TRI CK USA – Export, Import, Market Entry, and Investment


We have identified the 3 key factors of success for expanding into the US:

★  A carefully selected team of trusted advisors

★ The skills to leverage cultural differences 

★ An effective market entry strategy

The companies that successfully enter the US market are the ones that have given careful thought to their entry strategy instead of rushing headlong in either doing the same thing that worked for them at home or just adopting the same model as other companies they have seen succeed.

Every company is unique not only in its products and history, but also in its objectives, in its financial and timing requirements, and in what it is looking for in its United States of America expansion. Therefore, all those elements must be weighed in the decision of which market entry strategy to adopt.

★  A carefully selected team of trusted advisors

The successful companies are also the ones that have a small but carefully selected team of trusted advisors who understand them well and work exclusively in the company’s interest.

Good collaboration between partners also contributes to a successful outcome. as they avoid knowledge gaps and overlaps.

These professionals are proactive and challenge their clients to get at their real objectives rather than blindly deliver what the clients ask; clients often don’t know what they really need.

And finally, the successful ones are those that leverage the cultural differences both in their approach to the market and the U.S. buyer, and in the way they work with Americans.

Of course, there are differences, in language, in time zones, in habits, in expectations, but utilizing these different perspectives to reach more innovative and creative solutions is the secret of working across cultures. 

It is a force that can work against you or that can serve you if you learn to understand it and ride it masterfully.

Mastering each of these individually takes years of practice, and combining them is even more ambitious. That’s why companies only gain this experience at a tremendous cost in time, resources, wasted effort and failures along the way.


Cultures for International Operations

“African Ride in the Memory Path of Martin Luther King, Jr. Way: Milky Way at Oakland Hood“. – Photo by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Martin Luther King Avenue, Oakland, California – 2020 International Languages and Cultural Services Let’s do the Right Move Together and the Right Communication International Languages and Cultural Services You are interested … Continue reading Cultures for International Operations