TRI CK USA – Who we are?
TRI CONSULTING KYOTO – TRI CK USA is committed to serving clients in the United States, France, Middle East, North and Sub-Saharan Africa and China regions.
Based in Oakland, California, to promote international trade and California’s competitiveness by providing consulting services to exporters and importers.
TRI CK USA leads and organizes business and relationship missions between California’s international business communities and countries of interest to corporate clients.
TRI CK USA is comprised of a dedicated team with extensive experience in the areas of organizational strategy, operational management, international business, entrepreneurship, leadership, teamwork, cultural awareness, negotiation and communication skills in several foreign languages.
TRI CK USA facilitates the global development of companies, their exports and their imports
TRI CK USA supports companies in their export, import and international establishment projects.
TRI CK USA strategically develops projects, initiatives and businesses in particular by connecting with commercial partners in targeted markets and requested products in order to facilitate the realization of relationships and business transactions, also allowing exports and imports between various companies and interested regions, thus contributing to strengthening links between countries while creating valid jobs.
TRI CK USA trains, informs and supports foreign investors in France
TRI CK USA provides basic data and first-class information aimed at facilitating the decision-making process of foreign investors throughout the business project through the direct participation of its consultants and advisors as well as the corresponding skills and the existing resources in its network of partners.
TRI CK USA highlights the economic image and attractiveness of countries within its jurisdiction
TRI CK USA proposes and implements a strategy to promote countries, economies and regions within its competence, knowledge and experience in favor of companies aimed at creating networks of influence on the economic and international level and this through the following areas:
Development of international trade,
Establishment of foreign companies,
Financing new activity,
Management of partnership relationships and strategic alliances.
TRI CK USA manages and develops the participation of students – interns
This option allows companies – clients to opt to entrust professional missions abroad (commercial, technical, engineering, marketing, finance, etc.) to young talents for a flexible period of 6 to 24 months in order to facilitate the creation of local employment and contribute to training new talents on the ground that companies can have at their disposal in the country where their investments are made
TRI CK USA advocates international cooperation
TRI CK USA carries out international cooperation actions by promoting its areas of expertise and strengthening its influence during international missions, symposia, conferences and through participation in international fairs both live and online which are organized with the state institutions, representative professional organizations, university entities and Think Tanks.