We have identified the First key factors of success for expanding into the US:
We have identified the First key factors of success for expanding into the US: ★ Carefully selected team of trusted advisors ★ The skills to leverage cultural differences ★ An effective market entry strategy ★ A carefully selected team of trusted advisors
The successful companies are also the ones that have a small but carefully selected team of trusted advisors who understand them well and work exclusively in the company’s interest.
Good collaboration between partners also contributes to a successful outcome. as they avoid knowledge gaps and overlaps.
These professionals are proactive and challenge their clients to get at their real objectives rather than blindly deliver what the clients ask; clients often don’t know what they really need.
And finally, the successful ones are those that leverage the cultural differences both in their approach to the market and the U.S. buyer and in the way they work with Americans.
Of course, there are differences, in language, in time zones, in habits, in expectations, but utilizing these different perspectives to reach more innovative and creative solutions is the secret of working across cultures.
It is a force that can work against you or that can serve you if you learn to understand it and ride it masterfully.
Mastering each of these individually takes years of practice, and combining them is even more ambitious. That’s why companies only gain this experience at a tremendous cost in time, resources, wasted effort and learning from challenges along the way.
★ Leveraging cultural differences
for market entry strategy in California and the United States, here are some essential strategies:
Understanding Cultural Differences: Recognize the importance of cultural nuances, including language, traditions, customs, values, and social norms. Failing to adapt can impact your market entry success.
Language and Communication: Tailor marketing materials, product packaging, and customer support services to the language spoken in your target market. For example, linguistic accuracy is crucial, as demonstrated by Coca-Cola’s experience in China.
Social Norms and Etiquette: Research and respect social norms specific to your target market. For instance, exchanging business cards (meishi) is vital in Japan.
Building Relationships with Local Partners: Collaborate with local entities to gain insights into cultural nuances. Local partners can help with localization efforts, establish credibility, and navigate cultural differences.
Tailoring Your Product or Service: Understand how cultural values and beliefs shape consumer behavior. Adapt your offerings to suit local preferences and needs.
Embrace Cultural Intelligence: Develop cross-cultural competence. Appreciate different norms, values, and behaviors. Enhance your ability to adapt and communicate effectively in diverse cultural settings.
★ An effective market entry strategy
Remember that successful market entry involves continuous learning and adaptation to cultural differences for long-term success.
When it comes to market entry strategies for California and the United States of America, here are some crucial steps to consider:
Understanding the American Consumer Landscape: Research American consumer behavior, preferences, and cultural nuances. Transitioning seamlessly to the digital landscape is essential, as most Americans turn to online platforms for product discovery and purchases. Leverage digital marketing tools and e-commerce platforms to reach tech-savvy consumers.
Competitive Landscape Analysis: Conduct a comprehensive analysis of key competitors. Understand their market share, strengths, and weaknesses. Position your offerings strategically to resonate with the target audience. Stay updated on industry trends and innovations.
Regulatory Compliance and Market Entry: Navigating U.S. regulations is crucial. Ensure compliance with local laws, industry regulations, and licensing requirements. Legal experts can guide you through this process to avoid pitfalls.
Target Audience Segmentation: Embrace a nuanced approach. Divide the market into distinct segments based on demographics, psychographics, and behavior. Tailor your products, messaging, and marketing strategies accordingly.
Remember that a tailored entry strategy, cultural understanding, and adaptability are key to success in the U.S. market
Key Considerations for Entering a New Market
Market Research:
Understand the Market Environment: Analyze the economic, social, and cultural aspects of the market. Identify the demand for your product or service and understand the competitive landscape.
Local Nuances: Consider local preferences, buying behaviors, and market trends. Tailor your offerings to meet the specific needs of the local market.
Regulatory and Legal Factors:
Compliance: Ensure that your business complies with local laws and regulations, including licensing, taxation, and labor laws.
Political Climate: Assess the political stability and legal framework to ensure a transparent and predictable business environment.
Competitive Analysis:
Identify Competitors: Analyze your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses. Understand their market positioning and strategies.
Unique Value Proposition: Develop a unique value proposition that differentiates your product or service from competitors.
Market Entry Mode:
Choose the Right Entry Strategy: Options include exporting, licensing, franchising, joint ventures, or establishing a subsidiary. Each has its risks and benefits.
Local Partnerships: Partnering with local businesses to leverage their market knowledge and networks.
Financial Considerations:
Investment Requirements: Assess the initial investment needed for market entry, including marketing, distribution, and operational costs.
Risk Management: Develop a plan to address potential challenges and uncertainties.
Developing a Market Entry Strategy for California
Conduct Thorough Market Research:
Demographics and Consumer Behavior: Understand the demographics, income levels, and consumer preferences in California.
Industry Trends: Identify trends and opportunities within your industry in the California market.
Adapt Your Offering:
Localization: Adapt your products or services to meet local tastes and preferences. This may involve modifying features, packaging, or pricing.
Marketing Strategy: Develop a tailored marketing strategy that resonates with California consumers. Utilize local media channels and influencers.
Establish a Local Presence:
Local Office or Store: Consider setting up a local representative or retail store to build brand presence and trust.
Hire Local Talent: Employ local staff who understand the market and can effectively engage with customers.
Leverage Technology and Innovation:
Digital Marketing: Utilize digital marketing strategies, including social media, SEO, and online advertising, to reach a broader audience.
E-commerce Platforms: To Expand your reach, consider selling through popular e-commerce platforms like Amazon, eBay, or Etsy.
Expanding to Similar Marketplaces in the United States
Identify Similar Markets:
Market Similarities: Look for other states or regions with similar demographics, economic conditions, and consumer behaviors as California.
Scalability: Ensure that your business model and strategies are scalable to other markets.
Replicate Successful Strategies:
Best Practices: Apply the successful strategies and lessons learned from your California market entry to other similar markets.
Continuous Improvement: Monitor continually and refine your strategies based on feedback and market performance.
Build a Strong Network:
Form partnerships with local businesses, suppliers, and distributors in new markets to leverage their expertise and networks.
Community Engagement: Engage with local communities and participate in local events to build brand awareness and loyalty.
By carefully considering these factors and developing a tailored market entry strategy, you can increase your chances of success in California and other similar marketplaces in the United States.
Première Partie: Digital Made in Morocco: Écosystème, Économie du Savoir et Industrie Automobile – Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui
★ CHRONIQUE 🌎 CHERKAOUI ★ – L‘analyse présente est faite en 2 parties complémentaires: Première Partie: Digital Made in Morocco: Écosystème, Économie du Savoir et Industrie Automobile Le Maroc doit faire face a une économie mondiale centrée sur l’exploitation commerciale du savoir, en l’occurrence l’innovation et le développement de secteurs a haute valeur ajoutée dont l’utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle augmente la … Lire la suite
MAROC DIGITALL – L‘analyse présente est faite en 2 parties: Digital Made in : Écosystème, Économie du Savoir et Industrie Automobile – MAROC CROISSANCE L’analyse présente est faite en 2 parties complémentaires: Première Partie: Digital Made in Morocco: Écosystème, 28 JUIN 2018 … Continuer de lire New Strategic Drive for Development More you hear it, More Noise will come from it! Silence ! On tourne ! Action ! Time is the Essence of Action ! Time of the Transfer of Know-How and Technology is no more of the present. October 28, 2022 … Initialement publié: 11.12.2017 … Lire la suite
Application Numérique, Économie du Savoir, Écosystème et Industrie Automobile au Maroc
“We are in a perfect location at the gates of Europe,” – Jean-François Gal, director of Renault factory in northern Morocco
Le Maroc doit faire face a une économie mondiale centrée sur l’exploitation commerciale du savoir, en l’occurrence l’innovation et le développement de secteurs a haute valeur ajoutée dont l’utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle augmente la différenciation technologique. Ce décalage au détriment des pays subcapitaliste ayant une faible intégration technologique permet une plus grande réduction de coûts de production tout en augmentant le volume produit et un accroissement de l’écart entre les pays consommateurs et les pays détenteurs de la technologie tout en établissant de nouvelles formes de compétitivité doublées par un manque d’accès a l’innovation technologique qui est dorénavant justifiée par une invocation des lois du marché international et la division internationale du travail technologique. Ces avances technologiques permettent d’imposer une modernisation de l’infrastructure de transportation comme de celle même des aménités. On assista au Maroc a un déferlement de réalisations modernisatrices qui étaient plus guidées par cet impact de l’attractivité sectorielle des investissements étrangers et show case afin de plaire au capital étranger.
Ce « monopole » de l’innovation technologique basé sur une nouvelle redistribution des taches productives, des décisions financières et des responsabilités gestionnaires sur le plan global et a travers une redéfinition de la division international du travail, tous dote les pays créateurs du privilège d’être les premiers innovateurs « first movers » qui entre autres leur permet de dicter les conditions d’embauche, les traitements salariaux et sociaux et le niveau des bénéfices fiscaux et autres incitations offert par les politiques d’attractivité par les pays subcapitalistes vis-a-vis de l’investissement étranger direct productif.
Pour ces pôles industriels « Écosystèmes », une infrastructure fut modernisée et privilégiée dans la politique industrielle et régionale de l’Etat Marocain. L’exemple de l’Alliance Renault – Nissan confirme et innove dans la mise en place de ces plateformes multinationales tournées vers les pays fournisseurs a la fois d’une main-d’oeuvre relativement a bas salaire et possédant une demande pour les véhicules assemblés localement tout en servant de fournisseurs pour les autres « clusters automotive » entourés d’une value-chain supply pour la production des composants et cela comme l’affirmation locale et régionale d’une stratégie internationale.
L’Économie Numérique et l’Économie du Savoir sont ainsi réintégrer a travers le monde permettant ainsi la création d’une synergie a la mode de écosystème comme plateformes pour la production et l’écoulement du produit final dans les marchés a proximité comme l’approvisionnement des autres usines dans les pays distants, ce qui est le cas actuellement de la présence de Renault au Maroc. La production automobile au Maroc est en quelque sorte un « bridge’ entre ces considérations gestionnaires d’intégration internationale des unités de productions comme c’est un créneau de production de véhicules destinés a la fois a la demande locale, européenne et africaine.
Executive Briefing: This article presents the drive of Renault from the edge of bankruptcy to the rise of its model Logan to international prominence, fame and success. At the same time, Renault concentrated its production in countries that have been considered by the major car manufacturers as solely a marketplace and not the location of their production. Cette résurrection de Renault coïncida avec une rupture dans la volonté des décideurs nationaux des pays d’accueil de conduire leurs économies dans la voie du développement généralisé national. Dorénavant, le libéralisme idéologique et sa traduction opérationnelle sous forme du Développement Durable privilégient et accordent la primauté a des politiques conjoncturelles basées sur l’attractivité et l’implantation des créneaux industriels et a des productions sectorielles complémentaires pour la stimulation de la création de l’emploi, l’attrait des producteurs des composants mécaniques et la stimulation des exportations.
Investissement Etranger, Écosystème et Secteur Automobile au Maroc
« Les nouveaux investissements attestent du positionnement affirmé du secteur industriel du Royaume sur des activités à haute valeur ajoutée, ainsi que de la confiance d’opérateurs internationaux de renom dans le programme industriel national. Ils attestent aussi du changement de dimension industrielle à l’œuvre dans le Royaume qui migre ostensiblement vers un modèle économique solide confortant sa marche vers le concert des nations émergentes », rapporte la MAP.
Le Maroc n’est qu’un Hub comme tous les autres plantees par les Multinationales comme creneau regional offrant des facilites a tous les egards et integree dans leur propre supply chain et leur maillons formant la chaine de leur propre interne creation de la valeur ajoutee a leur taux de rentabilite de leurs operations et le niveau de profitabilite necessaire a leur maintain dans l’innovation et comme reponse et bouclier contre la concurrence acharnee des autres producteurs automobiles, et contre les aleas de la conjoncture internationale qui en grande partie provient des contradictions internes au systeme capitaliste durant des cycles de recyclage de ses propres exces au niveau de la production qu’au niveau de la redistribution de cette valeur au niveau social. L’integration de la robotique n’a en fait que reduit la demande pour les voitures plus sophistiquees et destinees pour les marches a haut niveau de revenu et ou la parite du pouvoir d’achat est maintenu haute par l’intervention directe de l’Etat au niveau de la fixation du taux d’interet et autres instruments interventionniste de reglage et de regulation de l’economie.
Dans cette perspective, Moulay Hafid Elalamy Ministre de l’Industrie, de l’Investissement, du Commerce et de l’Economie Numérique déclarait en 2015 que ces investisseurs « peuvent investir 100% et avoir une appropriation entière de leurs entreprises au Maroc. Ils peuvent également rapatrier du pays 100 pour cent des dividendes et tous leurs gains quand ils vendent leur entreprise. Donc, il y a une liberté totale en ce qui concerne le mouvement des capitaux.»
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui: Un catalyseur mondial des affaires, des investissements et du commerce international …… Veuillez accéder à ce lien pour plus de contributions : https://triconsultingkyoto.com/?p=5869 Est ce que l’Industrie Automobile est Marocaine? Franchement, vous continuez à placer des notions rétrogrades du développement économique. Avec ces titres-choc, les présentations de vidéo, projections et les conférences … Lire la suite de
Le Ministre Elalamy souligna aussi l’importance de la formation des travailleurs, ce qui permettra le pays à mieux répondre aux exigences des entreprises étrangères. Une incitation supplémentaire a été la création de 4 zones de libre-échange et des zones de production sectorielles de Kenitra, Nouacer, Tanger et Oujda, bénéficiant d’un taux d’imposition de 0% pour les cinq premières années d’exploitation, suivie d’une taxe de 8,75% pour une période de vingt ans.
Production, Création de l’Emploi et Exports dans l’Industrie Automobile au Maroc
«Les technologies numériques transforment le monde des affaires, du travail et de l’administration publique», Jim Yong Kim, président du Groupe Banque mondiale.
La Société marocaine de construction automobile (SOMACA) a célébré le 28 juillet 2016, la sortie de chaîne de son 500 000ème véhicule produit depuis 2005, date où le groupe Renault a pris le contrôle de l’usine : une citadine Dacia Logan destinée au marché local.ans le royaume chérifien, 70 536 véhicules ont été vendus par le groupe en 2017, soit une hausse de 14,3 % par rapport à 2016, et représentent 41,8 % du marché. Les modèles Logan 2 (Dacia), Dokker (Dacia) et Clio 4 (Renault) ont eu les faveurs des acheteurs, avec respectivement 12 933, 11 781 et 11 441 véhicules vendus, juste devant Sandero (10 959 véhicules vendus). Parmi ce quatuor de tête, seule la Clio 4 est importée, les trois autres modèles étant produits localement à Casablanca pour Logan 2 et Sandero, et à Tanger pour Dokker et Sandero.
Au premier semestre 2017, Renault-Nissan se hisse au premier rang mondial des constructeurs automobiles. Avec 5.268.079 voitures vendues sur les six premiers mois de l’année, le groupe détrône Volkswagen (5.155.600 ventes) qui était n°1 en 2016 malgré le diesel gate. Toyota complète ce podium avec 5.129.000 véhicules vendus. Sur l’année écoulée, le nombre de voitures écoulées par Renault a bondi de 10,4%, ajoute le quotidien économique.*
Création de l’Emploi:
Selon certaines déclarations, un seul emploi créé dans l’industrie automobile mène à six autres emplois directs dans le secteur des fournisseurs et d’autres accompagné de quatre autres emplois indirects. Ce qui signifie un emploi dans l’industrie automobile crée dix autres emplois au total. Cette trajectoire de création modernisant avait permit ainsi l’émergence de nouveaux écosystèmes, y compris au sein même du secteur automobile, qui a attiré des investissements de sociétés telle que l’ouverture en 2012 par Renault de l’usine de production de pointe à Tanger Med (Maroc: Industrie Automobile).
Alors même que PSA Peugeot Citroën est en difficulté en Europe; le groupe automobile a également révélé des plans de construction d’une usine marocaine de 630 millions de dollars, cherchant ainsi a réduire à la fois les coûts de production et sa dépendance a l’égard des marchés européens. Un site près de la ville côtière de Kenitra commencera à assembler de petites et sous-compactes modèles pour l’Afrique et le Moyen-Orient d’ici 2019. L’entreprise s’attend à ce que l’usine se procure 60 pour cent des composants localement, éventuellement grimper a 80% à mesure que la chaîne d’approvisionnement se développe. Le but est d’avoir une main-d’œuvre de 4500 personnes une fois l’usine atteint sa capacité de 200 000 véhicules. La capacité de production de 90 000 véhicules devrait s’élever à 200 000 alors que les ventes commencent à décoller.
L’industrie automobile reste la plus performante et poursuit sa progression entamée depuis la construction de l’usine Renault à Tanger. Concernant cette catégorie en particulier, durant l’exercice de 2017, le royaume a exporté 58,5 milliards de dirhams, soit une hausse de 7,1 % en comparaison avec 2016. Pour Renault, l’usine de Tanger s’est concentrée sur la production et l’exportation du véhicule de la gamme Entry, commercialisé sous la marque Dacia en Espagne, en France et en Allemagne.
Selon Moulay Hafid Elalamy Ministre de l’Industrie, de l’Investissement, du Commerce et de l’Economie Numérique, « le Maroc est actuellement un joueur mondial de taille raisonnable et, avec une projection dans les cinq prochaines années pour atteindre un million de véhicules, nous deviendrons un leader dans ce domaine. » Fait nouveau, Moulay Hafid Elalamy n’exclut pas d’attirer les plus grands groupes en recourant « aux services de banques d’affaires payées par success fees [primes de réussite] ».
Paul Carvalho, directeur général de Renault Groupe au Maroc, raconte, « chez Renault nous avons demandé nous-mêmes, allons-nous trouver les compétences, le soutien du gouvernement et l’infrastructure nous permettrait de réussir? Mais, vous pouvez voir ce que a été fait en termes d’infrastructure, tels que les autoroutes et les chemins de fer. » (Voir détails dans la carte ci-dessous de l’intégration logistique de Tanger avec Tétouan).
Ainsi, une réorientation du développement national fut entreprise a travers la primauté accordée a des créneaux industriels et a des productions sectorielles complémentaires dans la création de l’emploi, l’installation des producteurs des composants mécaniques et la stimulation des exportations. De même, l’apport de l’investissement etranger n’est plus porteur de know-how ou de transfert de technologie mais seulement de créateur d’emploi et de subcapitalisation de l’économie nationale aux directives et variations de l’Economie du Savoir globalisée et comme un secteur de production industrielle répondant aux termes du développement durable préconisé comme expression régionale du libéralisme international des échanges commerciaux.
Investissement Etranger, Écosystème et Secteur Automobile au Maroc
En 2017, écosystème prend place dans la stratégie des productions localisées de l’industrie automobile qui désormais au Maroc s’approvisionne des entreprises étrangères installées dans Tanger Automotive City a proximité de Tanger Med et produisant des composantes tel que les jantes en aluminium, des tableaux de bord, des pare-chocs, de sièges ou encore de boîtiers électromécaniques. Le ministre de l’Industrie, de l’Investissement, du Commerce et de l’Economie numérique, Moulay Hafid Elalamy, a prononcé une allocution devant le Roi dans laquelle il a indiqué que « le Plan d’Accélération Industrielle et la démarche des écosystèmes sont des leviers réels de l’accélération industrielle en marche », notant que les 26 investissements lancés dans l’automobile introduisent de nouvelles spécialisations au Maroc, renforcent l’intégration locale, densifient le tissu productif, et répondent à un besoin jusque-là comblé par l’import. Ils généreront 11 568 emplois directs, a-t-il indiqué. Le Roi Mohammed VI présida la cérémonie de lancement de 26 investissements industriels dans le secteur de l’automobile, d’un montant global de 13,78 milliards de dirhams. Une annonce qui intervient au lendemain de l’accord conclu avec le spécialiste chinois de la voiture électrique BYD Auto Industry.
Sur les 26 investissements, six projets s’inscrivent dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de l’Écosystème Renault qui développe une plateforme mondiale d’approvisionnement depuis le Royaume. En effet, six projets meublent l’Écosystème pour Renault alors que 13 investissements seront réalisés dans le cadre de l’Écosystème PSA Peugeot qui impulse un nouveau développement à Kénitra, créant un total de 11 568 emplois directs pour un investissement de 13,8 MMDH. Cinq autres investissements s’inscrivent dans le cadre des activités de l’Écosystème «câblage et connectique», lancé en octobre 2014 et enfin deux investissements se déploient dans le cadre de l’Écosystème Valeo. Ces montants englobent aussi la production de jantes en aluminium, de tableaux de bord, de pare-chocs, de sièges ou encore de boîtiers électromécaniques. Grâce à la structuration de cet écosystème d’envergure, PSA Peugeot s’approvisionne actuellement en pièces usinées à hauteur d’un milliard d’euros par an à partir du Maroc et atteint un taux d’intégration locale de 55 %.
Investissement Etranger, Écosystème et Secteur Automobile au Maroc
Par contre, le déficit commercial du Maroc au titre de l’année 2017 s’est creusé de 2,6 %, selon les dernières statistiques livrées par l’Office des Changes, mardi 16 janvier. La différence entre les exportations du pays et ses importations s’élève ainsi à 189,8 milliards de dirhams (16,7 milliards d’euros), contre 185 milliards de dirhams l’année précédente. C’est la deuxième année consécutive que le déficit commercial s’accentue.
Le Maroc trouve dans l’Afrique Subsaharienne le contrepoids aux déséquilibres traversées par les économies occidentales. Pour se protéger, on assiste aux éclatements et a la remise en cause d’accords commerciaux, Brexit, projet d’accord régional transpacifique (TPP), Aléna (Nafta)et le Partenariat transatlantique (TTIP ou Tafta). En même temps, les chancelleries occidentales optent pour la mise en place de politique étrangère basée sur leurs armada protectionniste tel que les barrières administratives de « quota, » les mesures d’arrêt des flux migratoires et cela comme des décisions imposées par leur conjoncture instable. Ces élucubrations avaient toutes affaibli ou réduit la croissance des échanges tant avec le Maroc que le reste de l’Afrique donnant une impulsion a la régionalisation des échanges commerciaux et la recherche de débouchés par une pléiade d’accords d’association, d’intégration et de libre-échange.
Une compétition plus acharnée s’était ainsi infiltrée dans les échanges commerciaux dont la globalisation avait soudé les maillons de son enchaînement international. L’Afrique doit ainsi retourner a ses propres ressources et potentialités locales, régionales et périphériques a travers le renforcement du rapprochement entre ses composantes économiques, a savoir les Communautés Economiques Régionales et les accords bilatéraux d’échange commerciaux, financiers, culturels et dans ce cas de harmonisation de l’Economie Numérique avec l’Economie du Savoir.
Education Entrepreneuriale, Economie Numérique et Economie du Savoir en Afrique
C’est a travers l’établissement d’une économie numérique que les responsables du commerce extérieur et des relations financières internationales peuvent avoir accès a des données fiables et une gestion plus rapprochée des flux et leurs changements conjoncturels. Les données correspondantes peuvent faciliter la prise de decision comme toute intervention sectorielle sans remettre en cause les engagements pris envers le reste de l’Afrique et du monde avec lesquels le Maroc possède des traités d’échanges culturels et commerciaux.
De même, c’est dans l’éducation numérique que le Maroc peut explorer les ressources infra-structurelles, logistiques et technologiques pour puiser et établir les fondations digitales pour le renforcement de sa position de partenaire – compétiteur dans ses tentatives d’intégration tant dans le marché international, africain que pour sa candidature au Carré des pays émergents.
Economie du Savoir est a privilégier dans la formation de nouvelles strates d’entrepreneurs qui peuvent former une nouvelle « Technocratie Numérique » capable de guider et d’explorer les nouveaux horizons et applications numériques pour pouvoir coordonner et interconnecter les différentes ressources entrepreneuriales dans un même « One Stop Shop » afin d’avoir une facilite et une efficience dans l’accès, le traitement et la formulation de décisions et de solutions pouvant contribuer a passer a une vitesse supérieure dans leur élan innovateur entrepreneurial.
Pour cette raison, nous proposons également la création d’un American Institute of Entrepreneurship in Africa afin de contribuer dans l’établissement des premiers jalons d’un telle entreprise et un tel besoin, celui d’intégrer l’Économie Numérique et l’Économie du Savoir pour renforcer l’intégration économique régionale au Maroc et au sein de l’Afrique (voir détails dans la présentation ci-dessous)..
Version Française: Présentation de American Institute of Entrepreneurship in Africa
★ I provide guidance on entrepreneurship, business planning and the effectiveness of management policies for regional and international operations. ★ I develop strategies and proposals, conduct demos and formulate recommendations on practices, competitors and investment opportunities. ★ I customize, conduct and direct training for US and foreign government agencies, companies and workforce organizations. ★ For the Academia, I create new program studies and curriculum activities. I have also directed doctorate thesis and taught at Executive, Graduate and Undergraduate programs in the United States and conducted research for entities in France and US.
International Economics
Global Political Economy
Business and Finance
Le Maroc Numérique et l’Intégration Régionale et Internationale
🌎World Affairs Analyst🌍Speaker🌎Founder/Owner, Content Writer, Reporter and Editor of 16 Online News Sites 🌎 High Tech, Logistics, Automotive, Business and Trade, Political Economy and Memories 🌍
L’étape essentielle dans un projet, c’est les performances mesurables prospectives et la réalisation de vecteurs porteurs d’innovation et d’expansion ayant comme dénominateur commun la flexibilité et comme coefficient multiplicateur une capacité d’adaptation à tout potentiel changement. Ces attributs demeurent le propre du leadership et de la sphère des décideurs qui maîtrisent les instruments et les leviers dans la conduite, la redéfinition des orientations intermédiaires et l’aboutissement final du projet.
De ce fait, les déclarations des préférences, les expressions des intentions et les formulations des options ne peuvent être qu’une seule quantification mais doivent être transformées en intelligence opérationnelle et en données interventionnistes accompagnant si ce n’est conditionnant le processus de la détermination des choix fondamentaux d’un projet encore au stade de la gestation. Une approche basée sur les notions du Travail d’Equipe mené par un Leadership décidé et averti doit primer sur toutes les autres considérations de la gestion et de la gouvernance afin d’instaurer une stratégie orientée vers le changement dans le progrès et amélioration du rendement.
Projet: Travail d’Equipe et Définition de Compétences
La vidéo ci-dessous démontre les défis et les contraintes ainsi que les solutions a travers l’identifications des freins et les compétences afin de stimuler le rendement d’équipe.https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/api/edit/embed?embed=%257B%2522type%2522%253A%2522link%2522%252C%2522title%2522%253A%257B%2522localized%2522%253A%257B%2522en_US%2522%253A%2522American%2520Institute%2520of%2520Entrepreneurship%2520in%2520Africa%2522%257D%257D%252C%2522description%2522%253A%257B%2522localized%2522%253A%257B%2522en_US%2522%253A%2522Manager%2520and%2520Change%2520Management%2520Dr.%2520Said%2520El%2520Mansour%2520Cherkaoui%2522%257D%257D%252C%2522provider%2522%253A%257B%2522name%2522%253A%2522YouTube%2522%252C%2522display%2522%253A%2522YouTube%2522%252C%2522url%2522%253A%2522http%253A%252F%252Fyoutube.com%2522%257D%252C%2522request%2522%253A%257B%2522originalUrl%2522%253A%2522https%253A%252F%252Fwww.youtube.com%252Fwatch%253Fv%253Dya4acTFOzLk%2522%252C%2522finalUrl%2522%253A%2522https%253A%252F%252Fwww.youtube.com%252Fwatch%253Fv%253Dya4acTFOzLk%2522%257D%252C%2522images%2522%253A%255B%257B%2522url%2522%253A%2522https%253A%252F%252Fi.ytimg.com%252Fvi%252Fya4acTFOzLk%252Fhqdefault.jpg%2522%252C%2522width%2522%253A480%252C%2522height%2522%253A360%257D%255D%252C%2522data%2522%253A%257B%2522com.linkedin.treasury.Link%2522%253A%257B%2522url%2522%253A%2522https%253A%252F%252Fwww.youtube.com%252Fwatch%253Fv%253Dya4acTFOzLk%2522%252C%2522html%2522%253A%2522Manager%2520and%2520Change%2520Management%2520Dr.%2520Said%2520El%2520Mansour%2520Cherkaoui%2522%252C%2522width%2522%253A-1%252C%2522height%2522%253A-1%257D%257D%257D&signature=AQpewWR-ZDto9ebflM1ScJqZYSdE
Cette inclusion permet aussi un encadrement plus efficace du projet vu que les décideurs reçoivent ainsi des notions renouvelables et des ouvertures sur des potentialités constructives permettant ainsi une plus grande participation des centres d’intérêts environnant comme une cohésion effective du projet avec les attentes des tenants des secteurs et des espaces que ce même projet vise comme finalité le développement de logiciels, d’applications innovatrices, de nouveaux produits et de services.
Économies de coûts,
une efficacité,
une stimulation pour les entreprises,
une amélioration des services civiques,
une politique éclairée,
une planification du rendement,
une recherche et des découvertes scientifiques,
une transparence des comptes publics et une responsabilité basée sur le respect des droits publics entraînant une participation accrue du public dans le dialogue démocratique.
Les profonds changements induits par les technologies numériques dans le circuit du transfert de la valeur et dans la distribution logistique de la marchandise et ses avoirs financiers font actuellement leur apparition même dans l’offre des services sociaux et publics en Californie et cela en plusieurs langues utilisées par le diverses ethnies d’immigrées. A travers un tel rapprochement et une adaptation de l’outil technologique robotique en fonction des besoins d’information, de collecte des formulaires et des applications ainsi que l’obtention de l’aide sociale, les services administratifs visent a la fois le renforcement de l’efficacité via une double dimension d’innovation du procédé établi et du produit final escompté. En Chine, c’est les examens administratifs et les examens scolaires sont évalués et notés par des robots.
Cette innovation de procédé a travers l’adoption de la technologie robotique et l’intelligence artificielle permet en premier l’exploration de données sans avoir a recourir au retour de l’information ou bien a la réaction des utilisateurs pour identifier, collecter et quantifier les besoins prospectifs. L’introduction des technologies du futur et numériques, y compris l’Intelligence Artificielle d’innovation de produit permet l’émergence de nouveaux services, donc une croissance et une progression des services rendus sans pour autant imposer une occupation foncière plus large. L’espace déjà utilisé est donc plus manageable avec une plus grande productivité et une utilisation de l’environnement plus rationnelle tout en offrant un service direct et synchronous.
Ainsi, cette progression technologique se traduit aussi par une amélioration dans la provision de services se réalisent aussi a travers la multiplicité des services qui sont fournis simultanément avec ciblage, traçabilité et rétractabilité et sous la forme de Mode de Transfert Asynchrone/Spontané. L’autre dimension de cette « multitude de services et de produits», est le rassemblement, sur des plateformes multiples toute une panoplie d’informations décentralisées qui sont fournies par les utilisateurs qui permettent l’évaluation des performances, la croissance des demandes, l’identification de l’inefficacité et la définition de nouvelles stratégies en réponse.
Pour que ces nouvelles technologies conduisent à plus d’efficacité, il est nécessaire qu’elles s’accompagnent de changements organisationnels, d’une grande transparence dans leur utilisation et d’un recours massif aux services publics numériques par les citoyens et les entreprises.
Projet Numérique et Consultation Populaire
Dans le cadre d’un projet de développement numérique ayant des retombées directes sur l’économie-système, un ensemble d’outils très concrets doivent être conçus et doivent aussi résulter de la consultation directe publique notamment entre les entrepreneurs concernés, les institutions étatiques et les industriels établis et le reste des citoyens et cela tout au long de la mise en place et le lancement des étapes du projet numérique. Le numérique soulève des questions essentielles sur lesquelles il faut se positionner clairement pour que le contrat entre les citoyens et l’État soit adapté à cette nouvelle ère.et tant au niveau national comme sur le plan de sa projection à l’international.
Un changement des procédures et l’introduction de nouvelles formes de gestion doivent se combiner pour réussir une transition vers l’adoption des techniques numériques qui sont aussi relayées et branchées sur un circuit global tout en ayant une visée et un ancrage locale et régionales. Dans ce but, la gestion des services et l’offre de produits est conduite a travers l’existence d’une vision dont les compétences, les systèmes d’incitation, les ressources et le plan d’action doivent être additionnés et harmonisés pour réussir l’adoption d’un changement opérationnel. L’utilisation efficace du numérique comme nouvelles techniques doit être orientée et basée sur une approche intégrée de la gestion du changement organisationnel et du développement des structures opérationnelles tant au niveau local, régional et international.
Identifier les problèmes réglementaires potentiels sur le marché des applications mobiles et de prendre en compte une série de problèmes rencontrés par les consommateurs.
Relocaliser le Maroc a travers une adoption d’une chaîne de valeur et un développement numérique pouvant a la fois être une réponse et une solution administrative et commerciale facilitant l’émergence du Maroc sur le plan de l’intégration numérique en tant qu’Economie Sociale tout en stimulant la creation d’Entreprises Sociales.
“Sociabiliser” l’utilisation numérique par les institutions et les entreprises et par les fournisseurs des applications et les logiciels peut aussi rendre réel la possibilité de “Connect Africa” afin de créer des marchés périphériques et limitrophes pour le Numérique Marocain et cela a travers les Communautés économiques régionales (CER) de l’Union africaine. (voir détails dans cette Matrix).
Projet de gestion du Changement de Valeur: résultats et résultats
Voici une recherche récente que j’ai développée sur le ROI et qui est liée à une étude de programme que je développe pour mon projet de création: American Institute of Entrepreneurship in Africa. Ce travail est basé sur les domaines d’étude du ROI concernant la gestion du changement de valeur et le développement numérique en réponse aux défis rencontrés par le Maroc et l’Afrique dans leur intégration réciproque et celle parallèle dans le marché international:
Cette valeur de la gestion du changement est définie en termes de réussite du projet, de réalisation des avantages, de création de valeur et de réalisation du profit sur l’investissement.
«Les technologies numériques transforment le monde des affaires, du travail et de l’administration publique », a déclaré Jim Yong Kim, président du Groupe Banque mondiale. “
Au niveau des affaires financières, le Maroc avait déjà entamé une telle perspective. En effet, dès 1990 on assista à l’implantation de la BMCE Bank qui avait acquis successivement 27,38% du capital de la Banque de développement du Maroc, et 25% du tour de table de Congolaise des banques. En 2007, la BMCE s’est appropriée un contrôle d’actionnariat de l’ordre de 59,39% dans la Bank of Africa du Mali. Actuellement, le groupe BMCE s’est forgé un réseau numérique, de filiales et de représentations qui couvre 14 pays africains et représente l’un des premiers réseaux électroniques bancaires dans la région de l’Union Économique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine.
« Nous devons continuer à connecter [l’Afrique et] tout le monde et ne laisser personne sur la touche, parce que le coût des opportunités perdues est énorme. Mais pour que les dividendes du numérique soient largement partagés entre toutes les franges de la société, les pays doivent aussi améliorer leur climat des affaires, investir dans l’éducation et la santé, et promouvoir la bonne gouvernance.» Jim Yong Kim
En effet, la numérisation fait évoluer l’administration vers une plateforme de réciprocité a travers laquelle les citoyens et les services publics interactivement communiquent, et interagissent. De ce fait, le numérique au Maroc doit se positionner dans l’efficacité et la transparence pour que le contrat entre les citoyens/nes et l’État soit adapté à cette nouvelle ère. L’Etat et les pouvoirs publics doivent se fournir des potentialités suivantes:
Mobiliser des données fiables en matière de diagnostic organisationnel du processus de la gestion du changement suite a l’adaptation des techniques numériques;
Concevoir des modèles numériques et évaluer les possibilités de changement organisationnel dans le but de faire une analyse approfondie de l’apport potentiel et de planifier la mise en oeuvre de nouveaux services et produits;
Développer des compétences en gestion numérique du changement dans la préparation, la mise en oeuvre, la communication et l’évaluation d’un changement organisationnel a travers une formation continue correspondante a l’évolution des technologies du futur.
Dans ce but, les filières organisationnelles considérées d’avenir constituent les grands axes de développement et d’implantation d’orientations et de décisions allant dans le sens de l’encouragement de l’innovation qui favorise l’édification d’une organisation plus cohérente et unifiée.Concernant l’éducation numérique au Maroc et son intégration par l’economie numérique, je vous propose mon projet sur l’établissement d’une structure de formation, de préparation et d’accompagnement des Entrepreneuriat au Maroc et dans le reste de l’Afrique en premier les pays avec lesquels le Maroc possède des traités d’échanges culturels et commerciaux.
Pour cerner également les grandes lignes de mon projet sur l’Entrepreneuriat en Afrique, veuillez consulter le contenu de l’illustration suivante qui présente le Résumé Exécutif de American Institute of Entrepreneurship in Africa:https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/api/edit/embed?embed=%257B%2522type%2522%253A%2522link%2522%252C%2522title%2522%253A%257B%2522localized%2522%253A%257B%2522en_US%2522%253A%2522R%25C3%25A9sum%25C3%25A9%2520Ex%25C3%25A9cutif%253A%2520American%2520Institute%2520of%2520Entrepreneurship%2520in%2520Africa%2522%257D%257D%252C%2522description%2522%253A%257B%2522localized%2522%253A%257B%2522en_US%2522%253A%2522%2522%257D%257D%252C%2522provider%2522%253A%257B%2522name%2522%253A%2522Google%2520Docs%2522%252C%2522display%2522%253A%2522Google%2520Docs%2522%252C%2522url%2522%253A%2522http%253A%252F%252Fdocs.google.com%2522%257D%252C%2522request%2522%253A%257B%2522originalUrl%2522%253A%2522https%253A%252F%252Fdocs.google.com%252Fpresentation%252Fd%252F1rLpVWD7sH4XZLxsjuYCU8OTz5X1C-oBpYdFQsaingu8%252Fedit%253Fusp%253Dsharing%2526usp%253Dembed_facebook%2522%252C%2522finalUrl%2522%253A%2522https%253A%252F%252Fdocs.google.com%252Fpresentation%252Fd%252F1rLpVWD7sH4XZLxsjuYCU8OTz5X1C-oBpYdFQsaingu8%252Fedit%253Fusp%253Dsharing%2526usp%253Dembed_facebook%2522%257D%252C%2522images%2522%253A%255B%257B%2522url%2522%253A%2522https%253A%252F%252Flh4.googleusercontent.com%252Fz2LobRvh-XaRwsQXO-Oi518GkFEEsMyCsqEWPiadlWjSyT_D7OZq5bOesweCZpTqRLauXg%253Dw1200-h630-p%2522%252C%2522width%2522%253A1200%252C%2522height%2522%253A630%257D%255D%252C%2522data%2522%253A%257B%2522com.linkedin.treasury.Link%2522%253A%257B%2522url%2522%253A%2522https%253A%252F%252Fdocs.google.com%252Fpresentation%252Fd%252F1rLpVWD7sH4XZLxsjuYCU8OTz5X1C-oBpYdFQsaingu8%252Fedit%253Fusp%253Dsharing%2526usp%253Dembed_facebook%2522%252C%2522width%2522%253A-1%252C%2522height%2522%253A-1%257D%257D%257D&signature=AckuBVPLSp4sf20YB3h7OAIpxFzS
Pour de multiples projets y compris les plus récents tel que www.cherkaouijournal.com a complété news et analyses journal publié sur l’internet et un autre projet par l’Établissement d’une structure de formation sur la gestion entrepreneuriale et l’Économie Numérique au Maroc et en Afrique, a savoir American Institute of Entrepreneurship in Africa.
De même, Dr. Cherkaoui avait créé, développé et dirigé l’innovation stratégique et la mise en œuvre de la gestion des liens avec les propositions numériques pour des services commerciaux et produits industriels en Californie, pour les marchés régionaux et internationaux.
Pour tout contact ou discussion, vous pouvez me contacter a Linkedin ou bien directement à mon courriel / Email: saidcherkaoui24@gmail.com
🌎World Affairs Analyst🌍Speaker🌎Founder/Owner, Content Writer, Reporter and Editor of 16 Online News Sites 🌎 High Tech, Logistics, Automotive, Business and Trade, Political Economy and Memories 🌍
Local Culture and Local Business Culture: To Be AI or Not To Be Pen Writing
Local Culture is still Not Integrated in the Artificial Intelligence Bank of Intelligent Data
You are never better served than by yourself. Don’t forget to mention our speakers and storytellers from Bab Mellah – Fortaleza Mazagão, Agba Boucherit, Dar Caid Si Boubker, Sidi Yahya, Gaa de Sidi Moussa, Joutiya Derb Ghalef, and the Grand Rally of Moulay Abdellah.
I hope that one of your researchers knows the traditions that were transmitted through these places or the fertile memory of the event as a translation of burlesque and serious anecdotes sometimes intended as reprimand and mockery and at other times about wisdom inherited through tribal cultural identification.
This need to belong to a locality and to a home with a name and regional social identity which through the ages moves and reproduces to create a piece of populist history in its orality as well as in its expression of pride. of belonging has symbols and signs worthy of recognition. A form of reproduction through the dialectal language of which the poets sang as the bravery and distinction of their masters of arms like their financial patrons without real glory.
In the city of our birth, popular singing, including by Sheikhates and Sheikhs, is incommensurate with the cultural or social divide but rooted in the future of our social education and our awareness of history that nothing could compete or criticize since it was part of our daily life and especially our ancestral environment through which we nourish our regional and tribal belonging.
Knowing and learning through listening was for us the continuation of our first learning in the Koranic schools and also the advanced age of these personalities of the art of popular discourse, this correlation imposed on us a respect for this knowledge that only these encounters allowed us to learn and subsequently recite like cascades of our image.
These Hlaquiyas and these masters of the history of cultural and popular identity were our masters of the School of the Street and the Neighborhood, the reproduction of what I found in Paris in the Latin Quarter and in front of the Pompidou Center as was the case at Jamaa El Fna too.
For us Mazaganais, they became, as Chaouki said, the legitimate prophets of our knowledge of identity. The Mazaganese and Jdidis writers first Driss Chraibi identified with such characters of the Halqua as was also Abdelkebir Khatibi who thus possessed a common denominator of their respective story-novel given the familiar ingredients of their own and direct entourage and their observations and listening to the raw and primary narration which they transformed into a form of antagonistic and populist cultural dialectic reflecting a reality that only oral tradition could have preserved and transmitted between the generations of our neighborhood community, city and country.
The Hlayqui lyricist technique found itself metamorphosed into literary prose crisscrossing the same periods and the same cultural identities with the only difference, the French-speaking linguistic vector and the organizational structure of the chronological and territorial narration of an academic style.
My other Cultural groups at Facebook are as follows or you can also find some publications on our traditions of Doukkala and Mazagan – El Jadida
Mazagan Magazine
Made in Doukkala – Morocco
Made in Doukkala – Morocco
Memories Knowledge and Families Made in Mazagan El Jadida Doukkala
La Culture Locale n’est pas encore integree dans l’Intelligence Artificielle – La Banque des Donnees Intelligentes
On n’est jamais mieux servi que par soi-même. N’oubliez pas de mentionner nos intervenants et conteurs de Bab Mellah – Fortaleza Mazagão, Agba Boucherit, Dar Caid Si Boubker, Sidi Yahya, Gaa de Sidi Moussa, Joutiya Derb Ghalef, et du Grand Rallye de Moulay Abdellah.
J’espère que l’un de vos chercheurs connaît les traditions qui se sont transmises à travers ces lieux ou la mémoire fertile de l’événement comme traduction d’anecdotes burlesques et sérieuses, tantôt destinées à la réprimande et à la moquerie, tantôt à la sagesse héritée de l’identification culturelle tribale.
Ce besoin d’appartenance à une localité et à un foyer avec un nom et une identité sociale régionale qui, à travers les âges, se déplace et se reproduit pour créer un morceau d’histoire populiste dans son oralité ainsi que dans son expression de fierté. d’appartenance comporte des symboles et des signes dignes de reconnaissance. Une forme de reproduction à travers le langage dialectal dont les poètes chantaient comme la bravoure et la distinction de leurs maîtres d’armes comme de leurs mécènes financiers sans véritable gloire.
Dans notre ville natale, le chant populaire, y compris celui des cheikhates et des cheikhs, est sans commune mesure avec la fracture culturelle ou sociale mais ancré dans l’avenir de notre éducation sociale et dans notre conscience d’une histoire que rien ne peut rivaliser ou critiquer puisqu’elle fait partie de notre la vie quotidienne et surtout notre environnement ancestral à travers lequel nous nourrissons notre appartenance régionale et tribale.
Connaître et apprendre par l’écoute était pour nous la continuation de nos premiers apprentissages dans les écoles coraniques et aussi l’âge avancé de ces personnalités de l’art du discours populaire, cette corrélation nous imposait un respect de ce savoir que seules ces rencontres nous permettaient d’acquérir. apprendre et ensuite réciter comme des cascades de notre image.
Ces Hlaquiyas et ces maîtres de l’histoire de l’identité culturelle et populaire étaient nos maîtres de l’École de la rue et du quartier, la reproduction de ce que j’ai trouvé à Paris dans le Quartier Latin et devant le Centre Pompidou comme c’était le cas à Jamaa El Fna aussi.
Pour nous Mazaganais, ils sont devenus, comme le disait Chaouki, les prophètes légitimes de notre connaissance de l’identité. Les écrivains mazaganais et jdidis ont d’abord identifié Driss Chraibi à des personnages de la Halqua, tout comme Abdelkebir Khatibi qui possédait ainsi un dénominateur commun à leur roman-histoire respectif compte tenu des ingrédients familiers de leur propre entourage direct et de leurs observations et de leur écoute brute. et narration primaire qu’ils ont transformée en une forme de dialectique culturelle antagoniste et populiste reflétant une réalité que seule la tradition orale aurait pu préserver et transmettre entre les générations de notre communauté de quartier, ville et pays.
La technique parolière hlayqui s’est retrouvée métamorphosée en prose littéraire sillonnant les mêmes périodes et les mêmes identités culturelles avec pour seule différence, le vecteur linguistique francophone et la structure organisationnelle de la narration chronologique et territoriale d’un style académique.
Mes autres groups Culturels sont les suivants ou vous pouvez également retrouver quelques publications sur nos traditions des Doukkala et Mazagan – El Jadida
Magazine Mazagan
Fabriqué à Doukkala – Maroc
Fabriqué à Doukkala – Maroc
Memories Knowledge and Families Made in Mazagan El Jadida Doukkala
Artificial Intelligence and Consulting Based on Pen Writing: Colonization or Cohabitation?
Artificial Intelligence Reaction to Our Question:
How Artificial Intelligence can be Pain for Pen Writing for consulting services and jobs. How artificial intelligence can impact the provision of consulting solutions and how it can replace human-formulated advice and recommendations?
AI responses and reactions:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the consulting industry in several ways, enhancing and challenging traditional consulting roles. Here are some key impacts:
AI can quickly process vast amounts of data, providing consultants with deeper insights and more accurate predictions. This allows for more informed decision-making and strategy development. Tools like machine learning and natural language processing can analyze market trends, customer behavior, and financial data, offering a comprehensive view that would take humans much longer to compile. Routine tasks such as data collection, report generation, and initial analysis can be automated, allowing consultants to focus on more complex and creative aspects of their work. AI can streamline processes, reducing the time and cost associated with consulting projects.
AI algorithms can identify patterns and correlations that might be missed by human analysts, leading to more robust and innovative solutions. By providing real-time data and predictive analytics, AI helps consultants make more timely and effective recommendations.
Many tasks traditionally performed by junior consultants, such as data entry and preliminary analysis, are increasingly being handled by AI, potentially reducing the need for entry-level positions. This shift requires consultants to adapt by developing skills in AI and data science to remain competitive.
While AI can handle data-driven tasks efficiently, it lacks the nuanced understanding and emotional intelligence that human consultants bring to client interactions and strategic thinking.
AI cannot replace the creativity, empathy, and contextual understanding that human consultants provide, especially in complex and ambiguous situations.
AI systems can sometimes perpetuate biases present in the data they are trained on, leading to flawed recommendations. Human oversight is crucial to ensure ethical and unbiased consulting practices.
The key to leveraging AI in consulting is to strike a balance between automation and human insight. AI can enhance the capabilities of consultants, allowing them to deliver more value to their clients. However, the human element remains indispensable for interpreting AI-generated insights, understanding client needs, and providing personalized, context-aware advice.
By embracing AI as a tool rather than a replacement, consulting firms can enhance their services and maintain their competitive edge in an evolving industry.
These are presentations and conclusions made by AI responses and reactions:
When discussing “Artificial Intelligence, Pain for Pen Writing,” it refers to the potential negative impact that advanced AI writing tools could have on the practice of traditional pen-and-paper writing, particularly in educational settings, where the physical act of writing by hand is considered important for learning and cognitive development.
Artificial Intelligence Reaction to our Question: Artificial Intelligence, Pain for Pen Writing
Key concerns about AI replacing pen writing – These are presentations and conclusions made by AI responses and reactions:
Reduced fine motor skills: Repeatedly typing on a keyboard instead of physically forming letters with a pen can lead to a decline in hand-eye coordination and dexterity, especially in young children.
Diminished cognitive processing: Research suggests that the act of writing by hand can enhance memory and information retention compared to typing, as the brain is more actively engaged in the process.
Less engagement with text: Typing can feel more passive than writing with a pen, potentially leading to less thoughtful engagement with the material.
Potential for overreliance on AI: If students become too reliant on AI writing tools to generate text, they might neglect to develop their writing skills, including grammar, vocabulary, and critical thinking.
AI can also have positive impacts on pen writing – These are presentations and conclusions made by AI responses and reactions:
Accessibility tools: AI-powered pens can provide real-time feedback on handwriting, helping individuals with dysgraphia or learning disabilities improve their writing skills.
Personalized learning: AI can analyze writing patterns and provide tailored practice exercises to address individual weaknesses.
Creative writing support: AI can assist with brainstorming ideas and generating creative writing prompts, potentially stimulating more engagement with pen-and-paper writing.
It all comes down to the sales strategy and this at all levels of training, implementation, management and conduct of organizational and productive operations of your project or start-up or your entrepreneurial concept.
This is still valid even in the context of an interview and interview either to land a position or to attract capital or to assert your proposal in front of another or others, you have a great need to know and to refine and adapt according to the space in which you act and the specific objectives towards which you direct your efforts and that you aim as but of your actions and your entrepreneurial projections.
In this same direction, we offer you the first steps to respect and follow at the level of your sales process and strategy as well as the various forms of approach also accompanied by the strategy of entry into a new market such as that of the United States.
In this summary text, we share with you the first clues and the first solutions that we can make more adapted and tailor-made regarding the particularities of your project and company, for this please take the time to fill out the form included in the text of this article.
We hope that one day we can participate in your success and development.
Until then, we wish you continued and repeated success in your journey as an Entrepreneur.
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For an offer of collaboration and value-proposition, email: info@triconsultingkyoto.com
Understanding the Differences: RFI, RFP, and RFQ
In the world of procurement and contract management, three acronyms often come up:
RFI, RFP, and RFQ. These stand for Request for Information (RFI), Request for Proposal (RFP), and Request for Quotation (RFQ), respectively.
While they may seem similar, each serves a unique purpose in the procurement process.
Request for Information (RFI)
An RFI is typically the first step in the procurement process. It’s a way for businesses to gather general information about products, services, or suppliers. It’s not necessarily a call to start the bidding process, but rather a way to understand the landscape.
For example, if a company is considering implementing a new software system but isn’t sure what options are available, it might issue an RFI to gather information about potential solutions and vendors.
Request for Proposal (RFP)
An RFP is a more detailed document and is used when a company has a specific project or problem. The company knows what it needs and is asking vendors to propose solutions.
The RFP will typically include information about the project, what services the company is looking for, and evaluation criteria for assessing proposals. Vendors respond with detailed proposals, explaining how they can meet the requirements, the timeline for delivery, and the cost.
Request for Quotation (RFQ)
An RFQ is used when a company knows exactly what it needs and is simply looking for a vendor that can supply the product or service at the best price. The RFQ will typically include a detailed description of what’s required, including quantity, specifications, and delivery schedule.
Vendors respond with a quote for the project, detailing the total cost of providing the product or service. The company then compares these quotes and chooses the best one based on price and the vendor’s ability to deliver.
USAFRICA – AFRIQUETATSUNIS Africa is eager to host and conduct trade international investment and Business with the rest of the world. TRI CK USA gives companies from around the globe the opportunity to gain insight on how to enter or expand and build lasting and mutually beneficial relations with Africans and African countries. TRI CK … Continue reading TRI CK USAFRICA
Sales Strategy and Process Top 10 Ways to Close the Big Deal
A Request for Proposals (RFP) is a publicly released project announcement by an organization indicating that bids are being solicited from contractors to carry out the project.
The RFP focuses on the project, for the company issuing it and seeking potential companies responding to it.
The request for proposals is a complete description of the project and what are its objectives, introduces the requesting organization, and describes the tendering/bidding process and the terms and conditions of the corresponding contract.
“Pièce Maîtresse” Design et Cornerstone Concept in Any Bid
The cornerstone (or foundation stone or setting stone) is the first stone set in constructing a masonry foundation. All other stones will be set about this stone, thus determining the position of the entire structure.
In research and preparation of responses to proposals or developing reports as well as in building strategy, whatever the domain or the fields of application, beware of the small requests included in the filigree within the text.
What looks to you as a minuscule pill, it can be a fundamental piece for the existence of an entire interrelated and interconnected structure.
One grain of dust can stop an entire robotic mechanism or an artificially intelligent machine
Never underestimate a piece or a stone, it can be the most important one in the edifice and the angular stone on which all is sustained.
Never underestimate a small thorn, it can stop a Lion from walking or running once it is planted under its feet and make the Monkey ridicule the Lion without being caught.
Oakland, Bay Area of San Francisco – Silicon Valley – California
An effective market entry strategy: Wehave identified the First key factors of success for expanding into the US: We have identified the First key factors of success for expanding into the US: ★ Carefully selected team of trusted advisors ★ The skills to leverage cultural differences ★ An effective market entry strategy ★ A carefully selected team of trusted advisors
The successful companies are also the ones that have a small but carefully selected team of trusted advisors who understand them well and work exclusively in the company’s interest.
Good collaboration between partners also contributes to a successful outcome. as they avoid knowledge gaps and overlaps.
These professionals are proactive and challenge their clients to get at their real objectives rather than blindly deliver what the clients ask; clients often don’t know what they need.
And finally, the successful ones are those that leverage the cultural differences both in their approach to the market and the U.S. buyer and in the way they work with Americans.
Of course, there are differences, in language, time zones, habits, in expectations, but utilizing these different perspectives to reach more innovative and creative solutions is the secret of working across cultures.
It is a force that can work against you or that can serve you if you learn to understand it and ride it masterfully.
Mastering each of these individually takes years of practice, and combining them is even more ambitious. That’s why companies only gain this experience at a tremendous cost in time, resources, wasted effort, and learning from challenges along the way. Continue reading …
8 27 24 – Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – Oakland – Bay Area of San Francisco
For further indications or inquiries about the business relationship, please complete this form
Top 10 ways your proposals can help you increase your Proposal Close Ratio
1. Focus on the Customer:
Your sales proposal is customer-centered. It defines the business opportunity, current situation, financial impact, and the buyer’s needs and objectives.
2. Practice Consultative Sales:
A compelling proposal results from a consultative sales process. Avoid “boilerplate” proposals or proposals that read like poorly written brochures.
3. Define the Application:
Your sales proposal explains how your product or service will work in the buyer’s business. By defining the application, you answer many questions for the buyer and provide the information needed to make an informed buying decision—a function of consultative selling.
4. Calculate Benefits–Buyer Value:
Your proposal measures how your product or service will make or save money for each buyer—the financial benefits. This provides compelling financial reasons to make a change—another function of consultative selling.
5. Show Non-financial Benefits – Buyer Value:
Your proposal converts your product’s benefits or service’s capabilities into buyer-specific benefits. These benefits are not easily measured in monetary terms—another function of consultative selling.
6. Describe the Implementation:
Be specific by including methodology, schedule, and the staff required to implement the solution. This reduces your buyer’s perceived risk and answers
How long?
and Who?
7. Include Pertinent Seller Information:
Your sales proposal assures the buyer that your organization can deliver on the contract. It includes a company profile that differentiates your company from the competition.
8. Highlight Business Information More Than Technical Information:
Buyers make decisions on business information, so your proposal should not overwhelm readers with the technology. Your sales force understands that the buyer wants to know how the technology will improve his business not why your new widget will make his network run faster.
9. Develop Proposal Standards:
Develop proposal standards and models. Proposals that win the big deal do not read like a hodgepodge of ideas and writing styles. Proposal models reinforce your consultative sales process and help your sales professionals think and write clearly.
10. Represent Your Company’s Quality Standards:
Understand that your sales proposal is a critical customer communication. Spend the time and effort needed on the content, design, and packaging to produce a “benchmark’ proposal for your buyers.
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Leading United States Trade and Business Mission in Morocco
Glocentra, EBCITD with the U.S. Department of States, U.S. Department of Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, and the U.S. Embassy in Morocco
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui employs a multifaceted approach to promote investment in Morocco, combining advocacy, policy influence, sector-specific initiatives, international partnerships, and direct engagement with investors. His efforts contribute to the country’s economic growth and global integration.
Dr. Cherkaoui represented 25 food products/companies from California and the United States at the American Cafe / Trade Show organized by the U.S. FDA and the U.S. State Department in Casablanca, Morocco.
Updated on 7/24/2024 to Celebrate 20 years of Commitment and Work by Dr. Said El Mansour working on the relationship between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Morocco
2004 – 2024
Trade and Investment: Based in Northern California, USA, and based on a proven track record, Said El Mansour Cherkaoui is/has been actively involved in promoting, inviting, and encouraging investment in Morocco. He has been instrumental in shaping the future of businesses globally, particularly for China, and several African Countries such as Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Senegal, Cameroun, Ghana, and Ethiopia.
Trade and Investment:
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui is based in Northern California, USA, and is involved in promoting, inviting, and encouraging investment in Morocco. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui focuses on shaping the future of businesses globally. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui has been instrumental in facilitating investment from China in Morocco, which aims to create jobs and contribute to the automotive industry
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Leading United States Trade and Business Mission in Morocco
Glocentra, EBCITD with the U.S. Department of States, U.S. Department of Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, and the U.S. Embassy in Morocco
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui employs a multifaceted approach to promote investment in Morocco, combining advocacy, policy influence, sector-specific initiatives, international partnerships, and direct engagement with investors. His efforts contribute to the country’s economic growth and global integration.
Dr. Cherkaoui represented 25 food products/companies from California and the United States at the American Cafe / Trade Show organized by the U.S. FDA and the U.S. State Department in Casablanca, Morocco.
How does Dr. Cherkaoui collaborate with international partners?
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui’s collaborative efforts span various sectors, emphasizing openness, cultural exchange, and mutually beneficial partnerships on the global stage.
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui collaborates with international partners through a multifaceted approach, fostering connections and promoting global cooperation. Here are some ways he engages with partners worldwide:
Said El MansourCherkaoui advocates for policies that attract foreign direct investment (FDI) and support local businesses.
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui’s recommendations focus on creating a favorable business environment, streaming regulations, and offering incentives to investors.
Sector-Specific Initiatives:
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui identifies key sectors with growth potential, such as renewable energy, tourism, manufacturing, and technology.
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui collaborates with industry associations, research institutions, and private companies to develop sector-specific investment strategies.
International Partnerships:
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui fosters partnerships between Moroccan institutions and foreign counterparts. These collaborations enhance knowledge exchange, technology transfer, and joint ventures.
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui encourages multinational corporations to invest in Morocco by showcasing its strategic location, skilled workforce, and access to European and African markets.
Investor Outreach:
Morocco – USA: Trade and Investment – Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui actively communicates with potential investors, addressing their concerns, providing information, and facilitating introductions to local partners.
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui emphasizes the stability of Morocco’s political climate, infrastructure development, and investment protection.
Promotion of Moroccan Interests:
As an advocate for Morocco, he highlights the country’s economic potential, investment climate, and cultural richness.
Dr. Cherkaoui collaborates with foreign partners to showcase Morocco as an attractive destination for trade, investment, and cultural exchange.
Strategic Alliances:
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui actively seeks out strategic alliances with organizations, institutions, and businesses across different countries.
These alliances may involve joint research projects, knowledge exchange, and collaborative initiatives.
Cross-Cultural Networking:
He participates in international conferences, seminars, and workshops. These events provide opportunities to meet and interact with professionals from diverse backgrounds.
Dr. Cherkaoui leverages these networking platforms to build relationships, share insights, and explore potential partnerships.
Trade Missions and Delegations:
Dr. Cherkaoui leads or participates in trade missions organized by governments or industry associations.
These missions involve visits to other countries, where he engages with local businesses, government officials, and investors.
The goal is to explore investment opportunities, establish business ties, and promote bilateral trade.
Silver Screen Shot on the Projection of Inter-National and Inter-Cultural Lights
All the pleasure is for my definition of human relationships and joy as my first name indicates to offer you such a shortcut around the World of Business and Regional Human Cultures, which is in fact only the end of the Atlas – The Peak of the Atlas Mountain – the Place of the Birth of my Own Ancestors. The best is still to come.
My writing below is a “personalized” professional testimony conveying a multiplier dedication to adapting to the variety of operational references and responding to the diversity of opportunities and the human environment in which the local business conditions and regional and national practices of the predominant relational culture.
Thus, my roles and office functions were more and encompassed more of the single and simple honorable profession of an actor or director but embraced realistic and surrealistic aspects of global scope while identifying in the panorama of the territorial affairs of California and the United States of America – Designed in California and Made in the USA and presented by Said Cherkaoui Ph.D..
While the international scene and framework on which I continue to this day my stagings and performances remain direct, spontaneous, derived, and driven by my deep desire to lay foundations of rapprochement and bridges of communications between countries distant entities, neighboring entities, and distant organizations as well as individuals from various similar and non-identical backgrounds.
I contributed a lot to the San Francisco World Trade Center and the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce for decades both in San Francisco and in Oakland, California, with my work and my achievements on the international level during the period in which I been in the CITD and since then I continue to sail beyond the horizons of the Pacific and other shores in this time close in conjugation and distant in expression.
To conclude in style and combine business with pleasure, I am going to add more salt or spices to my international recipes simmered in English but fashioned in the style of Jacques (without any) Pépin and Paul Bocuse (not from Vaucluse) and where you can also taste the flavor of Senegal (Rahma wa Ghofrane} like other regions of the rest of Africa and this according to your choice first through and in the content of this link which can also give you more appetite for reading my other adjacent, corresponding and complementary publications in the staging of a constructive memory and a renovating present for intelligent solutions adaptable to current challenges, prospective requirements and potential risks, such is the destiny of my work and my contribution to this common destiny of existence.
Do not hesitate to share with me your impressions, remarks, initiatives, and opportunities for transatlantic and trans-African collaboration.
Capture d’écran argentée sur la projection de lumières inter-nationales et inter-culturelles
Cliché sur la Projection de Lumières Inter-Nationales et Inter-Culturelles
Tout le plaisir est pour ma definition des rapport humains et de la joie comme mon prénom l’indique de vous offrir un tel raccourci autour du Monde des Affaires et des Cultures Humaines Régionales, qui n’est en fait que le bout de l’Atlas – The Peak of the Atlas Mountain – the Place of the Birth of my Own Ancestors. The best is still to come.
Mon écrit ci-dessous est un témoignage professionnel “personnalisé” véhiculant une dedication multiplicatrice s’adaptant à la variété des références opérationnelles et répondant à la diversité des opportunités et de l’environnement humain dans lequel s’est traduit et s’est imbibé des conditions locales des affaires [Business] et les pratiques régionales et nationales de la culture relationnelle prédominante.
Ainsi, mes rôles et fonctions d’office étaient plus et s’englobaient davantage de la seule et simple profession honorable d’un acteur ou de metteur en scène mais embrassent des allures réalistes et surréalistes de portée globale tout en s’identifiant dans le panorama des étendues d’affaires territoriales de la Californie et des Etats Unis d’Amérique – Designed in California and Made in USA and presented by Said Cherkaoui Ph.D..
Alors que la scène et la trame internationales sur laquelle je continues jusqu’à ce jour mes mises en scéne et performances demeurent directes, spontanées, dérivées et conduites par mon profond désir d’étaler des fondations de rapprochement et des ponts de communications entre les contrées lointaines, les entités voisines et les organisations distantes ainsi que les individus de divers horizons similaires et non identiques.
I contributed lot to the San Francisco World Trade Center and the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce et cela pour des decennies tant a San Francisco qu’a Oakland en Californie, avec mon travail et mes réalisations sur le plan international durant la période ou j’ai été dans le CITD et que depuis lors je continues a voguer par dela les horizons du Pacifique et autres rivages en ce temps proche dans la conjugaison et distant dans l’expression.
Pour conclure en beauté et joindre l’utile a l’agréable, je vais ajouter plus de sel ou d’épices à mes recettes internationales mijotées en Anglais mais façonnées a la Jacques (sans aucun) Pépin et Paul Bocuse (pas du Vaucluse) et oû vous pouvez aussi goûter la saveur du Sénégal (Rahma wa Ghofrane} comme des autres régions du reste de l’Afrique et cela selon votre choix en premier a travers et dans le contenu de ce lien qui pourra aussi vous donner plus d’appétit pour la lecture de mes autres publications adjacentes, correspondantes et complémentaires dans la mise en scène d’une mémoire constructive et d’un présent rénovateur pour des solutions intelligentes adaptables aux défis et courantes, aux exigences prospectives et aux risques potentiels, tel est le destin de mon labeur et de mon apport dans cette destinée commune d’existence.
N’hésitez pas de partager avec moi vos impressions, remarques, initiatives et opportunités de collaboration transatlantique comme transafricaine.
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui has been actively involved in various academic collaborations and international conferences. Here are some notable points:
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui has authored 92 articles on LinkedIn providing insights into the influences and challenges arising from the evolution of global affairs and international relations, trade, and business. 2.
LinkedIn Profile:Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Ph.D. ★ Senior Policy and Business Adviser ★ Consultant ★ News Executive Editor ★ Public Speaker ★ February 13, 2024
Dr. Said Cherkaoui International Business Planning – Keys to Open New Business Horizons Teaching practical and field-based strategies that enhance the understanding of local challenges, the awareness on the particular cultural and business approaches of many regions around the world and provide the decision-makers with business intelligence inputs that help to shape the next decisional move and the next operational step as well as the next concerted action.
Adjunct Associate Professor and Lecturer – Golden Gate University · Contract · 1987 – 2001 · 14 yrs – San Francisco Bay Area · On-site San Francisco Bay Area ·
For the first time in the entire history of Golden Gate University’s existence, I introduced and taught courses on the European Economic Community, Doing Business in Latin America and Asia and Electives on Economics, Economic Thoughts and the World Economy.
At the School of Business
Taught Executive Programs and Graduate Courses (See attached Letters from US Air Force Officers and related records and documents)
★ International Marketing and Business Development
★ Business Strategy and Policy.
★ ★ School of Technology and Industry: Introduced new technology-oriented courses and web-based curricula activities:
★ Customer relationship management (CRM) and business intelligence (BI);
★ Information Technology and Entrepreneurship;
★ Telecommunications, IT, and Digital Security.
★ School of Public Administration and International Studies:
Skills: Analytical Skills · International Business · Strategy
Adjunct Associate Professor and Doctoral Program Subject Matter Expert – Touro University California · Contract · 1998 – 2000 · 2 yrs · San Diego Metropolitan Area · Hybrid ·
★ Taught Digital Technology and Telecom courses for the Online Graduate Program at the Business and Management School. ★ Provided guidance, advice, and insights on research and writing of doctoral proposals and dissertations on Business, Marketing, and Management. ★ Mentored and advised candidates on the development of the doctoral thesis.★ Taught Digital Technology and Telecom courses for the Online Graduate Program at the Business and Management School. ★ Provided guidance, advice, and insights on research and writing of doctoral proposals and dissertations on Business, Marketing, and Management. ★ Mentored and advised candidates on the development of the doctoral thesis.
Skills: Analytical Skills · International Business · Strategy
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui: International Conferences
Dr. Cherkaoui organized and presented Multiple International Conferences in Collaboration with the US Department of Commerce, the US Small Business Department, the US Small Business Association, the 2 East Bay and Bay Area Centers for International Trade Development, and other local business professional representatives organizations.
From left to right: Tom Bates, California State Senator and the 21st Mayor of Berkeley – Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Center for International Trade Development – Executive at the Port of Oakland, Picture taken at Vista Community College – Berkeley – 1994
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Developed Strategies and Directed Training on Market and Technology to Strengthen China Trade and Business in the United States, Africa, Europe and Middle East
International Conferences:
Dr. Cherkaoui has organized and presented multiple international conferences. These events likely focused on topics related to international trade, development, and business.
He has been associated with the Center for International Trade Development (CITD), where he created and conducted certified workforce development and training programs. These programs likely aimed to enhance skills and knowledge in areas such as international business, sales, and trade operations.
California Center for International Trade Development (CITD): Operated by the State Center Community College District, it has been promoting California’s international trade and competitiveness since 1989. It assists exporters, supports economic growth, and helps businesses expand globally.
CITD mission is to accelerate global trade by providing high-impact export development programs, technical assistance, and global trade education.
CITD collaborates with multilateral agencies, government institutions, and non-government organizations to promote trade and investment programs.In summary, CITD acts as a bridge between businesses, education, and government to foster international trade and economic development.
His collaborations extend to various organizations, including the US Department of Commerce, the US Small Business Department, and the US Small Business Association. Additionally, he worked with local business professional representatives and Chambers of Commerce in the Bay Area of San Francisco.
Dr. Cherkaoui participated in conferences related to Africa, where he discussed business opportunities, historical analysis, and trade relations in North Saharan and West African regions.
Center for International Trade Development
About Us: The California Center for International Trade Development (CITD), an entity of the State Center Community College District, has been promoting California’s international trade and competitiveness since 1989. It assists exporters, supports economic and job growth, and helps businesses in California expand globally. CITD also plays a role in globalizing colleges.
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui: International Conferences– Invited by the Government of China
CITD has a strong track record, having organized over 180 agricultural trade missions for the Western United States Agricultural Trade Association, the USDA Foreign Agricultural Services, and the California Governor’s Office. They have trained more than 7,000 companies to market California food and agricultural products in foreign markets.
These efforts have resulted in impressive economic outcomes, with over $100 million in direct export sales and more than $750 million in continuous export sales attributed to CITD’s trade activities since 1990. CITD has also received prestigious awards, including the President’s “E Award” for Export Excellence in 2001 and 2013.
新年快乐 – Xīnnián Kuàilè
Guiyang – Guizhou – China
Great Man at Great Wall
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Official Visit and Negotiations at China and Local Factories
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui night-at-the-Tea-House-at-Guiyang-Guizhou-Province-China_
★ Dr. Cherkaoui facilitated the meeting of High level Executive, Managers and Scientists from China with their American Peers ★
★ Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Invited by the Central and Provincial Governments of China ★
Dr. Cherkaoui Developed Business and Trade Connections Between California and China Since 1994
Capacity Building and Workforce Development Training Program
Some Certified Training Seminars and Workshops Organized and Conducted by Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui at City College of Berkeley and Center for International Trade Development
Created and Conducted by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui for the Workforce Development Program – EBCITD
Conference on North Saharan and Sub-Saharan Africa – US Department of Commerce – San Francisco – California
Dr. Cherkaoui & Center for International Trade Development ★ CITD in Morocco
Director Richard Soyombo – Dr. Said Cherkaoui – Keith Rayner, CEO of Kemara
Richard Soyombo Director of Bay Area Centre for International Trade Development
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui presenting at the U.S. Department of Commerce on Business Opportunities in Morocco and Africa North Saharan Regions
Attendees at the Africa Conference Conducted by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui at the US Commercial Service at the U.S. Department of Commerce
International Conference on Africa and AGOA
Conférence Internationale sur l’Afrique a Claremont Hotel, Berkeley, California, USA
International Conference on Africa and AGOA, Berkeley, California, USA
Since my early studies at Institut des Etudes Politiques of the Grenoble University, the development, and integration of Africa were at the forefront of my studies and topics of my presentations in seminaries and essay papers. It was natural that I continue to work and increase awareness about Africa and its need to establish new kinds of relations with countries other than the past metropolitan and colonialists.
I extended the invitation to Dr. Boubacar N’diaye for his presence among us at this International Conference on Africa. He was delighted about my presentation and we also sat together and had lunch at the same table. Wonderful Man with full love for Africa and Africans and who initiated a series of important financial and operational measures: the African Businessmen Round Table, the creation of the African Bank for import-export (Afreximbank), and the setting up of special easy financing for the African private sector (investors and entrepreneurs) without the guarantee of their governments.
Here below among other pictures, there is a photo taken in the company with the Regretted Dr. Babacar Ndiaye, former CEO of the African Development Bank Group who holds firmly my hand and is standing at my left side.
I initiated and developed a work plan on the organization of The International Conference on Africa took place in 2001. The first time in the history of the Bay Area of San Francisco and North California to have a conference of such magnitude and subject. that I submitted to Fazale Sharif the Director of the EBCITD which I was the initiator and for which I and participated directly in its organization. I contacted and invited Dr. Babacar Ndiaye and in the following photo, event/photo took place is during an International Conference on Africa I had organized in Oakland, California and of which Dr. Babacar Ndiaye, Rahimahu Allah was our Guest of Honor.
Here below are listed links which content present among others some illustrations of my activities with the Integration of Africa with which I was directly involved, including the facilitation of the signing of the Free Trade Agreement between the United States and Morocco.
For many among us, time flies through horizons without leaving traces on recognition and gratitude on what we have achieved for the good for others especially in my case not be born in the United States but I remain up to now the maker of differences between cultures and the guardian of the memories I cherish and remember through my meetings and interactions with the real treasuries of the Humanity.
The Conference Room was packed with U.S. and Foreign officials and Executives as well as faculties and Researchers on Africa and the Place where all these interactions took place was the fabulous and monumental Claremont Hotel in Berkeley, Northern California.
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Conducting a Presentation during the International Conference on Africa
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui organized the International Conference on Africa with Diversity and Multicultural Approach
The Conference Room was packed with U.S. and Foreign officials and Executives as well as faculties and Researchers on Africa and the Place where all these interactions took place was the fabulous and monumental Claremont Hotel in Berkeley, Northern California.
Provide consulting services to multinationals, small, and mid-sized firms, and government agencies. Design and deliver customized Executive training seminars.
GLOCENTRA is a leading executive training firm committed to serving clients in the United States, France, the Middle East, North Africa, and Southeast regions. Our team is dedicated to helping clients improve their business performance and attain sustainable long-lasting results by introducing/reinforcing new learning and skills. Over and above extensive international exposure with assignments implemented in more than 15 markets, our trainers have wide industry expertise. We put at the disposal of our clients a team with extensive experience in developing and delivering executive training and workshops in many areas ranging from basic hard skills to more complex soft skills including leadership, teamwork, negotiation, and communications skills
The Conference Room was packed with U.S. and Foreign officials and Executives as well as faculties and Researchers on Africa and the Place where all these interactions took place was the fabulous and monumental Claremont Hotel in Berkeley, Northern California.
Strengthening California with EgyptBusiness, Trade, and Investment Relationships
Dr.Cherkaoui was designated as the Co-Chair of the International Business Committee at the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce
Dr. Cherkaoui Facilitated the signing of the Trade Treaty between San Francisco Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of the Egyptian Chambers of Commerce
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Business, Research, and Academic References
Dr. Barbara Beno Presidente of Vista Community College and Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Consultant at CITD
USA – Testimonials Recognizing the Achievements and Competences of Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui
France and USA: Research and Academia, Letters of Recommendations on Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui
Connecting Culture, Politics, Business, and Academia around the World
La Comunidad Hispana – California
As a Business Consultant at the East Bay Small Business Development Center and the Center for International Trade Development (including the East Bay Center for International Trade Development) between 1993 to 1998 and 2001 to 2007, I worked with the Hispanic communities and their business executives and individual entrepreneurs as well as the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Alameda County and Sacramento.
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, representante del Centro para el Desarrollo del Comercio Internacional (CITD) y Marruecos en una sesión ejecutiva de trabajo y una recepción organizada por las Cámaras Hispanas de Comercio de California, Condado de Alameda, Estados Unidos de America (www.cahcc.com).
From left to right: Omar Bouafi, Said El Mansour Cherkaoui and His Excellence the US Ambassador in Morocco: Mr. A. Riley in Casablanca.
Dr Barbara Beno, Presidente of Vista Community College, Berkeley, Californiawithand Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Consultant at CITD –27/10/1994
Dr. Said El-Mansour Cherkaoui-invited-by the Government of China
Recommendation by Dr. Wesley Young, Director, Services for International Students and Scholars at the University of California, Davis –
I was the Director of Graduate Business Programs at the Dominican University of San Rafael when Dr. Cherkaoui was teaching in our international MBA program. Said brought not only a solid academic background to the classroom but also a wealth of business experience both in the US and in Asia and Latin America. He is passionate about his students and his work outside the classroom. This made him one of the most effective faculty that we had teaching at the time.
Dr. Said Cherkaoui is an exceptional figure in international business development. His broad range of expertise covers all ranges of economic development, with such accomplishments in international trade consulting, trade missions, small business development, just to name a few..
Dr. Cherkaoui has successfully conducted numerous trade missions, represented U.S. companies at trade shows, and helped companies develop their businesses overseas. His academic works have a significant contribution to the global business community, executives in world trade, and entrepreneurs.
I worked with Dr. Cherkaoui at the East Bay Center for International Trade Development. His expertise and services included and not limited to:
Always a role model and source of influence, Dr. Cherkaoui possesses extensive hands-on experience in a wide range of industries, as well as academic achievements, in the field of international trade and economic development.
Sporting Achievements of Said El Mansour Cherkaoui
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui is not only an intellectual but also a player of the First Division of Football, Volleyball, Handball, and Basketball in Morocco and vice-champion in fencing. He played professionally Basketball in Montpellier at the ASPTT Club and Handball in Germany with Munster 08.
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui was also a player, captain, and coach of the Handball Team at the University of Montpellier in France 2.
In Morocco, Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui is an International Player of Handball with the National Moroccan Team of Handball and was also selected for the National Moroccan Team of BasketBall (Academic and Civil).
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui January 19, 2024
Dr. Cherkaoui has a multifaceted background. He has been a player, captain, and coach of the Handball Team at the University of Montpellier in France.
Dr. Cherkaoui has a multifaceted background. He has been a player, captain, and coach of the Handball Team at the University of Montpellier in France 3.
His academic pursuits include affiliations with institutions such as Université de la Sorbonne, Paris III, Institut des Hautes Etudes de l’Amérique Latine, and Paris Sciences Po, Grenoble Tate Yoko Research Institute 1.
In summary, Said El Mansour Cherkaoui’s journey spans investment advocacy, sports leadership, academic exploration, and global engagement. His diverse pursuits exemplify a rich tapestry of experiences and contributions. 🌟
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui is a dynamic individual with a diverse range of interests, spanning investment, policy, sports, and academia. His contributions have a global impact, bridging cultures and fostering collaboration.
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui is not only an intellectual but also a player of the First Division of Football, Volleyball, Handball, and Basketball in Morocco and vice-champion in fencing. He played professionally Basketball in Montpellier at the ASPTT Club and Handball in Germany with Munster 08.
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui was also a player, captain, and coach of the Handball Team at the University of Montpellier in France 2.
In Morocco, Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui is an International Player of Handball with the National Moroccan Team of Handball and was also selected for the National Moroccan Team of BasketBall (Academic and Civil).
Player at Munster 08 – Bundesliga Handball – GermanyHandball Team – University of Montpellier – France Soccer Team – Rachad Club El Jadida – MoroccoBasketball – Player Licence – USEJ – El Jadida – MoroccoSoccer TeamVolleyball Team – JOC – El Jaidda – MoroccoAcademic Team of Soccer – Grenoble University -FranceBasketball – Player Licence – USEJ – El Jadida – MoroccoVice-Champion of Fencing – El Jadida – MoroccoBasketball Team _ASPTT of Montpellier – FranceChampion of Academic Games – Sud–Ouest – FranceHandball Tournament with Steinhem (Bundesliga Germany and EJUC – UCEJ – El Jadida – Morocco)Champion of Academic Games – Sud–Ouest – FranceVolley Ball – Beach Tournament – El Jadida – Maroc Basketball – Player Licence – USEJ – El Jadida – MoroccoWhere I started my Sportive CarrerHandball- National Moroccan Team – Bucharest – RomaniaMoroccan Pre-olympic and National Team of Handball in TunisiaBasketball Team – USEJ of El Jadida- MoroccoBasketball Team – USEJ -El Jadida- Morocco
Captain – Coach – Player at Team of Montpellier University – France
★ Any Questions or Need for Consulting Services, Contact us ★
Ranking of the Most Attractive Economies in Africa: 2024-2025
Africa is eager to host and conduct trade international investment and Business with the rest of the world. TRI CK USA allows companies from around the globe to gain insight into how to enter or expand and build lasting and mutually beneficial relations with Africans and African countries.
Workshops and training on doing business in Africa Provision of industry/country guides Support for trade delegations and trade fairs Technical assistance and advocacy with the host government Promotion of country brand
TRI CK USA – AFRICA and Investment Clusters in Africa
Africa Facing Global Tech Investors: Financial technology is ripe for U.S. investment. Within Africa, there are over 180 million active mobile money accounts—over 50% of the global total—with five times the growth relative to all other regions.… Read more
Workshops & Training
Our Services: – Workshops and training – Provision of industry/country guides. – Support for trade delegations and trade fairs. – Assistance/advocacy in the host government. Promotion of country brand
Consulting Services
Our consulting services are administered by the most experienced and successful business owners, entrepreneurs, investors, managers, local, and continental experts, advisors, and more.
Information Communications Technology in Africa
Between 2016 and 2021, Internet access and adoption of technology in Western and Central Africa witnessed a noticeable increase in the number of internet users, from 23 to 47 percent, while the percentage of people using the internet in Eastern and Southern Africa increased from 16 to 27 percent. In 2018, there were over 456 million unique mobile subscribers in Sub-Saharan Africa (about 44% of the region’s population, up from 20% in 2015). And as internet connectivity increases, so will the demand for services in sectors like e-commerce, education, financial technology, digital health, entertainment, cybersecurity, and data analytics.
Markets in West and Central Africa vary in size, and this fragmentation makes it hard for large companies to identify business opportunities, accurately assess their risk, and tailor a pitch. While these markets represent a sizable opportunity in the aggregate, trying to approach them that way—with a one-size-fits-all offer—usually falls flat.
Market Analysis and Entry Strategy
Information and analysis relevant to establishing business activities across Africa including strategic strengths, investment incentives, business costs, and relocation. Consultation and advisory services on effective market entry strategies in Africa with opportunity analysis.
African Diaspora Has Potential to be at the Forefront of African Success Stories.
Members of the Diaspora with our Support and Guidance Will be Vectors and Gears of Developmental Changes by Providing African Countries with the Right Leverages to Contribute to the Eradication of Poverty and Reduction of Unemployment.
With the advice and Mentorships Offered by TRI CK USAFRICA, Members of the African Diaspora Will Not Be Just a Source of Remittances But Also the Creators, the Stimulators, and the Transfer of New Know-How and Knowledge Base that Enable the Implementation of Adaptable Solutions to the Challenges Faced by African Diverse Communities.
We are part of the African Diaspora and know what it takes to connect to African Business Cultures and Validate the African Business Environment.
The African Diaspora is already credited with having a major positive impact on African economies. That reputation to date has been earned not through trade but through personal remittances, which often exceed total development assistance to many countries. Remittances to Cameroon, for example, grew from $115 million annually in 2010 to $355 million in 2019, or from 0.4% to 0.9% of the country’s GDP. Larger and higher-income economies, such as Ghana, Nigeria, and Senegal, receive far greater sums through remittances.
It would be best if you had guidance for your entrepreneurial drive and objective in Africa, send us an email to: support@triconsultingkyoto.com African Diaspora Has Potential to be at the Forefront of African Success Stories.
Members of the Diaspora with our Support and Guidance Will be Vectors and Gears of Developmental Changes by Providing African Countries with the Right Leverages to Contribute to the Eradication of Poverty and Reduction of Unemployment.
With the advice and Mentorships Offered by TRI CK USAFRICA, Members of the African Diaspora Will Not Be Just a Source of Remittances But Also the Creators, the Stimulators, and the Transfer of New Know-How and Knowledge Base that Enable the Implementation of Adaptable Solutions to the Challenges Faced by African Diverse Communities.
We are part of the African Diaspora and know what it takes to connect to African Business Cultures and Validate the African Business Environment.
The African Diaspora is already credited with having a major positive impact on African economies. That reputation to date has been earned not through trade but through personal remittances, which often exceed total development assistance to many countries. Remittances to Cameroon, for example, grew from $115 million annually in 2010 to $355 million in 2019, or from 0.4% to 0.9% of the country’s GDP. Larger and higher-income economies, such as Ghana, Nigeria, and Senegal, receive far greater sums through remittances.
It would help if you had guidance for your entrepreneurial drive and objective in Africa, send us an email at: support@triconsultingkyoto.com – Please fill out this form to enable us to establish direct communication with you, in the name of Africa, take you for your consideration.
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Research, Analysis and Publications on Africa
Moroccan, de Doukkala, born in Fortaleza Mazagão Named also known in the past as Mazagan and presently called El Jadida. Native African too and here just the tip-top of Kilimanjaro of East Africa and Toubkal in the Atlas Mountain Chain, I have more plains, prairies, rivers, oceans, and deserts that I crossed with my African mind and works, here are just a few of the spaces I can use here
by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – May 31, 2024 ★ Said Cherkaoui Ph.D. ★ Strategic Catalyst Driving U.S.A-Africa and Morocco Investment, Trade, and Business Development ★ Policy Adviser in International Affairs ★ Accomplished Public Speaker ★ Distinguished News Editor ★ Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui’s Work on Africa Dr. Cherkaoui’s holistic approach to Africa’s development underscores the interconnectedness of economic, social, and cultural factors. … Continue reading International Conference on Africa and AGOA
H.E. La Ministre, Mme @Amal EL FALLAH – SEGHROUCHNI
We Salute, Congratulate, and Welcome our New Star Rising in the High Tech Horizons of the Kingdom of Morocco
La nouvelle Super Naturellement Intelligente Lady en charge du développement digital, technologique et toutes ses composantes et infrastructures intelligemment opérationnelles
By Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Ph.D. – Said Cherkaoui Ph.D.
As Artificial Intelligence reshapes industries and many parts of our advanced and educated social structures and operational domains of human interactions, it’s crucial to be familiar with its most transformative concepts.
Key #AGI Concepts and Selected Areas of #Artificialintelligence
Business Consulting in the Age of AI Transformation
Business consultants are changing as well with artificial intelligence, which is allowing new fast, accurate insights into data to find previously opaque openings. Historically, consulting leaned on manual processes which meant hand-crafting perspectives of experience and data to influence improvement. AI changes all that; where the consulting process earlier hovered around some data dump, inefficient, and leaky manual task automation with partial analytics capability—now a lot of it is in real-time. The role that global business consulting has in this new AI age and its process.
1. Improved Data Analysis and Insights: AI tools can process large datasets, allowing concealed patterns and trends (known as hidden data) to be uncovered in a matter of seconds. This enables consultants to delve deep into the market, analyzing competitors and customer behavior. AI-driven analytics can identify where should focus its next foray into foreign direct investment (FDI), or unlock insight into new supply chain management trends.
2. Make Smarter Decisions with Predictive Analytics: AI For Consulting: Predictive Analytics The company leverages its algorithm to predict market trends, and consumer preferences as well as potential risks. Using this to advise clients on where they should invest their resources, how they can best enter new markets, or which strategic alliances might have the most impact.
3. AI Strategy Building: With the help of AI, consultants can develop more precise and customized strategies as they gain real-time insights into business processes; market dynamics; and industry performance. This scrutinizes the needs and helps firms to take a step further by using custom-fit solutions which boost growth on one hand as well as make better usage of resources at the other.
4. Automation of Routine Tasks: Artificial Intelligence is a tool for performing tasks done by humans; it leaves repetitive, laborious, and monotonous toil like data collection reporting basic analysis in the capable hands of RPA bots leaving consultants free to do what they are good at strategizing client engagement. It speeds up the process, saves time in research, and makes consulting more agile and responsive.
How AI Helps in Global Business Consulting
Greater Efficiency: AI accelerates the consulting process by automating repetitive tasks and providing immediate insights which allows benchmarks to be derived quicker, verdicts faster and strategies implemented more promptly.
Increased Accuracy: Artificial intelligence decreases the risk of human error in data analysis and provides an accurate, interpretation reliable conclusion targeted towards making smarter recommendations for consultants.
Customized Solutions: Artificial intelligence helps consultants comprehend the specific requirements of each client and as a result, they can provide solutions according to that which further assures more personalized growth strategies.
Scalability: also pointed out that with AI, consulting firms such as yours can scale their offers better — in other words, to be able to deliver larger projects and multiple different requirements at the same time.
Jim O’Neill, the Chief Economist at Goldman Sachs, created the acronym BRICS in 2001. O’Neill’s research paper, Building Better Global Economic BRICs, proposed that the economic potential of Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC) could make them among the world’s most dominant economies by 2050. O’Neill argued that the growth of these countries could challenge the dominance of the G7, the world’s seven most advanced economies.
Breaking the Borders of Globalization, Multinationalisation, and Internationalization and Setting New Forms of Supra-Integration
The BRICS group of emerging-market powers — the acronym stands for #Brazil, #Russia, #India, #China, and #SouthAfrica — has gone from a slogan dreamed up at an #investmentbank and the Brics two decades ago.
On June 2024, With the BRICS firmly committed to de-dollarization, Morgan Stanley recently said that the US dollar cannot be dethroned.
The BRICS club of nations dominated by China almost doubled in size this year 2024, making it a more credible counterweight to the G7. The BRICS is pairing several major #energy producers with some of the biggest consumers among developing countries and potentially enhancing the group’s economic clout in a US-dominated #world. Dozens more countries have expressed interest in joining its ranks.
Who are the New Members of BRICS?
The rise of BRICS (and now BRICS+) reflects a shared belief among important emerging players that the Western-dominated, rules-based international order—and particularly the system of global economic governance—is both stacked against their interests and fundamentally outdated. The #BRICS group expanded in early 2024 to include #Iran, the #UnitedArabEmirates, #Ethiopia, and #Egypt. #SaudiArabia was also announced as a new member, though the kingdom has yet to make a final decision on whether to join. Argentinian President Javier Milei, who took office in December 2023 and is steering his country’s geopolitical alignment toward the #US and away from China and Brazil, declined a membership invitation.
The nations still seeking admission include #Malaysia, #Thailand, and #Turkey. Further enlargement is likely to be discussed at a summit in Kazan, Russia, on Oct. 22-24.
The 16th BRICS Summit in Kazan is being held under the chairmanship of Russia from October 22-24. The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said, “The Summit, themed ‘Strengthening Multilateralism for Just Global Development and Security,’ will provide an important platform for leaders to discuss key global issues.”
Russian President Vladimir Putin will host the first-ever summit of BRICS+ from October 22 to 24 in the Tatarstan city of Kazan. There, the founding members of BRICS—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—will formally welcome into their fold five new members: Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Putin has also invited more than two dozen other countries that have applied for or are considering membership in the expanding club. The gathering is meant to send an unmistakable signal: Despite the West’s best efforts to isolate it, Russia has many friends around the world.
To some in the West, the emergence of BRICS+ suggests something even more ominous—a world that is fragmenting into competing blocs, thanks to intensifying geopolitical rivalry between East and West and growing mutual alienation between North and South. According to this reading, Beijing and Moscow are intent on exploiting some countries’ resentment of the United States and its wealthy world allies to consolidate an anti-Western counterweight to the venerable Group of 7 (G7), a process that is likely to paralyze global cooperation within other multilateral venues. Of particular concern is the future of the Group of 20 (G20). Even before BRICS expansion, it had become a microcosm of growing global rifts. A further hardening of these divisions would undercut the G20’s fundamental raison d’être: namely, to help bridge gulfs between—and leverage the capabilities of—important countries that are not inherently or necessarily like-minded.
With the rise of economies like China and India, many countries see BRICS as a platform to counterbalance the influence of traditional Western powers. Recent global conflicts and increased US-China rivalry might push countries towards BRICS as a way to navigate complex geopolitical dynamics.
The push has been driven largely by China, now the world’s pre-eminent industrial power, which is trying to boost its global clout by courting nations traditionally allied with the US. South Africa and Russia have backed the expansion. India was initially hesitant because it was concerned that a bigger BRICS would transform the group into a mouthpiece for China, while Brazil was worried about alienating the West — although both governments eventually agreed to an enlargement.
Les IDE continuent de croître à un rythme soutenu, selon les données publiées par l’Office des Changes :
Les flux nets ont dépassé les 13 milliards de dirhams à fin juillet 2024, soit une augmentation de 46,8% par rapport à la même période en 2023
De même, les recettes IDE ont atteint en 7 mois 22,2 milliards de dirhams, soit une hausse de 9,5% par rapport à 2023
Après le ralentissement observé en 2023, les chiffres relatifs aux IDE enregistrés lors des premiers mois de 2024 sont encourageants et permettent d’envisager l’avenir avec optimisme. Ces résultats témoignent de l’attractivité croissante du Maroc en tant que destination privilégiée pour les investisseurs internationaux. A travers la mise en œuvre de la nouvelle charte de l’investissement et les efforts continus de promotion de l’offre Maroc à l’international, le MICEPP – Ministry of Investment, Convergence and Evaluation of Public Policies est engagé à renforcer davantage la dynamique des IDE pour les mois et année à venir.
Chakib Abouzaid • 2nd – General Arab Insurance Federation Secretary GeneralAttendre le salut des IDE, c’est simplement se dédouaner de notre incapacité structurelle à générer suffisamment d’investissements marocains pour soutenir une politique de developpement volontariste et ambitieuse. Les 13 milliards de MAD, ne sont qu’1,39 Md d’USD ; autant dire le financement d’un projet ou de quelques projets industriels. Notre économie a détruit plus d’emplois qu’elle n’en a crée les dernières années. Le taux de chômage est de 13.7% ; il est plus de deux fois plus élevé chez les jeunes. Se réjouir dans ces conditions ne me parait pas adéquat.Show translationShow translation of this comment
Mohammed EL FIOU • 2nd Nous sommes encore loin des 9 milliards de l’Égypte et encore très loin de Singapour (141 milliards USD en 2022). A votre avis, qu’est ce qui participe à ce niveau spectaculaire D’IDE pour un pays de moins de 6 millions d’habitants ?Show translationShow translation of this comment
The point of meeting for this super freeway will be the logistic capital, the logistic center, and the central cluster for the connection and interconnection of all the actions and transactions driven toward supply and exchange among the African regions, and the African Economies. A Great Hub of Logistics from where all the transport and distribution will take place.
Once we have this central focused organizational and infrastructural networks and web of centralized communication Hubs with all the most advanced means of intercommunication and consolidation of the trade relations and the related intelligent managerial operations, at this moment we can talk about environment and other related aspects.
Our present environment is depleted and has no foundations of potential advancement for the integration of Africa and this lack of structure encompasses all the necessary interconnected needs and necessities to have integrated marketplaces.
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Artificial Intelligence and Consulting Based on Pen Writing: Colonization or Cohabitation?
Insightful Analysis by TRI CK USA
Insightful Analysis by TRI CK USA Global Risk Analysis Achieving Reciprocity: Role of Rationality
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the consulting industry in several ways, enhancing and challenging traditional consulting roles. Here are some key impacts:
AI can quickly process vast amounts of data, providing consultants with deeper insights and more accurate predictions. This allows for more informed decision-making and strategy development. Tools like machine learning and natural language processing can analyze market trends, customer behavior, and financial data, offering a comprehensive view that would take humans much longer to compile. Routine tasks such as data collection, report generation, and initial analysis can be automated, allowing consultants to focus on more complex and creative aspects of their work. AI can streamline processes, reducing the time and cost associated with consulting projects.
AI algorithms can identify patterns and correlations that might be missed by human analysts, leading to more robust and innovative solutions. By providing real-time data and predictive analytics, AI helps consultants make more timely and effective recommendations.
Many tasks traditionally performed by junior consultants, such as data entry and preliminary analysis, are increasingly being handled by AI, potentially reducing the need for entry-level positions. This shift requires consultants to adapt by developing skills in AI and data science to remain competitive.
While AI can handle data-driven tasks efficiently, it lacks the nuanced understanding and emotional intelligence that human consultants bring to client interactions and strategic thinking.
AI cannot replace the creativity, empathy, and contextual understanding that human consultants provide, especially in complex and ambiguous situations.
AI systems can sometimes perpetuate biases present in the data they are trained on, leading to flawed recommendations. Human oversight is crucial to ensure ethical and unbiased consulting practices.
The key to leveraging AI in consulting is to strike a balance between automation and human insight. AI can enhance the capabilities of consultants, allowing them to deliver more value to their clients. However, the human element remains indispensable for interpreting AI-generated insights, understanding client needs, and providing personalized, context-aware advice.
By embracing AI as a tool rather than a replacement, consulting firms can enhance their services and maintain their competitive edge in an evolving industry.
When discussing “Artificial Intelligence, Pain for Pen Writing,” it refers to the potential negative impact that advanced AI writing tools could have on the practice of traditional pen-and-paper writing, particularly in educational settings, where the physical act of writing by hand is considered important for learning and cognitive development.
Key concerns about AI replacing pen writing:
Reduced fine motor skills: Repeatedly typing on a keyboard instead of physically forming letters with a pen can lead to a decline in hand-eye coordination and dexterity, especially in young children.
Diminished cognitive processing: Research suggests that the act of writing by hand can enhance memory and information retention compared to typing, as the brain is more actively engaged in the process.
Less engagement with text: Typing can feel more passive than writing with a pen, potentially leading to less thoughtful engagement with the material.
Potential for overreliance on AI: If students become too reliant on AI writing tools to generate text, they might neglect to develop their writing skills, including grammar, vocabulary, and critical thinking.
However, AI can also have positive impacts on pen writing:
Accessibility tools: AI-powered pens can provide real-time feedback on handwriting, helping individuals with dysgraphia or learning disabilities improve their writing skills.
Personalized learning: AI can analyze writing patterns and provide tailored practice exercises to address individual weaknesses.
Creative writing support: AI can assist with brainstorming ideas and generating creative writing prompts, potentially stimulating more engagement with pen-and-paper writing.
Political BiZz & BuZz TRI NEWS REPORT
La Nouvelle France Républicaine
RELAX MACRON: French Prime Minister Michel Barnier’s newly-appointed members of the cabinet of French Prime Minister
Michel Barnier – Top left:
From top 1st row-top-from left: – Justice Minister Didier Migaud; – Minister for regional Partnership and decentralization, Catherine Vautrin; – Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau; – Education Minister Anne Genetet: – Foreign and European Affairs Minister Jean-Noel Barrot.
– 2nd row from left: – Culture Minister Rachida Dati; – Minister for the Armed Forces Sebastien Lecornu; – Minister for Ecological Transition, Energy, Climate and Risk Prevention Agnes Pannier-Runacher; – Minister for Economy, Finance and Industry Antoine Armand; – Minister for Health and access to care Genevieve Darrieussecq.
– Bottom row from left: – Minister of Solidarity, Autonomy and Gender Equality Paul Christophe; – Minister of Housing and Urban Renewal Valerie Letard; – Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry Annie Genevard; – Minister of Labor and Employment Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet; – Minister of Sports, youth and Associations Gil Averous; – Higher Education and Research Minister Patrick Hetzel; – Minister for the civil service, simplification and transformation of public action Guillaume Kasbarian; – Minister attached to the Prime Minister, responsible for Overseas Francois-Noel Buffet; – Minister attached to the Prime Minister, responsible for the budget and public accounts Laurent Saint-Martin.
China Puzzled by U.S. Trade Economics and Politics System – Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Ph.D. – Said Cherkaoui Ph.D. TRI CK USA – Email: saidcherkaoui@triconsultingkyoto.com 8 27 24 – Oakland – Bay Area of San Francisco – California Trade-wise, The four years witnessed escalating trade tensions culminating in a trade war and sanctions on Chinese technology companies. Since Biden’s election, political and business stakeholders … Continue Reading
Collage made by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui tracing the USA-China relation since the Presidency of Donald Trump that we consider as the opening of a New Chapter that we are still reading up to now Global Risk Analysis Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Ph.D. ★ Strategic Catalyst Driving U.S.-Morocco-Africa Investment, Trade, and Business Development ★ Senior … Continue reading
TRI CONSULTING KYOTO TRI CK USA – Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Ph.D. ★ Strategic Catalyst Driving U.S.-Morocco-Africa Investment, Trade, and Business Development ★ Senior Policy Adviser in International Affairs ★ Accomplished Public Speaker ★ Distinguished News Executive Editor ★ The recent decline in the United States’ standing in the Arab world and China’s growing influence indeed has significant implications. Let’s break down … Continue reading
Brian Niccol the New Electrifying Coffee Maker Jack of the Seven Trades Welch Unlike most of his subordinates, Brian Niccol also gets to work from a remote office in sunny Newport Beach, California. … Continue Reading
TRI CK USA Support Team Selma Taylor Extensive work experience with small and mid-sized businesses in California Executive Management of a publicly subsidized management consulting firm for small businesses. San Francisco Bay Area. Asuka Chinen 繋がり申請大歓迎! Welcome all connect requests Okinawa, Japan Professional qualifications in the areas of Recruiting, Advising, and Consulting about and … Continue reading Teamwork by TRI TEAM – TRI CK USA
Presentation of our Info and News Report to our Readers, Free of Charge with Educative Inputs and Analytical Insights that both Contribute to Decision-Making by Providing Awareness and Intelligence about the Global Business, Investment, Trade, and Policy Environment and its Structural Determinations
News Oriented and Based on Business Consulting and Services – Oakland, California
At TRI Consulting Kyoto – TRI CK USA, today we are delighted to offer you a mosaic of topics that will provide you an opportunity to access and read news, thoughts, and inputs as well as insights related to the areas of operations and involvement in terms of the countries that are the focus and the interests of our existing, potential and prospective clients.
TRI NEWS REPORT will also provide insightful and business-based intelligence advice to enable are readers and members to benefit from our first-hand experience in the diverse domains of international trade, business, economics, finance, and culture development and man
This extra service that we give to our clients, we are extending it to you too. We would appreciate to have join our movement and our community which will enable you also to benefit from this TRI NEWS REPORT.
Therefore, we invite you to be more than just another reader, we will appreciate that if you have a topic you would like our editor to address, write an analysis, and publish, please do not hesitate to email us your request/suggestion on this new topic, likewise, you can also forward to us even an article of your writing that we can publish in TRI NEWS REPORT with your consent.
TRI NEWS REPORT will convey to you News, Knowledge, and Know-How that will provide you with an opportunity to access and read analysis, studies, and articles relevant to business thoughts, practices, and development … and much more.
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui has been actively engaged in workforce development programs and has made significant contributions to economic and educational initiatives. Let’s explore some of his notable endeavors:
Workforce Development Programs in California:
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui has been involved in workforce development efforts within the California Community Colleges system. These programs aim to enhance skills, provide training, and prepare individuals for employment in various sectors.
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui’s work has had a multifaceted impact on local communities and businesses within California. Let’s delve into some key aspects:
Workforce Development and Training:
Dr. Cherkaoui’s involvement in workforce development programs has directly benefited local communities. By designing and conducting training programs, he has equipped individuals with essential skills, enhancing their employability.
Businesses in California benefit from a more skilled workforce, which contributes to productivity and economic growth.
Dr. Said El Mansour CherkaouiCreated and Conducted by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui for the Workforce Development Program – EBCITD – Capacity Building and Workforce Development Training Program – Samples of Certified Training
Dr. Cherkaoui has developed and conducted training programs to strengthen trade and business ties between China and the United States, Africa, Europe, and the Middle East.
His work includes strategies and guidance on market dynamics, technology, and business development.
International Engagement:
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui’s contributions extend beyond California. He has facilitated educational courses, investment plans, and international conferences across continents, including Africa, Asia, and Europe.
His involvement has fostered commercial and academic exchanges, benefiting various countries and regions.
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui’s work exemplifies the importance of workforce development, education, and international collaboration. His efforts contribute to building stronger economies and empowering individuals worldwide.
International Business Development:
As Co-Chair of the International Business Development Committee on Africa at the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, Dr. Cherkaoui fosters cross-cultural collaboration and trade.
His efforts create opportunities for California businesses to expand globally, access new markets, and establish international partnerships.
Investment and Economic Strategies:
Dr. Cherkaoui’s work extends beyond borders. He attracts investment to California by promoting its business-friendly environment and highlighting its strengths.
His strategies encourage foreign direct investment, job creation, and economic diversification.
Educational Initiatives:
Dr. Cherkaoui’s academic contributions, including research and educational courses, enrich California’s intellectual landscape.
By engaging with local universities and institutions, he supports knowledge transfer and innovation.
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui’s dedication to workforce development, international collaboration, and economic growth positively impacts both local communities and businesses in California.
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui’s dedication to workforce development, international collaboration, and economic growth positively impacts both local communities and businesses in California
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Business, Research, and Academic References
Vista Community College @Berkeley
Dr. Barbara Beno Presidente of Vista Community College @Berkeley, California, and Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Consultant at CITD
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Academic Path
Dr. Said Cherkaoui International Business Planning – Keys to Open New Business Horizons Teaching practical and field-based strategies that enhance the understanding of local challenges, the awareness on the particular cultural and business approaches of many regions around the world and provide the decision-makers with business intelligence inputs that help to shape the next decisional move and the next operational step as well as the next concerted action.
France and USA: Research and Academia, Letters of Recommendations on Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui
At various universities and colleges in California and the Bay Area of San Francisco, at the Silicon Valley and Contra Costa Counties, and online academic institutions
Adjunct Associate Professor and Lecturer – Golden Gate University · Contract · 1987 – 2001 · 14 yrs – San Francisco Bay Area · On-site San Francisco Bay Area ·
For the first time in the entire history of Golden Gate University’s existence, I introduced and taught courses on the European Economic Community, Doing Business in Latin America and Asia, and Electives on Economics, Economic Thoughts and the World Economy.
At the School of Business
Taught Executive Programs and Graduate Courses (See attached Letters from US Air Force Officers and related records and documents)
★ International Marketing and Business Development
★ Business Strategy and Policy.
★ ★ School of Technology and Industry: Introduced new technology-oriented courses and web-based curricula activities:
★ Customer relationship management (CRM) and business intelligence (BI);
★ Information Technology and Entrepreneurship;
★ Telecommunications, IT, and Digital Security.
★ School of Public Administration and International Studies:
At the School of Business
Taught Executive Programs and Graduate Courses (See attached Letters from US Air Force Officers and related records and documents)
★ International Marketing and Business Development
★ Business Strategy and Policy.
Academic and Research Collaborations:
He collaborates with universities, research centers, and academic institutions globally.
Joint research projects, student exchanges, and faculty collaborations enhance cross-cultural understanding and knowledge transfer.
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui has authored 92 articles on LinkedIn providing insights into the influences and challenges arising from the evolution of global affairs and international relations, trade, and business. 2.
LinkedIn Profile:Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Ph.D. ★ Senior Policy and Business Adviser ★ Consultant ★ News Executive Editor ★ Public Speaker ★ February 13, 2024
Adjunct Associate Professor and Lecturer – Golden Gate University · Contract · 1987 – 2001 · 14 yrs – San Francisco Bay Area · On-site San Francisco Bay Area ·
For the first time in Golden Gate University’s history, I introduced and taught courses on the European Economic Community, Doing Business in Latin America and Asia, and Electives on Economics, Economic Thoughts, and the World Economy.
Taught courses on Telecom and High Tech including Digital Certificate and System Protection.
International Business Management, International Market, and International Finance.
International Public Administration and International Affairs.
Research and Publications by Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui:
Conducted extensive research programs and published extracts on Golden Gate Magazine Connections on the following topics:
European Economic Community (Published at Golden Gate University)
North American Free Trade Agreement (Published in Golden Gate University and France)
Middle East Quest for Peace (Published in Italy)
China High Tech and Telecom (Published in London)
Dr Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Doctorate Chair at the School of Public Administration and International Studies, Golden Gate University, San Francisco, California
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Summary on Workforce Program for Community College of the State of California: Executive-Summary-Grant-Logistics by the U.S. Department of Labor
★ ★ School of Technology and Industry: Introduced new technology-oriented courses and web-based curricula activities:
★ Customer relationship management (CRM) and business intelligence (BI);
★ Information Technology and Entrepreneurship;
★ Telecommunications, IT, and Digital Security.
Victor Robert Garza – To Victor Robert Garza Bravo and Congratulations, I am proud of your trajectory and realizations. I do not know if you remember that I was the first to introduce myself in 1999 and to teach a course on Digital Security in the MBA Program at Golden Gate University – Silicon Valley at Palo Alto and you were my Student. So I am proud of your accomplishment and feel that I have established if not reinforced some instructional pillars in your interest and expertise in the field of Security. Keep up the good work Vic or I should say El Mansour which means also Victor.
Best wishes for continual success. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui 3 / 6 / 2017 Oakland, California
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Academic and Business References
★ Recommendation by Dr. Wesley Young, Director, Services for International Students and Scholars at the University of California, Davis –
I was the Director of Graduate Business Programs at the Dominican University of San Rafael when Dr. Cherkaoui was teaching in our international MBA program. Said brought not only a solid academic background to the classroom but also a wealth of business experience both in the US and in Asia and Latin America. He is passionate about his students and his work outside the classroom. This made him one of the most effective faculty that we had teaching at the time.
Dr. Said Cherkaoui is an exceptional figure in international business development. His broad range of expertise covers all ranges of economic development, with such accomplishments in international trade consulting, trade missions, and small business development, just to name a few.
Dr. Cherkaoui has successfully conducted numerous trade missions, represented U.S. companies at trade shows, and helped companies develop their businesses overseas. His academic works significantly contribute to the global business community, executives in world trade, and entrepreneurs.
I worked with Dr. Cherkaoui at the East Bay Center for International Trade Development. His expertise and services included and not limited to:
Always a role model and source of influence, Dr. Cherkaoui possesses extensive hands-on experience in a wide range of industries, as well as academic achievements, in the field of international trade and economic development.
EEC and NAFTA Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Research and Publications GGU
Early two distinctive research topics on the Monetary System and the Creation of the European Economic Community and the establishment of the North American Free Trade Agreement were conducted and published by Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui at Golden Gate University of San Francisco.
Adjunct Associate Professor and Doctoral Program Subject Matter Expert – Touro University California · Contract · 1998 – 2000 · 2 yrs · San Diego Metropolitan Area · Hybrid ·
★ Taught Digital Technology and Telecom courses for the Online Graduate Program at the Business and Management School. ★ Provided guidance, advice, and insights on research and writing of doctoral proposals and dissertations on Business, Marketing, and Management.
★ Mentored and advised candidates on the development of the doctoral thesis.★ Taught Digital Technology and Telecom courses for the Online Graduate Program at the Business and Management School. ★ Provided guidance, advice, and insights on research and writing of doctoral proposals and dissertations on Business, Marketing, and Management. ★ Mentored and advised candidates on the development of a doctoral thesis.
Saïd El Mansour Cherkaoui : Conférences internationales
Le Dr Cherkaoui a organisé et présenté plusieurs conférences internationales en collaboration avec le Département américain du Commerce, le Département américain des petites entreprises, la US Small Business Association, les 2 Centres pour le développement du commerce international d’East Bay et de la Bay Area et d’autres organisations locales de représentants professionnels des entreprises. .
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui: International Conferences
Dr. Cherkaoui organized and presented Multiple International Conferences in Collaboration with the US Department of Commerce, the US Small Business Department, the US Small Business Association, the 2 East Bay and Bay Area Centers for International Trade Development, and other local business professional representatives organizations.
From left to right: Tom Bates, California State Senator and the 21st Mayor of Berkeley – Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Center for International Trade Development – Executive at the Port of Oakland, Picture taken at Vista Community College – Berkeley – 1994
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Developed Strategies and Directed Training on Market and Technology to Strengthen China Trade and Business in the United States, Africa, Europe and Middle East
International Conferences:
Dr. Cherkaoui has organized and presented multiple international conferences. These events likely focused on topics related to international trade, development, and business.
He has been associated with the Center for International Trade Development (CITD), where he created and conducted certified workforce development and training programs. These programs likely aimed to enhance skills and knowledge in areas such as international business, sales, and trade operations.
California Center for International Trade Development (CITD): Operated by the State Center Community College District, it has been promoting California’s international trade and competitiveness since 1989. It assists exporters, supports economic growth, and helps businesses expand globally.
CITD mission is to accelerate global trade by providing high-impact export development programs, technical assistance, and global trade education.
CITD collaborates with multilateral agencies, government institutions, and non-government organizations to promote trade and investment programs. In summary, CITD acts as a bridge between businesses, education, and government to foster international trade and economic development.
His collaborations extend to various organizations, including the US Department of Commerce, the US Small Business Department, and the US Small Business Association. Additionally, he worked with local business professional representatives and Chambers of Commerce in the Bay Area of San Francisco.
Dr. Cherkaoui participated in conferences related to Africa, where he discussed business opportunities, historical analysis, and trade relations in North Saharan and West African regions.
Center for International Trade Development
About Us: The California Center for International Trade Development (CITD), an entity of the State Center Community College District, has been promoting California’s international trade and competitiveness since 1989. It assists exporters, supports economic and job growth, and helps businesses in California expand globally. CITD also plays a role in globalizing colleges.
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui: International Conferences– Invited by the Government of China
CITD has a strong track record, having organized over 180 agricultural trade missions for the Western United States Agricultural Trade Association, the USDA Foreign Agricultural Services, and the California Governor’s Office. They have trained more than 7,000 companies to market California food and agricultural products in foreign markets.
These efforts have resulted in impressive economic outcomes, with over $100 million in direct export sales and more than $750 million in continuous export sales attributed to CITD’s trade activities since 1990. CITD has also received prestigious awards, including the President’s “E Award” for Export Excellence in 2001 and 2013.
新年快乐 – Xīnnián Kuàilè
Guiyang – Guizhou – China
Great Man at Great Wall
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Official Visit and Negotiations at China and Local Factories
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui night-at-the-Tea-House-at-Guiyang-Guizhou-Province-China_
★ Dr. Cherkaoui facilitated the meeting of High-level Executive, Managers, and Scientists from China with their American Peers ★
★ Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Invited by the Central and Provincial Governments of China ★
Dr. Cherkaoui Developed Business and Trade Connections Between California and China Since 1994
Capacity Building and Workforce Development Training Program
Some Certified Training Seminars and Workshops Organized and Conducted by Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui at City College of Berkeley and the Center for International Trade Development
Created and Conducted by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui for the Workforce Development Program – EBCITD
Conference on North Saharan and Sub-Saharan Africa – US Department of Commerce – San Francisco – California
Dr. Cherkaoui & Center for International Trade Development ★ CITD in Morocco
Director Richard Soyombo – Dr. Said Cherkaoui – Keith Rayner, CEO of Kemara
Richard Soyombo Director of Bay Area Centre for International Trade Development
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui presenting at the U.S. Department of Commerce on Business Opportunities in Morocco and Africa North Saharan Regions
Attendees at the Africa Conference Conducted by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui at the US Commercial Service at the U.S. Department of Commerce
International Conference on Africa and AGOA
Conférence Internationale sur l’Afrique a Claremont Hotel, Berkeley, California, USA
International Conference on Africa and AGOA, Berkeley, California, USA
Since my early studies at Institut des Etudes Politiques of the Grenoble University, the development, and integration of Africa were at the forefront of my studies and topics of my presentations in seminaries and essay papers. It was natural that I continue to work and increase awareness about Africa and its need to establish new kinds of relations with countries other than the past metropolitan and colonialists.
I extended the invitation to Dr. Boubacar N’diaye for his presence among us at this International Conference on Africa. He was delighted about my presentation and we also sat together and had lunch at the same table. Wonderful Man with full love for Africa and Africans and who initiated a series of important financial and operational measures: the African Businessmen Round Table, the creation of the African Bank for import-export (Afreximbank), and the setting up of special easy financing for the African private sector (investors and entrepreneurs) without the guarantee of their governments.
Here below among other pictures, there is a photo taken in the company with the Regretted Dr. Babacar Ndiaye, former CEO of the African Development Bank Group who holds firmly my hand and is standing at my left side.
On my right hand is Dr. Faheem Director of the Center for International Trade Development, on the other left side and holding my hand is Dr. Boubacar N’diaye, Chairman of the African Development Bank from 1985 to 1995 and honorary chairman of the same institution (Rest in Peace among the Blessed ones, Ameen). I initiated and developed a work plan on the organization of The International Conference on Africa took place in 2001. The first time in the history of the Bay Area of San Francisco and North California to have a conference of such magnitude and subject. that I submitted to Fazale Sharif the Director of the EBCITD which I was the initiator and for which I and participated directly in its organization. I contacted and invited Dr. Babacar Ndiaye and in the following photo, event/photo took place is during an International Conference on Africa I had organized in Oakland, California and of which Dr. Babacar Ndiaye, Rahimahu Allah was our Guest of Honor.
Here below are listed links which content present among others some illustrations of my activities with the Integration of Africa with which I was directly involved, including the facilitation of the signing of the Free Trade Agreement between the United States and Morocco.
For many among us, time flies through horizons without leaving traces on recognition and gratitude on what we have achieved for the good for others especially in my case not be born in the United States but I remain up to now the maker of differences between cultures and the guardian of the memories I cherish and remember through my meetings and interactions with the real treasuries of the Humanity.
The Conference Room was packed with U.S. and Foreign officials and Executives as well as faculties and Researchers on Africa and the Place where all these interactions took place was the fabulous and monumental Claremont Hotel in Berkeley, Northern California.
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Conducting a Presentation during the International Conference on Africa
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui organized the International Conference on Africa with Diversity and Multicultural Approach
The Conference Room was packed with U.S. and Foreign officials and Executives as well as faculties and Researchers on Africa and the Place where all these interactions took place was the fabulous and monumental Claremont Hotel in Berkeley, Northern California.
Provide consulting services to multinationals, small, and mid-sized firms, and government agencies. Design and deliver customized Executive training seminars.
GLOCENTRA is a leading executive training firm committed to serving clients in the United States, France, the Middle East, North Africa, and Southeast regions. Our team is dedicated to helping clients improve their business performance and attain sustainable long-lasting results by introducing/reinforcing new learning and skills. Over and above extensive international exposure with assignments implemented in more than 15 markets, our trainers have wide industry expertise. We put at the disposal of our clients a team with extensive experience in developing and delivering executive training and workshops in many areas ranging from basic hard skills to more complex soft skills including leadership, teamwork, negotiation, and communications skills
The Conference Room was packed with U.S. and Foreign officials and Executives as well as faculties and Researchers on Africa and the Place where all these interactions took place was the fabulous and monumental Claremont Hotel in Berkeley, Northern California.
Strengthening California with EgyptBusiness, Trade, and Investment Relationships
Dr.Cherkaoui was designated as the Co-Chair of the International Business Committee at the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce
Dr. Cherkaoui Facilitated the signing of the Trade Treaty between the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of the Egyptian Chambers of Commerce
USA – Testimonials Recognizing the Achievements and Competences of Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui
France and USA: Research and Academia, Letters of Recommendations on Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui
Connecting Culture, Politics, Business, and Academia around the World
La Comunidad Hispana – California
As a Business Consultant at the East Bay Small Business Development Center and the Center for International Trade Development (including the East Bay Center for International Trade Development) between 1993 to 1998 and 2001 to 2007, I worked with the Hispanic communities and their business executives and individual entrepreneurs as well as the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Alameda County and Sacramento.
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, representante del Centro para el Desarrollo del Comercio Internacional (CITD) y Marruecos en una sesión ejecutiva de trabajo y una recepción organizada por las Cámaras Hispanas de Comercio de California, Condado de Alameda, Estados Unidos de America (www.cahcc.com).
From left to right: Omar Bouafi, Said El Mansour Cherkaoui and His Excellence the US Ambassador in Morocco: Mr. A. Riley in Casablanca.
Dr Barbara Beno, Presidente of Vista Community College, Berkeley, Californiawithand Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Consultant at CITD –27/10/1994
Dr. Said El-Mansour Cherkaoui-invited-by the Government of China
Recommendation by Dr. Wesley Young, Director, Services for International Students and Scholars at the University of California, Davis –
I was the Director of Graduate Business Programs at the Dominican University of San Rafael when Dr. Cherkaoui was teaching in our international MBA program. Said brought not only a solid academic background to the classroom but also a wealth of business experience both in the US and in Asia and Latin America. He is passionate about his students and his work outside the classroom. This made him one of the most effective faculty that we had teaching at the time.
Dr. Said Cherkaoui is an exceptional figure in international business development. His broad range of expertise covers all ranges of economic development, with such accomplishments in international trade consulting, trade missions, small business development, just to name a few..
Dr. Cherkaoui has successfully conducted numerous trade missions, represented U.S. companies at trade shows, and helped companies develop their businesses overseas. His academic works have a significant contribution to the global business community, executives in world trade, and entrepreneurs.
I worked with Dr. Cherkaoui at the East Bay Center for International Trade Development. His expertise and services included and not limited to:
Always a role model and source of influence, Dr. Cherkaoui possesses extensive hands-on experience in a wide range of industries, as well as academic achievements, in the field of international trade and economic development.
How do U.S. car producers based in the United States, other foreign car producers in the United States, European Car Manufacturers selling cars in the United States, and other Asian car producers selling or/and manufacturing cars in the United States, all these car manufacturers react and consider the arrival, establishment and expansion of Chinese made cars and Chinese EV cars and trucks and buses in the United States and Europe and Africa, Latin America and the Middle East.
What is going to be the scenario, the new global, local, regional, and national trends and perspectives of the competition in the car industry around the world given the rise of Chinese Cars
Chinese car brands still need to be added to the US market, but Chinese-made cars are still sold in the US.
• Americans bought 104,000 Chinese-made cars in 2023 and nearly 28,000 in the first quarter of 2024.
• Buick, Lincoln, Polestar, and Volvo all sell US cars made in China.
What some people may not realize, however, is that tens of thousands of cars manufactured in China are sold in the US every year. Volvo’s S60L sedan was one of the first Chinese-made cars to be sold in the US starting in 2016, followed by Buick’s Envision SUV and Cadillac’s CT6 hybrid.
US consumers purchased more than 104,000 Chinese-made vehicles in 2023, up 45% from 2022. Americans bought another 28,000 Chinese-made cars during the first quarter of 2024.
Buick, Lincoln, Polestar, and Volvo sell Chinese-made vehicles in the US. Of those, the only Chinese-made EVs come from Polestar, a brand owned by Volvo and its parent company, Geely. The EV brand imported just 2,217 cars in the first three months of 2024. Polestar is expected to start production in South Carolina this year. Will the U.S. government discourage the domestic output of Polestar? Source: Gene Detroyer
Together, the plants, one located in Tennessee and two in Kentucky, will enable more than 120 gigawatt hours of U.S. battery production annually and displace more than 455 million gallons of gasoline per year for the lifetime of the vehicles powered by these batteries. The project is expected to create a total of approximately 5,000 construction jobs in Tennessee and Kentucky, and 7,500 operations jobs once the plants are up and running.
This effort supports President Biden’s Investing in America agenda to onshore and re-shore domestic manufacturing of technologies that are critical to reaching a clean energy and transportation future. Expanding domestic production of American-made batteries is critical to reaching the Biden-Harris Administration’s goals to have EVs represent at least 50% of all new car sales in the U.S. by 2030, reach net-zero electricity by 2035, and a net-zero economy by 2050.
As with all conditional commitments that LPO offers, it’s important to note that the expected U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) loan will only be issued pending the satisfaction of certain conditions, including final legal, contractual, technical, and financial requirements that the conditional commitment specifies.
Uncle Sam’s clean-energy push is giving Ford a major boost. The Energy Department has awarded the automaker a massive $9.2 billion loan to fund the construction of three EV battery plants.
a move Bloomberg reports is « by far the biggest government backing for a U.S. automaker since the bailouts in the 2009 financial crisis. »
The U.S. is trying to reduce its battery reliance on China, which has dominated the market for years and has roughly 80% of the world’s manufacturing capacity. Ford, which made about 132,000 EVs in 2022, hopes to produce 2 million of the vehicles by 2026.
The plants — two in Kentucky, one in Tennessee — are already in the works as part of BlueOval SK, a partnership between Ford and South Korean battery firm SK On. The total projected cost is $11.4 billion.
The U.S. Energy Department said Thursday it plans to lend up to $9.2 billion to a joint venture of Ford Motor and South Korea’s SK On to help it build three battery plants in Tennessee and Kentucky, a record-setting loan for a vehicle supply chain project. The conditional commitment for the low-cost government loan for the BlueOval SK joint venture comes from the government’s Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing (ATVM) loan program. Jigar Shah, the head of the loan program office, told Reuters the loan could close as soon as within 10 weeks.
SCOOP: Ford Motor Company & South Korean battery maker SK On are getting a $9.2 billion loan from the US Department of Energy for three battery plants under construction in Kentucky & Tennessee. It’s a watershed moment in the US race to catch China in green vehicle technology.
Community colleges in Tennessee and Kentucky stand to benefit from the government’s $9B+ investment in battery production. New workforce development and academic programs, as well as re-tooled facilities, will be needed to support the 7,500 operations jobs associated with these new plants.
Blade Batteries
Global Delocalization of Batterie Manufacturers: Example of Morocco
Let us quickly recall here the advantages which attract investments in new technologies within the countries of the South both from China and from Western countries or other nationalities aiming to relocate certain phases of their production.
The cost of intermediate production, the cost and local availability of raw materials, labor, the proximity of car suppliers and buyers, financial facilities and tax incentives, the flexibility of pollution laws, flexibility of work, the docility of social demands movements, and the rate of social charges and recovery of retirement pensions, health insurance as well as the level of unionization, the cost of land ownership and supply of these lands by the State, the level of logistical infrastructure, the ease of movement of capital, taxation and the rate of social charges and recovery of retirement pensions as well as the level of unionization, remittance and export profits as well as the company’s appropriation ratio. Not to mention the integration of operators and managers from the country of origin benefiting from all the financial and tax advantages recognized by the public authorities. 1/7/2024
First Batch of SHACMAN X6000 Series Products Rolled off the Assembly Line. Congratulations.
Asian Firms to build joint LFP cathode plants in Morocco
South Korea’s LG Chem Ltd
South Korea’s LG Chem Ltd (051910.KS) has entered a partnership with China’s Huayou Group’s subsidiary Youshan, project to build a joint electric vehicle (EV) battery material plant in Morocco to diversify its portfolio.
The Morocco plant, set to start production in 2026, aims to produce 50,000 tonnes of lithium-phosphate-iron (LFP) cathode materials annually, enough to be installed in 500,000 entry-class EVs, the South Korean chemical maker said in a statement.
Huayou has joined the growing number of Chinese electric vehicle and battery companies seeking to expand overseas to get closer to their foreign clients and benefit from local incentives.
In a separate statement, Huayou’s listed unit Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt Co (603799.SS) said it intended to build plants with LG Chem in Indonesia and Morocco under a strategic partnership to promote international growth.
The Morocco plant, set to start production in 2026, aims to produce 50,000 tonnes of lithium-phosphate-iron (LFP) cathode materials annually, enough to be installed in 500,000 entry-class EVs, the South Korean chemical maker said in a statement.
LG Chem, known for manufacturing more expensive nickel-cobalt-manganese (NCM) cathodes, is entering the LFP cathode business to meet the growing demand for cheaper LFP batteries as the auto industry seeks to produce more affordable EVs, whose most expensive components are the batteries.
LG Chem said LFP cathodes produced at the Morocco plant will be supplied to the North American market and could be eligible to receive subsidies from the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) as Morocco is a free-trade partner with the United States.
CNGR, Chinese Battery-Parts Maker, and African Fund Al Mada
CNGR, the Chinese Battery-Parts Maker is partnering with the African Fund Al Mada to Plan a $2 Billion Venture in Morocco – The investment volume is about 20 billion Moroccan dirhams (1.8 billion euros). CNGR Advanced Material Co., a Chinese maker of battery components, is joining forces with the African private investment fund Al Mada to build an industrial base in Morocco {9/18/2023} for a battery materials production and recycling facility. The strategic partnership aims to produce ternary CAM precursors for lithium-ion batteries as well as lithium iron phosphate (LFP) and recycle black mass from used batteries. A joint venture has been established between the two companies to advance the project.
Battery material for more than one million EVs per year
Construction is scheduled to begin this year, and phased production is expected to start in the fourth quarter of 2024. The plan is to produce battery material for more than one million electric vehicles per year, with 120,000 tons of CAM precursors, 60,000 tons of LFP, and 30,000 tons of black mass recycling.
Negotiations with leading phosphate and fertilizer supplier
CNGR Morocco New Energy, a subsidiary of CNGR, will hold a majority 50.03 percent stake in the joint venture, while Al Mada’s subsidiary NGI will hold 49.97 percent.
The two partners are currently negotiating with the OCP Group to purchase the necessary raw materials, including phosphate products. Jorf Lasfar is located directly on the Atlantic coast, and a seaport is also available in El Jadida. So far, Jorf Lasfar is known mainly for the country’s largest coal-fired power plant. OCP Group, a leading Moroccan phosphate and fertilizer supply company, sources the highest quality phosphate salts for the production of LFP and ternary CAM precursors from the plant. Morocco is a major global producer of phosphate salts: Its reserves account for 71% of the world total. Other suppliers, such as cobalt and manganese products, are not named in the announcement.
The focus will be on producing precursors for NCM and LFP cathode materials. The plant will also include recycling facilities. The companies are planning annual capacities of 120,000 tonnes for NCM precursors, 60,000 tonnes for LFP precursors, and 30,000 tonnes for the recycling of battery materials in the first phase. The planned annual production is 70 GWh. That should be enough for more than one million electric vehicles.
Production is mainly for export to meet the high demand in Europe and America – but the partners do not name potential customers. Construction will begin this year after the necessary permits have been obtained and production is scheduled to start in 2025. Source: Info via email
“Morocco aims to open EV battery gigafactory”
Announced on July 22, 2022, at Marrakesh.
Asian Companies Building Battery Factories in Morocco to export to Europe and the U.S.
During the summer of 2022, the Moroccan Minister of Industry and Trade declared that Morocco was negotiating with electric vehicle battery manufacturers to set up a plant in the country to mesh with its existing automotive sector and cobalt output.
“We hope to sign a deal for the plant before the end of this year,” the minister said in an interview with Reuters but declined to name the companies.
He did not say how much investment it would require but referred to it as a “gigafactory,” a term widely used for very big production facilities. The planned factory for EV batteries will “offer a huge momentum for the local automotive sector” and will benefit from the availability of renewable energy and raw materials such as cobalt and phosphates in the country, he said.
Morocco is home to Renault and Stellantis production plants, with a combined production capacity of 700,000. The Dacia Sandero and Peugeot 208 are examples of popular models that are built in Morocco. Demand for such batteries is growing outside and within Morocco, where Citroen plans to double its production capacity within two years from 50,000 EVs, Mezzour said.
Exports by about 250 automakers and suppliers in Morocco have topped the country’s industrial exports over the past seven years, surpassing phosphate sales. Up to May this year, Morocco’s automotive sector sales stood at $4.13 billion, up 24 percent. To increase competitiveness in the face of competition from China and India, Morocco plans to increase the rate of locally made parts in the cars it exports to 80 percent, up from 65 percent currently, Mezzour said.
“We are targeting 1 million within the next three to four years,” Mezzour said. Source:
And what is Europe doing for its renewable industry?
US Billions are flooding into US-based investments, so even European companies are now moving to the US for their investments.
In 2022, the top five manufacturers control more than 80 percent of the battery market. With an increased interest in EVs – global sales of electric cars totaled 4.2 million units in 2021, up by 108 percent compared with 2020 – there’s been concern that a long list of car companies may soon face an EV battery shortage from electric car battery manufacturers.
The advantages which attract investments in new technologies within the countries of the South both from China and from Western countries or other nationalities aiming to relocate certain phases of their production. The cost of intermediate production, the cost and local availability of raw materials, labor, the proximity of car suppliers and buyers, financial facilities and tax incentives, the flexibility of pollution laws, flexibility of work, the docility of social demands movements, and the rate of social charges and recovery of retirement pensions, health insurance as well as the level of unionization, the cost of land ownership and supply of these lands by the State, the level of logistical infrastructure, the ease of movement of capital, taxation and the rate of social charges and recovery of retirement pensions as well as the level of unionization, remittance and export profits as well as the company’s appropriation ratio. Not to mention the integration of operators and managers from the country of origin benefiting from all the financial and tax advantages recognized by the public authorities.
LG Energy Solution
A unit of LG Chem, this South Korean battery supplier is neck and neck with CATL as the world’s number one supplier of lithium-ion EV batteries.
Although there has been some controversy along the way – LG Chem successfully sued rivals SK Innovations not too long ago for stealing trade secrets – the future looks bright for the company, with LG Energy Solution beginning production of 4680 cells in 2023, the very same cells which make up Tesla’s most advanced battery pack yet.
The large format 4680 cylindrical cells are said to increase power by six times and energy by five times, as well as boost an EV’s range by up to 54 percent.
These 4680 cells are also expected to bring the price of Tesla EVs down to around $US25,000, according to Tesla founder Elon Musk.
The company also has a US$303 million plant in Holland, Michigan, capable of producing enough cells per year to build between 50,000 and 200,000 battery packs for EV and hybrid manufacturers like Ford, General Motors, Hyundai, Volvo, Renault and Chevrolet.
By 2025, all factories in South Korea, North America, Europe, and China will operate on 100 percent renewable energy.
Once written off by Elon Musk, China’s BYD has proven the haters wrong by becoming the world’s top seller of EVs in July 2022, having sold 641,000 vehicles in the first half of 2022 – nearly 80,000 more EVs than Tesla.
Although it’s gained a strong footing in the EV market, BYD began life as a rechargeable battery manufacturer in 1995, and in 2021 it built a new facility in Chongqing, China, to produce its blade batteries, which are thinner and longer than conventional lithium-ion cells.
Blade batteries are also considered to be the safest EV batteries because they are far less likely to catch fire in an accident. They are also 50 percent smaller than other battery blocks, resulting in lighter and more efficient EVs.
There seems to be no hard feelings between the Chinese behemoth and Elon Musk: BYD executive vice president Lian Yubo now says BYD is “good friends” with Mr Tesla, and has plans afoot to supply his company with EV batteries.
Panasonic is another of the world’s largest lithium-ion battery manufacturers, the electronics giant partnering with Tesla on Giga Nevada – or Gigafactory 1, as it’s also known – a $5 billion lithium-ion battery and electric vehicle component factory located in Storey County, Nevada, which produces a Panasonic EV battery exclusively for Tesla’s Model 3, Model S and Model X SUV.
Panasonic is said to have invested US$1.6 billion in Gigafactory 1 to make itself Tesla’s prime supplier of EV batteries, with raw materials being supplied by a mining company that extracts lithium from a site located 320km away from the factory.
Jointly designed and engineered by Tesla and Panasonic, the ‘2170’ battery has been in mass production since January 2017, with the new and improved 4680 battery cell, which has significant capacity improvements, going into production in 2023.
Turning an eye to the future, Shoichiro Watanabe, CTO of Panasonic Energy, says the company will achieve a 20 percent improvement in energy density in its battery cells by the end of the decade.
In much the same way that Tesla has partnered with other EV battery manufacturers in other international markets, Panasonic has also partnered with Toyota to build a lithium-ion battery plant in Japan that will supply batteries for Toyota EVs. Source:
Present Outlook of the World Battery Manufacturing Capacity
With the world gearing up for the electric vehicle era, battery manufacturing has become a priority for many nations, including the United States. However, having entered the race for batteries early, China is far and away in the lead.
Predominance of China’s World Manufacturing Capacity
– China controls raw materials –
Another key factor in China’s supremacy: is control over the raw materials needed to manufacture the batteries: lithium and cobalt.
According to Bloomberg, the Chinese firms Ganfeng and Tianqi control 17 and 12 percent respectively of the world production of lithium thanks to their investments in mines in Australia and South America.
Tianqi bought a 24 percent stake in Chilean miner SQM for $4.1 billion in December 2018. Together with the US firm Albemarle it also controls the huge Greenbushes mine in Australia.
Meanwhile, Chinese firms control at least half of the cobalt extracted in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where 70 percent of global output comes from, according to estimates cited by Bloomberg.
China Molybdenum bought a major site from the US firm Freeport-McMoran for $2.65 billion in 2016. China also has 80 percent of the world’s capacity to produce refined cobalt using chemical processes.
This is not a basic skill (“We are a car manufacturer, not chemically,” said Marianne Battalion, Renault E’s project manager last year), but second, whether the production was outsourced to Koreans or Chinese, many unemployed motor factories instead.
China has 6 of the top 10 EV battery makers with 60 percent market share, led by CATL and Warren Buffett-backed BYD.
Besides CATL and BYD, CALB, Gotion High-tech, Sunwoda, and Eve Energy feature among the world’s top 10 EV battery makers, according to SNE Research
CATL installed 165.7 gigawatt hours of battery cells in the first 11 months of last year, giving it a global market share of 37.1 percent
China’s well-established advantage is set to continue through 2027, with 69% of the world’s battery manufacturing capacity. With nearly 900 gigawatt-hours of manufacturing capacity or 77% of the global total, China is home to six of the world’s 10 biggest battery makers. Behind China’s battery dominance is its vertical integration across the rest of the EV supply chain, from mining the metals to producing the EVs. It’s also the largest EV market, accounting for 52% of global sales in 2021.
The U.S. is projected to increase its capacity by more than 10-fold in the next five years. EV tax credits in the Inflation Reduction Act are likely to incentivize battery manufacturing by rewarding EVs made with domestic materials. Alongside Ford and General Motors, Asian companies including Toyota, SK Innovation, and LG Energy Solution have all announced investments in U.S. battery manufacturing in recent months.
Europe will host six of the projected top 10 countries for battery production in 2027. Europe’s current and future battery plants come from a mix of domestic and foreign firms, including Germany’s Volkswagen, China’s CATL, and South Korea’s SK Innovation.
Combating China’s dominance will be expensive. According to Bloomberg, the U.S. and Europe will have to invest $87 billion and $102 billion, respectively, to meet domestic battery demand with fully local supply chains by 2030.
Within such an unbalanced world of Battery Manufacturing Capacity and given that Europe is using a mixed approach, Morocco is positioned to benefit from Europe’s reliance on domestic and foreign manufacturers of batteries.
Morocco, Regional Hub for Battery Material Plants
South Korea’s LG Chem partnering with China Huayou Group announced a project to build in Morocco a joint electric vehicle (EV) battery material plant. On the other side, CNGR, Chinese Battery-Parts Maker, and African Fund Al Mada aim to build an industrial base in Morocco for a battery materials production and recycling facility. All the Production of these facilities is intended for export to meet high demand in Europe and America.
An electric vehicle (EV) is a vehicle that uses one or more electric motors for propulsion. Photo by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui
🌎 Said El Mansour Cherkaoui February 20, 2023 – saidcherkaoui@triconsultingkyto.com🌍 🌎Analyses et Publications sur l’Industrie Automobile🌍 Said El … Continue reading
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui June 21, 2023, N.B.: Frontpage picture of the Blue Car in the First Floor Parking taken by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui … Continue reading
“Education is the Foundation to Build on Entrepreneurship as the Bridge for the Integration of Africa and the Road for the Improvement of Living Conditions of the African Citizens.” Said El Mansour Cherkaoui
🌐Culture of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Creativity🌐Social Progress 🌐
American Institute of Entrepreneurship of Africa – AIEA
🌐Entrepreneurial Africa🌐
Interested in the Entrepreneurship in Africa?
To contribute in this Project, please contact saidcherkaoui@triconsultingkyoto.com
Education is one of the factors that prepare an individual for an entrepreneurial career (Dyer, 1994).
“…. There is an urgent need to promote inclusive economic transformation and jobs-induced growth to improve the quality of life for all Africans. Africa’s youth population is rapidly growing and expected to double to over 830 million by 2050.” Source at the end of the page
🌐 Willing to make Africans benefit from your investment: financial or knowledge-based?
🌐 Willing to make Africans benefit from your Expertise as an Entrepreneur?
🌐 Here comes the Sun from Africa to you: Join our team!
🌐 Let it Be Shining and you will be at the forefront of building the foundations of the New African Entrepreneurial Innovative Mind!
🌐 Here below is where to find the related presentations in English about the Project of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN AFRICA and Said El Mansour Cherkaoui’s other works and publications on Africa.
Several major career development theorists have contributed to the literature on careers. Dyer’s (1994) Model of Entrepreneurial Careers and the Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT) developed by Lent, Brown, and Hackett (1994) are two of the most accepted and validated models in the career literature. Dyer’s Model of Entrepreneurial Careers explores four components of the theory of entrepreneurial careers, such as career selection, career socialization, career orientation, and career development (Dyer, 1994).
Entrepreneur and Mentor: Tandem for Operational Innovation
According to our model, entrepreneurial career choice can be influenced by individual factors such as “mentorship”, entrepreneurial attitudes, social factors such as role models, and economic factors such as availability of a resource network, economic resources, and believe in innovation.
The idea of infusing entrepreneurship into education has spurred much enthusiasm in the last few decades. A myriad of effects has been stated to result from this, such as economic growth, job creation, and increased societal resilience, but also individual growth, increased school engagement, and improved equality. Putting this idea into practice has however posed significant challenges alongside the stated positive effects. Lack of time and resources, teachers’ fear of commercialism, impeding educational structures, assessment difficulties, and lack of definition clarity are some of the challenges practitioners have encountered when trying to infuse entrepreneurship into education.
The Certificate of Entrepreneurship Program at the AIEA aims to prepare creative practitioners and entrepreneurial-minded innovators to become valuable contributors to the fields of business, economics, culture, and community at large. Entrepreneurs combine creative, cultural, social, and entrepreneurial spirit to forward innovation goals that invest in communities while solving problems with market-based approaches for the greater good.
✅ Learn how to develop an effective operation management and assessment of efficiency that is highly valued within your organization.
✅ Understand how to integrate business processes and development.
✅ Develop the skills to identify necessary resources including people and assets that provide the enterprising project and endeavor tangible value.
✅ Learn how to develop a solid business plan for your entrepreneurial project that addresses cost, benefits, and operational aspects.
✅ Integrate and share understanding with colleagues and employees on how to effectively integrate management, business continuity planning, facility and infrastructure management, HR, and others.
✅ Learn how to do this efficiently: Managerial tasks/functions are divided into 3 phases:
★ Formulation of plans ★ Implementation of plans ★ Evaluation of plans.
The Entrepreneurial Program Advantage at the American Institute of Entrepreneurship in Africa
Selecting and Developing the Business Case
The key task behind planning and assessment of an entrepreneurial motive and idea is developing an understanding of the organization to be assessed through an analysis of the following steps that evaluate the business case.
The Entrepreneurial Management Process
Entrepreneurial Drive
Understand how to educate Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders on the realistic impacts of identified aspects of the SWOT approach, presenting potential strategies to mitigate those impacts, then enacting the option chosen by the business in line with accepted levels of business risk tolerance.
Critical thinking is so often a forgotten aspect of the risk analysis and assessment process, yet it is fundamental to risk analysis and assessment. Understanding how to formulate a question, knowing what you’re looking for, and how that information is applied is indispensable to this process of risk assessment. By exploring other points of view and understanding other perspectives, you learn more about the subject, can reflect on the information you have, and how you feel.
Identification of Entrepreneurial Drive Through Critical Thinking / SWOT
Learn to identify and characterize the organization’s assets in the context of critical thinking – the basis for all good analysis. This is the foundation for criticality and consequence analysis as well as for a majority of probability analysis, vulnerability analysis, and risk analysis itself that can be conducted through the SWOT Approach.
Comprehending the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats is the first step in Entrepreneurial Assessment.
Analyzing the Strengths and Opportunities
The scope should define the processes, functions, activities, physical boundaries (facilities and locations), and stakeholders within the boundaries of the risk assessment program.
What is the scope of the entrepreneurial project as defined by the planning process?
Is it meeting the entrepreneurial’s objectives one of the strengths?
Does the planning process consider the context of the organization, its needs, and requirements?
Learn how to match the scope to the resources available to reach the next level of implementation.
Treatment of the Weaknesses and Threats
Weaknesses and Threats are rating scales that are defined concerning an entrepreneur’s objectives and scope. They are typically measured in terms of impact and occurrence. Impact scales of Weaknesses and Threats should translate the units of measure used for organizational objectives, which may reflect different types of impact such as financial, competition, and/or management of products, services, human resources, and customer/client relationships.
Managing the change process by example of leadership and reallocating human resources and competencies for adequate productivity, teamwork, discipline, accountability, and reaching the same goals while sharing the same benefits with equity and responsibility.
Entrepreneur – Manager and Change Management
The Role of the Management is not only to Change just the shape of the Bottle
The Role of the Management is not only to Change the Label
The Role of the Management is not only to Change the Distributors of the Bottle
The Role of the Management is not only to Change the Consumers and Buyers of the Bottle
The Role of the Management is not only to Change the Content of the Bottle
The Role of the Management is to not only to Change the Process of Making and Pouring the Liquid in the Bottle
The Role of the Management is to change the Concept of/in the Creation of the Liquid in the first place.
Duration of the Entrepreneurship Program
Illustrative Sample and Design of Model
Multiple Courses will be provided for Free
Entry Terms: Fall & Spring – Available 100% Online: Yes
Credits Required for Training-Study Program Completion
This 5-day Study Program offers a comprehensive examination of all aspects of planning and implementing an entrepreneurial assessment program for any organization, small or large, public or private, and in any industry or setting. Through engaging lectures, eye-opening case studies, and practical exercises, the American Institute on Entrepreneurship in Africa program not only covers the essential topics listed but also provides opportunities to apply the principles through the offering of mentorship and consulting services, and follow-up orientations and regular online checking-up meeting and web organized brain-storm sessions.
Please Note:
Cancellation Policy
The Entrepreneurial Study and Training Programs at the American Institute of Entrepreneurship in Africa is committed to creating opportunities for all driven professionals. We understand that issues may arise that may prevent your timely participation in our programs.
If a participant cancels one month before the start of a program, a full refund of course fees will be issued. If a participant cancels between one month and one week before the start of the program, a 75% refund of course fees will be issued. If a participant cancels within one week of a program, no refund will be issued.*
AIEA reserves the right to cancel a program due to low enrollment or extenuating circumstances (e.g. natural disasters, acts of terror). In the case of such a cancellation, all participants will receive a full refund of course fees.
*These guidelines only apply for programs without lodging and accommodation. For programs in which course fees include lodging and accommodations, please contact info@triconsultingkyoto.com
In collaboration with the https://africanaenterprise.com – TRI CK USA and Global Center for Trade – GLOCENTRA, a study program with a Certificate is offered to enable Nascent, Rising, and Existing Entrepreneurs to acquire the technical knowledge that is making a difference in establishing and consolidating Entrepreneurial Drive and Enterprise Growth.