Fleuron en crise de l’industrie allemande, Volkwagen veut tailler dans les rémunérations des salariés en Allemagne pour réduire ses coûts qui ont fait plonger les bénéfices du groupe.Le constructeur automobile a dévoilé mercredi soir un plan de réduction de 10% des salaires et une révision du système de primes qui lui permettraient de réaliser une partie des milliards d’économies visés pour redresser sa compétitivité.
Entre juillet et septembre, le premier groupe automobile européen et deuxième constructeur automobile mondial, a vu son bénéfice net chuter de 63,7%. Une contre-performance pour le constructeur, engagé dans un plan de restructuration avec des dizaines de milliers d’emplois menacés. La prochain séance de négociations est fixée au 21 novembre alors que des grèves sont possibles à partir de décembre.
Coût de production élevé
A l’origine de la crise que traverse Volkswagen : la baisse des ventes qui touche également d’autres constructeurs automobiles. Au premier semestre, le chiffre d’affaires du secteur a baissé de 4,7%, ceci alors qu’un an auparavant, on fêtait encore des résultats record. La crise affecte aussi les voitures électriques, moins achetées depuis le début de l’année.
Volkswagen annonce une perte de bénéfice net de 64 % au troisième trimestre 2024Activer les notifications
Il y a également la question du coût du travail. D’une manière générale, les coûts du travail dans les usines automobiles en Allemagne sont plus élevés que dans les autres pays. En 2023, ils s’élevaient à plus de 62 euros de l’heure, selon l’association professionnelle VDA. En comparaison, ils sont de 29 euros en Espagne, de 21 euros en République tchèque et de seulement 12 euros en Roumanie.
L’autre difficulté à laquelle fait face Volkswagen concerne les salaires. Si les salaires dans la branche automobile allemande sont déjà élevés, les 120.000 employés du constructeur automobile qui travaillent en Allemagne sont ceux qui gagnent le plus.
L’autre particularité est que les employés de Volkswagen bénéficiaient depuis trente ans d’une garantie d’emploi qui devait à l’origine durer encore jusqu’en 2029.
Dix pour cent de salaire en moins
Face à la crise, la direction souhaite que tous les salaires soient réduits de 10%. Le management lui-même serait également concerné. En outre, il n’y aura pas d’augmentation de salaire au cours des deux prochaines années.
Comment se fait-il qu’une production aussi coûteuse ait été possible en Allemagne ? La recette du succès était des modèles haut de gamme coûteux qui généraient des marges élevées. Environ trois quarts des voitures étaient exportées. En moyenne, une voiture exportée sur cinq était destinée à la Chine.
Mais les constructeurs automobiles allemands se heurtent désormais à une nouvelle concurrence qui s’est développée en Chine.”Près d’un tiers des véhicules construits dans le monde proviennent désormais d’usines chinoises, qui produisent à des prix bien inférieurs à ceux pratiqués en Allemagne”, explique Thomas Puls de l’IW, l’Institut allemand de l’économie.
De plus, en passant à l’e-mobilité, les constructeurs allemands ont perdu l’avance technologique qu’ils avaient sur les moteurs à combustion.
Quoi qu’il en soit, une éventuelle fermeture d’usines ou de suppressions d’emplois et réductions de salaires sont en totale contradiction avec les revendications du syndicat IG Metall.
Le syndicat évoque des erreurs de gestion et d’appréciation commises par le passé et les charges, telles que le scandale du diesel, qui n’ont pas été mentionnées par le constructeur et qui ne relèvent pas de la responsabilité des employés.
Le gouvernement allemand a également fait des déclarations : la position du chancelier Olaf Scholz est que “les éventuelles mauvaises décisions de gestion prises par le passé ne doivent pas être à la charge des salariés “.
Malgré l’onde de choc, la restructuration prévue ne devrait avoir qu’un faible impact à moyen terme en Allemagne, selon certains experts.
Updated on 7/24/2024 to Celebrate 20 years of Commitment and Work by Dr. Said El Mansour working on the relationship between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Morocco
Bay Bridge – Oakland to San Francisco during the Rush Hour, From the East Bay to San Francisco, Northern California – USA
The View and My Horizon for More than 35 years: The Bay Area of San Francisco, California
2004 – 2024
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Presenting at an International Conférence he organized with the CITD on Africa and AGOA which was the first Gathering of U.S. Officials and Business Leaders on African Affairs that Took Place in California
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui is a multifaceted individual with a diverse range of interests and accomplishments
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui promotes investment in Morocco through several strategic approaches:
Trade and Investment: Based in Northern California, USA, and based on a proven track record, Said El Mansour Cherkaoui is/has been actively involved in promoting, inviting, and encouraging investment in Morocco. He has been instrumental in shaping the future of businesses globally, particularly for China, and several African Countries such as Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Senegal, Cameroun, Ghana, and Ethiopia.
Trade and Investment:
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui is based in Northern California, USA, and is involved in promoting, inviting, and encouraging investment in Morocco. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui focuses on shaping the future of businesses globally. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui has been instrumental in facilitating investment from China in Morocco, which aims to create jobs and contribute to the automotive industry
How does Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui promote investment in Morocco?
How does Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Build Strong Relationship Between the United States and Countries Around the World?
TRI CK USA – High-level Moroccan delegation in a trade mission Inviting Silicon Valley – Bay Area U.S. and Moroccan Professionals TRI CK USA – Good Day U.S. and Moroccan Fellows U.S. and Moroccan Professionals in the Silicon Valley and Bay Area of San Francisco It is with immense personal pride and a professional sense of dignity to be … Continue reading TRI NEWS REPORT
In line with His Majesty King Mohammed VI’s call for deeper and stronger engagement with Moroccans living abroad, Minister Mohcine Jazouli, hosted a significant gathering in Silicon Valley, southern San Francisco.
The event brought together over 150 Moroccan professionals working in technology, biotechnology, entrepreneurship, and education.
Together, they engaged in dynamic conversations and fruitful exchanges centering on Morocco’s ambitious development endeavors, with a particular focus on large-scale projects and future initiatives, especially within the realms of green energy and technology sectors.
« Thrilled to have convened an inspiring gathering in Silicon Valley, bringing together Moroccan professionals from diverse sectors. Proud of such a dynamic community and excited for the future collaborations ahead !» Stated Minister Jazouli
Agence Marocaine de Développement des Investissements et des Exportations – AMDIE Morocco Now Casablanca Finance City
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui actively engages with business leaders, entrepreneurs, and investors to create awareness about investment opportunities in Morocco.
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui participates in international conferences, forums, and trade events where he highlights the country’s economic potential and encourages collaboration.
TRI CK USA – Good Day U.S. and Moroccan Fellows U.S. and Moroccan Professionals in the Silicon Valley and Bay Area of San Francisco It is with immense personal pride and a professional sense of dignity to be in a lifetime to receive representatives of the Country of my birth and growth and my own ancestral family: the … Continue reading Moroccan Trade Mission
Strategic Alliances:
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui actively seeks out strategic alliances with organizations, institutions, and businesses across different countries.
These alliances may involve joint research projects, knowledge exchange, and collaborative initiatives.
Cross-Cultural Networking:
He participates in international conferences, seminars, and workshops. These events provide opportunities to meet and interact with professionals from diverse backgrounds.
Dr. Cherkaoui leverages these networking platforms to build relationships, share insights, and explore potential partnerships.
Made in Morocco with Moroccan Legacy
Dr. Cherkaoui & Center for International Trade Development ★ CITD in Morocco
How does Dr. Cherkaoui collaborate with international partners?
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui’s collaborative efforts span various sectors, emphasizing openness, cultural exchange, and mutually beneficial partnerships on the global stage.
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui collaborates with international partners through a multifaceted approach, fostering connections and promoting global cooperation. Here are some ways he engages with partners worldwide:
Said El MansourCherkaoui advocates for policies that attract foreign direct investment (FDI) and support local businesses.
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui’s recommendations focus on creating a favorable business environment, streaming regulations, and offering incentives to investors.
Sector-Specific Initiatives:
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui identifies key sectors with growth potential, such as renewable energy, tourism, manufacturing, and technology.
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui collaborates with industry associations, research institutions, and private companies to develop sector-specific investment strategies.
International Partnerships:
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui fosters partnerships between Moroccan institutions and foreign counterparts. These collaborations enhance knowledge exchange, technology transfer, and joint ventures.
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui encourages multinational corporations to invest in Morocco by showcasing its strategic location, skilled workforce, and access to European and African markets.
Investor Outreach:
Morocco – USA: Trade and Investment – Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui actively communicates with potential investors, addressing their concerns, providing information, and facilitating introductions to local partners.
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui emphasizes the stability of Morocco’s political climate, infrastructure development, and investment protection.
Promotion of Moroccan Interests:
As an advocate for Morocco, he highlights the country’s economic potential, investment climate, and cultural richness.
Dr. Cherkaoui collaborates with foreign partners to showcase Morocco as an attractive destination for trade, investment, and cultural exchange.
Strategic Alliances:
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui actively seeks out strategic alliances with organizations, institutions, and businesses across different countries.
These alliances may involve joint research projects, knowledge exchange, and collaborative initiatives.
Cross-Cultural Networking:
He participates in international conferences, seminars, and workshops. These events provide opportunities to meet and interact with professionals from diverse backgrounds.
Dr. Cherkaoui leverages these networking platforms to build relationships, share insights, and explore potential partnerships.
Trade Missions and Delegations:
Dr. Cherkaoui leads or participates in trade missions organized by governments or industry associations.
These missions involve visits to other countries, where he engages with local businesses, government officials, and investors.
The goal is to explore investment opportunities, establish business ties, and promote bilateral trade.
Silver Screen Shot on the Projection of Inter-National and Inter-Cultural Lights
All the pleasure is for my definition of human relationships and joy as my first name indicates to offer you such a shortcut around the World of Business and Regional Human Cultures, which is only the end of the Atlas – The Peak of the Atlas Mountain – the Place of the Birth of my Own Ancestors. The best is still to come.
My writing below is a “personalized” professional testimony conveying a multiplier dedication to adapting to the variety of operational references and responding to the diversity of opportunities and the human environment in which the local business conditions and regional and national practices of the predominant relational culture.
Thus, my roles and office functions were more and encompassed more of the single and simple honorable profession of an actor or director but embraced realistic and surrealistic aspects of global scope while identifying in the panorama of the territorial affairs of California and the United States of America – Designed in California and Made in the USA and presented by Said Cherkaoui Ph.D..
While the international scene and framework on which I continue to this day my stagings and performances remain direct, spontaneous, derived, and driven by my deep desire to lay foundations of rapprochement and bridges of communications between countries distant entities, neighboring entities, and distant organizations as well as individuals from various similar and non-identical backgrounds.
I contributed a lot to the San Francisco World Trade Center and the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce for decades both in San Francisco and in Oakland, California, with my work and my achievements on the international level during the period in which I been in the CITD and since then I continue to sail beyond the horizons of the Pacific and other shores in this time close in conjugation and distant in expression.
To conclude in style and combine business with pleasure, I am going to add more salt or spices to my international recipes simmered in English but fashioned in the style of Jacques (without any) Pépin and Paul Bocuse (not from Vaucluse) and where you can also taste the flavor of Senegal (Rahma wa Ghofrane} like other regions of the rest of Africa and this according to your choice first through and in the content of this link which can also give you more appetite for reading my other adjacent, corresponding and complementary publications in the staging of a constructive memory and a renovating present for intelligent solutions adaptable to current challenges, prospective requirements and potential risks, such is the destiny of my work and my contribution to this common destiny of existence.
Do not hesitate to share with me your impressions, remarks, initiatives, and opportunities for transatlantic and trans-African collaboration.
Capture d’écran argentée sur la projection de lumières inter-nationales et inter-culturelles
Cliché sur la Projection de Lumières Inter-Nationales et Inter-Culturelles
Tout le plaisir est pour ma definition des rapport humains et de la joie comme mon prénom l’indique de vous offrir un tel raccourci autour du Monde des Affaires et des Cultures Humaines Régionales, qui n’est en fait que le bout de l’Atlas – The Peak of the Atlas Mountain – the Place of the Birth of my Own Ancestors. The best is still to come.
Mon écrit ci-dessous est un témoignage professionnel “personnalisé” véhiculant une dedication multiplicatrice s’adaptant à la variété des références opérationnelles et répondant à la diversité des opportunités et de l’environnement humain dans lequel s’est traduit et s’est imbibé des conditions locales des affaires [Business] et les pratiques régionales et nationales de la culture relationnelle prédominante.
Ainsi, mes rôles et fonctions d’office étaient plus et s’englobaient davantage de la seule et simple profession honorable d’un acteur ou de metteur en scène mais embrassent des allures réalistes et surréalistes de portée globale tout en s’identifiant dans le panorama des étendues d’affaires territoriales de la Californie et des Etats Unis d’Amérique – Designed in California and Made in USA and presented by Said Cherkaoui Ph.D..
Alors que la scène et la trame internationales sur laquelle je continues jusqu’à ce jour mes mises en scéne et performances demeurent directes, spontanées, dérivées et conduites par mon profond désir d’étaler des fondations de rapprochement et des ponts de communications entre les contrées lointaines, les entités voisines et les organisations distantes ainsi que les individus de divers horizons similaires et non identiques.
I contributed lot to the San Francisco World Trade Center and the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce et cela pour des decennies tant a San Francisco qu’a Oakland en Californie, avec mon travail et mes réalisations sur le plan international durant la période ou j’ai été dans le CITD et que depuis lors je continues a voguer par dela les horizons du Pacifique et autres rivages en ce temps proche dans la conjugaison et distant dans l’expression.
Pour conclure en beauté et joindre l’utile a l’agréable, je vais ajouter plus de sel ou d’épices à mes recettes internationales mijotées en Anglais mais façonnées a la Jacques (sans aucun) Pépin et Paul Bocuse (pas du Vaucluse) et oû vous pouvez aussi goûter la saveur du Sénégal (Rahma wa Ghofrane} comme des autres régions du reste de l’Afrique et cela selon votre choix en premier a travers et dans le contenu de ce lien qui pourra aussi vous donner plus d’appétit pour la lecture de mes autres publications adjacentes, correspondantes et complémentaires dans la mise en scène d’une mémoire constructive et d’un présent rénovateur pour des solutions intelligentes adaptables aux défis et courantes, aux exigences prospectives et aux risques potentiels, tel est le destin de mon labeur et de mon apport dans cette destinée commune d’existence.
N’hésitez pas de partager avec moi vos impressions, remarques, initiatives et opportunités de collaboration transatlantique comme transafricaine.
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui has authored 92 articles on LinkedIn providing insights into the influences and challenges arising from the evolution of global affairs and international relations, trade, and business.
LinkedIn Profile:Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Ph.D. ★ Senior Policy and Business Adviser ★ Consultant ★ News Executive Editor ★ Public Speaker ★ February 13, 2024
Dr. Said Cherkaoui International Business Planning – Keys to Open New Business Horizons Teaching practical and field-based strategies that enhance the understanding of local challenges, the awareness on the particular cultural and business approaches of many regions around the world and provide the decision-makers with business intelligence inputs that help to shape the next decisional move and the next operational step as well as the next concerted action.
Adjunct Associate Professor and Lecturer – Golden Gate University · Contract · 1987 – 2001 · 14 yrs – San Francisco Bay Area · On-site San Francisco Bay Area ·
For the first time in the entire history of Golden Gate University’s existence, I introduced and taught courses on the European Economic Community, Doing Business in Latin America and Asia and Electives on Economics, Economic Thoughts and the World Economy.
At the School of Business
Taught Executive Programs and Graduate Courses (See attached Letters from US Air Force Officers and related records and documents)
★ International Marketing and Business Development
★ Business Strategy and Policy.
★ ★ School of Technology and Industry: Introduced new technology-oriented courses and web-based curricula activities:
★ Customer relationship management (CRM) and business intelligence (BI);
★ Information Technology and Entrepreneurship;
★ Telecommunications, IT, and Digital Security.
★ School of Public Administration and International Studies:
Skills: Analytical Skills · International Business · Strategy
Adjunct Associate Professor and Doctoral Program Subject Matter Expert – Touro University California · Contract · 1998 – 2000 · 2 yrs · San Diego Metropolitan Area · Hybrid ·
★ Taught Digital Technology and Telecom courses for the Online Graduate Program at the Business and Management School. ★ Provided guidance, advice, and insights on research and writing of doctoral proposals and dissertations on Business, Marketing, and Management. ★ Mentored and advised candidates on the development of the doctoral thesis. ★ Taught Digital Technology and Telecom courses for the Online Graduate Program at the Business and Management School. ★ Provided guidance, advice, and insights on research and writing of doctoral proposals and dissertations on Business, Marketing, and Management. ★ Mentored and advised candidates on the development of the doctoral thesis.
Skills: Analytical Skills · International Business · Strategy
Dr. Cherkaoui organized and presented Multiple International Conferences in Collaboration with the US Department of Commerce, the US Small Business Department, the US Small Business Association, the 2 East Bay and Bay Area Centers for International Trade Development, and other local business professional representatives organizations and the Chambers of Commerce around the Bay Area of San …Continue reading: Said El Mansour Cherkaoui: International Conferences
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Developed Strategies and Directed Training on Market and Technology to Strengthen China Trade and Business in the United States, Africa, Europe and Middle East
International Conferences:
Dr. Cherkaoui has organized and presented multiple international conferences. These events likely focused on topics related to international trade, development, and business.
He has been associated with the Center for International Trade Development (CITD), where he created and conducted certified workforce development and training programs. These programs likely aimed to enhance skills and knowledge in areas such as international business, sales, and trade operations.
California Center for International Trade Development (CITD): Operated by the State Center Community College District, it has been promoting California’s international trade and competitiveness since 1989. It assists exporters, supports economic growth, and helps businesses expand globally.
CITD mission is to accelerate global trade by providing high-impact export development programs, technical assistance, and global trade education.
CITD collaborates with multilateral agencies, government institutions, and non-government organizations to promote trade and investment programs. In summary, CITD acts as a bridge between businesses, education, and government to foster international trade and economic development.
His collaborations extend to various organizations, including the US Department of Commerce, the US Small Business Department, and the US Small Business Association. Additionally, he worked with local business professional representatives and Chambers of Commerce in the Bay Area of San Francisco.
Dr. Cherkaoui participated in conferences related to Africa, where he discussed business opportunities, historical analysis, and trade relations in North Saharan and West African regions.
Center for International Trade Development
About Us: The California Center for International Trade Development (CITD), an entity of the State Center Community College District, has been promoting California’s international trade and competitiveness since 1989. It assists exporters, supports economic and job growth, and helps businesses in California expand globally. CITD also plays a role in globalizing colleges.
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui: International Conferences – Invited by the Government of China
CITD has a strong track record, having organized over 180 agricultural trade missions for the Western United States Agricultural Trade Association, the USDA Foreign Agricultural Services, and the California Governor’s Office. They have trained more than 7,000 companies to market California food and agricultural products in foreign markets.
These efforts have resulted in impressive economic outcomes, with over $100 million in direct export sales and more than $750 million in continuous export sales attributed to CITD’s trade activities since 1990. CITD has also received prestigious awards, including the President’s “E Award” for Export Excellence in 2001 and 2013.
新年快乐 – Xīnnián Kuàilè
Dr. Cherkaoui Developed Business and Trade Connections Between California and China Since 1994
Capacity Building and Workforce Development Training Program
Some Certified Training Seminars and Workshops Organized and Conducted by Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui at City College of Berkeley and the Center for International Trade Development
Created and Conducted by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui for the Workforce Development Program – EBCITD
Conference on North Saharan and Sub-Saharan Africa – US Department of Commerce – San Francisco – California
Dr. Cherkaoui & Center for International Trade Development ★ CITD in Morocco
Director Richard Soyombo – Dr. Said Cherkaoui – Keith Rayner, CEO of Kemara
★ International Conference on Africa and AGOA ★ EBCITD & GLOCENTRA ★
International Conference on Africa and AGOA, Berkeley, California, USA
Since my early studies at Institut des Etudes Politiques of the Grenoble University, the development, and integration of Africa were at the forefront of my studies and topics of my presentations in seminaries and essay papers. It was natural that I continue to work and increase awareness about Africa and its need to establish new kinds of relations with countries other than the past metropolitan and colonialists.
I extended the invitation to Dr. Boubacar N’diaye for his presence among us at this International Conference on Africa. He was delighted about my presentation and we also sat together and had lunch at the same table. Wonderful Man with full love for Africa and Africans and who initiated a series of important financial and operational measures: the African Businessmen Round Table, the creation of the African Bank for import-export (Afreximbank), and the setting up of special easy financing for the African private sector (investors and entrepreneurs) without the guarantee of their governments.
Here below among other pictures, there is a photo taken in the company with the Regretted Dr. Babacar Ndiaye, former CEO of the African Development Bank Group who holds firmly my hand and is standing at my left side.
I initiated and developed a work plan for the organization of The International Conference on Africa took place in 2001. The first time in the history of the Bay Area of San Francisco and North California to have a conference of such magnitude and subject. that I submitted to Fazale Sharif the Director of the EBCITD which I was the initiator and for which I participated directly in its organization. I contacted and invited Dr. Babacar Ndiaye and in the following photo, the event/photo took place during an International Conference on Africa I had organized in Oakland, California, and of which Dr. Babacar Ndiaye, Rahimahu Allah was our Guest of Honor.
Here below are listed links which content present among others some illustrations of my activities with the Integration of Africa with which I was directly involved, including the facilitation of the signing of the Free Trade Agreement between the United States and Morocco.
For many among us, time flies through horizons without leaving traces of recognition and gratitude for what we have achieved for the good of others especially in my case not be born in the United States but I remain up to now the maker of differences between cultures and the guardian of the memories I cherish and remember through my meetings and interactions with the real treasuries of the Humanity.
The Conference Room was packed with U.S. and Foreign officials and Executives as well as faculties and Researchers on Africa and the Place where all these interactions took place was the fabulous and monumental Claremont Hotel in Berkeley, Northern California.
The Conference Room was packed with U.S. and Foreign officials and Executives as well as faculties and Researchers on Africa and the Place where all these interactions took place was the fabulous and monumental Claremont Hotel in Berkeley, Northern California.
Provide consulting services to multinationals, small, and mid-sized firms, and government agencies. Design and deliver customized Executive training seminars.
GLOCENTRA is a leading executive training firm committed to serving clients in the United States, France, the Middle East, North Africa, and Southeast regions. Our team is dedicated to helping clients improve their business performance and attain sustainable long-lasting results by introducing/reinforcing new learning and skills. Over and above extensive international exposure with assignments implemented in more than 15 markets, our trainers have wide industry expertise. We put at the disposal of our clients a team with extensive experience in developing and delivering executive training and workshops in many areas ranging from basic hard skills to more complex soft skills including leadership, teamwork, negotiation, and communications skills
The Conference Room was packed with U.S. and Foreign officials and Executives as well as faculties and Researchers on Africa and the Place where all these interactions took place was the fabulous and monumental Claremont Hotel in Berkeley, Northern California.
Strengthening California with EgyptBusiness, Trade, and Investment Relationships
USA – Testimonials Recognizing the Achievements and Competences of Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui
Connecting Culture, Politics, Business, and Academia around the World
La Comunidad Hispana – California
As a Business Consultant at the East Bay Small Business Development Center and the Center for International Trade Development (including the East Bay Center for International Trade Development) between 1993 to 1998 and 2001 to 2007, I worked with the Hispanic communities and their business executives and individual entrepreneurs as well as the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Alameda County and Sacramento.
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, representante del Centro para el Desarrollo del Comercio Internacional (CITD) y Marruecos en una sesión ejecutiva de trabajo y una recepción organizada por las Cámaras Hispanas de Comercio de California, Condado de Alameda, Estados Unidos de America (www.cahcc.com).
Recommendation by Dr. Wesley Young, Director, Services for International Students and Scholars at the University of California, Davis –
I was the Director of Graduate Business Programs at the Dominican University of San Rafael when Dr. Cherkaoui was teaching in our international MBA program. Said brought not only a solid academic background to the classroom but also a wealth of business experience both in the US and in Asia and Latin America. He is passionate about his students and his work outside the classroom. This made him one of the most effective faculty that we had teaching at the time.
Dr. Said Cherkaoui is an exceptional figure in international business development. His broad range of expertise covers all ranges of economic development, with such accomplishments in international trade consulting, trade missions, small business development, just to name a few..
Dr. Cherkaoui has successfully conducted numerous trade missions, represented U.S. companies at trade shows, and helped companies develop their businesses overseas. His academic works have a significant contribution to the global business community, executives in world trade, and entrepreneurs.
I worked with Dr. Cherkaoui at the East Bay Center for International Trade Development. His expertise and services included and not limited to:
Always a role model and source of influence, Dr. Cherkaoui possesses extensive hands-on experience in a wide range of industries, as well as academic achievements, in the field of international trade and economic development.
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui’s academic pursuits include affiliations with institutions such as Université de la Sorbonne, Paris III, Institut des Hautes Etudes de l’Amérique Latine, and Paris Sciences Po, Grenoble Tate Yoko Research Institute.
Photo Legend: Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – Captain, Player and Coach of the Handball Team – University of Montpellier – France– Match a Aix en Provence, Contre l’Académie de Marseille, Championnat Universitaire et Académique du Sud de la France
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui’s academic pursuits include affiliations with institutions such as Université de la Sorbonne, Paris III, Institut des Hautes Etudes de l’Amérique Latine, and Paris Sciences Po, Grenoble Tate Yoko Research Institute.
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui’s journey spans investment advocacy, sports leadership, academic exploration, and global engagement. His diverse pursuits exemplify a rich tapestry of experiences and contributions.
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui is a dynamic individual with diverse interests spanning investment, policy, sports, and academia. His contributions have a global impact, bridging cultures and fostering collaboration.
Sporting Achievements of Said El Mansour Cherkaoui
Sport Disciplines by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui: Dr. Cherkaoui has a multifaceted background. He has been a player, captain, and coach of the Handball Team at the University of Montpellier in France.
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui is not only an intellectual but also a player of the First Division of Football, Volleyball, Handball, and Basketball in Morocco and vice-champion in fencing. He played professionally Basketball in Montpellier at the ASPTT Club and Handball in Germany with Munster 08.
Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui was also a player, captain, and coach of the Handball Team at the University of Montpellier in France 2.
In Morocco, Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui is an International Player of Handball with the National Moroccan Team of Handball and was also selected for the National Moroccan Team of BasketBall (Academic and Civil).