Strategic planning provides a roadmap, aligns objectives, and optimizes resource allocation, while business development identifies opportunities, builds relationships, and drives revenue growth.

TRI CK USA delivers solutions and results that are the core of our consulting, advising and mentoring strategies that aim to increase efficiencies, save resources, reduce costs, increase revenue, improve profit margin and develop owner and shareholder return on investment.

Strategic planning and business development are two areas of TRI CK USA specialization and support processes that enable business growth of our clients.

★ Our Core Values ★  “We are committed to promoting national and global economic systems based on the principles of justice, equity, democracy, participation, transparency, accountability and openness.”  International Conference on Development – (UN – Rio de Janeiro, 2002).

Trade is the conduit to understanding and connection between people of different cultures and environments. We promote international trade with the United States to stimulate cooperation, increase understanding and reinforce acceptance with the rest of the world.

TRI CONSULTING KYOTO – TRI CK USA is a leading executive training firm committed to serving clients in the United States, France, Morocco and North Africa and China

Our team is dedicated to helping clients improve their business performance and attain sustainable long-lasting results by introducing / reinforcing new learning and skills. Over and above an extensive international exposure with assignments implemented in more than 15 markets, our trainers have a wide industry expertise.

We put at the disposal of our clients a team with extensive experience in developing and delivering executive trainings and workshops in many areas ranging from basic hard skills to more complex soft skills including leadership, team working, negotiation and communications skills.

Client Goals are TRI CK USA Objectives

TRI CONSULTING KYOTO – TRI CK USA is a leading executive training firm committed to serving clients in the United States, France, Morocco and North Africa and China Our team is dedicated to helping clients improve their business performance and attain sustainable long-lasting results by introducing / reinforcing new learning and skills. Over and above … Continue reading Client Goals are TRI CK USA Objectives