Contact: Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Ph.D.
Updated on June 7, 2024 – April 1, 2023, – January 5, 2022 and Originally Published on October 3, 2021
Introduction and explanation of the reason for writing and publishing the following articles that are reflective of decades of research around the world
Introduction et explication de la raison de la rédaction et de la publication des articles suivants qui reflètent des décennies de recherche à travers le monde
Mind State of a Single Transition and Two Faces of the Same Energy Vision
The Dream of an Editor is to break the silence and publish analyses, reports and reports on taboo subjects, especially those which convey the reform of knowledge and the recasting of current events according to official standards. As a Moroccan, Morocco is our first idea of development and building benefits for the rest of the nation.
Our work is a journey strewn with obstacles to bring about our perception and our belief in the Written and the publication of articles addressing both the structures of thought and the carrying out actions that can make the debate fruitful and enrich the constructive activities of progress. social, economic development and operational integration of state public agencies in the pursuit, overhaul and realization of the objectives and performances going towards the realization of the authentic independence of the financial and productive economy of Morocco.
By Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Ph.D. – 12/17/2023
État d’esprit d’une transition unique et deux faces d’une même vision d’énergie
Le Rêve d’un Editeur est de briser le silence et de publier des analyses, des reportages et des reportages sur des sujets tabous, notamment ceux qui véhiculent la réforme des savoirs et la refonte de l’actualité selon les normes officielles. En tant que Marocain, le Maroc est notre première idée de développement et de création de bénéfices pour le reste de la nation.
Notre travail est un chemin semé d’embûches pour faire émerger notre perception et notre croyance dans l’Écrit et la publication d’articles abordant à la fois les structures de pensée et la conduite d’actions susceptibles de féconder le débat et d’enrichir les activités constructives de progrès. le développement social, économique et l’intégration opérationnelle des organismes publics de l’Etat dans la poursuite, la refonte et la réalisation des objectifs et performances allant vers la réalisation de l’indépendance authentique de l’économie financière et productive du Maroc.
Par Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Ph.D. – 17/12/2023
The counterpart, as in the case of United States investments in a multipolar world, Morocco is choosing:
1 – Targets both at the level of the positioning of the Moroccan Economy on the energy supply chain which is the most important and the most vulnerable at the level of the international market as it is the most profitable at the level of seasonal variations.
2 – Objectives centered on the current multipolar and neutrality in relation to the geo-strategic aims of a competitive nature between the West – United States and Allies + European Union on one side and BRIC, China, Russia and the Dandinons who waddle between the two blocs: like India and the other countries of the South.
3 – Morocco seeks to prove its capacity to replace clean and renewable energies as a national export and as a Magnet for the attractiveness of foreign direct investments which consider Electric Energy as one of the main elements of their risk analysis concerning the host countries of their companies.
4 – Morocco needs to assert itself at the level of the production and transformation of Electric Energy at the level of its offer as a commodity in order to establish its industrialize strategy which will be the new and next stage, namely Emergence of an offer of local and regional solutions for international demand for the International Division of Technological Work, Logistics based on niches of the mastery of digital knowledge and its extension of robotic intelligence.
5 – Morocco is moving forward, building itself and moving towards the establishment of an economy equipped with all the assets to make it a national economic structure diversified regionally and homogeneous at the national level as a stakeholder in the concert of nations hosting national industries located on the periphery of those of other Western and Eastern countries.
These economies, through their past collaborations and their present competition, have far exceeded the framework of the sole “Screwdriver Factory – Tourne-vise Usine” and “Assembly Line – Asymmetrical Assembly Line” asymetric as the basis for the control of the creation and innovation.
These countries, especially in South-West Asia, including China, are now located in an open and spontaneously competitive space at the level of manufacturing and the asymmetrical production of products and services offered for direct and variable consumption by consumers now acquired through selection. products based on their own criteria of choice and demonstration effect and having no consideration for the national origin of the product consumed.
A leveling of supply and demand is found at the level of purchasing power, the price of the product, the quality of its utility, the reliability of distribution logistics and customer service as well as the proximity of the international consumer market in power.
La contrepartie comme le cas des investissements des Etats Unis dans un monde multipolaire, le Maroc est en train de choisir:
1 – Des cibles a la fois au niveau du positionnement de l’Économie du Maroc sur la chaîne d’approvisionnement énergétique qui la plus importante et la plus vulnérable au niveau du marche international comme elle est la plus rentable au niveau des variations saisonnières.
2 – Des objectifs centrés sur les actuelles multipolaires et la neutralité par rapport aux visées géo-stratégiques d’ordre concurrentielles entre l’Occident – Etats-Unis et Alliés + Union Européenne d’un coté et BRIC, Chine, Russie et les Dandinons qui dandinent entre les deux blocs: comme l’Inde et les autres pays du Sud.
3 – Le Maroc cherche a se prouver sa capacité de substituer les énergies propres et renouvelables en tant qu’exportation nationale et en tant que Magnet pour l’attractivité des investissements directs étrangers qui considèrent l’Énergie Electrique en tant qu’un des principaux éléments de leur analyse des risques concernant les pays hôtes de leurs entreprises.
4 – Le Maroc a besoin de se faire valoir au niveau de la production et la transformation de l’Énergie Electrique au niveau de son offre comme commodité afin d’asseoir sa stratégie industrialisable qui sera la nouvelle et la prochaine étape a savoir l’Émergence d’une offre de solutions locales et régionales pour la demande internationale pour la Division International du Travail Technologique, Logistiques basée sur des créneaux de la maîtrise du savoir numérique et sa prolongation de l’intelligence robotique.
5 – Le Maroc s’avance, se construit et se dirige vers l’instauration d’une économie dotée de tous les atouts pour en faire une structure économique nationale diversifiée régionalement et homogène au niveau nationale en tant que partie prenante du concert des nations abritant des industries nationales localisées a la périphérie de celles des autres pays occidentaux et orientaux.
Ces économies a travers leurs collaborations passées et leurs concurrences présentes ont largement dépassées le cadre de la seule “Screwdriver Factory – Tourne-vise Usine” et “Assembly Line – Ligne d’Assemblage” asymétrique comme base et comme seule maîtrise de la création et de l’innovation.
Ces pays surtout du Sud-Ouest Asiatique y compris la Chine se situent dorénavant dans un espace ouvert et concurrentiel spontané au niveau de la manufacture et la production asymétrique des produits et des services offert a la consommation directe et variable des consommateurs dorénavant acquis a la sélection des produits basés sur leur propre critères de choix et d’effet de démonstration et n’ayant aucune considération pour l’origine nationale du produit consommé.
Un nivellement de l’offre comme de la demande se rencontre au niveau du pouvoir d’achat, du prix du produit, la qualité de son utilité, la fiabilité de la logistique de distribution et du service clients ainsi que la proximité du marché consommateur international en puissance.
My concepts and my ideas put forward in this text deserve further study by decision-makers, political leaders, state officials, researchers, academicians and business leaders in Morocco.
Since the end of the 1970s I have been writing and analyzing this phenomenon of transition and transformation of economies, Africa search for a Model of Development in the first place.
A year later, I started my research on Industrial Development in Morocco and what is the central role of the State in lifting the economy to a take-off, growth, and steady development of the most important industrial sectors and productions driving the Moroccan economy and providing the highest return and employment as well as contribution in the exports.
While I was a young student at Sciences Po Grenoble in France, where I lived one of the most devastating in my life stories which undermined all the ingredients and opportunities for another Made In Great Britain future of the time but my pride to be an African and to remain so was worth all the losses I endured thereafter like a cascade of magma burning everything in my path. My wounds have never been healed but my African dignity is my eternal strength
I am proud to have always supported Africa wherever I go and this through the Education I received from my Mother and my Father, Rahma Wa Ghofrane for all our parents, Amen
Africa between the Walls of Sciences Po Grenoble – France: Right-wing Extremist Fortress and False Progressives in 1977-78
Mon concepts et mes idées avancés dans ce texte méritent un approfondissement de la part des décideurs, des leaders politiques, de responsables de l’Etat, des chercheurs, des académiciens et des chefs d’entreprises au Maroc.
Depuis la fin des années 70 que j’écris et analyse ce phénomène de la transition et de la transformation des économies, en premier le Maroc.
Un an plus tard, j’ai commencé mes recherches sur le développement industriel au Maroc et sur le rôle central de l’État dans l’élévation de l’économie vers un décollage, une croissance et un développement régulier des secteurs industriels et des productions les plus importants qui stimulent l’économie marocaine et offrant le rendement et l’emploi les plus élevés ainsi qu’une contribution aux exportations.
Alors que j’étais jeune étudiant à Sciences Po Grenoble en France, où j’ai vécu l’une des histoires les plus dévastatrices de ma vie qui a miné tous les ingrédients et opportunités pour un autre futur Made In Great Britain de l’époque, mais ma fierté d’être Africain et le rester valait toutes les pertes que j’ai endurées par la suite comme une cascade de magma brûlant tout sur mon passage. Mes blessures n’ont jamais été guéries mais ma dignité africaine est ma force éternelle
Je suis fier d’avoir toujours soutenu l’Afrique partout où je vais et cela à travers l’Éducation que j’ai reçue de ma Mère et de mon Père, Rahma Wa Ghofrane pour tous nos parents, Amen
L’Afrique entre les murs de Sciences Po Grenoble – France : forteresse d’extrême droite et faux progressistes en 1977-78
Destiny Rewarded Me – Le Destin fut ma Récompense: Government of China Invited Me
Prize for Defending Africa Development with Chinese Model at SciencesPo – Grenoble – France
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Ph.D. – April 10, 2023 – China Ink Wrote an Attaching Memory in My Mind, 1977 – Africa Afrique Murée at Sciences Po Grenoble: Right-Wing Extremist Fortress and False Progressives in 1977-78 March 5, 2023 Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Sciences Po Grenoble in 1977-78: Right-Wing Extremist Fortress and False Progressives To my African Sisters and Brothers Those who have not lived in front … Continue reading
China – Said El Mansour Cherkaoui
Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Ph.D. – September 27, 2022 – Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Invited by the Central and Provincial Governments of China with Dr. James Garrett and the East Bay Center for International Trade Development – Guiyang, Guizhou Province ★ Invited by the Chinese Government to facilitate the international expansion of Chinese companies … Continue reading
My Second Cycle Diploma Thesis Economics – Finance Section at Sciences Po Grenoble – Université Grenoble Alpes is:
“Intervention de l’Etat dans l’Economie: Etude du Cas de l’Industrie Textile au Maroc” en 1978-79
My research at the @Institute of Economic Research and Planning for Development at the Université Grenoble Alpes was on the New Industrial Countries and their Development Strategy during 1979-1982 was on the New Industrial Countries and their Development Strategy – 1979-1982
From 1981 to 1985, with one year of research at l’University of California, Berkeley et au Centre of Latin American Studies and in 1982 at the Centre de Recherche et Documentation sur l’Amérique Latine au sein de IHEAL Institute of Latin American studies Laboratoire 111 associé au Centre national de la recherche scientifique resulted in the development and the publication of my research by the Centre national de la recherche scientifique:
Mon Mémoire de Diplôme de Second Cycle Section Economie – Finance a Sciences Po Grenoble – Université Grenoble Alpes est :
“Intervention de l’Etat dans l’Economie: Etude du Cas de l’Industrie Textile au Maroc” en 1978-79
Ma recherche a l’@Institut de Recherche Economique et de Planification pour le Developpement a Université Grenoble Alpes fut sur les Nouveaux Pays Industriels et leur Strategie de Developpement – 1979-1982
Entre 1981 et 1985, avec une année passée a l’University of California, Berkeley et au Centre of Latin American Studies pour ma recherche et par la suite au Centre national de la recherche scientifique et au Centre de Recherche et Documentation sur l’Amérique Latine au sein de IHEAL Institute of Latin American studies Laboratoire 111 associé au Centre national de la recherche scientifique :
Said el-Mansour Cherkaoui, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France). Laboratoire associé 111
Print Book, French, [1985] Edition: View all formats and editions – Publisher: Institut des Haute Etudes de l’Amérique Latine, Paris, [1985] Series: Cahier EPECAL, no. 9 – Laboratoire Associé au CNRS UA 111 – Cherkaoui, Said El-Mansour. – 656750871
My Research and Publication on ” Relation ambivalente entre l’Etat fédéral et les groupes d’intérêts privés au Brésil dans la première moitié du XXème siècle.” is considered a Pioneer in her field of analysis and the subject addressed. We were only two researchers in the world to address this issue as evidenced in this letter from Dr. William P. Glade, Dean at the University of Texas at Austin, and President of the Latin American Studies Association (1979–1980).
Dr. William Glade began teaching at The University of Texas at Austin in 1971 and served as the director of the Institute of Latin American Studies. His research focused on comparative economics, international business, money and banking. Dr. Glade held numerous consulting positions for government agencies including the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, the United States Information Agency and the Ford Foundation.
Ma Recherche et Publication sur ” Relation ambivalente entre l’Etat fédéral et les groupes d’intérêts privés au Brésil dans la première moitié du XXème siècle.” sont considérées comme Pionnière dans son domaine d’analyse et le sujet abordé. Nous sommes et nous étions seulement deux chercheurs dans le monde a aborder cette question comme le témoigne cette lettre du Dr. William P. Glade, Doyen a University of Texas at Austin, et President of the Latin American Studies Association (1979–1980).
Dr William Glade a commencé à enseigner à l’Université du Texas à Austin en 1971 et a été directeur de l’Institut d’études latino-américaines. Ses recherches portaient sur l’économie comparée, le commerce international, la monnaie et la banque. Le Dr Glade a occupé de nombreux postes de consultant auprès d’agences gouvernementales, notamment le Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, l’Agence d’information des États-Unis et la Fondation Ford.
Morocco: African Manufacturing Destination
The Slogan Will Become:
Manufactured in Morocco
No need to mention 100% made in Morocco or Made in Morocco
Le Maroc: Destination Manufacture Africaine
Le Slogan Deviendra:
Manufacturée au Maroc
Plus besoin de mentionner 100% fait au Maroc ou Fait au Maroc
Here is my modest contribution to advance the discussion and to stimulate the debate about national energy that is “essential and/or detrimental” to any model development and if we are seeking to have our industries to be the hub for the Manufacturing sector located between Europe, North America, Middle and Fareast and our Africa, we need to have a Great Power diversified and plural in its source like in its energetic provision based on national independence of our Energy Policy.
Just for matter of location and extension, China has developed a Solar Farm that can provide power to the entire Country of Sierra Leone.
Voici ma modeste contribution pour faire avancer la discussion et stimuler le débat sur l’énergie nationale « essentielle et/ou préjudiciable » à tout développement de modèle et si nous cherchons à faire de nos industries la plaque tournante du secteur manufacturier situé entre l’Europe , Amérique du Nord, Moyen et Extrême-Orient et notre Afrique, nous avons besoin d’avoir une Grande Puissance diversifiée et plurielle dans sa source ainsi que dans son approvisionnement énergétique basé sur l’indépendance nationale de notre politique énergétique.
Juste pour des questions d’emplacement et d’extension, la Chine a développé une ferme solaire capable de fournir de l’électricité à l’ensemble du pays de la Sierra Leone.
China has just connected what it believes to be the world’s biggest solar power plant to the grid in northwestern Xinjiang. The plant covers an area of 200,000 acres and is reported to have an output of 6.09 billion kWh annually.
The new plant is in the deserts near the region’s capital Ürümqi. The site came online this Monday (June 3) and is being run by the Chinese state-owned Power Construction Corporation, co-owned by the China Africa Development Fund and the Shenzhen Energy Group, with a respective stake of 50% each.
La Chine vient de connecter ce qu’elle considère comme la plus grande centrale solaire du monde au réseau du nord-ouest du Xinjiang. L’usine couvre une superficie de 200 000 acres et aurait une production annuelle de 6,09 milliards de kWh.
La nouvelle usine se trouve dans les déserts près de la capitale régionale, Ürümqi. Le site a été mis en ligne ce lundi 3 juin et est géré par la société d’État chinoise Power Construction Corporation, détenue en copropriété par le China Africa Development Fund et le Shenzhen Energy Group, avec une participation respective de 50 % chacun. Le parc solaire photovoltaïque de Sierra Leone est un projet solaire monté au sol.
Power plant profile: Sierra Leone Solar PV Park, Sierra Leone
The 50MW Planet Solar PV project in Sierra Leone is split across four locations:
BO/Kenema: A 12MW power plant under construction
Port Loko: A 4.05 MW (DC) power plant to be constructed
Makoth: A 25MW power plant under construction
Kono: A 10MW power plant under construction
Profil de centrale électrique : Parc solaire photovoltaïque de Sierra Leone, Sierra Leone
Le projet photovoltaïque Planet Solar de 50 MW en Sierra Leone est réparti sur quatre sites :
BO/Kenema : Une centrale électrique de 12 MW en construction
Port Loko : une centrale électrique de 4,05 MW (DC) à construire
Makoth : Une centrale électrique de 25 MW en construction
Kono : Une centrale électrique de 10 MW en construction
Moroccan Kingdom – United Kingdom: Electrical Link by Submarine Cable
Version Française: Royaume du Maroc et Royaume Uni: Liaison Electrique par Câble Sous-Marin
Published by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – Publié le 3 Octobre 2021 – mise a jour 1/5/2022 En Grande Bretagne, le minuscule village du Devon de 286 habitants est relié au MAROC par le plus long câble sous-marin du monde pour 16 milliards de livres sterlingLe village d’Alverdiscott, Devon, est la destination finale du projet de câble sous-marin de 16 milliards de livres sterlingLe village de 286 habitants est relié à une … Continue reading
We’re part of @xlinks_uk’s project to build a giant cable between Devon and Morocco, unlocking more reliable, cheap and clean electrons 20 hours a day. “What’ll we do when the wind’s not blowing in the UK?” “Get sunshine from Morocco.”— Octopus Energy (@OctopusEnergy) May 12, 2022
@xlinks_uk‘s project to build a giant cable between Devon and Morocco.
In Britain, the tiny Devon village of 286 people is linked to MOROCCO by the world’s longest £16 billion submarine cable
The village of Alverdiscott, Devon, is the final destination of the submarine cable project £16 billion marine
The village of 286 is linked to a line to Morocco. The scheme will import solar and wind power to power seven million homes by 2030
The Answer my British Friend is Blowing in the Wind !!!
The Solution is coming from under the Water.
The Morocco – UK Power Project
The Xlinks Morocco-UK Power Project will be a new electricity generation facility entirely powered by solar and wind energy combined with a battery storage facility. Located in Morocco’s renewable energy-rich region of Guelmim Oued Noun, it will be connected exclusively to Great Britain via 3,800km HVDC sub-sea cables.
This “first of a kind” project will generate 10.5GW of zero-carbon electricity from the sun and wind to deliver 3.6GW of reliable energy for an average of 20+ hours a day. This is enough to provide low-cost, clean power to over 7 million British homes by 2030. Once complete, the project will be capable of supplying 8 percent of Great Britain’s electricity needs.
Alongside the consistent output from its solar panels and wind turbines, an onsite 20GWh/5GW battery facility will provide sufficient storage to reliably deliver each and every day, a dedicated, near-constant source of flexible and predictable clean energy for Britain, designed to complement the renewable energy already generated across the UK.
When domestic renewable energy generation in the United Kingdom drops due to low winds and short periods of sun, the project will harvest the benefits of long hours of sun in Morocco alongside the consistency of its convection Trade Winds, to provide a firm but flexible source of zero-carbon electricity.
British renewable energy company Xlinks is the developer of the project which will cover an area of around 579 square miles (1,500 square kilometers) in Morocco. A 10.5 gigawatt (GW) solar and wind farm will be built in the Moroccan region of Guelmim-Oued Noun. The cables will run above ground from the Power Plant until they reach the town of Tantan, where they will run underground.
The laying of the cable will be done with the help of fishing fleets, and the planned route of the cable avoids as many conservation areas as possible. Following a shallow water route from Morocco to the UK, via Spain, Portugal and France, these cables will connect to the UK national grid in Devon.
Clean energy will thus be connected exclusively to the UK via 2,361 miles (3,800 km) and this with high voltage, direct current (HVDC) submarine cables and are used because of their ability to reduce inefficiencies when transporting energy.
This project is part of the drive to achieve a national net-zero electricity grid by 2035. Xlinks says the Morocco-UK electricity project will be able to power 7 million UK homes in by 2030, representing up to 8% of UK energy needs.
The project will cost $21.9 billion. Xlinks will build 7 GW of solar power and 3.5 GW of wind power, as well as 20 GWh/5 GW on-site battery storage, in Morocco. The transmission cable will consist of four cables. The first cable will be active in early 2027 and the other three should be launched in 2029. An agreement has been reached with the National Grid for two 1.8 GW connections at Alverdiscott in Devon.
Update April 21, 2022:
Submarine cable maker XLCC will build a factory in Hunterston, Scotland, and its first production will be for the Xlinks Morocco-UK Power Project. Alverdiscott in North Devon will provide four 2,361-mile (3,800 km) submarine cables, the first phase between 2025 and 2027 linking wind and solar power generated in Morocco. This initiative will nearly double the current global production of HVDC cable manufacturing. The world’s longest submarine cables will require 90,000 metric tons of steel, and XLCC signed Britain’s Steel Charter in Parliament this week, in which it pledged to use British steel.
Why go all the way to Morocco to get electricity for the UK?
A response made on October 3, 2021, is given by a British news outlet:
At the beginning of October 2021, this project was estimated at 16 billion pounds sterling and aims to circumvent the fundamental problems of British wind and solar energy. Our winds are unpredictable and tend to blow at times of day when electricity demand is lowest. As it is for the British sun, well.
Meanwhile, in the Guelmim-Oued Noun region of Morocco, where the green power will be produced, reliable trade winds blow year-round. Equally practical, the wind speed at the Morocco site increases in the late afternoon and evening, coinciding with peak demand periods in the UK.
Débat de Haute Facture et Branché sur l’Électricité au Maroc !
Published by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – Pourquoi, Comment et Quelles sont les Paramètres Internationaux?
The sun in Morocco also shines about 3,500 hours a year. By contrast, Britain averages only 1,500 hours of sunshine per year. And because the sun burns more intensely in North Africa, the solar panels each produce about three times as much electricity there as in the UK, even in winter when British need electricity the most for heating and the light.
The Xlinks Morocco-UK Power project consists of building an inordinate amount of new kits to generate and transport green energy. This means covering 1,500 km2 of Moroccan desert with solar panels, wind turbines and a huge battery storage unit. And copper or aluminum submarine cables, wrapped in polythene insulation, will carry the generated energy to Devon. Four such cables are required, each threaded along a shallow undersea route through Spain, Portugal and France to Alverdiscott.
In the village, two 1.8 GW voltage source converter stations, which look like massive Meccano skeletons, will be built. (1.8 GW is the planned generation capacity for the Norfolk Vanguard wind farm project in the North Sea, which would consist of 180 turbines up to 1,150 feet tall.)
An answer made on April 21, 2022, in a word, the Resilience that is given by the company that is responsible for this project, Xlinks .
Xlinks explains: Morocco benefits from ideal solar and wind resources, necessary to develop renewable projects that could guarantee adequate electricity production throughout the year. It has the third highest Global Horizontal Radiation (GHI) in North Africa, which is 20% higher than the Spanish GHI and more than twice that of the UK. In addition, the shortest winter day still offers more than 10 hours of sunshine. This helps deliver generation profiles that meet the needs of the UK electricity market, particularly during periods of low offshore wind generation.
Remote generation and interconnection between distant geographic regions with inversely correlated weather systems will be more effective in addressing supply and demand imbalances over longer periods of time.
Xlinks notes that solar panels generate about three times more electricity in Morocco than that produced in the UK. Additionally, solar panels in Morocco have a higher capacity to generate up to five times more electricity from January to March than those in the UK.
According to its promoters, this project should create nearly 10,000 jobs in Morocco, including 2,000 permanent jobs.