’infrastructure, tels que les autoroutes et les chemins de fer. »  (Voir détails dans la carte ci-dessous de l’intégration logistique de Tanger avec Tétouan).

Ainsi, une réorientation du développement national fut entreprise a travers la primauté accordée a des créneaux industriels et a des productions sectorielles complémentaires dans la création de l’emploi, l’installation des producteurs des composants mécaniques et la stimulation des exportations.  De même, l’apport de l’investissement etranger n’est plus porteur de know-how ou de transfert de technologie mais seulement de créateur d’emploi et de subcapitalisation de l’économie nationale aux directives et variations de l’Economie du Savoir globalisée et comme un secteur de production industrielle répondant aux termes du développement durable préconisé comme expression régionale du libéralisme international des échanges commerciaux.

Investissement Etranger, Écosystème et Secteur Automobile au Maroc

  En 2017, écosystème prend place dans la stratégie des productions localisées de l’industrie automobile qui désormais au Maroc s’approvisionne des entreprises étrangères installées dans Tanger Automotive City a proximité de Tanger Med et produisant des composantes tel que les jantes en aluminium, des tableaux de bord, des pare-chocs, de sièges ou encore de boîtiers électromécaniques.  Le ministre de l’Industrie, de l’Investissement, du Commerce et de l’Economie numérique, Moulay Hafid Elalamy, a prononcé une allocution devant le Roi dans laquelle il a indiqué que « le Plan d’Accélération Industrielle et la démarche des écosystèmes sont des leviers réels de l’accélération industrielle en marche », notant que les 26 investissements lancés dans l’automobile introduisent de nouvelles spécialisations au Maroc, renforcent l’intégration locale, densifient le tissu productif, et répondent à un besoin jusque-là comblé par l’import. Ils généreront 11 568 emplois directs, a-t-il indiqué.   Le Roi Mohammed VI présida la cérémonie de lancement de 26 investissements industriels dans le secteur de l’automobile, d’un montant global de 13,78 milliards de dirhams. Une annonce qui  intervient au lendemain de l’accord conclu avec le spécialiste chinois de la voiture électrique BYD Auto Industry.  

Sur les 26 investissements, six projets s’inscrivent dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de l’Écosystème Renault qui développe une plateforme mondiale d’approvisionnement depuis le Royaume. En effet, six projets meublent l’Écosystème pour Renault alors que 13 investissements seront réalisés dans le cadre de l’Écosystème PSA Peugeot qui impulse un nouveau développement à Kénitra, créant un total de 11 568 emplois directs pour un investissement de 13,8 MMDH.  Cinq autres investissements s’inscrivent dans le cadre des activités de l’Écosystème «câblage et connectique», lancé en octobre 2014 et enfin deux investissements se déploient dans le cadre de l’Écosystème Valeo.  Ces montants englobent aussi la production de jantes en aluminium, de tableaux de bord, de pare-chocs, de sièges ou encore de boîtiers électromécaniques.  Grâce à la structuration de cet écosystème d’envergure, PSA Peugeot s’approvisionne actuellement en pièces usinées à hauteur d’un milliard d’euros par an à partir du Maroc et atteint un taux d’intégration locale de 55 %.

Investissement Etranger, Écosystème et Secteur Automobile au Maroc

Par contre, le déficit commercial du Maroc au titre de l’année 2017 s’est creusé de 2,6 %, selon les dernières statistiques livrées par l’Office des Changes, mardi 16 janvier. La différence entre les exportations du pays et ses importations s’élève ainsi à 189,8 milliards de dirhams (16,7 milliards d’euros), contre 185 milliards de dirhams l’année précédente.  C’est la deuxième année consécutive que le déficit commercial s’accentue.

Le Maroc trouve dans l’Afrique Subsaharienne le contrepoids aux déséquilibres traversées par les économies occidentales.  Pour se protéger, on assiste aux éclatements et a la remise en cause d’accords commerciaux, Brexit, projet d’accord régional transpacifique (TPP), Aléna (Nafta)et le Partenariat transatlantique (TTIP ou Tafta).  En même temps, les chancelleries occidentales optent pour la mise en place de politique étrangère basée sur  leurs armada protectionniste tel que les barrières administratives de « quota, » les mesures d’arrêt des flux migratoires et cela comme des décisions imposées par leur conjoncture instable.   Ces élucubrations avaient toutes affaibli ou réduit la croissance des échanges tant avec le Maroc que le reste de l’Afrique donnant une impulsion a la régionalisation des échanges commerciaux et la recherche de débouchés par une pléiade d’accords d’association, d’intégration et de libre-échange.

Une compétition plus acharnée s’était ainsi infiltrée dans les échanges commerciaux dont la globalisation avait soudé les maillons de son enchaînement international.  L’Afrique doit ainsi retourner a ses propres ressources et potentialités locales, régionales et périphériques a travers le renforcement du rapprochement entre ses composantes économiques, a savoir les Communautés Economiques Régionales et les accords bilatéraux d’échange commerciaux, financiers, culturels et dans ce cas de harmonisation de l’Economie Numérique avec l’Economie du Savoir.

Education Entrepreneuriale, Economie Numérique et Economie du Savoir en Afrique

C’est a travers l’établissement d’une économie numérique que les responsables du commerce extérieur et des relations financières internationales peuvent avoir accès a des données fiables et une gestion plus rapprochée des flux et leurs changements conjoncturels. Les données correspondantes peuvent faciliter la prise de decision comme toute intervention sectorielle sans remettre en cause les engagements pris envers le reste de l’Afrique et du monde avec lesquels le Maroc possède des traités d’échanges culturels et commerciaux.

De même, c’est dans l’éducation numérique que le Maroc peut explorer les ressources infra-structurelles, logistiques et technologiques pour puiser et établir les fondations digitales pour le renforcement de sa position de partenaire – compétiteur dans ses tentatives d’intégration tant dans le marché international, africain que pour sa candidature au Carré des pays émergents. 

Economie du Savoir est a privilégier dans la formation de nouvelles strates d’entrepreneurs qui peuvent former une nouvelle « Technocratie Numérique » capable de guider et d’explorer les nouveaux horizons et applications numériques pour pouvoir coordonner et interconnecter les différentes ressources entrepreneuriales dans un même « One Stop Shop » afin d’avoir une facilite et une efficience dans l’accès, le traitement et la formulation de décisions et de solutions pouvant contribuer a passer a une vitesse supérieure dans leur élan innovateur entrepreneurial.

Pour cette raison, nous proposons également la création d’un American Institute of Entrepreneurship in Africa afin de contribuer dans l’établissement des premiers jalons d’un telle entreprise et un tel besoin, celui d’intégrer l’Économie Numérique et l’Économie du Savoir pour renforcer l’intégration économique régionale au Maroc et au sein de l’Afrique (voir détails dans la présentation ci-dessous)..

Version Française:
​Présentation de American Institute of Entrepreneurship in Africa

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Ph.D. 

American Institute of Entrepreneurship in Africa


Oakland Chronicle


Profile professionnel de Dr. Cherkaoui se trouve dans ce lien:

★ I provide guidance on entrepreneurship, business planning and the effectiveness of management policies for regional and international operations.
★ I develop strategies and proposals, conduct demos and formulate recommendations on practices, competitors and investment opportunities.
★ I customize, conduct and direct training for US and foreign government agencies, companies and workforce organizations.
★ For the Academia, I create new program studies and curriculum activities. I have also directed doctorate thesis and taught at Executive, Graduate and Undergraduate programs in the United States and conducted research for entities in France and US.


  • Economics
  • Finance
  • International Economics
  • Global Political Economy
  • Business and Finance

Le Maroc Numérique et l’Intégration Régionale et Internationale

🌎 Said El Mansour Cherkaoui 🌍

🌎World Affairs Analyst🌍Speaker🌎Founder/Owner, Content Writer, Reporter and Editor of 16 Online News Sites 🌎 High Tech, Logistics, Automotive, Business and Trade, Political Economy and Memories 🌍

79 articles

Projet Incubation et Croissance

L’étape essentielle dans un projet, c’est les performances mesurables prospectives et la réalisation de vecteurs porteurs d’innovation et d’expansion ayant comme dénominateur commun la flexibilité et comme coefficient multiplicateur une capacité d’adaptation à tout potentiel changement. Ces attributs demeurent le propre du leadership et de la sphère des décideurs qui maîtrisent les instruments et les leviers dans la conduite, la redéfinition des orientations intermédiaires et l’aboutissement final du projet.

De ce fait, les déclarations des préférences, les expressions des intentions et les formulations des options ne peuvent être qu’une seule quantification mais doivent être transformées en intelligence opérationnelle et en données interventionnistes accompagnant si ce n’est conditionnant le processus de la détermination des choix fondamentaux d’un projet encore au stade de la gestation.  Une approche basée sur les notions du Travail d’Equipe mené par un Leadership décidé et averti doit primer sur toutes les autres considérations de la gestion et de la gouvernance afin d’instaurer une stratégie orientée vers le changement dans le progrès et amélioration du rendement.

Projet: Travail d’Equipe et Définition de Compétences

La vidéo ci-dessous démontre les défis et les contraintes ainsi que les solutions a travers l’identifications des freins et les compétences afin de stimuler le rendement d’équipe.

Cette inclusion permet aussi un encadrement plus efficace du projet vu que les décideurs reçoivent ainsi des notions renouvelables et des ouvertures sur des potentialités constructives permettant ainsi une plus grande participation des centres d’intérêts environnant comme une cohésion effective du projet avec les attentes des tenants des secteurs et des espaces que ce même projet vise comme finalité le développement de logiciels, d’applications innovatrices, de nouveaux produits et de services.

 Économies de coûts,

une efficacité,

une stimulation pour les entreprises,

une amélioration des services civiques,

une politique éclairée,

une planification du rendement,

une recherche et des découvertes scientifiques,

une transparence des comptes publics et une responsabilité basée sur le respect des droits publics entraînant une participation accrue du public dans le dialogue démocratique.

Les Services Publics / Clientèle et l’Intelligence Robotique de Gestion

Les profonds changements induits par les technologies numériques dans le circuit du transfert de la valeur et dans la distribution logistique de la marchandise et ses avoirs financiers font actuellement leur apparition même dans l’offre des services sociaux et publics en Californie et cela en plusieurs langues utilisées par le diverses ethnies d’immigrées. A travers un tel rapprochement et une adaptation de l’outil technologique robotique en fonction des besoins d’information, de collecte des formulaires et des applications ainsi que l’obtention de l’aide sociale, les services administratifs visent a la fois le renforcement de l’efficacité via une double dimension d’innovation du procédé établi et du produit final escompté. En Chine, c’est les examens administratifs et les examens scolaires sont évalués et notés par des robots.

Lire aussi: Globalisation Robotique et Internationalisation de l’Intelligence Artificielle

Cette innovation de procédé a travers l’adoption de la technologie robotique et l’intelligence artificielle permet en premier l’exploration de données sans avoir a recourir au retour de l’information ou bien a la réaction des utilisateurs pour identifier, collecter et quantifier les besoins prospectifs. L’introduction des technologies du futur et numériques, y compris l’Intelligence Artificielle d’innovation de produit permet l’émergence de nouveaux services, donc une croissance et une progression des services rendus sans pour autant imposer une occupation foncière plus large. L’espace déjà utilisé est donc plus manageable avec une plus grande productivité et une utilisation de l’environnement plus rationnelle tout en offrant un service direct et synchronous.

Ainsi, cette progression technologique se traduit aussi par une amélioration dans la provision de services se réalisent aussi a travers la multiplicité des services qui sont fournis simultanément avec ciblage, traçabilité et rétractabilité et sous la forme de Mode de Transfert Asynchrone/Spontané. L’autre dimension de cette « multitude de services et de produits», est le rassemblement, sur des plateformes multiples toute une panoplie d’informations décentralisées qui sont fournies par les utilisateurs qui permettent l’évaluation des performances, la croissance des demandes, l’identification de l’inefficacité et la définition de nouvelles stratégies en réponse.

Pour que ces nouvelles technologies conduisent à plus d’efficacité, il est nécessaire qu’elles s’accompagnent de changements organisationnels, d’une grande transparence dans leur utilisation et d’un recours massif aux services publics numériques par les citoyens et les entreprises.

Projet Numérique et Consultation Populaire

Dans le cadre d’un projet de développement numérique ayant des retombées directes sur l’économie-système, un ensemble d’outils très concrets doivent être conçus et doivent aussi résulter de la consultation directe publique notamment entre les entrepreneurs concernés, les institutions étatiques et les industriels établis et le reste des citoyens et cela tout au long de la mise en place et le lancement des étapes du projet numérique. Le numérique soulève des questions essentielles sur lesquelles il faut se positionner clairement pour que le contrat entre les citoyens et l’État soit adapté à cette nouvelle è tant au niveau national comme sur le plan de sa projection à l’international. 

Un changement des procédures et l’introduction de nouvelles formes de gestion doivent se combiner pour réussir une transition vers l’adoption des techniques numériques qui sont aussi relayées et branchées sur un circuit global tout en ayant une visée et un ancrage locale et régionales. Dans ce but, la gestion des services et l’offre de produits est conduite a travers l’existence d’une vision dont les compétences, les systèmes d’incitation, les ressources et le plan d’action doivent être additionnés et harmonisés pour réussir l’adoption d’un changement opérationnel. L’utilisation efficace du numérique comme nouvelles techniques doit être orientée et basée sur une approche intégrée de la gestion du changement organisationnel et du développement des structures opérationnelles tant au niveau local, régional et international.

L’apport primordial de l’éducation et la formation (exemple ci-bas de AIEA = American Institute of Entrepreneurship in Africa) ajoute une valeur qui en complément des compétences organisationnelles et des créneaux porteurs permettent d’accéder a ces déterminations:

  • Identifier les problèmes réglementaires potentiels sur le marché des applications mobiles et de prendre en compte une série de problèmes rencontrés par les consommateurs.
  • Relocaliser le Maroc a travers une adoption d’une chaîne de valeur et un développement numérique pouvant a la fois être une réponse et une solution administrative et commerciale facilitant l’émergence du Maroc sur le plan de l’intégration numérique en tant qu’Economie Sociale tout en stimulant la creation d’Entreprises Sociales.
  • “Sociabiliser” l’utilisation numérique par les institutions et les entreprises et par les fournisseurs des applications et les logiciels peut aussi rendre réel la possibilité de “Connect Africa” afin de créer des marchés périphériques et limitrophes pour le Numérique Marocain et cela a travers les Communautés économiques régionales (CER) de l’Union africaine. (voir détails dans cette Matrix).

Projet de gestion du Changement de Valeur: résultats et résultats

Voici une recherche récente que j’ai développée sur le ROI et qui est liée à une étude de programme que je développe pour mon projet de création: American Institute of Entrepreneurship in Africa. Ce travail est basé sur les domaines d’étude du ROI concernant la gestion du changement de valeur et le développement numérique en réponse aux défis rencontrés par le Maroc et l’Afrique dans leur intégration réciproque et celle parallèle dans le marché international:

  • Cette valeur de la gestion du changement est définie en termes de réussite du projet, de réalisation des avantages, de création de valeur et de réalisation du profit sur l’investissement.

«Les technologies numériques transforment le monde des affaires, du travail et de l’administration publique », a déclaré Jim Yong Kim, président du Groupe Banque mondiale. “

Au niveau des affaires financières, le Maroc avait déjà entamé une telle perspective. En effet, dès 1990 on assista à l’implantation de la BMCE Bank qui avait acquis successivement 27,38% du capital de la Banque de développement du Maroc, et 25% du tour de table de Congolaise des banques. En 2007, la BMCE s’est appropriée un contrôle d’actionnariat de l’ordre de 59,39% dans la Bank of Africa du Mali. Actuellement, le groupe BMCE s’est forgé un réseau numérique, de filiales et de représentations qui couvre 14 pays africains et représente l’un des premiers réseaux électroniques bancaires dans la région de l’Union Économique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine.

Maroc – Côte d’Ivoire: Fondements de l’Intégration Économique de l’Afrique

Start-Up and Tech Hubs in Africa

« Nous devons continuer à connecter [l’Afrique et] tout le monde et ne laisser personne sur la touche, parce que le coût des opportunités perdues est énorme. Mais pour que les dividendes du numérique soient largement partagés entre toutes les franges de la société, les pays doivent aussi améliorer leur climat des affaires, investir dans l’éducation et la santé, et promouvoir la bonne gouvernance.» Jim Yong Kim 

En effet, la numérisation fait évoluer l’administration vers une plateforme de réciprocité a travers laquelle les citoyens et les services publics interactivement communiquent, et interagissent. De ce fait, le numérique au Maroc doit se positionner dans l’efficacité et la transparence pour que le contrat entre les citoyens/nes et l’État soit adapté à cette nouvelle ère. L’Etat et les pouvoirs publics doivent se fournir des potentialités suivantes:

  • Mobiliser des données fiables en matière de diagnostic organisationnel du processus de la gestion du changement suite a l’adaptation des techniques numériques;
  • Concevoir des modèles numériques et évaluer les possibilités de changement organisationnel dans le but de faire une analyse approfondie de l’apport potentiel et de planifier la mise en oeuvre de nouveaux services et produits;
  • Développer des compétences en gestion numérique du changement dans la préparation, la mise en oeuvre, la communication et l’évaluation d’un changement organisationnel a travers une formation continue correspondante a l’évolution des technologies du futur.

Dans ce but, les filières organisationnelles considérées d’avenir constituent les grands axes de développement et d’implantation d’orientations et de décisions allant dans le sens de l’encouragement de l’innovation qui favorise l’édification d’une organisation plus cohérente et unifiée.Concernant l’éducation numérique au Maroc et son intégration par l’economie numérique, je vous propose mon projet sur l’établissement d’une structure de formation, de préparation et d’accompagnement des Entrepreneuriat au Maroc et dans le reste de l’Afrique en premier les pays avec lesquels le Maroc possède des traités d’échanges culturels et commerciaux.   

Les écoles africaines forment chaque année de bons codeurs, et les débouchés offerts par ces formations sont nombreux. Cependant, face aux besoins actuels, il n’y en a pas assez. Des écoles de code françaises formant aux métiers de l’Internet ont donc décidé d’ouvrir leurs portes sur le continent africain. Elles formeront de nouvelles générations de futurs entrepreneurs du web, experts en télécommunications, développeurs d’applications sur mobile, ou encore consultants pour des entreprises désireuses de pénétrer le marché numérique africain … La suite …

Pour cerner également les grandes lignes de mon projet sur l’Entrepreneuriat en Afrique, veuillez consulter le contenu de l’illustration suivante qui présente le Résumé Exécutif de American Institute of Entrepreneurship in Africa:

Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui invité par le Gouvernement Chinois pour former les Executifs, les Officiels et les Dirigeants d’Entreprises ainsi que les Entrepreneurs. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Ph.D. \/1\/15\/18\/ – Chef de projet – Lieu de résidence, Région de la baie de San Francisco, Californie.

Pour de multiples projets y compris les plus récents tel que a complété news et analyses journal publié sur l’internet et un autre projet par l’Établissement d’une structure de formation sur la gestion entrepreneuriale et l’Économie Numérique au Maroc et en Afrique, a savoir American Institute of Entrepreneurship in Africa.

De même, Dr. Cherkaoui avait créé, développé et dirigé l’innovation stratégique et la mise en œuvre de la gestion des liens avec les propositions numériques pour des services commerciaux et produits industriels en Californie, pour les marchés régionaux et internationaux.

Pour tout contact ou discussion, vous pouvez me contacter a Linkedin ou bien directement à mon courriel / Email: 

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Ph.D. – Chef de projet – Actuel lieu de résidence, Région de la Baie de San Francisco, Californie.

Expo Theme and Program African Innovations with Global destinations

2017 Cherkaoui Journal. All rights reserved.

Cherkaoui Journal and African Start-Up Expo – Oakland California by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Based on a work at Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Lire aussi: Stratégie Numérique, Écosystème et Economie du Savoir: Industrie Automobile au Maroc.

Published by

🌎 Said El Mansour Cherkaoui 🌍

🌎World Affairs Analyst🌍Speaker🌎Founder/Owner, Content Writer, Reporter and Editor of 16 Online News Sites 🌎 High Tech, Logistics, Automotive, Business and Trade, Political Economy and Memories 🌍

Published • 4y

79 articles

hashtag#digitalfikra et le Model de Stratégie Numérique pour le Maroc

From Vista Community College to Berkeley City Collge

Dr Barbara Beno, Presidente of Vista Community College, Berkeley, California, and Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Consultant at CITD –27/10/1994 – Photo taken in front of Dr. Barbara Beno’s Office at the Vista Community College

At Vista Community College, Berkeley, during my presentation on the Center for International Trade Development with Tom Bates (California Assembly and Mayor of Berkeley), Said El Mansour Cherkaoui and Senior Official of the Port of Oakland 27/10/1994

Extensive improvement applied in the management of inter-cultural and Inter-ethnic Center’s Staff and the Internship Program at the Vista Community College and later with the Berkeley City College, the Student International Trade Association and the Student Exchange Program.
Initiated and developed participation of the East Bay Center for International Trade Development in Trade Shows, Business Missions and Trade Delegations as well as the hosting of International Visitor Program and the organization of training Seminars in-house and in partnership with organizations and Government agencies.
Active participation in the Initiative for the Logistics and International Trade Development sponsored by the US. Department of Labor, the California CITD, the California Economic and Workforce Development Program and the California Community Colleges.
Responsible for the design, negotiation and delivery of Training Seminars and Business Conferences for Foreign Governments Officials and Authorities.
Managed at the East Bay Center for International Trade Development the entire process of the Workforce Training Curriculum and Workshop Program.

Berkeley City College and EBCITD: Design of Training Program for Chinese Executives

Adjunct Instructor for Training Programs with the East Bay Center for International Trade, Vista College and Berkeley City College – 2002 and 2007 Berkeley, California
Designed new curriculum and certified training program for visiting Chinese Delegation formed of Executives and Senior Officials from the Guizhou Province.
Discussed the Study Program with the Director of the East Bay Center for International Trade and Development and worked with the Dean of Instruction at the Vista Community College, Berkeley to develop a version for accreditation.
Participated in the designation of the members of the Faculty team to implement my training and teaching proposals.
Conducted teaching sessions and delivered several courses as well as provided one-on-one consulting sessions, guidance and advises to the Member of the Chinese Delegation.
Designed and implemented outreach promotional and collaborative programs within the various departments at the Vista Community College, the Student Associations and external representative organizations, professional entities and academic institutions.

Connecting Culture, Politics, Business, and Academia around the World

La Comunidad Hispana – California

As a Business Consultant at the East Bay Small Business Development Center and the Center for International Trade Development, including the East Bay Center for International Trade Development starting at Vista Community College at Berkeley and Oakland between 1993 to 1998 and 2001 to 2007, I worked with the Hispanic communities and their business executives and individual entrepreneurs as well as the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Alameda County and Sacramento.

Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, representante del Centro para el Desarrollo del Comercio Internacional (CITD) y Marruecos en una sesión ejecutiva de trabajo y una recepción organizada por las Cámaras Hispanas de Comercio de California, Condado de Alameda, Estados Unidos de America (

At Vista Community College Transfer and Move to City Berkeley College
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui at the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Alameda County and Sacramento

★ Said El Mansour Cherkaoui ★ Local, Regional and Global Competences ★

Dr Barbara Beno, Presidente of Vista Community College, Berkeley, California with Dr. Said Cherkaoui on October 27, 1994

Dr. Said El-Mansour Cherkaoui invited by the Government of China, Provided Training, Consulting, and Developing Strategies for Business Development

From left to right: Tom Bates, California Assembly and Mayor of Berkeley – Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Consultant at the East Bay Small Business Development Center and Center for International Trade Development with an Executive at the Port of Oakland, Picture taken at Vista Community College – Berkeley – October 27, 1994

Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Developed Strategies and Directed Training on Market and Technology to Strengthen China’s Trade and Business in the United States, Africa, Europe, and the Middle East

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Ph.D.

If you are strategically oriented, operating and aiming operations and interacting with any outside approach, solicitation, or even strategic alliance-driven opportunity, you have established within the scope of your assessment and the conduit of your business decision-making a process that can be a sort of pre-guard sensors that will give you the signals about the existence and the presence of risks, threats and harms in the steps you are going to take.

In accordance of the sector, the industry, and the organizational structure you have in place, you need to have a sort of indicative parameters defined within a detective grid of measurements that can provide you with the reasons and the sources of illegitimate content identified which can be imposter or other fraud activities.

In an organized space and with experienced drivers, this can be draining the resources and putting down the entire structure, wasting time, energy and losing focus on what it is more important that is building the strength and taking the operations to the next level.

Here a video we have made on the existence of imposter in our team-work:

American Institute of Entrepreneurship in Africa
TRI CK USA by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

Building a Team and Enhancing the Effectiveness of Work Team
Many researchers have underlined the importance of teams in our daily life given their central and vital role and impact on everything we do in modern life.

This is a presentation of when, where, with what, and how to have, build, and reach team effectiveness. In this video, you will watch a team that needed to be reevaluated on the basis of each individual contribution to achieve a higher level of efficiency and productivity as well as synergistic cohesion within and among the team members.

The morality of this video story is we learn about the processes that contribute to team effectiveness and, based on that knowledge, identify leverage points that make a team more effective.

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Ph.D.
For request of information:

Please just keep in mind that the competition will not wait for you to get ready or until you get rid of what is imposing to you to be behind, they pass you and continue with their own pace of speed without even looking at you and you can see it illustrated in my video.

That is why I recommended a preventive actions and corrective decisions work hand-in-hand to be adopted and implemented at the first place.

If you have specific questions, do not hesitate to contact us at: and I will be notified of your request and will be happy to help you. Good luck with our best wishes for your success

U.S.Angola the Reversal of Fortune of China in Africa

President Biden will visit Angola on October 13-15, 2024.

President Biden’s visit will fulfill the commitment made during the U.S. Africa Leaders Summit in December 2022.  This is the first Presidential trip to Africa in over a decade demonstrating and celebrating the evolution of the U.S.-Angola relationship and the renewed importance of Angola in the investment of U.S. Capital in this part of Africa.

Read more: September 24, 2024
Statement from White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on President Biden’s Travel to Germany and Angola

Statement from White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on President Biden’s Travel to Germany and Angola | The White House

© Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – initially published on 9/11/2024

Angola Model and China Quest for Oil

Concerns are growing in the US and other countries regarding economic cooperation between China and Africa including the so-called “debt trap,” according to the narrative dominating the western-based media outlets. These news agencies present China’s activities in Africa are driven by its will to increase its influence by extending excessive loans to developing countries that are used as traps to corner and influence the African economies.

Angola and Angola Model is frequently used as a case of such debt trap based on the extraction of natural resources or supply of energetic and strategic minerals by African nations in exchange for loans provided by China State and Financial Institutions.

Angola’s long-running financial relationship with China has been built on a simple equation: Angola would repay its growing Chinese debt with oil. This strategy became known as the Angola Model.

Since 2002, Angola has borrowed more than $45 billion from China, more than half of that going into its energy sector. More than a decade ago, Angola was China’s No. 2 source of crude oil. China receives nearly 72% of Angola’s oil exports, making it Angola’s largest oil importer.

According to a report from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: “In 2010, Angola was the world’s second-largest exporter of oil to China, after Saudi Arabia. But it has fallen down the list as Beijing has increasingly turned to the Arab states of the Gulf Cooperation Council, Russia, and other Asian countries.

In the early 2000s, Angola received US$42.6 billion from Chinese lenders, more than a quarter of China’s total lending to African countries between 2000 and 2020, which made it the largest recipient of Chinese loans in all of Africa.  The School of Advanced International Studies-China Africa Research Initiative (SAIS-CARI), estimates that Angola was the top recipient of Chinese infrastructure loans, with US$ 43 billion worth of loan commitments, between 2000 and 2018.

However, the beginning of the end when between 2019 and 2023, Angola’s oil production fell 22% from 1.42 million barrels per day to 1.1 million barrels per day. The subsequent drop in business is straining Angola’s ability to keep up with its Chinese debt. As oil revenues have declined, by 2023, Angola had been bumped to number eight on this ranking of oil suppliers to China.” China receives nearly 72% of Angola’s oil exports, making it Angola’s largest oil importer. However, the recent drop in business is straining Angola’s ability to keep up with its Chinese debt. Since 2002, Angola has borrowed more than $45 billion from China, more than half of that going into its energy sector, according to Boston University.

Angola still owes Chinese lenders $17 billion. Chinese loans constitute about 40% of Angola’s total debt. Overall, debt payments consume about half of Angola’s national budget every year, placing it among African countries most vulnerable to a potential debt crisis, according to international credit rating agency S&P Global.

As oil revenues have declined, Angola has been forced to cover interest payments on its debt by tapping into a Chinese-held $1.5 billion escrow fund that was mandated as part of its loans. As China Buys Less Oil, as China has begun importing less oil from Angola and other African nations and more from Russia, the Persian Gulf, and Asia, Angola Struggles To Repay Debt.

Chinese lenders gave Angola a three-year reprieve on loan payments that ended in 2023 — just as Angola’s economy took a downturn. As oil revenues have declined, Angola has been forced to cover interest payments on its debt by tapping into a Chinese-held $1.5 billion escrow fund that was mandated as part of its loans. This year’s debt payment to Chinese leaders is estimated at $10.1 billion.

Angola recently left OPEC, the cartel of oil-producing countries, after a dispute over quotas. Angolan authorities hope that step will encourage more direct investment by China and other countries in its oil sector. In the meantime, the country’s leaders are trying to diversify their economy to reduce the impact of fluctuating oil prices. 

This shift has been driven, in part, by African countries’ lack of investment in new oilfields and infrastructure. Aging equipment and shrinking oilfields make the continent’s oil producers, including Angola, less reliable as exporters, according to researchers with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

João Lourenço in the USA to participate in the 16th US-Africa business summit

Building bridges: President Biden invites Angolan counterpart João Lourenço for talks
As Angola President João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço visits the White House on Thursday, November 30, 2024, the US is poised to strengthen a complex alliance developed during the past three decades of diplomatic ties between the two countries. 

USAID Invests 3.5 Million Dollars in Environmental Issues in the Lobito Corridor

Voz de Angola

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Angola announced, this Wednesday, the investment of 3.5 million dollars to support environmental issues of local organizations in the Lobito Corridor, in the province of Benguela

Lobito Port and Lobito Corridor:

Challenge of the Rivalry and Competition of the United States and China for Oil Resources of Angola and Mining Resources of Zambia

Best Informed on Africafrique

Zambia’s Bad Credit Bet for China, Good Mining Gamble for the West

2,683 impressions

When the Missionaries arrived, the Africans had the Land and the Missionaries had the Bible. They taught us how to pray with our eyes closed. When we opened them, they had the land and we had the Bible. – Jomo Kenyatta

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This publication has up to today 8/2/2024:
2,683 impressions and it keeps going up up up …

In the present article, we will emphasize the reasons for the setback experienced by the restructuring and rescheduling of Zambia’s External Debt and how even with the twist of events and alliances other projects such as the Liboto Corridor Project can become a double edge sword with 2 sharp sides and even to be transformed in the Sword of Damocles put on the top of the Zambia Head.

In the case of Lobito investment, China holds the primary role, and in Central Africa and Sahel, Russia with the military power making Africa more tuned toward a nationalistic approach for its development and using colonialism and neo-colonialism as the reason for changing the rulers by new military militants instead the legation of the western countries.

The Lobito Corridor project may inadvertently benefit Chinese companies more than originally intended.

Lobito Investment:

The Lobito Atlantic Railway project, covering Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and Zambia, is a significant infrastructure initiative. Led by the United States, the project aims to enhance logistical infrastructure in southern Africa. However, Chinese state-owned enterprises and private companies already dominate critical mineral supply chains (such as copper and cobalt) needed for electric vehicle components. 

And there are countries with worrying amounts of Chinese debt. In Djibouti, China holds 77% of the national debt, while Zambia’s $6.4 billion in Chinese loans represents the lion’s share of its commitments. A spokesperson for China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) told CNN via email that China has paid “high attention” to the African debt situation, and is dedicated to “sustainable development.”

United States – Angola: Rejevunating Courting Relationship

Press Release:

Corporate Council on Africa announces Angola as host of the 2025 U.S.-Africa Business Summit

Washington, D.C. – September 6, 2024 – The Corporate Council on Africa (CCA) has the high honor of announcing that the Government of the Republic of Angola will host the 17th U.S.-Africa Business Summit in 2025 in the city of Luanda, Angola.  

Following a meeting of CCA leadership with His Excellency João Lourenço, President of the Republic of Angola during the May 2024 U.S.-Africa Business Summit in Dallas, Texas, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOA) was developed and was signed today in Washington, DC by H.E. Mr. Agostinho Van-Dunem, Ambassador of the Republic of Angola to the United States and Ms. Florizelle (Florie) Liser, President and CEO of CCA to officially mark this important collaboration.   

The U.S.-Africa Business Summit is recognized as one of the most important business platforms that annually brings together African Heads of State and key Ministers, U.S. Cabinet officials and heads of major agencies, and CEOs and senior executives of U.S. and African companies to foster investment, trade, and commercial collaboration.

The 2025 Summit marks a significant milestone as Angola celebrates the 50th anniversary of its national independence and assumes the Chairmanship of the African Union (AU). Thus, co-organizing and hosting the U.S.-Africa Business Summit during such a momentous year underscores Angola’s firm commitment to promoting a new phase in as well as strengthening economic ties between Africa and the United States. Angola’s selection as the host country is a testament to its remarkable progress and potential as a key player in the African economy.

The Summit will showcase Angola’s diverse industries but will be continental in focus highlighting business and investment opportunities across the African continent in a range of sectors from energy and infrastructure to agriculture and technology, creative economy, manufacturing to digital economy and health.”We are delighted to bring the U.S.-Africa Business Summit to Angola in the Summer of 2025,” said Florie Liser, President and CEO of the Corporate Council on Africa.

“This year’s Summit promises to be a landmark event, highlighting not only Angola’s economic potential and strategic importance as a leader in Africa, but recognizing the African continent’s increasing importance as a strategic economic, trade, and business partner of the U.S. Government and private sector.”

The 2025 Summit will be a crucial opportunity to identify effective and sustainable solutions to diversify the African economy and to increase trade, investment, and business in sectors with a high impact on the lives of African and American people, enterprises, workers, and consumers.

Participants will engage in high-level discussions on the critical issues and challenges, key sectors, and opportunities impacting the U.S.-Africa trade and investment relationship as well as sign deals and advance new business ventures and commercial partnerships that will drive economic growth and development both in the United States and Africa.

The 2025 U.S.-Africa Business Summit is expected to attract over 1,500 attendees, including African Heads of State, senior U.S. Government officials, CEOs, investors, and entrepreneurs. The event will feature plenary sessions, panel discussions, investment pitch sessions, networking opportunities, and an exhibition showcasing innovative products and services.

Consulting: To Be AI or Not To Be Pen Writing

Local Culture and Local Business Culture: To Be AI or Not To Be Pen Writing

Local Culture is still Not Integrated in the Artificial Intelligence Bank of Intelligent Data

You are never better served than by yourself.  Don’t forget to mention our speakers and storytellers from Bab Mellah – Fortaleza Mazagão, Agba Boucherit, Dar Caid Si Boubker, Sidi Yahya, Gaa de Sidi Moussa, Joutiya Derb Ghalef, and the Grand Rally of Moulay Abdellah. 

I hope that one of your researchers knows the traditions that were transmitted through these places or the fertile memory of the event as a translation of burlesque and serious anecdotes sometimes intended as reprimand and mockery and at other times about wisdom inherited through tribal cultural identification.

This need to belong to a locality and to a home with a name and regional social identity which through the ages moves and reproduces to create a piece of populist history in its orality as well as in its expression of pride. of belonging has symbols and signs worthy of recognition.  A form of reproduction through the dialectal language of which the poets sang as the bravery and distinction of their masters of arms like their financial patrons without real glory. 

In the city of our birth, popular singing, including by Sheikhates and Sheikhs, is incommensurate with the cultural or social divide but rooted in the future of our social education and our awareness of history that nothing could compete or criticize since it was part of our daily life and especially our ancestral environment through which we nourish our regional and tribal belonging. 

Knowing and learning through listening was for us the continuation of our first learning in the Koranic schools and also the advanced age of these personalities of the art of popular discourse, this correlation imposed on us a respect for this knowledge that only these encounters allowed us to learn and subsequently recite like cascades of our image. 

These Hlaquiyas and these masters of the history of cultural and popular identity were our masters of the School of the Street and the Neighborhood, the reproduction of what I found in Paris in the Latin Quarter and in front of the Pompidou Center as was the case at Jamaa El Fna too.

For us Mazaganais, they became, as Chaouki said, the legitimate prophets of our knowledge of identity.  The Mazaganese and Jdidis writers first Driss Chraibi identified with such characters of the Halqua as was also Abdelkebir Khatibi who thus possessed a common denominator of their respective story-novel given the familiar ingredients of their own and direct entourage and their observations and listening to the raw and primary narration which they transformed into a form of antagonistic and populist cultural dialectic reflecting a reality that only oral tradition could have preserved and transmitted between the generations of our neighborhood community, city ​​and country. 

The Hlayqui lyricist technique found itself metamorphosed into literary prose crisscrossing the same periods and the same cultural identities with the only difference, the French-speaking linguistic vector and the organizational structure of the chronological and territorial narration of an academic style.

Driss Chraïbi🌐 Abdelkebir Khatibii🌐

My other Cultural groups at Facebook are as follows or you can also find some publications on our traditions of Doukkala and Mazagan – El Jadida

  • Mazagan Magazine
  • Made in Doukkala – Morocco
  • Made in Doukkala – Morocco
  • Memories Knowledge and Families Made in Mazagan El Jadida Doukkala

La Culture Locale n’est pas encore integree dans l’Intelligence Artificielle – La Banque des Donnees Intelligentes

On n’est jamais mieux servi que par soi-même.  N’oubliez pas de mentionner nos intervenants et conteurs de Bab Mellah – Fortaleza Mazagão, Agba Boucherit, Dar Caid Si Boubker, Sidi Yahya, Gaa de Sidi Moussa, Joutiya Derb Ghalef, et du Grand Rallye de Moulay Abdellah. 

J’espère que l’un de vos chercheurs connaît les traditions qui se sont transmises à travers ces lieux ou la mémoire fertile de l’événement comme traduction d’anecdotes burlesques et sérieuses, tantôt destinées à la réprimande et à la moquerie, tantôt à la sagesse héritée de l’identification culturelle tribale.

Ce besoin d’appartenance à une localité et à un foyer avec un nom et une identité sociale régionale qui, à travers les âges, se déplace et se reproduit pour créer un morceau d’histoire populiste dans son oralité ainsi que dans son expression de fierté. d’appartenance comporte des symboles et des signes dignes de reconnaissance.  Une forme de reproduction à travers le langage dialectal dont les poètes chantaient comme la bravoure et la distinction de leurs maîtres d’armes comme de leurs mécènes financiers sans véritable gloire. 

Dans notre ville natale, le chant populaire, y compris celui des cheikhates et des cheikhs, est sans commune mesure avec la fracture culturelle ou sociale mais ancré dans l’avenir de notre éducation sociale et dans notre conscience d’une histoire que rien ne peut rivaliser ou critiquer puisqu’elle fait partie de notre la vie quotidienne et surtout notre environnement ancestral à travers lequel nous nourrissons notre appartenance régionale et tribale. 

Connaître et apprendre par l’écoute était pour nous la continuation de nos premiers apprentissages dans les écoles coraniques et aussi l’âge avancé de ces personnalités de l’art du discours populaire, cette corrélation nous imposait un respect de ce savoir que seules ces rencontres nous permettaient d’acquérir. apprendre et ensuite réciter comme des cascades de notre image. 

Ces Hlaquiyas et ces maîtres de l’histoire de l’identité culturelle et populaire étaient nos maîtres de l’École de la rue et du quartier, la reproduction de ce que j’ai trouvé à Paris dans le Quartier Latin et devant le Centre Pompidou comme c’était le cas à Jamaa El Fna aussi.

Pour nous Mazaganais, ils sont devenus, comme le disait Chaouki, les prophètes légitimes de notre connaissance de l’identité.  Les écrivains mazaganais et jdidis ont d’abord identifié Driss Chraibi à des personnages de la Halqua, tout comme Abdelkebir Khatibi qui possédait ainsi un dénominateur commun à leur roman-histoire respectif compte tenu des ingrédients familiers de leur propre entourage direct et de leurs observations et de leur écoute brute. et narration primaire qu’ils ont transformée en une forme de dialectique culturelle antagoniste et populiste reflétant une réalité que seule la tradition orale aurait pu préserver et transmettre entre les générations de notre communauté de quartier, ville et pays. 

La technique parolière hlayqui s’est retrouvée métamorphosée en prose littéraire sillonnant les mêmes périodes et les mêmes identités culturelles avec pour seule différence, le vecteur linguistique francophone et la structure organisationnelle de la narration chronologique et territoriale d’un style académique.

Driss Chraïbi🌐Abdelkebir Khatibii🌐

Mes autres groups Culturels sont les suivants ou vous pouvez également retrouver quelques publications sur nos traditions des Doukkala et Mazagan – El Jadida

  • Magazine Mazagan
  • Fabriqué à Doukkala – Maroc
  • Fabriqué à Doukkala – Maroc
  • Memories Knowledge and Families Made in Mazagan El Jadida Doukkala

Artificial Intelligence and Consulting Based on Pen Writing: Colonization or Cohabitation?

Artificial Intelligence Reaction to Our Question:

How Artificial Intelligence can be Pain for Pen Writing for consulting services and jobs. How artificial intelligence can impact the provision of consulting solutions and how it can replace human-formulated advice and recommendations?

AI responses and reactions:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the consulting industry in several ways, enhancing and challenging traditional consulting roles. Here are some key impacts:

AI can quickly process vast amounts of data, providing consultants with deeper insights and more accurate predictions. This allows for more informed decision-making and strategy development. Tools like machine learning and natural language processing can analyze market trends, customer behavior, and financial data, offering a comprehensive view that would take humans much longer to compile. Routine tasks such as data collection, report generation, and initial analysis can be automated, allowing consultants to focus on more complex and creative aspects of their work. AI can streamline processes, reducing the time and cost associated with consulting projects.

AI algorithms can identify patterns and correlations that might be missed by human analysts, leading to more robust and innovative solutions. By providing real-time data and predictive analytics, AI helps consultants make more timely and effective recommendations.

Many tasks traditionally performed by junior consultants, such as data entry and preliminary analysis, are increasingly being handled by AI, potentially reducing the need for entry-level positions. This shift requires consultants to adapt by developing skills in AI and data science to remain competitive.

While AI can handle data-driven tasks efficiently, it lacks the nuanced understanding and emotional intelligence that human consultants bring to client interactions and strategic thinking.

AI cannot replace the creativity, empathy, and contextual understanding that human consultants provide, especially in complex and ambiguous situations.

AI systems can sometimes perpetuate biases present in the data they are trained on, leading to flawed recommendations. Human oversight is crucial to ensure ethical and unbiased consulting practices.

The key to leveraging AI in consulting is to strike a balance between automation and human insight. AI can enhance the capabilities of consultants, allowing them to deliver more value to their clients. However, the human element remains indispensable for interpreting AI-generated insights, understanding client needs, and providing personalized, context-aware advice.

By embracing AI as a tool rather than a replacement, consulting firms can enhance their services and maintain their competitive edge in an evolving industry.

These are presentations and conclusions made by AI responses and reactions:

When discussing “Artificial Intelligence, Pain for Pen Writing,” it refers to the potential negative impact that advanced AI writing tools could have on the practice of traditional pen-and-paper writing, particularly in educational settings, where the physical act of writing by hand is considered important for learning and cognitive development.

Artificial Intelligence Reaction to our Question: Artificial Intelligence, Pain for Pen Writing

Key concerns about AI replacing pen writing – These are presentations and conclusions made by AI responses and reactions:

  • Reduced fine motor skills: Repeatedly typing on a keyboard instead of physically forming letters with a pen can lead to a decline in hand-eye coordination and dexterity, especially in young children.
  • Diminished cognitive processing: Research suggests that the act of writing by hand can enhance memory and information retention compared to typing, as the brain is more actively engaged in the process.
  • Less engagement with text: Typing can feel more passive than writing with a pen, potentially leading to less thoughtful engagement with the material.
  • Potential for overreliance on AI: If students become too reliant on AI writing tools to generate text, they might neglect to develop their writing skills, including grammar, vocabulary, and critical thinking.

AI can also have positive impacts on pen writing – These are presentations and conclusions made by AI responses and reactions:

  • Accessibility tools: AI-powered pens can provide real-time feedback on handwriting, helping individuals with dysgraphia or learning disabilities improve their writing skills.
  • Personalized learning: AI can analyze writing patterns and provide tailored practice exercises to address individual weaknesses.
  • Creative writing support: AI can assist with brainstorming ideas and generating creative writing prompts, potentially stimulating more engagement with pen-and-paper writing.

The Zangazur Corridor Bridging Regional Tensions

Building Infrastructure is not Always the Drive to Regional Integration and Trade Development Between Neighboring and Peripheral States.

Here is a Case Study of Countries of the South with Divergent Interests and Diversified Geo-trade Aims along with Regional Ambitions that can create Multiple Hurdles for Development.

The Zangazur Corridor a project of roads to connect Azerbaijan to its Nakhchivan exclave, passes through Armenia’s southern Syunik region, while is supported by Russia, it is seen as a threat by their ally, Iran. Tehran considers the Zangazur Corridor a project aiming to divert and disrupt its trade routes and neutralize the corresponding geopolitical and regional impact.

The Zangazur Corridor is a proposed transport route connecting mainland Azerbaijan to its Nakhchivan enclave, passing through Armenia’s southern Syunik region.

The Zangezur corridor[a] (Armenian: Զանգեզուրի միջանցք, romanizedZangezuri mijantskAzerbaijaniZəngəzur dəhlizi) is a concept for a transport corridor[9][10] which, if implemented, would give Azerbaijan unimpeded access to Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic without Armenian checkpoints[11][12] via Armenia’s Syunik Province[13] and, in a broad sense, for the geopolitical corridor[14] that would connect Turkey to the rest of the Turkic world thereby “uniting it”.[15][16] The concept was not part of the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh ceasefire agreement but was introduced to the geopolitical lexicon later by Ilham Aliyev.[17] It has since been promoted by Azerbaijan and Turkey,[18] while Armenia has steadily objected to it, asserting that “corridor logic” deviates from the ceasefire statement, and that it is a form of propaganda.[19]

The terminology, the potential routes, and the modes of transport connections have since been points of contention between Azerbaijan and Armenia, which have still maintaining a mutual blockade since 1989.[b] Azerbaijan has initiated construction projects on its territory presenting them as part of the implementation of a so-called “Zangezur corridor” and threatening that should Armenia not want it, Azerbaijan “will decide it by force”.[21]

During 2021 trilateral talks, Armenia expressed willingness to participate in rebuilding the Soviet-era railway links historically connecting Azerbaijan and Nakhichevan, which Azerbaijan interpreted as Armenian consent to the “Zangezur corridor”. According to Russia, the third party, what is being discussed is unblocking regional communications, and not creating a “corridor”.[22] [23]

To better apprehend what is at stake in the project of the Zangazur Corridor, here are insights presented by Razi Nurullayev who is a Member of the Parliament of Azerbaijan and has not only knowledge but practical intelligence about the various elements intricating and imbricating within these regional reactions and positions taken or identified in this infrastructural project that in other circumstances is considered as the right orientation and decision to build the foundations of regional and inter-nations cohesion, complementarity and integration.

It seems as we say in Islamic Countries: “Haramoun Alikoum Wa Hallal Aliya.”

Good Day and Good Reading.

• Razi Nurullayev • Member of the Parliament of Azerbaijan

The Zangazur Corridor is a proposed transport route connecting mainland Azerbaijan to its Nakhchivan exclave, passing through Armenia’s southern Syunik region. This corridor is part of a broader regional infrastructure plan following the 2020 Karabakh war, with Azerbaijan advocating for its development under agreements brokered by Russia.

Lately, Russia has demonstrated support for the Zangazur Corridor, seeing it as a way to boost regional connectivity, solidify its influence in the South Caucasus, and diversify its transport routes due to the imposed Western sanctions. Moscow views this corridor as a strategic link between Europe and Asia, as do Azerbaijan and Turkey, aligning it with their geopolitical and economic interests.

An Azerbaijani national flag flies next to the medieval Khudaferin bridge in Jebrayil district at the country’s border with Iran – the territories recaptured from Armenian forces in fierce clashes over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region, December 2020 (AFP)

However, Iran is vehemently opposed to the project. Tehran sees the corridor as threatening its regional influence, fearing it could cut off direct land access to Armenia and disrupt its trade routes. Additionally, Iran worries about increasing Turkish and Azerbaijani influence in the region, which could shift the balance of power along its northern borders. This was probably the case because Iran agreed to a transit route connecting western Azerbaijan with its exclave of Nakhchivan through Iran via a bridge over the Aras that connects the two countries.

This geopolitical tug-of-war underscores the complex dynamics, as regional powers vie for influence in the Caucasus, with the Zangazur Corridor at the heart of the dispute. In this dispute, Armenia is a stubborn neighbor working for its harm. It must overcome its anger and try to abate hostility against this project.

On the other hand, Armenia’s opposition to the Zangazur Corridor could be a strategic mistake. The corridor presents a unique regional connectivity and economic growth opportunity, potentially turning Armenia into a key transit hub between Europe and Asia. Blocking it may isolate Armenia further and deepen economic challenges while Azerbaijan and Turkey strengthen their positions. Instead of resisting, Armenia could benefit from engaging in dialogue and leveraging the corridor for its advantage.

Hopefully, Armenia will be able to reestimate the advantage of the Zangazur project for the whole region.

Said Cherkaoui Ph.D. – Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Ph.D. – 9 17 24 –



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Nike in the Air and CEO Just Not Doing It

News Editor: Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

On Tuesday 10, 2024, Nike shareholders voted against a proposal to consider joining binding agreements with supply chain workers to better address human rights issues in high-risk countries at its annual meeting. The proposal was presented by an investor group led by Domini Impact Equity Fund, consolidated by more than 60 investors to sign a letter last year urging Nike to pay $2.2 million in allegedly unpaid wages to some 4,000 garment workers in Cambodia and Thailand.

A similar petition, led by investor Tulipshare, was put forward for a second year in a row urging the company to assess the effectiveness of its supply chain management, including looking into forced labor and wage theft-related concerns.

Shareholders also voted against the proposal on Tuesday. Last year, the same was rejected by nearly 80% of the investors who had voted.

Nike’s board had recommended that shareholders vote against both the proposals. The company said it has established robust controls to identify and address labor issues throughout its supply chain. … Read more

Nike shareholders recently rejected two proposals to improve workers’ rights in high-risk countries. The first proposal sought to push Nike into binding agreements with supply chain workers to address human rights issues. The second proposal, called for Nike to assess the effectiveness of its supply chain management regarding forced labor and wage theft concerns.

Despite support from some shareholders, including Norway’s wealth fund, both proposals were rejected, aligning with Nike’s board’s recommendations.

But don’t worry, the shareholders did approve executive compensation, with CEO John Donahoe receiving $29.2 million for 2024.

In light of this news, I find Nike’s latest sustainability report and the statements in it particularly ironic, especially the ones about being a value-driven company that puts people first. They just put some people first.

By Julia Vol – Photo source: Nike social responsibility report 2023.

‘Nike Uncool’ The Man Who Made Nike Uncool : The Donahoe Dip Nike lost its swagger : Does the store carry any Nikes? “Not at the moment,”

Nike products accounted for roughly 75% of Foot Locker’s total purchases. That dropped to 70% in 2021, then below 60% in 2022. Foot Locker sales slumped as the pullback accelerated, so Johnson filled the void with New Balances, Pumas, Reeboks and Timberlands. Heck, why not more Crocs? “Ultimately, our team is working hard to make sure that we grow all brands, right?”

easier to jump to a competitor—Adidas, Hoka, Mizuno, On and Under Armour had all opened hubs in Portland to attract talent, either from Nike or fresh out of the specialized sports product programs at the University of Oregon. Nike was losing some of its top footwear designers.

“Panda Dunks” one attendee on a video later posted on TikTok, summarizing the collective sentiment “They are now becoming overrated, and we need to cancel them” “NO Limited Exclusive” Donahoe flooded the market with sneakers shoppers couldn’t get enough of. Nike released more Dunks, Air Force 1s and Air Jordan 1s—models all developed around 40 years ago—in hundreds of colors, with new drops almost daily

Mark Parker Nike produced some of its biggest advances, including the Flyknit manufacturing technology and HyperAdapt 1.0 self-lacing shoes : CEO John Donahoe led a corporate culling on a global scale, ending relationships with more than half of his retail partners, terminating hundreds of agreements and downsizing sales teams in markets around the world.

 As Nike directed customers to its own stores and websites, it halted the flow of sneakers to retailers including Amazon, Zappos, Dillard’s and Urban Outfitters, and even curtailed goods at its closest partner in the US, Foot Locker : pace of product development slowed as Donahoe took fewer risks on performance-oriented shoe lines across sports. By mid-2023, it was becoming apparent that Dunks and the other reliable lifestyle winners were losing their allure, and Nike had nothing to replace them

“I have fired so many people in my career. And when I say fired, remember, I grew up at Bain. For every 10 people we hired, we managed half out within two years. We managed 75% out within five. … 

So I learned there, and you can’t be afraid of that conversation” He explained how he’d role-play with the head of human resources and make sure the person being fired didn’t get to discuss it with him 

“I’m going to let you process the grief and emotion with someone else, not with me, because I can’t afford the emotional energy—the emotional drain” Among those laid off were more than 30 software engineering directors and managers from the global tech division

Scott Sutherland

CEO of shoe company gets paid $29 MILLION dollars to create shoes fewer people are interested in wearing, while the company continues to get to socialize its environmental and social impact to the rest of us.

So much of this boils down to 5th grade issues. Many of us are not having children because it simply costs too much and our climate is being so destabilized by those who are just lining their pockets for their own short-term gain, that the prospect seems too risky.

All of this is tied to the resentment on the political right and left. We need an economy that’s fair. With basic legal guardrails we can get there. It doesn’t have to be this way, we can have nice things.

Maxine Bédat

h/t to Ken Pucker for sharing.

Nike shareholders vote against proposal on workers’ rights

China’s Energy Tight-Belt Road Initiative

© Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – 9/11/2024

Introduction – China-Africa Cooperation – FOCAC

This is a presentation of the relationship of China with Africa depicting several years of interactions that had been developed through indirect and direct investments and technical support provided to the African States by Chinese companies and engineers.

China has mastered the means and ways to offer services to African governments by becoming the model for the construction of large products that include infrastructure, urbanization, rehabilitation of regions and areas for the development of new logistical and transportation systems, and the distribution of energy, water, and other sources to supply cities and rural zones, including agriculture, building new offices and modernization of administrative and governmental offices.

In parallel to the modernization, the African States need, China has provided the financial leverage and resources for such projects. These complementary drives toward financing and realizing the projects gave China the upper hand in demonstrating its abilities to initiate, develop, and achieve the project without any interference or support from other nations. This kind of prominence has also made China to be trusted as the provider of services that will be completed in good condition with good standing. Read more here:

Forum on China–Africa Cooperation – FOCAC

TRI CONSULTING KYOTO TRI CK USA  Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – Originally published on November 6, 2019, and updated on August 16, 2024 © Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Introduction This is a presentation of the relationship of China with Africa depicting several years of interactions that had been developed through indirect and direct investments and technical support provided to the African States by Chinese companies and … Continue reading

Angola Model and China Quest for Oil and the Shift of China From Southwest Africa to the Middle East

Concerns are growing in the US and other countries regarding economic cooperation between China and Africa including the so-called “debt trap,” in which China increases its influence by extending excessive loans to developing countries. Angola and Angola Model is frequently used as a case of such debt trap based on the extraction of natural resources or supply of energetic and strategic minerals by African nations in exchange for loans provided by China State and Financial Institutions.

Angola’s long-running financial relationship with China has been built on a simple equation: Angola would repay its growing Chinese debt with oil. This strategy became known as the Angola Model.

Since 2002, Angola has borrowed more than $45 billion from China, more than half of that going into its energy sector. More than a decade ago, Angola was China’s No. 2 source of crude oil. China receives nearly 72% of Angola’s oil exports, making it Angola’s largest oil importer.

According to a report from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: “In 2010, Angola was the world’s second-largest exporter of oil to China, after Saudi Arabia. But it has fallen down the list as Beijing has increasingly turned to the Arab states of the Gulf Cooperation Council, Russia, and other Asian countries.

In the early 2000s, Angola received US$42.6 billion from Chinese lenders, more than a quarter of China’s total lending to African countries between 2000 and 2020, which made it the largest recipient of Chinese loans in all of Africa.  The School of Advanced International Studies-China Africa Research Initiative (SAIS-CARI), estimates that Angola was the top recipient of Chinese infrastructure loans, with US$ 43 billion worth of loan commitments, between 2000 and 2018.

However, the beginning of the end when between 2019 and 2023, Angola’s oil production fell 22% from 1.42 million barrels per day to 1.1 million barrels per day. The subsequent drop in business is straining Angola’s ability to keep up with its Chinese debt. As oil revenues have declined, by 2023, Angola had been bumped to number eight on this ranking of oil suppliers to China.” China receives nearly 72% of Angola’s oil exports, making it Angola’s largest oil importer. However, the recent drop in business is straining Angola’s ability to keep up with its Chinese debt. Since 2002, Angola has borrowed more than $45 billion from China, more than half of that going into its energy sector, according to Boston University.

Angola still owes Chinese lenders $17 billion. Chinese loans constitute about 40% of Angola’s total debt. Overall, debt payments consume about half of Angola’s national budget every year, placing it among African countries most vulnerable to a potential debt crisis, according to international credit rating agency S&P Global.

As oil revenues have declined, Angola has been forced to cover interest payments on its debt by tapping into a Chinese-held $1.5 billion escrow fund that was mandated as part of its loans. As China Buys Less Oil, as China has begun importing less oil from Angola and other African nations and more from Russia, the Persian Gulf, and Asia, Angola Struggles To Repay Debt.

Chinese lenders gave Angola a three-year reprieve on loan payments that ended in 2023 — just as Angola’s economy took a downturn. As oil revenues have declined, Angola has been forced to cover interest payments on its debt by tapping into a Chinese-held $1.5 billion escrow fund that was mandated as part of its loans. This year’s debt payment to Chinese leaders is estimated at $10.1 billion.

Angola recently left OPEC, the cartel of oil-producing countries, after a dispute over quotas. Angolan authorities hope that step will encourage more direct investment by China and other countries in its oil sector. In the meantime, the country’s leaders are trying to diversify their economy to reduce the impact of fluctuating oil prices. 

This shift has been driven, in part, by African countries’ lack of investment in new oilfields and infrastructure. Aging equipment and shrinking oilfields make the continent’s oil producers, including Angola, less reliable as exporters, according to researchers with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Best Informed on Africafrique

Zambia’s Bad Credit Bet for China, Good Mining Gamble for the West

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When the Missionaries arrived, the Africans had the Land and the Missionaries had the Bible. They taught us how to pray with our eyes closed. When we opened them, they had the land and we had the Bible. – Jomo Kenyatta

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In the present article, we will emphasize the reasons for the setback experienced by the restructuring and rescheduling of Zambia’s External Debt and how even with the twist of events and alliances other projects such as the Liboto Corridor Project can become a double edge sword with 2 sharp sides and even to be transformed in the Sword of Damocles put on the top of the Zambia Head.

In the case of Lobito investment, China holds the primary role, and in Central Africa and Sahel, Russia with the military power making Africa more tuned toward a nationalistic approach for its development and using colonialism and neo-colonialism as the reason for changing the rulers by new military militants instead the legation of the western countries.

The Lobito Corridor project may inadvertently benefit Chinese companies more than originally intended.

Lobito Investment:

The Lobito Atlantic Railway project, covering Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and Zambia, is a significant infrastructure initiative. Led by the United States, the project aims to enhance logistical infrastructure in southern Africa. However, Chinese state-owned enterprises and private companies already dominate critical mineral supply chains (such as copper and cobalt) needed for electric vehicle components. 

And there are countries with worrying amounts of Chinese debt. In Djibouti, China holds 77% of the national debt, while Zambia’s $6.4 billion in Chinese loans represents the lion’s share of its commitments. A spokesperson for China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) told CNN via email that China has paid “high attention” to the African debt situation, and is dedicated to “sustainable development.”

United States – Angola: Rejevunating Courting Relationship

Press Release: Corporate Council on Africa announces Angola as host of the 2025 U.S.-Africa Business Summit

Washington, D.C. – September 6, 2024 – The Corporate Council on Africa (CCA) has the high honor of announcing that the Government of the Republic of Angola will host the 17th U.S.-Africa Business Summit in 2025 in the city of Luanda, Angola.  

Following a meeting of CCA leadership with His Excellency João Lourenço, President of the Republic of Angola during the May 2024 U.S.-Africa Business Summit in Dallas, Texas, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOA) was developed and was signed today in Washington, DC by H.E. Mr. Agostinho Van-Dunem, Ambassador of the Republic of Angola to the United States and Ms. Florizelle (Florie) Liser, President and CEO of CCA to officially mark this important collaboration.   

The U.S.-Africa Business Summit is recognized as one of the most important business platforms that annually brings together African Heads of State and key Ministers, U.S. Cabinet officials and heads of major agencies, and CEOs and senior executives of U.S. and African companies to foster investment, trade, and commercial collaboration.

The 2025 Summit marks a significant milestone as Angola celebrates the 50th anniversary of its national independence and assumes the Chairmanship of the African Union (AU). Thus, co-organizing and hosting the U.S.-Africa Business Summit during such a momentous year underscores Angola’s firm commitment to promoting a new phase in as well as strengthening economic ties between Africa and the United States. Angola’s selection as the host country is a testament to its remarkable progress and potential as a key player in the African economy.

The Summit will showcase Angola’s diverse industries but will be continental in focus highlighting business and investment opportunities across the African continent in a range of sectors from energy and infrastructure to agriculture and technology, creative economy, manufacturing to digital economy and health.”We are delighted to bring the U.S.-Africa Business Summit to Angola in the Summer of 2025,” said Florie Liser, President and CEO of the Corporate Council on Africa.

“This year’s Summit promises to be a landmark event, highlighting not only Angola’s economic potential and strategic importance as a leader in Africa, but recognizing the African continent’s increasing importance as a strategic economic, trade, and business partner of the U.S. Government and private sector.”

The 2025 Summit will be a crucial opportunity to identify effective and sustainable solutions to diversify the African economy and to increase trade, investment, and business in sectors with a high impact on the lives of African and American people, enterprises, workers, and consumers.

Participants will engage in high-level discussions on the critical issues and challenges, key sectors, and opportunities impacting the U.S.-Africa trade and investment relationship as well as sign deals and advance new business ventures and commercial partnerships that will drive economic growth and development both in the United States and Africa.

The 2025 U.S.-Africa Business Summit is expected to attract over 1,500 attendees, including African Heads of State, senior U.S. Government officials, CEOs, investors, and entrepreneurs. The event will feature plenary sessions, panel discussions, investment pitch sessions, networking opportunities, and an exhibition showcasing innovative products and services.

China and the Middle East’s Economic Weight in the Balance of Multipolarism

The turning point for the loss of acceptance of the United States in the Arab World was the impact of October 7, 2023, which is a reminder of October 1973 and the shaking relation of the West in the Arab World. The recent decline in the United States’ standing in the Arab Middle East and China’s growing influence indeed have significant implications. A new public opinion survey reveals that Arab citizens’ views of the United States have sharply declined due to its support for Israel during the conflict in Gaza. China, surprisingly, emerges as the main beneficiary in the region.

Jun 11, 2024 — … United States, too. Because of the war in Gaza, Arab public opinion has turned sharply against Israel’s staunchest ally, the United States a …

China’s gains in the Middle East erupted from capitalizing on the Gaza War, reaping diplomatic rewards with minimal investment. China’s humanitarian aid, high-level visits, and rhetorical support for the Palestinians are paying off. China’s benefits extend beyond the Middle East to Southeast Asia. Public approval of the U.S. among Muslim-majority populations in Southeast Asia has also fallen sharply and Gaza has become the focus for now. Global perceptions of the U.S. used to be considered by U.S. political decision-makers, but today’s intense political polarization hinders such concerns.

According to the Western side of the stories on the Middle East, the longer the Gaza conflict persists, the more China’s standing grows in the Middle East and the Global South. In this complex geopolitical landscape, the balance of power is shifting, and China is strategically leveraging opportunities. 

China’s Road to Ryad Passes by the Belt and Road Initiative

The New Silk Road is a collection of infrastructure and investment projects that connect China to other parts of the world. The BRI is made up of two parts: the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. 

The Silk Road Economic Belt is a network of roads, railways, and pipelines that connects China to Europe, Central Asia, Russia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road is a network of sea routes that connects China to Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, Eastern Africa, the South Pacific, and Europe. 

Chinese premier to promote development strategies alignment, enhance ties with Saudi Arabia

Updated: September 11, 2024 13:48 Xinhua 

China as Pelerin – Pilgrim in the Land of the Prophets: The Middle East

RIYADH, Sept. 11 — Chinese Premier Li Qiang arrived here Tuesday for the Fourth Meeting of the High-Level Chinese-Saudi Joint Committee and an official visit to Saudi Arabia at the invitation of Saudi Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud.

Upon arriving at Riyadh’s King Khalid International Airport, Li expressed his hope for both sides to further strengthen the alignment of their development strategies and elevate bilateral ties to a higher level.

Jon Alterman testified before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission about China’s diplomatic engagement with the Middle East and the country’s efforts to shape a new world order.

China Seeks Strategic Partnership in the Middle East

China’s growing influence in the Middle East is a significant geopolitical development. Its economic ties, energy security interests, and diplomatic engagement have deepened in recent years.

Key Aspects of China’s Middle East Policy

China is a major importer of oil and gas from the region, and its economic investments through initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) have expanded significantly.

The Middle East remains a crucial energy source for all Western economies and China is positioning itself in the same time, ensuring its economic growth and development.

Key Points from Jon B. Alterman’s Testimony on China and the Middle East – Watch Full Testimony

China’s Growing Influence in the Middle East

China is a major trading partner and investor in the region, particularly in Saudi Arabia and the UAE. The Middle East is a crucial source of energy for China, and its relationship with Saudi Arabia is primarily driven by energy interests.

China seeks to position itself as a strategic partner to Middle Eastern countries, offering an alternative to the United States.

Saudi Arabia has opted not to renew its 50-year petrodollar agreement with the United States, which expired on June 9, 2024.

The move allows Saudi Arabia to sell oil in multiple currencies, including the Chinese RMB, euro, yen and yuan, potentially accelerating the global shift away from the US dollar.

Saudi Arabia’s decision to sell oil in multiple currencies, including the Chinese RMB, euro, yen and yuan, signals a sea change in the dynamics of global energy trade.

The move challenges the US dollar’s long-standing dominance in the oil market, reflecting Saudi Arabia’s growing economic ties with China and Russia.

🔸️The Newsweek article “Sphere of Influence” discusses Saudi Arabia’s expanding influence in the Middle East and its global impact. It highlights how Saudi Arabia uses its economic and political power to promote regional stability and its global standing.

🔸️The article emphasizes Saudi Arabia’s balanced diplomacy, strong relationships with Moscow and Beijing, and its role in shaping regional and international geopolitics. It also covers strategies for building alliances and enhancing its influence in major international issues.

🔸️The article sheds light on how Saudi Arabia addresses regional and international challenges to achieve its strategic goals and its growing role in global affairs.

Briefing China – USA 8 27 24

China Puzzled by U.S. Trade Economics and Politics System, Trade-wise, The four years witnessed escalating trade tensions culminating in a trade war and sanctions on Chinese technology companies. Since Biden’s election, political and business stakeholders have been paying close attention to the direction of the new White House administration’s policy toward China … Continue Reading

China Exports to Russia and Multipolarity of the World

Collage made by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui tracing the USA-China relation since the Presidency of Donald Trump that we consider as the opening of a New Chapter that we are still reading up to now Global Risk Analysis Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Ph.D. ★ Strategic Catalyst Driving U.S.-Morocco-Africa Investment, Trade, and Business Development ★ Senior … Continue reading

China has sought to maintain neutral relationships with all Middle Eastern countries, avoiding direct involvement in regional conflicts.

China’s growing presence in the Middle East has led to increased competition with the United States and other Western powers. The Middle East region’s ongoing conflicts and political turmoil pose significant challenges to China’s interests.

China’s relationship with the Middle East is complex and multifaceted. As the Middle East continues to evolve, China’s role will likely become even more significant. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for comprehending the shifting geopolitical landscape.

China seeks to position itself as a strategic partner to Middle Eastern countries, offering an alternative to the United States. Regional instability, human rights concerns, and competition with the United States pose challenges to China’s engagement.

A strong economic and energy relationship between Saudi Arabia and China plays a role in infrastructure development and security.

On the other side, China is maintaining a complex relationship with the Gulf States, with Dubai focusing on trade and Abu Dhabi on security. The UAE seeks to balance its relationships with the United States, China, and Russia.

The China-Iran relationship is a strategic partnership driven by shared interests in challenging the U.S.-led global order. However, Iran’s economic dependence on China limits its leverage.

A growing relationship with Israel, given that China is seeking Israeli expertise and technology. However, recent tensions over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have strained the relationship.

China’s Middle East Strategic Diplomatic and Economic Strategies

China seeks to undermine the U.S.-led global order and promote a more multipolar world. Overall, China’s engagement in the Middle East is multifaceted and strategic. While its economic influence is significant, its ability to shape regional politics is limited by the region’s complexities and the ongoing competition with the United States. China generally avoids direct involvement in regional conflicts, preferring to maintain neutrality. China focuses on economic cooperation and infrastructure development as its primary tools of influence.

Global Risk Analysis

TRI CONSULTING KYOTO TRI CK USA – Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Ph.D. ★ Strategic Catalyst Driving U.S.-Morocco-Africa Investment, Trade, and Business Development ★ Senior Policy Adviser in International Affairs ★ Accomplished Public Speaker ★ Distinguished News Executive Editor ★ The recent decline in the United States’ standing in the Arab world and China’s growing influence indeed has significant implications. Let’s break down … Continue reading

Noting the longstanding traditional friendship between China and Saudi Arabia, Li said that since the establishment of diplomatic relations 34 years ago, bilateral relations have achieved leapfrog development through joint efforts, yielding fruitful results in practical cooperation.

During his stay, Li will engage in in-depth discussions with the Saudi crown prince and prime minister on bilateral relations and other issues of common concern to strengthen friendship and expand cooperation.

In December 2022, Chinese President Xi Jinping attended the first China-Arab States Summit and the first China-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Summit and paid a state visit to Saudi Arabia, said Li.

For over a year, both sides have actively implemented the key outcomes of the summits, continuously strengthening political mutual trust, steadily advancing exchanges and cooperation in various fields, maintaining close communication and coordination on regional and international affairs, and continuously enhancing the China-Saudi Arabia comprehensive strategic partnership, the Chinese premier said.

Li also expressed his expectation that the visit would further expand mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields, deepen the friendship between the two peoples, and foster greater progress in China-GCC and China-Arab relations.

“The practical cooperation between Saudi Arabia and China is characterized by its comprehensiveness and strategic nature,” said Ibrahim Al-Shammari, research director of Riyadh Center for Political and Strategic Studies.

Al-Shammari said Saudi Arabia and China are driving the development of their economic and trade relations through major initiatives such as the Belt and Road Initiative, which aligns with the Saudi Vision 2030.

Li’s visit to Saudi Arabia sends a strong signal that the two countries will continue to strengthen strategic cooperation in various fields, which demonstrates the importance both sides attach to their strategic partnership and the willingness to deepen practical cooperation, Al-Shammari added.

Saudi Arabia is the first leg of Li’s four-day visit to the Middle East, which will also take him to the United Arab Emirates.

Saudi Arabia’s strategy as it looks beyond its traditional Western partners and deepens its relationship with China. For Saudi Arabia, China represents not only a vital trading partner but also a source of technological and cultural exchange. The influx of Chinese language teachers and tourists, along with major financial agreements, signals that this partnership is only set to grow.

“By strengthening bilateral ties with China, the ADS agreement opens doors for economic development across sectors, benefiting both nations,” Abdulrahman Ahmad Al-Harbi, Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to China stated in June.

Saudi Arabia has ambitious tourism goals, with the government aiming for 70 million international visitors by the end of the decade. In 2023, 27 million international tourists visited Saudi Arabia, many for religious purposes. However, the kingdom is rapidly expanding its leisure offerings, with projects such as the Red Sea Project leading the way.

By 2030, the Red Sea Project aims to offer 8,000 hotel rooms spread across 50 resorts, including luxury brands like The Four Seasons, Rosewood, and the St Regis.

For China, Saudi Arabia offers a stable and rapidly developing market. The kingdom’s young population is increasingly tech-savvy and eager to engage in international commerce, presenting opportunities for Chinese companies like Huawei, which are looking to expand in the Middle East.

At the same time, these developments are reshaping the region’s geopolitical landscape. Saudi Arabia’s partnership with China represents a realignment of its global alliances, one that reflects a broader trend of Eastern economies taking on more prominent roles in global affairs. This growing cooperation is part of a larger shift that could redefine trade, business, and cultural exchanges in the region.

Ultimately, deepening ties between China and Saudi Arabia will present major new opportunities for luxury and lifestyle brands. As tourism and business collaborations expand, brands that cater to both markets can tap into the growing demand for high-end experiences and products.

With an influx of Chinese tourists and the rise of e-commerce among Saudi Arabia’s young, tech-savvy population, luxury brands have a prime opportunity to position themselves and benefit immensely from this evolving landscape.

FDI in Africa 2022-23

05 July 2023

Summary of the UNCTAD’s World Investment Report 2023

Investment flows to Africa dropped to $45 billion in 2022

  • 07/11/2023 – Foreign direct investment: the increase in 2022 in developing countries does not benefit Africa
  • 07/06/2023 – Africa: foreign direct investment flows fell by 44% in 2022 (UNCTAD)
  • 06/14/2023 – Chinese direct investment in Africa totaled $3.4 billion in 2022

The report also indicates that the African continent received foreign investments totaling $52.63 billion in 2023, down 3% from 2022.

In terms of cumulative FDI stocks, the main economies investing in Africa are the Netherlands, France, the United States, the United Kingdom, and China.

Globally, FDI declined by 2% over the past year to $1.3 trillion. This decline is due to increased trade and geopolitical tensions in the context of a slowdown in the global economy.

For 2024, UNCTAD notes that the outlook for FDI remains challenging in 2024. However “modest growth for the year as a whole seems possible”, citing factors such as easing financial conditions and concerted efforts to facilitate investment.

According to UNCTAD’s World Investment Report 2023, international project finance deals targeting Africa showed a decline of 47% in value.

UNCTAD’s World Investment Report 2023 published on 5 July shows that foreign direct investment (FDI) flows to Africa declined to $45 billion in 2022 from the record $80 billion set in 2021. They accounted for 3.5% of global FDI.

The number of greenfield project announcements rose by 39% to 766. Six of the top 15 greenfield investment megaprojects (those worth more than $10 billion) announced in 2022 were in Africa.

In North Africa, Egypt saw FDI more than double to $11 billion as a result of increased cross-border merger and acquisition (M&A) sales.

Announced greenfield projects more than doubled in number, to 161. International project finance deals rose in value by two-thirds, to $24 billion. Flows to Morocco decreased slightly, by 6%, to $2.1 billion.

In West Africa, Nigeria saw FDI flows turn negative to -$187 million as a result of equity divestments. Announced greenfield projects, however, rose by 24% to $2 billion. Flows to Senegal remained flat at $2.6 billion. FDI flows to Ghana fell by 39% to $1.5 billion.

In East Africa, flows to Ethiopia decreased by 14% to $3.7 billion; the country remained the second-largest FDI recipient on the continent. FDI to Uganda grew by 39% to $1.5 billion on investment in extractive industries. FDI to Tanzania increased by 8% to $1.1 billion.

In Central Africa, FDI in the Democratic Republic of the Congo remained flat at $1.8 billion, with investment sustained by flows to offshore oil fields and mining.

In Southern Africa, flows returned to prior levels after the anomalous peak in 2021 caused by a large corporate reconfiguration in South Africa. FDI in South Africa was $9 billion – well below the 2021 level but double the average of the last decade. Cross-border M&A sales in the country reached $4.8 billion from $280 million in 2021. In Zambia, after two years of negative values, FDI rose to $116 million.

Four regional economic groupings see growth

Over the past five years, FDI inflows have risen in four of the regional economic groupings on the continent.

FDI in the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa grew by 14% to $22 billion. Flows rose also in the Southern African Development Community (quadrupling, to $10 billion), the West African Economic and Monetary Union (doubling, to $5.2 billion), and the East African Community (up 9%, to $3.8 billion).

Intraregional investment remained relatively small, despite an increase over the past five years. In 2022, intraregional greenfield project announcements represented 15% of all projects in Africa (2% in terms of value), as compared with 13% (2% in value) in 2017.

However, looking at announced projects invested in by only African multinational enterprises, three-quarters of their value remained on the continent.

In 2022, the biggest increase in announced greenfield projects was in energy and gas supply (to $120 billion from $24 billion in 2021). Project values in construction and extractive industries also rose, to $24 billion and $21 billion, respectively. The information and communication sector registered the highest number of projects.

International project finance deals targeting Africa showed a decline of 47% in value ($74 billion, down from $140 billion in 2021) but a 15% increase in project numbers, to 157.

European investors remain, by far, the largest holders of FDI stock in Africa, led by the United Kingdom ($60 billion), France ($54 billion) and the Netherlands ($54 billion).

The report highlights that the flow of foreign direct investment to Africa decreased by 3% over the past year to less than $53 billion.

Egypt is the African country that attracted the most foreign direct investment (FDI) in 2023, according to a report published on Thursday, June 20, 2024, by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

Entitled “World Investment Report 2024”, this report specifies that this North African country attracted FDI flows of $9.84 billion, despite declining mergers and acquisitions compared to the peaks reached in 2022.

The most populous country in the Arab world is followed by South Africa ($5.23 billion), Ethiopia ($3.26 billion), Uganda ($2.88 billion), Senegal ($2.64 billion), Mozambique ($2.50 billion), Namibia ($2.34 billion) and Nigeria ($1.87 billion). Côte d’Ivoire closes the top 10 with FDI flows of $1.75 billion in 2023.

Listing of 20 African countries with the most FDI in 2023

Morocco International PR: Cultivating Sand and Watering Drought Campaigns

It has been 50 years and more that we carry this message and these words in our memory and belief to such an extent that when I crossed the borders of this world, I was asked:

Sir, do you have values ​​to declare?

How did a smart South African pilot answer:

I always thought of his pertinent answer:

“Nothing in the hands, nothing in the briefcase, nothing in the bag, nothing in the pockets, everything in the head.”

My value as one of my Moroccan maternal cousins ​​wrote, it is found in “La Mémoire Tatouée” and in “Le Passé Simple” of another native of our hometown as well as of the liberating activist of African consciences from Overseas in Algeria still Colonized for which members of my own family contributed in its liberation.

These values ​​inherited and transmitted here above and here is a link that can illuminate one of its sources, a group that I lead on Facebook

Cela fait 50 ans et plus que nous portons ce message et ces paroles dans notre mémoire et croyance a tel point que lorsque je traversais les frontières de ce monde, on me demandait:

Mr. est ce vous avez des valeurs a déclarer?

Comment répondait un pilote d’avion malin de l’Afrique du Sud:

Je pensais toujours a sa réponse pertinente:

“Rien dans les mains, rien dans le cartable-porte documents, rien dans la sacoche, rien dans les poches, tout dans la tete.”

Ma valeur comme écrivait un de mes cousins maternels marocains, elle se trouve dans “La Mémoire Tatouée” et dans “Le Passé Simple” d’un autre natif de notre ville natale ainsi que du militant libérateur des consciences africaines d’Outre-Mer en Algérie encore Colonisée pour laquelle membres de ma propre famille ont contribué dans sa libération.

Ces valeurs héritées et transmises ici haut et voila un lien qui peut éclairer une de ses sources, un groupe que je diriges a Facebook

Driss Chraïbi🌐 Abdelkebir Khatibi

USA-MOROCCO – 2004-2024 – Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

TRI CONSULTING KYOTO TRI CK USA – USA-MOROCCO – 2004-2024 – Said El Mansour Cherkaoui COLLECTION OF SAID EL MANSOUR CHERKAOUI PUBLICATIONS ON THE RELATIONSHIPS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WITH THE KINGDOM OF MOROCCO Updated on 7/24/2024 to Celebrate 20 years of Commitment and Work by Dr. Said El Mansour working on the relationship between the United States of America … Continue reading USA-MOROCCO – 2004-2024 – Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

This article is blatant proof that some managers working to promote Morocco, such as within the Morocco Now Campaign at the international level trying to present its existing potential, skills, and opportunities for the sake of attracting foreign companies, foreign investors, and foreign academic or social institutions. Morocco spends millions to build an image of excellence in attractivity and attractiveness hoping such foreign capital will help reduce unemployment, increase job creation, transfer know-how, and raise the standard of living of citizens.

Imagine then that all its laudable efforts do not take the expected direction nor are carried by competent officials and seasoned and experienced professionals in corresponding areas of Marketing, brand definition, and the strategic enhancement of Morocco’s position on the international scene.

The expectations of the Moroccan State are legitimate given that the expenses that are made at the international level are heavy in sum and impact the returns received by Morocco.  Payments paid by Morocco for the services of foreign companies of Public Relations, International Marketing, and Consulting Firms are made with rates applied on the spot and in addition, are made in the national currency of the country where these companies offer their services. A direct impact on the balance of payments and the convertibility rate of the Dirham may result from these payment transfers.

Considering all these issues, the imperatives and the challenges facing Morocco at the global level are first the multiple repercussions at the intangible and material level. Building the foundations of economic development and growth in the liberal sense seeks foreign participation as the conduit toward integration in the global marketplace and to the network of foreign financial institutions. Within such a frame, it is quite normal to have a top-level decision-maker for such international communication and PR about Morocco. They have to be up to the task and know the international terrain that will enable them to sail the vessel Made in Morocco and Morocco Now as Innovative and efficient Leaders on board, knowing effectively the direction and the objective – the destination of all these maneuvers to make this Moroccan vessel arrive safely and to make it a proof of the prowess and the skill and the potentialities that can challenge its competitors as well as organizations of all kinds potentially interested in Morocco as a commercial partner, as a production or investment location or as a destination to visit and to know at the cultural and social levels.

Invest Morocco Project – November 3, 2023 In “Africa”

What are the reasons for investing in Morocco? – November 13, 2023 In “Foreign Investment”

Paid PR Massaging Morocco Aging Elitism

Feedback & Reactions of Moroccan

Karim Basrire 1st degree connection 1st Maroc Entrepreneurs 1y

🌍 Welcome to Morocco – Like24

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui YouInternational Affairs Analyst 1y

Welcome to Times Square
Si Karim Basrire – Tu serais le bienvenu a Si Karim, tu devrais nous rendre visite en Californie et je parles sérieux comme toutes les fois que je m’adresse à toi.

Bouchaïb ROUINI 1st degree connection 1st Président d’Artemis Training & PRO Incendie, filiales d’Artemis Group – ARTEMIS Group / 7 filiales 1y


Yassine S. 2nd degree connection2ndManager | IT Architect | Cloud (AWS) | TOGAF® 1y

The video should have included more pictures of Morocco infrastructures and landscapes for most of Americans & NewYorkers Morocco is just “ Desert & Camels “ your Marketing team should address that and create a real wakeup ring ! for investors you should sponsor ads on bloomberg , cnbc and other major outlets in the US during key shows / talks 😉 its lot of money but if you r good u can bring more 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Like 8

Ismail BADOU 2nd degree connection 2nd Warehouse and Inventory Management/ WADACO / Supply Chain Management 1y

(IDEA) Good to have the brand on some famous Football Club T-shirt (Arsenal for example we can see Visit Rwanda)

Hakime Moueffek View Hakime Moueffek’s profile • 3rd + Business Analyst | Emlyon Business School – EMI Program 1y

Some feedback for design.
We can’t recognize easly that is Morocco Now, The logo, and brand name is a bit too small and on the edge, it is too low key and people don’t know Morocco Now.

Maroc Dilemme: Conseil Etranger pour un Objectif National

May 15, 2023 Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – Think out of the Box, Le Maroc Engage des Boites Extérieures pour une Modernisation Subcapitaliste et Développement Extraverti Promotion des investissements : stratégies et outils de mise en œuvrePromouvoir les investissements exige une stratégie transparente et bien définie Une stratégie de promotion des investissements indique ce qu’il faut promouvoir (à savoir des secteurs, pays, projets … Lire la suite de

All the Business Stars and Banks Glorified by Forbes Magazine on its Cover Page and by the Top Public Relation Firms in their Sensational Articles and Medium have Turned Out to be Scammers, Schemers, Swindlers, and Thieves No More, No Less




Advantages of Investing in Morocco – October 2, 2023 In “Energy and Electricity”

Advantages of Investing in Morocco


Morocco is fast becoming one of the best-emerging markets for investment. Over the last decade, Morocco has witnessed an accelerated process of political, economic, and social reforms, and its steady economic growth and strategic geographic position make it an investment opportunity well worth considering. 

Morocco’s 2018 Doing Business ranking (69th out of 190 countries), published by the World Bank. 

Mascarade of the Moroccan Reality – Mascarade de la Réalité Marocaine

All these rankings are deliberate exaggerations and are oriented towards specific goals, it is free cascading advertising that we serve as vectors. If we have our analytical skills, we do not need such and such a firm to give us a colorful map like Walt Disney with numbers and a fake ranking so that we fall into their baskets and serve as a platform and bridge on which they lie comfortably at ease and we, like deafened and amazed, watch them pass under our noses their caravans full to bursting with money and income.

Already, we work for LinkedIn for free by publishing our analysis and becoming a mobile advertising panel for private companies, without questioning their references, and their data, without an equivalence closer to reality to their “corrupt findings”. We become accomplices of ignorance and the manipulation of figures for commercial ends making us prisoners of our nationalist ego to want to make our Kingdom of Morocco win a false gold medal of chocolate which will melt at the first contact with the true light of conscience and founded knowledge.

Tous ces classements sont des exagérations voulues et sont orientées vers des buts précis, c’est de la pub en cascade gratuite dont nous servons de vecteurs. Si on a des capacités propres d’analyse on n’a pas besoin de cabinet tel ou tel pour nous mettre une carte colorée a la Walt Disney avec des chiffres et un classement bidon pour que nous tombons dans leurs paniers et servir de plateforme et de ponts sur lesquels ils s’étendent confortablement a l’aise balaise et nous comme des assourdis et ébahis nous les regardons faire passer sous notre museau leurs caravanes pleines a craquer de pognon et de revenus.

Déjà, on travaille pour LinkedIn gratuitement en publiant nos propres analyse et la devenir un panneau mobile de pub pour les compagnies privées, sans que l’on remet en cause leurs références, leurs données, sans une équivalence plus proche de la réalité a leurs “trouvailles corrompues” on devient complice de l’ignorance et de la manipulation des chiffres pour des fins mercantiles nous rendant prisonniers de notre ego nationaliste a vouloir faire gagner notre Royaume du Maroc une fausse médaille d’or de chocolat qui va fondre au premier contact avec la vraie lumière de la conscience et du savoir fondé.


This kind of story is a waste of money and even prestige given that no decision-makers from our top trade, business, and finance partner or connection comment on such “Clowny” publications, they know already the “Gimmicks” and they do not buy the “Rosy” pictures and presentation of distorted, exaggerated, glossy and “trade show” and “rudimentary show biz” exposition.  They are the masters in such “fabrication and makeup of reality.  Period”

As Moroccan we need to stop throwing Cheap Roses at ourselves and pay the high price for it to Foreign Public relations conglomerates and Consulting Firms that turn around and resell all the intelligence they get from Moroccan Clients.

We need to find a way to show our real needs of development, not to keep enhancing and blowing out of dimensions things to give ourselves a boost of Fictional Pride and a surge of inflationary nationalistic auto-satisfaction that with the hit of the hard realities we have in Morocco, they will melt like Improvised Ice Cream in the Desert.

Public Moroccan Money and Private Hard Currency Goes by the Drain

This is where the public money goes to enhance the image and stature of already governing bodies and responsible minds that want to have a Star on the Wild Sidewalk of the International Media Manipulation of images and realities of countries that are not realizing anything of sustainable development based on hardcore competencies and advances in the areas where the international competition is heating up between the real advanced and developed countries of the Western and Asian World

Click here to join the Diaspora of African Executives

– This is what we need to be our Representatives Overseas and in other Countries where Morocco was still a few years ago mixed and confused with Monaco. Countries where we need more Honorary Consuls and diplomatic representation at the level of business local communities representatives institutions and cultural entities to enhance our International Image, not a Magazine that Dust will cover in an Ivory Tower that is only transparent to the surrounding skies.

Morocco has no place among these giants while is trying to pay heavily for a light to be placed on pages of magazines and online presentations that have no relation with its hard reality of everyday day and display only Minor League of Actor-Personalities and their profile as the magnet of success measure according to the criteria of the entertainment industry that the main aim remains to be on the forefront of the news pages whatever the reason to be there, scandal or well-made action

REO manufactured a Self-gratifying Catalog – Promo Pamphlet, a mimic of the modernity of Forbes Style with the Old way of Paris-Match, a self-satisfactory and paid advertisement by Moroccan private entities and public institutions

Country Report by REO Communications

Bling – Bling Style of Morocco Oscar Award Winner “Glittering” without Real Stars Around.

REO Target is a hard currency and hard profit, the rest is a deluge of praises without any limit in the sky to get more Moroccan Dirhams to convert into hard currency and hard profit for REO adding deeper deficit on the balance of payment, on the rate of Dirham devaluation and on the public debt. 

So where are the benefits for the Moroccans in all this?

Where are the improvements in social conditions?

Where is the level reached by the Research and Development and its discoveries?

Morocco is where about 80% of jobs are informal and the income gaps are very high. 

In 2021, Morocco ranked 123rd out of 191 countries in the world on the Human Development Index (HDI), behind Algeria (91st) and Tunisia (97th). It is the most unequal country in North Africa according to the NGO Oxfam.

Signs of a high level of development include industrialization and the everyday use of advanced technology. Levels of education are also related to development. Developed countries usually have higher literacy rates, meaning most of their population can read and write

Developed nations have strong economies, advanced technology, and high standards of living.

Characteristics of Developed Countries?

  • A high per capita income;
  • A diverse industrial mix, including a large services sector;
  • A developed financial system; …
  • people having a longer life expectancy at birth;
  • A well-developed educational system.

Are we going to correct all these deficiencies with such PDF, Bling-Bling and Glittering Oscar Night Speeches of self-gratification and self-serving satisfaction while the problems are for real for the rest of the Moroccan and Morocco?

Moroccan Amazigh – Berber – Doukkala Wisdom

A Moroccan proverb goes: “The sheep spends his whole life being afraid of the wolf, but in the end, who feasts on the sheep? The shepherd!” The Cheap Herder

As Moroccan we need to stop throwing Cheap Roses at ourselves and pay the high price for it to Foreign Public Relations conglomerates and Consulting Firms that turn around and resell all the intelligence they have from Moroccan Clients: Privately State Owned Entities or Members of the Moroccan Elites or the Moroccan Government.

We need to find a way to show our real needs of development, not to keep enhancing and blowing out of dimensions things to give ourselves a boost of Fictional Pride and a surge of inflationary nationalistic auto-satisfaction that with the hit of the hard realities we have in Morocco, they will melt like Improvised Ice Cream in the Desert.



A Self-gratifying Catalog – Promo Pamphlet, a mimic of the modernity of Forbes Style with the Old way of Paris-Match, a self-satisfactory and paid advertisement.


Misfortune of Morocco by_REO-MOROCCO_Reprint_PART3_2023-vonline_b Download



SPONSORS: CRI Souss Massa | Intelcia | Jesa | Madaëf | Moroccan National Tourism Office | Schneider Electric | Société Marocaine d’Ingénierie Touristique (SMIT)


Street children in Morocco number approximately 75,000, a frightening statistic when you are aware of the damage such circumstances inflict upon children’s development and future. Living in poverty and outside the school system, these children are easy targets for urban violence and all kinds of traffic, whether drugs or sex and have a future as dark as the streets they live on.


In Casablanca, the biggest city in Morocco, approximately 22.000 children live in this condition. The chamkers are children who were abandoned or chose to flee their sometimes violent and often difficult family environments. While some of them work in the streets during the day and go home at night to sleep, others make an uncomfortable bed for the night out of a simple cardboard box or staircase step.

In the streets of Casa, the country’s economic engine, which employs over half its population, street children sell small merchandise and basic services to pedestrians and motorists alike.

This social trend is not unique to Casablanca. In Marrakech, one of the biggest souks in Morocco, the millions of tourists aren’t pounding the pavement alone – street children have also set up houses there. Sometimes organized in clans, they earn a few cents in the vicinity of the famous market by selling packets of tissues, tourist guides, and other products.

With a few Dirhams, these children can buy drugs. To alleviate the stress of their daily lives they often sniff glue, a cheap and easy-to-obtain drug, or other hallucinogenic substances. The exact number of street children in Casablanca, Marrakech, and elsewhere is difficult to establish due to their mobility. According to the Moroccan Ministry of Solidarity, Women, Family, and Social Development, the number fluctuates between 20,000 and 70,000.

However, the source of this problem is easier to pinpoint:

The poverty and unemployment affecting numerous Moroccan families and the lack of care and affection given to certain children in the family environment are some of the factors that force children to live on the streets.

A dash of color on a dark canvas: Moroccan civil society, represented by non-governmental organizations and associations, is trying to come to the aid of these children. Occasionally, at the government’s initiative, welcome centers have been opened and strive to reintegrate street children into the school system, a family, and society as a whole.

However, the number of children to care for is too high compared to the infrastructure and qualified personnel dedicated to the cause. Moreover, it is not easy to establish trust between the social and educational agents and the victims; the children, abandoned by their families and rejected by society, have lost all trust in adults and all hope for the future.

Nevertheless, we must safeguard their fundamental rights and, above all, their right to childhood.

Source: This entry was posted in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink.

“We pride ourselves on our ability to collate authentic, comprehensive, and informative reports on economic, business, and governmental projects. These provide the latest updates on potential investment opportunities and elevate emerging markets to visibility. REO distinguishes itself through its exhaustive firsthand interviews with the greatest leaders and finest minds in the countries it researches.

Our goal is to create effective and groundbreaking reports that achieve client objectives and render a return on investment.” Source:

REO manufactured a Self-gratifying Catalog – Promo Pamphlet, a mimic of the modernity of Forbes Style with the Old way of Paris-Match, a self-satisfactory and paid advertisement by Moroccan private entities and public institutions

MICEPP – Ministry of Investment, Convergence and Evaluation of Public Policies
Ministry of Industry and Trade – Morocco
Ministère de la Transition Numérique et de la Réforme de l’Administration
Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances
Morocco Now
🌐Africana Enterprise Advanced Education🌐

Expendirures by CRI Souss Massa | Intelcia | Jesa | Madaëf | Moroccan National Tourism Office | Schneider Electric | Société Marocaine d’Ingénierie Touristique (SMIT)

Souss – Massa Region Why don’t you spend the money on building Cyber governance in collaboration with the rest of the Regions in Morocco that will be the translation of a Model of Regional Integration at the crossroads of politics, sovereignty, and cooperation in Africa and in Morocco

🌍🌍 #nationaldefense #nationalsecurity #economicsecurity #consultant #consulting #foreignnational #foreignnationals #economicgrowth #economicdevelopment #morocco #moroccobusiness #morocconow #saidelmansourcherkaoui #moroccandiaspora #maroc #investment #tech #entreprise #administration #finances #internationaltrade #internationalbusiness #foreigndirectinvestment #jobcreation #industrialjobs #addedvalue #regionaldevelopment #resiliency


This is where the public money goes to enhance the image and stature of already governing bodies and responsible minds that want to have a Star on the Wild Sidewalk of the International Media Manipulation of images and realities of countries that are not realizing anything of sustainable development based on hardcore competencies and advances in the areas where the international competition is heating up between the real advanced and developed countries of the Western and Asian World.

Morocco has no place among these giants while is trying to pay heavily for a light to be placed on pages of magazines and online presentations that have no relation with its hard reality of everyday day and display only a minority de personalities and their profiles as the magnet of success measure according to the criteria of the entertainment industry that the main aim remains to be on the forefront of the news pages whatever the reason to be there, scandal or well-made action.

The most important is to be an Icon of the News: Bad, Good, or Ugly that is how the moving short-lived stars pass through the screen of social exposure and the fashion waves of the Western Media specialized in defining and presenting profiles of countries and policelebrities such as this REO Communications.




Free Self-made Country Report by Region Economic Morocco Created by

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Global Public Relations Manager


Spend the money on these people of Moroccan authenticity not on pampering the ones who have already the money to take care of themselves and being pampered in foreign lands and Spa of international hotels and spots.



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We are inclusive and if individuals from other nationalities and ethnic backgrounds are diverse, different, and outside of Africa, we welcome them also with the same warm heart, respect, and acceptance.




Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – Said El Mansour Cherkaoui • 1st• 1stInternational Affairs AnalystInternational Affairs Analyst

4mo • 4mo •

Kingdom of Morocco:
Government Council adopted the 1st decree implementing the new Investment Charter – January 26, 2023

Interview of His Excellency the Minister Si Mohcine Jazouli

“Mohcine Jazouli: First of all, I would like to remind you that it was His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, who called, during the Opening Speech in Parliament on October 8, 2021, for the adoption, as soon as possible, “of a new competitive investment charter”. It was therefore necessary to act quickly and well, knowing that the framework law 18.95, the previous charter, would have been almost 27 years old today. This has supported the development of the country and the rise of a modern and broadly diversified economy. But economic, social, institutional, technological, and environmental changes have made it imperative to reform the State’s investment policy. Moreover, the current situation, despite the difficulties it entails, presents opportunities that Morocco will seize. Thus, the new charter is aimed at all those who wish to participate in this new phase of the Kingdom’s development, at all those who project themselves into a promising future: from the VSME to the large group, to national or foreign investors through the Moroccan companies wishing to develop internationally, they will all find in the charter a transparent, incentive and attractive framework.”
Source: –  12/15/2022

Government Council adopted the 1st decree implementing the new Investment Charter – January 26, 2023

As part of the implementation of the High Guidelines of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, the Government Council adopted, on January 26, 2023, the 1st decree implementing the new Investment Charter relating to the implementation of the main investment support mechanism and the specific support mechanism applicable to strategic investment projects.

This decree is a decisive step in the operationalization of the Investment Charter.

Said Cherkaoui
Tateyoko Research Institute

#morocco #investment #projects #opportunities #future #development #project #economy #law #environmental #foreigndirectinvestment #regionaldevelopment #smallbusinesses #midsizedbusiness #corporations #commerce #saidelmansourcherkaoui #marocroissance #internationalbusiness #tateyokoresearchintitute

MICEPP – Ministry of Investment, Convergence and Evaluation of Public Policies – MICEPP – Ministry of Investment, Convergence and Evaluation of Public Policies9,881 followers9,881 followers • 4mo • 4mo •

Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre des Hautes Orientations de Sa Majesté le Roi Mohammed VI, que Dieu L’assiste, le Conseil de Gouvernement a adopté, le 26 janvier 2023, le 1er décret d’application de la nouvelle Charte de l’Investissement relatif à la mise en œuvre du dispositif de soutien principal à l’investissement et du dispositif de soutien spécifique applicable aux projets d’investissement à caractère stratégique.

Ce décret constitue une étape déterminante de l’opérationnalisation de la Charte de l’Investissement.

How do you test and refine your Public Relations and branding messages and materials before launching them?

Before you launch your Public Relations and branding campaign, you need to test and refine your messages and materials to ensure they are clear, consistent, and compelling. Testing and refining your PR and branding elements can help you avoid costly mistakes, improve your reputation, and increase your chances of reaching your target audience and achieving your goals. Here are some steps you can follow to test and refine your PR and branding messages and materials before launching them.

Identify your objectives and metrics

The first step is to identify what you want to achieve with your PR and branding campaign and how you will measure your success. Your objectives should be SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Your metrics should be aligned with your objectives and reflect the outcomes you want to see, such as awareness, engagement, conversion, or loyalty. For example, if your objective is to increase brand awareness among a new segment, your metrics could include reach, impressions, mentions, or surveys.

Define your target audience and personas

The next step is to define who you want to reach with your PR and branding campaign and what motivates them. Your target audience is the group of people who are most likely to be interested in your product, service, or cause. Your personas are fictional representations of your ideal customers or stakeholders, based on their demographics, psychographics, behaviors, and needs. By defining your target audience and personas, you can tailor your messages and materials to their preferences, pain points, and goals.

Create your key messages and value proposition

The third step is to create your key messages and value proposition that communicate what you do, why you do it, and how you are different from your competitors. Your key messages are the main points you want to convey to your target audience and the media. Your value proposition is the unique benefit you offer to your customers or stakeholders. Your key messages and value proposition should be concise, consistent, and compelling, and support your objectives and brand identity.

Develop your PR and branding materials

The fourth step is to develop your PR and branding materials that support your key messages and value proposition and showcase your brand personality. Your PR and branding materials could include press releases, media kits, pitches, blogs, social media posts, newsletters, brochures, flyers, logos, slogans, videos, podcasts, or webinars. Your PR and branding materials should be relevant, engaging, and informative, and use a consistent tone, voice, and style.

Test your PR and branding elements

The fifth step is to test your PR and branding elements with a sample of your target audience and some external experts. Testing your PR and branding elements can help you get feedback on their clarity, consistency, and persuasiveness, and identify any gaps, errors, or areas for improvement. You can test your PR and branding elements using various methods, such as surveys, focus groups, interviews, usability tests, A/B tests, or analytics.

Refine your PR and branding elements

The final step is to refine your PR and branding elements based on the results of your testing and feedback. Refining your PR and branding elements can help you polish your messages and materials, enhance your brand image, and optimize your campaign performance. You can refine your PR and branding elements by making adjustments to your content, design, format, or delivery, and by ensuring they align with your objectives, metrics, brand identity, and target audience expectations.


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